Prostite mu, nekrasivi dumi biakha nai-iasnoto izrazhenie na onova, koeto vsichki zatvornitsi i vseki drug, zhivial dostat'chno d'lgo, znae dobre -- che stradanieto, vsiako stradanie vinagi zavisi ot nashite zagubi. Dokato sme mladi, nie mislim, che stradanieto e neshcho; koeto ni prichiniavat. Kogato ostareem, kogato stomanenata vrata se zatr'shne, po edin ili drug nachin nie razbirame, che istinskoto stradanie se izmerva s onova, koeto ni..
Gregory David Roberts |
Khorata tv'rdiat, che parite bili koren't na vsiako zlo...No tova ne e viarno. Tochno obratnoto e. Parite ne sa koren't na vsichkoto zlo. _Zloto_ e koren't na vsichki _pari_. Niama takova neshcho kato chisti pari. Vsichki pari na sveta sa mr'sni po niakak'v nachin, zashchoto niama chisti nachini da gi pechelish. Shchom ti plashchat s pari, znachi niakoi niak'de strada za tiakh.
Gregory David Roberts |
Annoying is worse than dangerous, n'est-ce pas? It is easier to live with a dangerous man than an annoying one.
Gregory David Roberts |
Tseliiat um na sveta ne mozheshe da spre stomakha mi da se sviva okolo debneshchiia strakh. Kogato znaesh, che shche umresh, inteligentnostta ne nosi nikakva utekha. V kraia na kraishchata geniiat e sueta, a inteligentnostta e kukha. Uteshenieto, koeto naistina idva, ako izobshcho doide, e onazi stranna, p'stra smesitsa ot vreme, miasto i chuvstva, koiato obiknoveno narichame m'drost. Za men, v onazi posledna noshch predi bitkata, tova be g..
Gregory David Roberts |
Sega za zhalost vsichko e poza i niama nikak'v stil. Beleg na epokhata, v koiato zhiveem, e, che stil't se prevr'shcha v poza, vmesto pozata da se prevr'shcha v stil.
Gregory David Roberts |
P'rvoto pravilo na cherniia biznes navsiak'de e: ne dopuskai nikoi da razbere kakvo mislish. Dop'lnenieto na Didie k'm tova pravilo be slednoto: b'di vinagi naiasno kakvo misli drugiiat za teb
Gregory David Roberts |
Narichat go Nadprevarata na Chernata tsaritsa. Ot edna kniga e, ,,Alisa v stranata na chudesata". -- Znam ia -- otv'rna Sandzhai. -- Uchikhme ia v uchilishche. No taka i ne ia razbrakh. -- Niama nishcho, neia nikoi ne ia razbira. Kakto i da e -- momichentseto, Alisa, sreshcha Chernata tsaritsa, koiato ticha neveroiatno b'rzo, no nikoga ne stiga nik'de. Tia kazva na Alisa, che v neinoto tsarstvo triabvalo da biagash s vsichki sili, za da ost..
Gregory David Roberts |
Salman beshe roden vodach, no kato mnogo m'zhe, pritezhavashchi darbata da komandvat i instinkta da upravliavat, vseki izraz na vodacheskoto izkustvo silno go pritesniavashe. V dushata si toi beshe skromen chovek i tazi skromnost go praveshe dostoen m'zh.
Gregory David Roberts |
Mozhesh da b'desh edinstveno sebe si. Kolkoto poveche se m'chish da si kato niakoi drug, tolkova poveche sobstvenoto ti Az ti prechi.
Gregory David Roberts |
Tezhko e da obichash niakogo, na kogoto ne mozhesh da prostish.
Gregory David Roberts |
S'dbata vinagi ti dava dve v'zmozhnosti za izbor -- kaza vedn'zh Dzhordzh Skorpiona. -- Tazi, koiato triabva da izberesh, i tazi, koiato izbirash"."
Gregory David Roberts |
Toi be uspial da preodolee bolkata, zashchoto priemashe i svoiata chast ot vinata za neia. A az nikoga ne biakh poel svoiata otgovornost za provaleniia si brak i za posledvalite stradaniia -- chak do tozi moment. Zatova i nikoga ne biakh uspial da ia prev'zmogna.
Gregory David Roberts |
Nishcho v nichii zhivot, nezavisimo dali e zhivian dobre, ili zle, ne e po-m'dro ot provala i ne e po-iasno ot m'kata.
Gregory David Roberts |
K'smet't e onova, koeto ti se sluchva, kogato na s'dbata i omr'zne da chaka
Gregory David Roberts |
We can't really know what a pleasure it is to run in our own language until we're forced to stumble in someone else's.
Gregory David Roberts |
Listen, where are you going?' 'What?' 'Where
Gregory David Roberts |
ch... nikoi ne sk'rbi po-d'lboko i po-pok'rtitelno ot ednata polovina v goliama liubov, na koiato ne e pisano da se sb'dne.
Gregory David Roberts |
Ima ironiia v khrabrostta i prichinite da ia tsenim tolkova. Tia e v tova, che ni e po-lesno da proiavim khrabrost zaradi niakoi drug, otkolkoto samo zaradi sebe si.
Gregory David Roberts |
Kazvat, che diavol't se krie v podrobnostite.
Gregory David Roberts |
At first, on that first journey out of the city into India, I found such sudden politeness infuriating after the violent scramble to board the train. It seemed hypocritical for them to show such deferential concern over a nudge with a foot when, minutes before, they'd all but pushed one another out of the windows. Now, long years and many journeys after that first ride on a crowded rural train, I know that the scrambled fighting and courteo..
