And when the lie begins to give us pleasure, let us speak the truth in order to lie to the lie.
Fernando Pessoa |
How wearisome to let one's existence become something absolutely dependent on someone else's feelings; to have no option but to feel, to love a little too, whether or not it is reciprocated.
Fernando Pessoa |
I'm lost if I find myself; I doubt what I discover; I don't have what I've obtained. I sleep as if I were taking a walk, but I'm awake. I wake up as if I'd been sleeping, and I don't belong to me. Life, in its essence, is one big insomnia, and all that we think or do occurs in a lucid stupor.
Fernando Pessoa |
On the other side sit we -- the errand boy from around the corner, the unruly playwright William Shakespeare, the barber who tells stories, the schoolmaster John Milton, the shop assistant, the vagabond Dante Alighieri, those whom death either forgets or consecrates and whom life forgot and never consecrated.
Fernando Pessoa |
Between an American millionaire, a Caesar or Napoleon, or Lenin and the Socialist boss of a village there is no qualitative difference, only quantitative.
Fernando Pessoa |
I acquired, with regard to action, a transcendental honesty which, ever since I became aware of it, has inhibited me from having any strong links with the tangible world.
Fernando Pessoa |
It could have been any number of things: hardship, grief or simply the suffering born of the indifference that comes from having suffered too much.
Fernando Pessoa |
Knowing how easily even the smallest things torture me, I deliberately avoid contact with them. A cloud passing in front of the sun is enough to make me suffer, how then should I not suffer in the darkness of the endlessly overcast sky of my own life? My isolation is not a search for happiness, which I do not have the heart to win, nor for peace, which one finds only when it will never more be lost; what I seek is sleep, extinction, a smal..
Fernando Pessoa |
Isn't love at least a means of possessing ourselves through our sensations? Isn't it at least a way of dreaming vividly, and therefore more gloriously, the dream that we exist?
Fernando Pessoa |
All I ever asked of life was that it should pass me by without my even noticing it.
Fernando Pessoa |
I am the centre of everything surrounded by the great nothing.
Fernando Pessoa |
To feel everything in every way; to be able to think with the emotions and feel with the mind; not to desire much except with the imagination; to suffer with haughtiness; to see clearly so as to write accurately; to know oneself through diplomacy and dissimulation; to become naturalized as a different person, with all the necessary documents; in short, to use all sensations but only on the inside, peeling them all down to God and then wrapp..
Fernando Pessoa |
We feel the weather even when we are unaware that we do.
Fernando Pessoa |
kl~ lshwkwlth y SGyr@ kl~ lshwkwlth ! stryn l twjd mytfyzyq tuDh~ lshwkwlth stryn kl ldynt l tu`lWm 'kthr mm t`lmh lmiqshd@ kul~ 'yth lSGyr@ lqdhr@ kl~ ! lytn~ 'stTy` 'kl lshwkwlth bmthl lyqyn ldh~ bh t'klynh
Fernando Pessoa |
'`Tytk qlby nZry kyf `mlth!
Fernando Pessoa |
Hayattan cok az sey istedim ama bu cok az bile esirgendi benden. Yakinda bir arazi, bir demet gunes isigi, bir lokma ekmekle bir lokma sukunet, varolusuma dair beni bunaltmayacak bilgi, baskalarindan hicbir sey talep etmeme ve baskalarinin benden hicbir sey talep etmemesi - bu esirgendi benden, tas kalpli oldugumuz icin degil de paltomuzun dugmelerini acmaya usendigimiz icin bir dilenciye vermeyi cok gordugumuz bozukluk gibi.
Fernando Pessoa |
Agir, eis a inteligencia verdadeira. Serei o que quiser. Mas tenho que querer o que for. O exito esta em ter exito, e nao em ter condicoes de exito. Condicoes de palacio tem qualquer terra larga, mas onde estara o palacio se o nao fizerem ali?
Fernando Pessoa |
We generally colour our ideas of the unknown with our notions of the known.
Fernando Pessoa |
Life is what we conceive it to be. For the farmer who considers his field to be everything, the field is an empire. For a Caesar whose empire is still not enough, the empire is a field. The poor man who possesses an empire, the great man a field. All that we truly possess are our own sensations; it is in them, rather than in what they sense, that we must base our life's reality. This has nothing to do with anything.
Fernando Pessoa |
There is no body or truth we possess, nor even any illusion. We are phantoms made of lies. Shadows of illusions, our lives are hollow on both the outside and the inside.
