Were we as we should be, We wouldn't need any illusions . . .
Fernando Pessoa |
Tres vezes do leme as maos ergueu, Tres vezes ao leme as reprendeu, E disse no fim de tremer tres vezes: <
Fernando Pessoa |
And leaning on the windowsill to enjoy the day, gazing at the variegated mass of the whole city, just one thought fills my soul: that I profoundly wish to die, to cease, to see no more light shining on this city or any city, to think no more, to feel no more, to leave behind the march of time and the sun like a piece of wrapping paper, to remove like a heavy suit - next to the big bed - the involuntary effort of being.
Fernando Pessoa |
I placidly wait for what I don't know- My future and the future of everything.
Fernando Pessoa |
Anything and everything, depending on how one sees it, is a marvel or a hindrance, an all or a nothing, a path or a problem. To see something in constantly new ways is to renew and multiply it. That is why the contemplative person, without ever leaving his village, will nevertheless have the whole universe at his disposal. There's infinity in a cell or a desert. One can sleep cosmically against a rock.
Fernando Pessoa |
To write is to forget. Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life. Music soothes, the visual arts exhilarate, and the performing arts (such as acting and dance) entertain. Literature, however, retreats from life by turning it into a slumber. The other arts make no such retreat - some because they use visible and hence vital formulas, others because they live from human life itself.
Fernando Pessoa |
Chove. Que fiz eu da vida? Fiz o que ela fez de mim...
Fernando Pessoa |
Toda a gente que eu conheco e que fala comigo
Fernando Pessoa |
Permanezcamos asi eternamente, como la estampa de un hombre en un vitral frente a la de una mujer en otro vitral....Entre nosotros, sombras cuyos pasos suenan frios, son de la humanidad que pasa....Murmullos de plegarias, secretos de (....) pasaran entre nosotros.....A veces el aire se puebla de (.....) de inciensos. Y nosotros siempre en los mismos vitrales, en los colores que el sol nos dara al tocarnos, en las lineas impuestas por la noc..
Fernando Pessoa |
But do my words ring in anyone else's soul? Does anyone hear them besides me?
Fernando Pessoa |
Nao sou nada. Nunca serei nada. Nao posso querer ser nada. A parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.
Fernando Pessoa |
The presence of another person derails my thoughts; I dream of the other's presence with a strange absent-mindedness that no amount of my analytical scrutiny can define.
Fernando Pessoa |
Let us not be deceived by hope, because it betrays, or by love, because it grows weary, or by life, because it satiates but does not sate, or even by death, because it brings more than you want and less than you expect.
Fernando Pessoa |
A avea cat sa mananci si sa bei,unde sa locuiesti si putin timp liber ca sa poti sa visezi,sa scrii sau sa dormi,oare ce as putea sa le cer mai mult Zeilor,sau sa sper din partea Destinului?
Fernando Pessoa |
Those who really suffer don't form groups, don't go around in a gang. Those who suffer suffer alone.
Fernando Pessoa |
Tanto tenho vivido sem ter vivido! Tanto tenho pensado sem ter pensado! Pesam sobre mim mundos de violencias paradas, de aventuras tidas sem movimento. Estou farto do que nunca tive nem terei, tediento de deuses por existir. Trago comigo as feridas de todas as batalhas que evitei... Em mim o que ha de primordial e o habito e o jeito de sonhar.
Fernando Pessoa |
Para, meu coracao! Nao penses! Deixa o pensar na cabeca! O meu Deus, meu Deus, meu Deus! Hoje ja nao faco anos. Duro. Somam-se-me dias. Serei velho quando o for. Mais nada.
Fernando Pessoa |
O mar salgado, quanto do teu sal sao lagrimas de Portugal. (...) Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena se a alma nao e pequena. Quem quer passar alem do Bojador tem que passar alem da dor.
Fernando Pessoa |
Heine said that every great tragedy was followed by a general blowing of noses. As a Jew, he saw all too clearly the universal nature of humanity.
Fernando Pessoa |
Dios me creo para que yo lo imitara de noche. El es el Sol, yo soy la Luna. Mi luz flota sobre todo lo que es futil o ha terminado, fuego fatuo, margenes de rio, pantanos y sombras.
Fernando Pessoa |
My whole life has been a battle lost on the map. Cowardice didn't even make it to the battlefield, where perhaps it would have dissipated; it haunted the chief of staff in his office, all alone with his certainty of defeat. He didn't dare implement his battle plan, since it was sure to be imperfect, and he didn't dare perfect it (though it could never be truly perfect), since his conviction that it would never be perfect killed all his desi..
Fernando Pessoa |
By day they're full of meaningless activity; by night they're full of a meaningless lack of it.By day I am nothing, and by night I am I. There is no diference between me and these
Fernando Pessoa |
That's why I read, as a stranger, My being as if it were pages. Not knowing what will come And forgetting what has passed, I note in the margin of my reading What I thought I felt.
Fernando Pessoa |
Nothing irks me more than the vocabulary of social responsibility. The very word 'duty' is unpleasant to me, like an unwanted guest. But the terms 'civic duty', 'solidarity', 'humanitarianism' and others of the same ilk disgust me like rubbish dumped out of a window right on top of me. I'm offended by the implicit assumption that these expressions pertain to me, that I should find them worthwhile and even meaningful. I recently saw in a toy..
