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54b9c93 A jaw like a mastiff's, a frame like a giant's, eyes like two daggers, a smile like a tiger's snarl,"Bernard murmured. "Aye, he is all that!!" Master Herbert said."A murrain be on him! And when I came to him,what did I do? I did bow in all politeness, yet stiffly withal to show him I'd not brook his surliness." "I did hear ye did bow so low that your head came below your knees,"Bernard said." humour Georgette Heyer
8a255b2 You've never been in a scrape yet but what it came about by accident. The thing is, no one else has these accidents. Georgette Heyer
4cdabd6 Read that!" commanded madame dramatically, and handed her a crumpled sheet of paper. It contained a brief message in Juliana's sprawling characters: "My dear Tante, pray do not be in a taking, but I have gone with Vidal. I have No Time to write more, for I am in Desperate Haste. Juliana." "But--but it is not possible!" stammered Leonie, growing quite pale" -- Georgette Heyer
94e3537 What do you mean to do when you reach Lacy Manor?' asked Sir Horace, regarding him in some amusement. 'Wring Sophy's neck!' said Mr Rivenhall savagely. 'Well, you don't need my help for that, my dear boy!' said Sir Horace, settling himself more comfortably in his chair. Georgette Heyer
8838891 Nothing is so destructive of female charms as contact with fresh air. female Georgette Heyer
851309b Entertaining females with accounts of jug-bitten maunderings is one of my favourite pastimes. sarcasm Georgette Heyer
0d7e360 _ ?Y si me caso con vos, mi senor? ?Me dejareis seguir mi camino? ?No vendreis a mi lado si yo no lo deseo? ? No os enfadareis conmigo ni sereis mi tiran o?Te lo juro _ dijo el. Georgette Heyer
eca1a82 Next you will say that you don't intend to have more than one house in the country!' 'Nay, I shan't say that! I want one in Leicestershire.' 'Oh, in that case there's no more to be said, for I've set my heart on one in the moon!' 'You don't mean that, love! Nay then, you can't have thought!' he expostulated. 'It's much too far from town! Georgette Heyer
aeca2b4 The thought flashed into her mind that she beheld the embodiment of her ideal. It was as instantly banished; Georgette Heyer
ca42efc If I were you, I'd put up that pistol, Mr. Ottershaw,' said Hugo. 'Were you meaning to challenge the ghost with it? You'd catch cold if you did, you know. It's no crime that I ever heard of to caper about rigged up as a boggard. Georgette Heyer
e56ab8f In my experience, the human mind, when under the influence of fear, rushes round in frantic circles. Georgette Heyer
b37042a I too have been badly deceived in myself," he said, shaking his head. "Would you believe it?--I had no notion that I was such a monster of inhumanity as I have proved myself to be" Georgette Heyer
1cc343d Really, I don't know what the world is coming to if I am to be suspected of staring in at windows! Georgette Heyer
a07e7a3 When I think of all the pretty and lovely girls who have done their best to attach him, and he tells me that he has offered for an insipid female who has neither fortune nor any extraordinary degree of beauty, besides being stupidly shy and dowdy, I - oh, I could go into strong hysterics! Georgette Heyer
304dde7 Lady Winwood being denied, the morning caller inquired with some anxiety for Miss Winwood, or, in fact, for any of the young ladies. Georgette Heyer
9947f3c Well, have you a tongue in your head?' 'I have,' responded Hugo, 'but I was never one to give my head for washing.' 'You're not such a fool as you look,' commented his lordship. Georgette Heyer
6be56fb finding that she was determined to get to the bottom of what seemed to him a very trivial affair, extricated himself without hesitation or compunction by advising her to apply to Vincent for information, since he was the instigator of the quarrel. Before he could make good his retreat, however, he was incensed and appalled by a command to go immediately to Vincent's room, and to inform him that his mama desired to have speech with him befor.. Georgette Heyer
9e6ccc4 It was this impulsive utterance which made Mrs Chartley say, later: 'My dear John, I marvel at your countenancing this most improper dance! When they went down the room together, with his left hand holding her right one above their heads, his right hand was clasping her waist! Georgette Heyer
3742a73 Dashed if I don't think he's begun to get queer in his attic! Well, what I mean is, hubble-bubble! I don't set up as one of these clever coves, but I've got more sense in my knowledge-box than to say such an addle-brained thing as that! Seems to me it don't make a ha'porth of difference whether you keep the dashed mill, or whether you don't, because that's where all your gingerbread came from, whichever way you look at it. And don't you tel.. Georgette Heyer
0cb4385 I didn't make my face, so why shouldn't I say it's beautiful? Everyone else does! Georgette Heyer
fa517a7 Oh Lord! Don't, don't start rhapsodising over that cod again, darling! I can't bear it and I know you are going to!" She laughed. "You don't understand. It was because it was so typically English." homesick Georgette Heyer
0750d43 There was nothing in store at Undershaw for his lordship but a set-down, but it was disappointing to be granted no opportunity to deliver this. Georgette Heyer
2cb38a5 I always agree on trivial points,' replied Francis. 'It saves trouble. Georgette Heyer
2a10ecb These were all things which a youth chafing against the restrictions of a polite age admired: but when he met them in a rival he bitterly resented them, because he knew himself to be at a disadvantage, playing the Corsair's role in front of the Corsair himself. Had Georgette Heyer
b94a194 Julia stood for his youth, and the high hopes he had cherished; and although he might no longer yearn to possess her she would remain nostalgically dear to him while life endured. regency-romance lost-love Georgette Heyer
