Se que el amor es un trabajo sucio; tienes que mancharte las manos. Si te mantienes a distancia, no sucede nada interesante. Ademas, debes encontrar la distancia adecuada entre las personas. Si estan demasiado cerca, te aplastan; si estan demasiado lejos, te abandonan. ?Como mantenerlos en la situacion adecuada?
Hanif Kureishi |
I have learned that the libido, like Elvis and jealousy, never dies. I know copulators of eighty-five. Who said you need an erection, a body or an orgasm for sex?
Hanif Kureishi |
I don't like being left for long struggling with my dangerous self.
Hanif Kureishi |
Growing old isn't for pussies.
Hanif Kureishi |
Doesn't civilisation mean keeping your temper when there is no reason for restraint?
Hanif Kureishi |
The past looks worse the closer you look at it.
Hanif Kureishi |
Old age is the new childhood.
Hanif Kureishi |
One of his black girlfriends did once persuade him to go on an anti-racist demonstration; and when the National Front yelled, "Get back, Pakis!" Chili, wearing a mink-coloured suit, had annoyed everyone by taking out his fat wallet, waving it at the racists and shouting, "Get back to your council flats, paupers!"
Hanif Kureishi |
Papa me enseno a coquetear con todo el mundo, chicas y chicos, y acabe por considerar el encanto -y no la cortesia o la franquza, o incluso la decencia- la principal virtud mundana
Hanif Kureishi |
Papa me enseno a coquetear con todo el mundo, chicas y chicos, y acabe por considerar el encanto -y no la cortesia o la franqueza, o incluso la decencia- la principal virtud mundana
Hanif Kureishi |
Cuando hablo conmigo mismo, es con ella con quien hablo
Hanif Kureishi |
Asenti con la cabeza. Al fin y al cabo asentir no puede considerarse exactamente una mentira, ?no?
Hanif Kureishi |
Ako pomislim sto je pakao - to je kad si sam zauvijek u sobi 101 i nemas sto citati osim njegovih (Orwellovih) knjiga.
Hanif Kureishi |
London seemed like a house with five thousand rooms, all different; the kick was to work out how they connected, and eventually to walk through all of them.
Hanif Kureishi |
Desire makes me laugh because it makes fools of us all. Still, rather a fool than a fascist.
Hanif Kureishi |
How utterly our past suffuses us. We live in all our days at once.
Hanif Kureishi |
Elle vivait seule et travaillait plus dur que quiconque, evitait les contagions petites-bourgeoises: le doute de soi, le mepris des etudes, l'ennui.
Hanif Kureishi |
I've always hated your fucking nagging.' 'It's not nagging, it's for compassion.' 'Right. I won't be coming back here, Eva. You're such a drag now. It's your age. Is it the menopause that's making you like this?
Hanif Kureishi |
Nos aferramos al pasado -dijo-, a lo antiguo, porque tenemos miedo. [...] Nuestras vidas se estancan, se vuelven rancias. Nos da miedo todo lo nuevo, todo cuanto podria ayudarnos a crecer, a cambiar.
Hanif Kureishi |
Creo que la felicidad solo es posible si nos dejamos guiar por nuestros sentimientos, nuestra intuicion y nuestros deseos verdaderos. Si se actua empujado por el sentido del deber, la obligacion, el sentimiento de culpabilidad o el deseo de contentar a los demas, solo se consigue la desdicha. Hay que aceptar la felicidad cuando es posible, no de un modo egoista, sino teniendo siempre presente que formamos parte del mundo, de los demas, que ..
Hanif Kureishi |
Ja mina voin vieda tuon naisen - han tarkoitti vaimoaan - ulos johonkin kauniiseen paikkaan.' 'Mihin kauniiseen paikkaan sina viet sen, oopperaanko? Siella pyorii kuulemma hyva produktio Rigolettosta.' 'Elaintarhaan, jumalauta! Minne ikina haluaa!' Anwar heittaytyi sentimentaaliseksi, kuten tunteettomat ihmiset usein.
Hanif Kureishi |
What's that?' his wife said. She came closer. 'It's a penis,' she said. 'You've come home with a man's penis - complete with balls and pubic hair - in your pocket. Where did you get it?
Hanif Kureishi |
Tisina je, a tisina je glasan zvuk.
Hanif Kureishi |
As I watched Jamila I thought what a terrific person she'd become. She was low today, and she was often scornful of me anyway, the supercilious bitch, but I couldn't help seeing that there was in her a great depth of will, of delight in the world, and much energy for love. Her feminism, the sense of self and fight it engendered, the schemes and plans she had, the relationships - which she desired to take this form and not that form - the th..
Hanif Kureishi |
Nije li erotika neutaziva glad koja samu sebe pothranjuje?
Hanif Kureishi |
Istina nas uvek iznenadi.
Hanif Kureishi |
NIkad se nisam zamajavao nacelima vernosti ili okovima tradicionalnog. Cestitost je patolosko nasilje a dobrota prepreka.
Hanif Kureishi |
Those magical fucks, when everything else falls away.
Hanif Kureishi |
Intelligence and effort can be no compensation for ugliness.
Hanif Kureishi |
Transgression affirms the very rules it intends to flout. Nothing supports the norm like deviation.
Hanif Kureishi |
I'm using Mao as my inspiration. "Cast away illusions. Prepare for struggle." I'm back in business, baby. You don't know you're stuck until you get moving."
Hanif Kureishi |
One night, when I am old, sick, right out of semen, and don't need things to get any worse, I hear the voices again.
Hanif Kureishi |
Sex is like art: if you know what you're doing, you don't know what you're doing.
Hanif Kureishi |
Whoever thought that pleasure makes you happy?
Hanif Kureishi |
He remembered, though, that his favorite servant had been sacked for kitchen misdemeanors; once for making toast by lying on his back and suspending bread from between his toes over a flame, and on a second occasion for cleaning celery with a toothbrush--his own brush, as it happened, not the Master's, but that was no excuse.
Hanif Kureishi |
All day, everywhere he went, he heard stories of the remarkable penis, not only of its size and strength, but of its warm way with strangers.
Hanif Kureishi |
However angry I was with him, however much I wanted to humiliate Terry, I suddenly saw such humanity in his eyes, and in the way he tried to smile - such innocence in the way he wanted to understand me, and such possibility of pain, along with the implicit assumption that he wouldn't be harmed - that I pulled away.
Hanif Kureishi |
Ali isto tako sam i shvatio da prestupnistvo samo ucvrscuje pravila koja pokusava da prekrsi. Nista ne osnazuje normu kao odstupanje od nje.
Hanif Kureishi |
Erosova masinerija sastavlja i rastavlja, obnavlja u coveku zudnju za zivotom.
Hanif Kureishi |
Starenje nije za slabice.
Hanif Kureishi |
Krivcu mozes da radis sta ti padne na pamet.
Hanif Kureishi |
If living is an art it is a strange one, an art of everything, and particularly of spirited pleasure.
Hanif Kureishi |
They gave us the language but it is only we who know how to use it
Hanif Kureishi |