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1b92555 For him, the writer should be the very devil, a disturber of dreams and wrecker of fatuous utopias, the bringer-in of reality, and rival of God in his wish to make worlds. Hanif Kureishi
56df4b6 But to be able to bear one's own mind, to wait while the inner storm of intolerable thoughts blows itself out, leaving one to contemplate the debris with some understanding--that is an enviable state of mind. Hanif Kureishi
4791080 Act - make an event. Smash the coordinates and see where the smithereens fly. Let in the madness, and be sure to be a danger to oneself and others. Too much thinking turns you into that fool Hamlet. madness Hanif Kureishi
cfb2380 Selbst die Verwandten der Beruhmten [sind] beruhmt, denn Ruhm [ist] erblich. pop_culture Hanif Kureishi
2cc1d65 I have a rule about no material being sacred. Hanif Kureishi
33f1962 Suicide is one way of saying you're sorry. Hanif Kureishi
87f61ae Because it is about that which we can't be prepared for--the great test we men have passed before, but have no way of knowing we will pass again. Hanif Kureishi
78cb3f3 I'd send Eleanor a dignified note. Then I'd have to fall out of love with her. That was the rough part. Everything in life is organized around people falling in love with each other. Falling is easy; but no one tells you how to fall out of love. I didn't know where to begin. Hanif Kureishi
a5fa575 He would enjoy women more, she had informed him, if he understood their clothes. Hanif Kureishi
2d1975c You see people truly when they enjoy the most. Hanif Kureishi
e25dace A monster is someone who's being monstered. Hanif Kureishi
d278295 Herir a alguien es un acto de involuntaria intimidad Hanif Kureishi
68a2a8e Nothing consoles like the blues. Hanif Kureishi
a7d3cc8 My blackness is spreading, Alice. I've been seeing and hearing things that can't be there or anywhere. At night, when I'm not hallucinating mad women, I can feel depression starting to burn me around the edges. If I sink into it, I'll have to give this thing up and write a novel. novel Hanif Kureishi
ddff4d9 She screamed--more like a week. She informed me that a woman who doesn't have an orgasm a day will get dry skin, and lines. According to her you should rub your lover's semen into your forehead. Hanif Kureishi
97de881 Is she always elusive?" "Her whole life's a no-show." Hanif Kureishi
8a4a3f9 The artist was the proxy, the brave one, the one who spoke, was thanked, and who paid the price. Hanif Kureishi
fd457f7 Harry had loved most of the arts long enough to know that artists had to be excused failings which would condemn the general population. Hanif Kureishi
f393490 The point is, Harry, if I'm not to find you abhorrent, there will have to be more reciprocity all round. Particularly from your side. Hanif Kureishi
605ba44 Popeye the Sailor Man has more cultural longevity. Only women and poofs read or write now. Otherwise, these days, no sooner has someone been sodomised by a close relative than they think they can write a memoir. The game's up. Hanif Kureishi
a7f2366 I've said before, Harry, no need to hide your light," said Alice, squeezing his hand. She giggled, "Dance, monkey, dance." monkey Hanif Kureishi
84328f4 I've said it's over for the white races, an obvious truth which caused much agitation amongst the journalists. The rich will rule as usual; they come in all colours, particularly yellow. white-races yellow Hanif Kureishi
7474937 Apparently, now, though, we writers and artists are not allowed to give offence. We must not question, criticise or insult the other, for fear of being hounded and murdered. These days a writer without bodyguards can hardly be considered serious. A bad review is the least of our problems. bad-review writers Hanif Kureishi
2c6ffe9 Harry leaned forward. "You put your penis on the page." penis Hanif Kureishi
45bc88f When Victor Hugo was buried, you couldn't find a whore in all of Paris. They were too busy paying their respects. That was a man - and he still has a show on in the West End. victor-hugo west-end whore Hanif Kureishi
6885271 However, Harry, my clock has stopped. The embalmer is rolling up his sleeves. Even as we speak, seventy-two virgins are slipping into schoolgirl uniforms for me. You must live, and I confirm: always put your penis first. embalmer penis virgins Hanif Kureishi