937b74b Yes, and that puts me in mind of another thing I have to say to you! Why the devil don't you take better care of Nell? Did you get her out of a silly scrape? No, you didn't! did! All you did was put it into her head you thought she had only married you for your fortune, when anyone but a gudgeon must have known she's too big a pea-goose to have enough sense to do anything of the kind! regency Georgette Heyer
136e13d Do you know,' she said slowly, 'I have just thought - Mr Beaumaris, something tells me that Lady Bridlington may not like this dear little dog!' Mr Beaumaris waited in patient resignation for his certain fate to descend upon him. Georgette Heyer
af3359c Mr Warboys, without putting himself to the trouble of deciding which of the more ferocious animals his friend resembled, stated the matter in simple, and courageously frank terms. "You know, old fellow," he once told Martin,"if you had a tail, damme if you wouldn't lash it!" regency Georgette Heyer
bc5b273 The Marquis believed himself to be hardened against flattery. He thought that he had experienced every variety, but he discovered that he was mistaken: the blatantly worshipful look in the eyes of a twelve-year-old, anxiously raised to his, was new to him, and it pierced his defences. He was capable of giving the coolest of set-downs to any gushing female; and the advances of toadeaters he met with the most blistering of snubs; but even as .. capitulation pleading Georgette Heyer
c764218 If people are only kind to me I'm sure I am the last person to quarrel with anyone.' His Georgette Heyer
f8ec174 It was incomprehensible to her that anyone should be amused by such a circumstance, but both Gilly and Gideon plainly thought it excessively funny, so she smiled dutifully, realizing the truth of her mama's dictum, that there was never any knowing what stupidities men would find diverting. Georgette Heyer
9cee712 Good God, the fellow's a dead bore!' 'He is, of course, but there's no saying he wouldn't be a good husband, for he is very kind, and honourable and -- and respectable, which I believe are excellent qualities in a husband.' 'No doubt! But not in *your* husband! husbands Georgette Heyer
39e1c9d Good God, my love, what is amiss?' 'That man!' choked Miss Grantham. 'That devil!' 'Oh, heavens, you have quarrelled with Ravenscar again!' cried her ladyship. 'Don't tell me you have had him put in the cellar! I can't bear it! Georgette Heyer
2374297 Yes, but if you cannot clear your name, what then are we to do?" she demanded. "Forget we ever met!" said Ludovic with a groan. This Spartan resolve did not commend itself to Eustacie at all. Two large tears sparkled on the ends of her eyelashes, and she said in a very forlorn voice; "But me, I have a memory of the very longest!" romance Georgette Heyer
9be6ebd He is clearly unhinging. Georgette Heyer
a0a6424 Yes, Nicky, but you think I know everything because I never tell you anything I am not quite certain of Georgette Heyer
9510320 Sir, do you know how they were used to fill balloons, and how they now do it?" "No," said Alverstoke. "I've no doubt, however, that I soon shall." He was right. From then on Felix, who had acquired a tattered copy of the History and Practice of Aerostation, maintained a flow of conversation, largely informative, but interspersed with eager questions." humor Georgette heyer
75b699f Levity was ever your besetting sin,' he said severely. 'Let me tell you that it is not at all becoming in a female! It leads you into talking a deal of improper nonsense. Georgette Heyer
7ac35ce Miss Milborne rose to her feet somewhat suddenly. '"I" send for George?' she repeated, in stupefied notes. 'Have you taken leave of your senses?' 'No, of course I have not! You must know that there can be nothing he would not do for your sake! You have only to beg him-' 'I would sooner die an old maid!' Startled by the suppressed passion in the Beauty's voice, Hero could only blink at her in surprise. Miss Milborne pressed her hands to her .. isabella-milborne Georgette Heyer
f127114 Thought the world of you, did Kitten. Wouldn't hear a word against you; wouldn't even admit you can't drive well enough for the F.H.C. That shows you! Always seemed to me she only thought of pleasing you. If she took a fancy to do something she shouldn't, only had to tell her you wouldn't like it, and she'd abandon it on the instant. Used to put me in mind of that rhyme, or whatever it was, I learned when I was a youngster. Something about .. loving-and-giving hero-wantage nursery-rhyme Georgette Heyer
0168ea4 No, but on the other hand you don't enact me Cheltenham tragedies when I've barely swallowed my breakfast. regency-romance Georgette Heyer
ca52c3c that if you were offered the choice between a splendid body or a splendid mind you would choose the mind, because it would long outlast the body. Georgette Heyer
c0a77de It was not until dinner was nearly over that the Viscount noticed that he was being waited on by his valet. Since the party consisted of Lord Wrotham, the Honorable Ferdy Fakenham and Mr. Ringwood, he had no hesitation in demanding the reason for this departure from the normal, freely hazarding the guess that Groombridge was lying incapable on the pantry floor. Bootle, who disapproved of such unceremonious behavior, returned a noncommittal .. hero-wantage hospitality Georgette Heyer
4fce37b It seemed to Kitty a pity that her new friend's mind was set so irrevocably upon marriage, but her suggestion that Olivia might seek an eligible situation as a governess met with no favour at all. Olivia stared at her with dismay in her big eyes, and unequivocally stated her preference for death. Georgette Heyer
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