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01472a4 If our life were an eternal standing by the window, if we could remain there forever, like hovering smoke, with the same moment of twilight forever painting the curve of the hills... If we could remain that way for beyond for ever! If at least on this side of the impossible we could thus continue, without committing an action, without our pallid lips sinning another word! Look how it's getting dark!... The positive quietude of everything fi.. Fernando Pessoa
867b031 lqd `tdt 'n 'Hlm kthyr.. lqd t`btu mn lHlm..lknny lm 't`b..l 'Hd yt`b mn lHlm ..ln 'n tHlm ..hw 'n tns~..w lnsyn l yklWifn shyy' ..nh lnwm lkhly mn l'Hlm dhlk ldhy yHdth wnHn mstyqZwn ..lkn fy 'Hlmy.. lqd Hqqt kl shy'! Fernando Pessoa
cd07523 I am tired of myself in every way. All things, deep down to the secret of their roots, are stained by the color of my weariness. Fernando Pessoa
c3920bb 12. Se escrevo o que sinto e porque assim diminuo a febre de sentir. O que confesso nao tem importancia, pois nada tem importancia Por: Bernado Soares In: Livro do Desassossego writer Fernando Pessoa
7ffd531 For those few like me who live without knowing how to have life, what's left but renunciation as our way and contemplation as our destiny? Not knowing nor able to know what religious life is, since faith isn't acquired through reason, and unable to have faith in or even react to the abstract notion of man, we're left with the aesthetic contemplation of life as our reason for having a soul. Impassive to the solemnity of any and all worlds, i.. Fernando Pessoa
16b5cbe To live is to not think. Fernando Pessoa
d786e81 So esta liberdade nos concedem Os deuses: submetermo-nos Ao seu dominio por vontade nossa. Mais vale assim fazermos Porque so na ilusao da liberdade A liberdade existe. liberdade poesía Fernando Pessoa
61ab6f9 Let others take up my madness And all that went with it. Without madness what is man But a healthy beast, A postponed corpse that breeds? Fernando Pessoa
c824b71 Temos, todos que vivemos, Uma vida que e vivida E outra vida que e pensada, E a unica vida que temos Fernando Pessoa
14799aa At other times I wake up from the half sleep I'd fallen into, and hazy images with poetical and unpredictable colours play out their silent show to my inattention. fractals half-sleep Fernando Pessoa
3e1e7da O homem nao difere do animal senao em saber que o nao e. E a primeira luz, que nao e mais que treva visivel. E o comeco, porque ver a treva e ter a luz dela. E o fim, porque e o saber, pela vista, que se nasceu cego. Assim o animal se torna homem pela ignorancia que nele nasce Fernando Pessoa
9b1e819 Knowing how easily even the smallest things torture me, I deliberately avoid contact with them. A cloud passing in front of the sun is enough to make me suffer, how then should I not suffer in the darkness of the endlessly overcast sky of my own life? suffering depression darkness torture Fernando Pessoa
923834f And now I'm sleepy, because I think - I don't know why - that the meaning of it all is to sleep. Fernando Pessoa
1fbf035 We know that the book we will never write will be bad. Even worse will be the one we put off writing. At least the book that has been written exists. Fernando Pessoa
ec79ae1 The circumstances of his life were marked by that strange but rather common phenomenon - perhaps, in fact, it's true for all lives - of being tailored to the image and likeness of his instincts, which tended towards inertia and withdrawal. Fernando Pessoa
e7b8807 An anxiety for being me, forever trapped in myself, floods my whole being without finding a way out, shaping me into tenderness, fear, sorrow and desolation. An inexplicable surfeit of absurd grief, a sorrow so lonely, so bereft, so metaphysically mine... Fernando Pessoa
fa1b17a Baste a quem baste o que lhe basta O bastante de lhe bastar! A vida e breve, a alma e vasta: Ter e tardar. o-das-quinas mensagem poema livro Fernando Pessoa
943781a I'll disappear in the fog as a foreigner to all life, as a human island detached from the dream of the sea, as a uselessly existing ship that floats on the surface of everything. the-book-of-disquiet Fernando Pessoa
38bdd7f A sensitive and honest-minded man, if he's concerned about evil and injustice in the world, will naturally begin his campaign against them by eliminating them at their nearest source: his own person. This task will take his entire life. Fernando Pessoa
0092870 I'm sure that all this, I mean other people's attitudes towards me, lies principally in some obscure intrinsic flaw in my own temperament. Perhaps I communicate a coldness that unwittingly obliges others to reflect back my own lack of feeling. Fernando Pessoa
8386d08 And I don't know what I feel or what I want to feel. I don't know what to think or what I am. Fernando Pessoa
778544c Our problem isn't that we're individualists. It's that our individualism is static rather than dynamic. We value what we think rather than what we do. We forget that we haven't done, or been, what we thought; that the first function of life is action, just as the first property of things is motion. identity philosophy static dynamic motion individualism self Fernando Pessoa
