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336d26f Ask, kader ve yaptigimiz secimler hakkinda bildiklerimi ogrenmem cok uzun surdu, dunyanin pek cok yerini dolasmam gerekti ama hepsinin ozunu bir anda, bir duvara zincirlenmis halde iskence gorurken kavradim. Gregory David Roberts
fabdc1f Trevogata se taeshe v g'rdite mi, stiskashe s'rtseto mi i chesto nab'bvashe do takava groteskna m'ka, che useshchakh kak se zadaviam, kak tia me dushi. Vinata e dr'zhkata na nozha, s koito sami se probozhdame, a liubovta chesto e ostrieto; no trevogata e tazi, koiato tochi ostrieto, i v kraia na kraishchata tia ubiva povecheto ot nas. Gregory David Roberts
034836d Ia liubliu tebia s toi samoi sekundy, kogda vpervye uvidel tebia. Mne kazhetsia, ia vsegda liubil tebia - stol'ko, skol'ko sushchestvuet na svete liubov'. Ia liubliu tvoi golos. Ia liubliu tvoe litso. Ia liubliu tvoi ruki. Ia liubliu vse, chto ty delaesh', i to, kak ty eto delaesh'. Kogda ty prikasaesh'sia ko mne, mne kazhetsia, chto eto volshebnaia palochka. Ia liubliu sledit' za tem, kak ty dumaesh', i slushat' to, chto ty govorish'. Ia c.. love people shantaram Gregory David Roberts
61d7c8e People always hurt us with their trust, Karla said to me once. The surest way to hurt someone you like, is to put all your trust in him. Gregory David Roberts
abfcad2 Niama obektivno i universalno priemlivo opredelenie za dobroto i zloto. I dokato ne se sdobiem s nego, shche prod'lzhavame da opravdavame sobstvenite si deistviia i da zakleimiavame deistviiata na drugite. Gregory David Roberts
a81ce4d Wherever you go in the world, in any society, it is always the same when it comes to questions of justice - We concentrate our laws, investigations, prosecutions, and punishments on how much crime is in the sin, rather than how much sin is in the crime. " - Abdul Khader" Gregory David Roberts
9271b2f It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. It doesn't even matter what you are. It's what you try to be that counts. Gregory David Roberts
c8727ad But the past has a way of taking you to the right place at the wrong time, and that can be a storm inside. Gregory David Roberts
5e8f883 And while a small measure of bitterness might've protected me from time to time, as it sometimes does, I've learned that sweet memories don't walk through cynical doors. Gregory David Roberts
c412a04 Every life, every love, every action and feeling and thought has its reason and significance: its beginning, and the part it plays in the end. Gregory David Roberts
f12df8a Salman i ostanalite si v'obraziavakha ne po-malko ot Chukha i ubiitsite Sapna, che tekhnite malki tsarstva gi praviat tsare, che borbite za nadmoshchie gi praviat mog'shchi. A ne beshe taka. Tova ne be v'zmozhno i togava go os'znakh tolkova iasno, kato che za pr'v p't proumiavakh matematicheska teorema. Edinstvenoto tsarstvo, koeto pravi choveka tsar, e tsarstvoto na sobstvenata mu dusha. Edinstvenoto mog'shchestvo, koeto naistina imashe st.. Gregory David Roberts
9355616 The bride's father watched that effort with a critical eye. After satisfying himself that the weapon was suitably lethal, he gravely accepted it as a gift from the younger man. 'The groom has just sharpened the knife that the bride's father will use on him, if he ever mistreats the girl, Gregory David Roberts
00ab8c7 Sometimes it is necessary to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. The important thing is to be sure that our reasons are right, and that we admit the wrong--that we do not lie to ourselves, and convince ourselves that what we do is right. Gregory David Roberts
b0c8196 Non diventi uomo finche non doni il tuo amore sincero e disinteressato ad un bambino. Ma non sei un vero uomo finche non ricevi in cambio l'amore sincero e disinteressato di un bambino. Gregory David Roberts
22662a8 Esiste una diversita fra dolore e sofferenza: cio che impariamo dal dolore - per esempio, che il fuoco scotta ed e pericoloso - e sempre individuale, mentre cio che impariamo dalla sofferenza ci affratella, ci fa sentire parte della razza umana. Se sperimentiamo solo dolore, senza sofferenza, cio che impariamo serve solo a noi stessi. Il dolore senza sofferenza e come una vittoria senza battaglia Gregory David Roberts
4947487 Men are just men - it is what they do, or refuse to do, that links them to good and evil. The truth is that an instant of real love, in the heart of anyone - the noblest man alive or the most wicked - has the whole purpose and process and meaning of life within the lotus-folds of its passion. Gregory David Roberts
83a6c20 Vyras turi susirasti gera moteri, o kai susiranda - laimeti jos meile. Paskui jis turi pelnyti jos pagarba. Tada puoseleti pasitikejima. O paskui jis turi taip daryti, kol juodu gyvi. Kol abu mirsta. Stai kas yra prasme. Tai svarbiausias dalykas pasaulyje. Stai kas yra vyras, jar. Vyras tampa tikru vyru, kai laimi geros moters meile, pelno jos pagarba ir nepraranda jos pasitikejimo. Kol to nepadarei, nesi vyras. Gregory David Roberts
626e3b9 The drums staggered toward the distant street. Moving away from us, the dancers romped and rolled on the rhythm, their swaying heads like a field of wildflowers weaving back and forth on waves of wind. As the music dwindled to an echo in our minds, the day-to-day and minute-to-minute of slum life slowly reclaimed the lanes. We gave ourselves to our routines, our needs, and our harmless, hopeful scheming. And for a while, a little while, our.. Gregory David Roberts
c214be9 The wound healed and the pain receded from me just as memories do, like landmarks on a distant, foggy shore. Gregory David Roberts