Fernando Pessoa |
All effort is pointless, but it passes the time. Reasoning is sterile, but amusing. Loving is tedious, but possibly preferable to not loving.
Fernando Pessoa |
To understand, I destroyed myself. To understand is to forget about loving. I know nothing more simultaneously false and telling than the statement by Leonardo da Vinci that we cannot love or hate something until we've understood it. Solitude devastates me; company oppresses me. The presence of another person derails my thoughts; I dream of the other's presence with a strange absent-mindedness that no amount of my analytical scrutiny can d..
Fernando Pessoa |
Suddenly I'm all alone in the world. I see all this from the summit of a mental rooftop. I'm alone in the world. To see is to be distant. To see clearly is to halt. To analyze is to be foreign. No one who passes by touches me. Around me there is only air. I'm so isolated I can feel the distance between me and my suit. I'm a child in a nightshirt carrying a dimly lit candle and traversing a huge empty house.
Fernando Pessoa |
Niciodata nu iubim pe cineva. Iubim doar ideea pe care ne-o facem despre acel cineva. E un concept care ne apartine si, de fapt, pe noi insine ne iubim. E un adevar valabil in toate etapele iubirii. In cazul iubirii sexuale ne cautam propria noastra placere prin intermediul unui corp strain. In iubirea diferita de cea sexuala ne cautam placerea prin intermediul ideii create de noi. Onanismul este abject, dar, la drept vorbind, el ramane exp..
Fernando Pessoa |
I'd like to run away, to flee from what I know, from what is mine, from what I love. I want to set off, not for some impossible Indies or for the great islands that lie far to the south of all other lands, but for anywhere, be it village or desert, that has the virtue of not being here. What I want is not to see these faces, this daily round of days. I want a rest from, to be other than, my habitual pretending. I want to feel the approach o..
Fernando Pessoa |
How is it done? By not doing. By dreaming insistently. By performing our daily duties but living, simultaneously, in the imagination. Travelling far and wide, in the geography of our minds. Conquering like Caesar, amid the blaring trumpets of our reverie. Experiencing intense sexual pleasure, in the privacy of our fantasy. Feeling everything in every way, not in the flesh, which always tires, but in the imagination.
Fernando Pessoa |
shlun wD`thi j`lki tbdyn 'kbr
Fernando Pessoa |
However, when you're about to write something, knowing beforehand that it's sure to be imperfect, a failure, that is the most spiritually tormenting and humiliating of feelings. I not only feel that the lines I write are unsatisfactory, I know that I will find any lines I write in the future equally unsatisfactory
Fernando Pessoa |
We never love anyone. What we love is the idea we have of someone. It's our own concept - our own selves - that we love.
Fernando Pessoa |
The only intellectual attitude worthy of a superior creature is a feeling of calm, cool compassion for everything that is not himself.
Fernando Pessoa |
I asked for so little from life and life denied me even that.
Fernando Pessoa |
The fundamental error of Romanticism is to confuse what we need with what we desire. We all need certain basic things for life's preservation and continuance; we all desire a more perfect life, complete happiness, the fulfilment of our dreams and ..... It's human to want what we need, and it's human to desire what we don't need but find desirable. Sickness occurs when we desire what we need and what's desirable with equal intensity, sufferi..
Fernando Pessoa |
I abhor running real risks, but it's not because I'm afraid of feeling too intensely. It's because they break my perfect focus on my sensations, and this disturbs and depersonalizes me. I never go where there's risk. I fear the tedium of dangers.
Fernando Pessoa |
Nao sou, como disse Goethe, o espirito que nega, mas o espirito que contraria. (...) Porque contrariar actos, por maus que sejam, e estorvar o giro do mundo, que e accao. Mas contrariar ideias e fazer com que se abandonem, e se caia no desalento e de ai no sonho e portanto se pertenca ao mundo
Fernando Pessoa |
Nao me importo com as rimas. Raras vezes Ha duas arvores iguais, uma ao lado da outra.
Fernando Pessoa |
O que e preciso e ser-se natural e calmo Na felicidade ou na infelicidade, Sentir como quem olha, Pensar como quem anda, E quando se vai morrer, lembrar-se de que o dia morre, E que o poente e belo e e bela a noite que fica...
Fernando Pessoa |
A beleza e o nome de qualquer cousa que nao existe Que eu dou as cousas em troca do agrado que me dao. Nao significa nada.
Fernando Pessoa |
A nossa alma e o ceu e a terra bastam-nos. Querer mais e perder isto, e ser infeliz.
Fernando Pessoa |
mn syqr' 'sh`ry? Swb 'y@ 'ayd sttjh? zhr@ 'n qTfwny mn 'jl mt`@ l'`yn shjr@ nz`w thmrh ll'fwh nhr 'n w qadaru myhy 'n tfrqny, mqhwr, w m` dhlk, tqryban, msrwr kaman 'Djrthu dymwm@ Hznh.
Fernando Pessoa |
To conceive of myself from the outside was my ruin - the ruin of my happiness. I saw myself as others see me, and I despised myself - not because I had character traits that made me worthy of contempt, but because I saw myself through the eyes of others, and felt the contempt they feel towards me. I experienced the humiliation of knowing myself.
Fernando Pessoa |