5662be7 But Harry wondered if he might be getting too old for the dispiriting adventure that seemed to inevitably accompany the need for human contact. Hanif Kureishi
bddca26 Sometimes he'd get home before the children were asleep, and carry them around on his back, kick balls with them, and tell them stories of pigs with spiders on their heads. Other times he would turn up late so he could have his wife make supper, and be free of the feeling that the kids were devouring his life. Hanif Kureishi
6c903ce He felt like a criminal, though the only laws he'd broken were his own, and he wasn't sure which ones they were. Hanif Kureishi
3c9069b This ghost of a mother had begun to ask him questions about who he was and who he truly loved. Was he capable of love? Hanif Kureishi
cbbeecd The writer, indeed every real artist, was the devil, rivalling God in creativity, trying even to surpass him. God was surely man's most fatal creation, the devil's kitsch bitch. It was God, with his insistence on being worshipped and admired, who made the argument of art necessary, keeping the fire of dissent alive in men and women. This dissident was the artist, who spanned with his imagination reason and unreason, the under and the over, .. Hanif Kureishi
2a06780 Who can think of Larkin now without considering his fondness for the buttocks of schoolgirls and paranoid hatred of blacks ... Or Eric Gill's copulations with more or less every member of his family, including the dog? Proust had rats tortured, and donated his family furniture to brothels; Dickens walled up his wife and kept her from her children; Lillian Hellman lied. While Sartre lived with his mother, Simone de Beauvoir pimped babes for .. Hanif Kureishi
c43e580 Forgetting, along with hypocrisy, were, to him, the necessary arts central to living. Hanif Kureishi
b6bf3b9 We are surviving, in this pleasant liberal enclave where people read and speak freely, on borrowed time. But for those not inside - the dispossessed of the world, the poor, the refugees and those forced into exile - existence is wasteland. Hanif Kureishi
5f575a3 illegal drugs are better for you than the legal stuff. How many artists have created while drunk, high on laudanum, opium, chloral, or amphetamines? What have antidepressants ever done for culture? Hanif Kureishi
3ab2f49 Women are brought up to think of others. [...] When I start to think of myself I feel sick. Hanif Kureishi
ab46bd9 NASSER: (about OMAR): Haven't you trained him up to look after you, like I have done with my girls? PAPA: He brushes the dust from one place to another. He squeezes shirts and heats soup. But that hardly stretches him. Though his food stretches me. It's only for a few months, yaar. I'll send him to college in the autumn. british brothers england pakistani penis son work Hanif Kureishi
fd13631 PAPA: This damn country has done us in. That's why I'm like this. We should be there. Home. NASSER: But that country has been sodomized by religion. It is beginning to interfere with the making of money. Compared with everywhere, it is a little heaven here. Hanif Kureishi
d71e7a9 Who doesn't love cock? love Hanif Kureishi
fe867ea O motorista fez uma curva fechada a esquerda, saiu da pista e entrou numa estradinha de terra, no meio de algumas arvores, parando em seguida. Ele nos jogou para fora do carro e ordenou que o seguissemos. Obedecemos. Tinhamos uma arma apontada para nosso rosto. Nao era a casa de papai, era o fim da linha. Aguardava-me uma morte subita, violenta, matinal - no dia em que pisei na terra dos meus antepassados. Uma morte nao de todo dessemelhant.. Hanif Kureishi
833590e Die Belohnung fur Langeweile sind Sicherheit und Geborgenheit. security Hanif Kureishi
f39559e The mad were put in asylums, but the sane are worse off in their offices. mad offices sane Hanif Kureishi
8fad825 The truth is always a surprise. Hanif Kureishi
dbe9858 My father] murmured only, 'you can always tell when a woman is ready for sex. Oh yes. Her ears get hot.' I looked keenly at Helen's ears. I even reached out and pinched one of them lightly, for scientific confirmation. Warmish! Hanif Kureishi
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