961eb5f If you know bikes at all, you can tell a lot about a man by how he rides. Abdullah rode from reflex rather than concentration. His control of the bike in motion was as natural as his control of his legs in walking. He read the traffic with a mix of skill and intuition. Several times, he slowed before there was an obvious need, and avoided the hard braking that other, less instinctive riders were forced to make. Sometimes he accelerated into.. Gregory David Roberts
14e327c E' sempre un errore molto sciocco rimanere soli con qualcuno di cui non avresti mai dovuto innamorarti Gregory David Roberts
b3ebb8e Most loves are like that, from what I can see. Your heart starts to feel like an overcrowded lifeboat. You throw your pride out to keep it afloat, and your self-respect and your independence. After a while you start throwing people out--your friends, everyone you used to know. And it's still not enough. The lifeboat is still sinking, and you know it's going to take you down with it. Gregory David Roberts
8d1e00f I think that we all, each one of us, we all have to earn our future,' she said slowly. 'I think the future is like anything else that's important. It has to be earned. If we don't earn it, we don't have a future at all. And if we don't earn it, if we don't deserve it, we have to live in the present, more or less forever. Or worse, we have to live in the past. I think that's probably what love is--a way of earning the future. Gregory David Roberts
cd82c88 She was a river, not a stone, and every day was another curve in tomorrow's plain. She was pulled from a family she loved, and that loved her, she thought, until they took the word of a man, a friend and neighbour, who raped her. Years later, when she killed the rapist and went on the run, she severed every connection to her own life. She was runaway tough, a dancing cat, a green witch, and safe from everything but herself, like me. Gregory David Roberts
6aa7e14 The size of our happiness is inversely proportional to the size of our house. Gregory David Roberts
7a1a833 Silence is the tortured man's revenge. Gregory David Roberts
6ae42e9 Fanaticism is the opposite of love. A wise man once told me - he's a Muslim, by the way - that he has more in common with a rational, reasonable-minded Jew than he does with a fanatic from his own religion. He has more in common with a rational, reasonable-minded Christian or Buddhist or Hindu than he does with a fanatic of his own religion. In fact, he has more in common with a rational, reasonable-minded atheist than he does with a fanati.. extremism fanaticism religious-fanaticism tollerance understanding Gregory David Roberts
1d888d4 Lies we tell ourselves are the ghosts that haunt the empty house of midnight. Gregory David Roberts
9c6b8f4 good soldiers are defined by what they can endure, not by what they can inflict. Gregory David Roberts
64923b7 The weeks I'd spent in Bombay with Prabaker had taught me that the shaking or wiggling of the head from side to side--that most characteristic of Indian expressive gestures--was the equivalent of a forward nod of the head, meaning Yes. Gregory David Roberts
3101b8d eats most of his meals Gregory David Roberts
f991599 I sometimes think that the size of our happiness is inversely proportional to the size of our house.' She Gregory David Roberts
69cdfae If you'd been born and raised in Palestine, you'd know that some people are born to suffer. And it never stops, for them. Not for a second. You'd know where real suffering comes from. It's the same place where love and freedom and pride are born. And it's the same place where those feelings and ideals die. That suffering never stops. We only pretend it does. We only tell ourselves it does, to make the kids stop whimpering in their sleep. Gregory David Roberts
bbcc9af I looked into the wind, feeling the day alternately warm and cool and warm again on my face and arms as the breeze turned and returned across the bay. A small fleet of fishing canoes drifted past us on their way back to the fishermen's sandy refuge near the slum. I suddenly remembered the day in the rain, sailing in a canoe across the flooded forecourt of the Taj Mahal Hotel and beneath the booming, resonant dome of the Gateway Monument. I .. Gregory David Roberts
60fabba A strong man can make his own luck. Gregory David Roberts
3d8d0a2 Every door is a portal leading through time as well as space. The same doorway that leads us into and out of a room also leads us into the past of the room and its ceaselessly unfolding future. Gregory David Roberts
7eefd57 a dream is the place where a wish and a fear meet. When the wish and the fear are exactly the same, he said, we call the dream a nightmare. Gregory David Roberts
4258d73 And if you did this, if you saved your mother from this vicious killer, would you be doing the wrong thing or the right thing? Gregory David Roberts
425ccaf I take everything personally--that's what being a person is all about. Gregory David Roberts
23fce70 Be to, jei tikimes, kad mums kas nors iseis, noriu, kad nieko neliktu nepasakyta... apie praeiti. Gregory David Roberts
7c2368f Karma's a hammer, not a feather Gregory David Roberts
3a1a9d4 Naujienos pranesa, ka zmones dare. Paskalos pranesa, kaip jiems tai patiko. Gregory David Roberts
fa553d4 Personality and personal identity are in some ways like co-ordinates on the street map drawn by our intersecting relationships. Gregory David Roberts
75512e4 Love survives in us precisely because it isn't wise. survive wise Gregory David Roberts