897a27b At the end of this day there remains what remained yesterday and what will remain tomorrow: the insatiable, unquantifiable longing to be both the same and other. Fernando Pessoa
c4b3990 All our abstract intelligence is good for is constructing systems, or semi-systematic ideas, which for animals is a simple matter of lying in the sun. Fernando Pessoa
45eb83c I'm curious about everyone, hungry for everything, greedy for all ideas. My awareness that not everything can be seen, not everything read and not everything thought torments me like the loss of ..... But I don't see with fixed attention, I don't read with great care, and I don't think with continuity. I'm an ardent and inconsequential dilettante in everything. My soul is too weak to sustain the force of its own enthusiasm. Made out of ruin.. futility Fernando Pessoa
76e210a Perhaps it's my destiny to remain a bookkeeper forever, and for poetry and literature to remain simply butterflies that alight on my head and underline my own ridiculousness by their very beauty. In the future I'll be living quietly in a little house somewhere, enjoying a peaceful existence not writing the book I'm not writing now and, so as to continue not doing so, I will use different excuses to the ones I use now to avoid actually confr.. Fernando Pessoa
a7874b3 How confidently we believe in our interpretation of other people's words. Fernando Pessoa
d509fe6 But the horror that's destroying me today is less noble and more corrosive. It's a longing to be free of wanting to have thoughts, a desire to never have been anything, a conscious despair in every cell of my soul's body. It's the sudden feeling of being imprisoned in an infinite cell. Where can one think of fleeing, if the cell is everything? Fernando Pessoa
41f2d47 Pasmo sempre quando acabo qualquer coisa. Pasmo e desolo-me. O meu instinto de perfeicao deveria inibir-me de acabar; deveria inibir-me ate de dar comeco. Mas distraio-me e faco. O que consigo e um produto, em mim, nao de uma aplicacao de vontade, mas de uma cedencia dela. Comeco porque nao tenho forca para pensar; acabo porque nao tenho alma para suspender. Este livro e a minha cobardia. solitude life inner-self Fernando Pessoa
0ba321b There are inner sufferings so subtle and so diffuse that we can't tell whether they belong to the body or the soul, whether they're an anxiety that comes from our feeling that life is futile or an indisposition originating in some organic abyss such as the stomach, liver or brain. How often my normal self-awareness becomes turbid with the stirred dregs of an anguished stagnation! How often it hurts me to exist, with a nausea so indefinite I.. Fernando Pessoa
3a59481 I want to be a work of art, at least in my soul, since I can't be one in my body. Fernando Pessoa
8ed6dd4 My dreams are a stupid shelter, like an umbrella against lightning. fernando-pessoa the-book-of-disquiet Fernando Pessoa
9c12d98 Revolution? Change? What I really want, with all my heart, is for the atonic clouds to stop greyly lathering the sky. What I want is to see the blue emerge, a truth that is clear and sure because it is nothing and wants nothing. Fernando Pessoa
b442549 a reformer is a man who sees the world's superficial ills and sets out to cure them by aggravating the more basic ills. happy-camping happy-playgrounds Fernando Pessoa
3b27f92 What's attacking me now is a direct humanitarianism ... Fernando Pessoa
b27ea0f Cansado do universo e sociedade, Da abstraccao que nao finda o que e fundo Do meu fatal por-olhos sobre o mundo, Pobre de amor e rico de ansiedade, Ja nada me seduz nem me persuade. Fernando Pessoa
3b7e42e O unico sentido intimo das cousas E elas nao terem sentido intimo nenhum. Fernando Pessoa
91799b6 Pensar uma flor e ve-la e cheira-la E comer um fruto e saber-lhe o sentido. Fernando Pessoa
ad871b6 Sim, eis o que os meus sentidos aprenderam sozinhos: -- As cousas nao tem significacao: tem existencia. As cousas sao o unico sentido oculto das cousas. Fernando Pessoa
1831fba E talvez o ultimo dia da minha vida. Saudei o sol, levantando a mao direita, Mas nao o saudei, dizendo-lhe adeus, Fiz sinal de gostar de o ver antes: mais nada. Fernando Pessoa
8f3c1c7 Being eternally at a point where two paths fork! Fernando Pessoa
47350c5 The search for the truth -- whether the subjective truth of one's own convictions, the objective truth of reality or the social truth of money or power -- always brings with it, if the searcher in question deserves the prize, the ultimate knowledge that the truth does not exist. Fernando Pessoa
286be26 Nasce o ideal da nossa consciencia da imperfeicao da vida. Tantos, portanto, serao os ideais possiveis, quantos forem os modos por que e possivel ter a vida por imperfeita. A cada modo de a ter por imperfeita correspondera, por contraste e semelhanca, um conceito de perfeicao. E a esse conceito de perfeicao que se da o nome de ideal. Fernando Pessoa
9bc63a6 Autopsychography The poet is a man who feigns And feigns so thoroughly, at last He manages to feign as pain The pain he really feels, And those who read what once he wrote Feel clearly, in the pain they read, Neither of the pains he felt, Only a pain they cannot sense. And thus, around its jolting track There runs, to keep our reason busy, FERNANDO PESSOA
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