Gregory David Roberts |
The truth is a bully we all pretend to like.
Gregory David Roberts |
Strakh't kara choveshkata usta da pres'khne, a omrazata ia zadushava. Zatova omrazata ne razhda velika literatura -- istinskiiat strakh i istinskata omraza ne razpolagat s dumi.
Gregory David Roberts |
Edinstvenata pobeda, koiato naistina vazhi v zatvora, e otseliavaneto" -- mi beshe kazalo edno staro kuche v avstraliiskiia zatvor. No otseliavane oznachava neshcho poveche ot tova prosto da ostanesh zhiv. Ne samo tialoto triabva da otselee, kogato lezhish v zatvora -- dukh't, voliata i s'rtseto s'shcho triabva niakak da otseleiat. Ako niakoe ot tiakh b'de prechupeno ili unishchozheno, chovek't, chieto zhivo tialo shche izleze prez portata,..
Gregory David Roberts |
I m'nichka chastitsa ot nashiia sram, kogato ni izm'chvat, e sram ot tova, che sme choveshki s'shchestva.
Gregory David Roberts |
Znaesh li, Lin, ot dosta vreme si tuk, ponauchil si ezika, khodi na selo, zhivia v bordeia, dazhe i v zatvora lezha, zaebi, i pak ne zagriavash, nali? -- Mozhe bi ne -- s'glasikh se. -- Sigurno ne. -- Tochno taka, pich, ne zagriavash. Tova tuk ne ti e Angliia, nito p'k Nova Zelandiia ili Avstraliia, ili k'deto si shchesh. Tova e Indiia, choveche. Indiia. Tova e zemiata na s'rtseto. Tuk s'rtseto e _dobro_, choveche. Shibanoto _s'rtse_. Zatov..
Gregory David Roberts |
Vizh, kogato me prikovakha na stenata v ,,Art'r Roud" i zapochnakha da me obrabotvat, tova traia chasove. Sled vreme useshchakh mirisa i vkusa edinstveno na sobstvenata si kr'v. Chuvakh edinstveno latite, koito se vriazvakha v men. -- Znam, Lin... -- Ne, ostavi me da dov'rsha. Imashe edna minuta, tochno po sredata, koiato beshe... tolkova stranna... siakash se reekh izv'n sebe si i vizhdakh dolu sobstvenoto si tialo i tiakh -- vizhdakh vsic..
Gregory David Roberts |
It's a characteristic of human nature that the best qualities, called up quickly in a crisis, are very often the hardest to find in a prosperous calm. The contours of all our virtues are shaped by adversity.
Gregory David Roberts |
They claim a hidden corner of our hearts, all those moments that stay with us unscreamed.
Gregory David Roberts |
I didn't know then, as I do now, that love's a one-way street. Love, like respect, isn't something you get; it's something you give.
Gregory David Roberts |
Whatever it was, I meant to take her up on it. I meant to go there, and look for her. But
Gregory David Roberts |
Every free minute is a short story with a happy ending.
Gregory David Roberts |
Love, like respect, isn't something you get; it's something you give.
Gregory David Roberts |
Nothing exists as we see it. Nothing we see is really there, as we think we are seeing it. Our eyes are liars. Everything that seems real, is merely part of the illusion. Nothing exists, as we think it does. Not you. Not me. Not this room. Nothing.
Gregory David Roberts |
This is why killing and stealing are wrong--not because a book tells us they are wrong, or a law tells us they are wrong, or a spiritual guide tells us they are wrong, but because if everyone did them we would not move toward the ultimate complexity that is God, with the rest of the universe.
Gregory David Roberts |
No smile would work, no goodbye would pray, no kindness would save, if the truth inside us wasn't beautiful. And the true heart of us, our human kind, is that we're connected, at our best, by purities of love found in no other creature.
Gregory David Roberts |
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever known. It was the beauty of a desert at dawn: a loveliness that filled my eyes, and crushed me into silent, unbreathing awe. Looking
Gregory David Roberts |
No, really, I'm fine. Come on, you're always defining everything for me. We were talking about suffering tonight, and I'm interested to know, what do you think about it?' 'Is easy--suffering is hungry, isn't it? Hungry, for anything, means suffering. Not hungry for something, means, not suffering. But everybody knows that.' 'Yes, I guess everybody does. Good night, Prabu.' 'Good night, Lin.
Gregory David Roberts |
Then, to the general comment--I think that suffering is the way we test our love. Every act of suffering, no matter how small or agonisingly great, is a test of love in some way.
Gregory David Roberts |
So ... when will it be the time for the getting on the train?' 'I think ... a little bit almost quite very soon, and not long.
Gregory David Roberts |
you are not a man until you give your love, truly and freely, to a child. And you are not a good man until you earn the love, truly and freely, of a child in return.
Gregory David Roberts |
Cand actionam, chiar cu cele mai bune intentii, cand ne amestecam in cursul lumii, riscam de fiecare data sa provocam un alt dezastru care s-ar putea sa nu fie direct infaptuit de noi, dar care n-ar fi posibil fara interventia noastra. Unele dintre cele mai rele nedreptati au fost provocate de oamenii care au incercat la un moment dat sa schimbe lucrurile.
Gregory David Roberts |
Fiecare bataie de inima omeneasca, este un univers de posibilitati.
Gregory David Roberts |
The artist was notoriously cantankerous and he assumed, at first, that we were trying to mock the gods, and him, with a prank or a hoax.
Gregory David Roberts |
Once we wandered a free Earth, carrying a picture of our God or king to ensure safe passage. Now the world is gated, and we carry pictures of ourselves, and nobody's safe.
Gregory David Roberts |