Fernando Pessoa |
I've never aspired to be more than a dreamer. I paid no attention to those who spoke to me of living. I've always belonged to what isn't where I am and to what I could never be. Whatever isn't mine, no matter how base, has always had poetry for me.
Fernando Pessoa |
Reality is made up of what is common and shared. That's why we as individuals only exist in the spurious part of our sensations.
Fernando Pessoa |
Nu stiu. Imi lipseste un simt, imi lipseste un tact In viata, fie pentru amor, fie pentru glorie... Si la ce buna oricare istorie, Sau orice alt fapt? Sunt singur, singur cum nimeni niciodata n-a stat Gol pe dinauntru, fara mai devreme sau mai tarziu Clipele trec pe langa mine si par sa nu ma ia-n seama, dar stiu Ca nu trec usor, pasul lor este apasat. Incep sa citesc. Deja ma oboseste ceea ce n-am citit. Ma gandesc la unele. Si ma doare co..
Fernando Pessoa |
I still remember--so vividly I can smell the gentle fragrance of the spring air--the afternoon when I decided, after thinking everything over, to abdicate from love as from an insoluble problem. it was in May, a May that was softly summery, with the flowers around my estate already in full bloom, their colors fading as the sun made its slow descent. Escorted by regrets and self-reproach, I walked among my few trees, I had dined early and wa..
Fernando Pessoa |
Os poetas misticos sao filosofos doentes, E os filosofos sao homens doidos.
Fernando Pessoa |
Sou mistico, mas so com o corpo. A minha alma e simples e nao pensa.
Fernando Pessoa |
Yes it's me, I myself, what I turned out to be, (...) I'm the one here in myself, it's me. (...) Whatever I was, whatever I wasn't--it's all in what I am. Whatever I wanted, whatever I didn't want--all of this has shaped me. Whatever I loved, or stopped loving--in me it's the same nostalgia (Alvaro de Campos)
Fernando Pessoa |
Porque o unico sentido oculto das cousas E elas nao terem sentido oculto
Fernando Pessoa |
Nada fica de nada. Nada somos. Um pouco ao sol e ao ar nos atrasamos Da irrespiravel treva que nos pese Da humida terra imposta, Cadaveres adiados que procriam. Leis feitas, 'statuas vistas, odes findas - Tudo tem cova sua. Se nos, carnes A que um intimo sol da sangue, temos Poente, porque nao elas? Somos contos contando contos, nada.
Fernando pessoa |
E eu que so oico o ruido calado do sangue que ha na minha vida dos dois lados da cabeca.
Fernando Pessoa |
A sexualidade e uma etica animal, a primeira e a mais instintiva das eticas.
Fernando Pessoa |
As adults our life is reduced to giving alms to others and receiving them in return. We squander our personalities in orgies of coexistence.
Fernando Pessoa |
Conta a lenda que dormia Uma Princesa encantada A quem so despertaria Um Infante, que viria De alem do muro da estrada. Ele tinha que, tentado, Vencer o mal e o bem, Antes que, ja libertado, Deixasse o caminho errado Por o que a Princesa vem. A Princesa Adormecida, Se espera, dormindo espera, Sonha em morte a sua vida, E orna-lhe a fronte esquecida, Verde, uma grinalda de hera. Longe o Infante, esforcado, Sem saber que intuito tem, Rompe o ..
Fernando Pessoa |
Acima da verdade estao os deuses. A nossa ciencia e falhada copia Da certeza com que eles Sabem que ha o Universo.
Fernando Pessoa |
No other writer ever achieved such a direct transference of self to paper. The Book of Disquiet is the world's strangest photograph, made out of words, the only material capable of capturing the recesses of the soul it exposes. Richard Zenith, 2001 NOTES
Fernando Pessoa |
I know not what tomorrow will bring
Fernando Pessoa |
Myth is the nothing that is everything.
Fernando Pessoa |
All beginnings are involuntary.
Fernando Pessoa |
Against destiny I fulfilled my duty . Uselessly? No, for I fulfilled it.
Fernando Pessoa |
Clear in thinking, and clear in feeling, and clear in wanting
Fernando Pessoa |
Faithful to the word given and the idea had. All else is up to God!
Fernando Pessoa |
God wills, man dreams, the work is born.
Fernando Pessoa |
The sea is fulfilled, and the Empire fell apart. Lord, Portugal must yet fulfill itself!
Fernando Pessoa |
The sea with an end can be Greek or Roman: the endless sea is Portuguese.
Fernando Pessoa |