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bf25c8c Rarity went hand in hand with reverence. J.R. Ward
71757ad T]here was no quota on misery for people, no quantifiable threshold that once reached, got you miraculously taken out of the distress pool. pain limit survivor J.R. Ward
5ecd888 Non succedera", giuro. "Non mi interessa nessuna di quelle cose e questo non cambiera." "Come lo sai?" disse lui a bassa voce. "Perche ... Io sono innamorato di te. E se decidi domani, fra una settimana ... un anno ... che questa e solo un'avventura, oppure che hai bisogno di stare con qualcuno che e piu di classe di quanto lo sia io, non sopravvivero a questo. E qualcosa che mi mettera in ginocchio e mi fara restare li. Quindi lasciami and.. J.R. Ward
0bb5513 And not in the crazy fuck's normal bizarre-drobe of zebra stripes and feather boas. The angel had a flannel shirt tied around his waist. Blue jeans that were one trip through the wash away from losing their structural integrity. And a Nirvana shirt from the Saint Andrew's Hall performance in Detroit on October 11, 1991. That J.R. Ward
7481849 I love you. You are my heart beating outside of my chest. I don't care who you are mated to, or whether they have blond hair or black hair, blue or green eyes, male or female parts--as long as you are happy, that's all I worry about. I want for you what you want for yourself. I love you, Blaylock--I love you. J.R. Ward
44ee325 I'm proud of you. And I love you," Blay repeated. "Always. Forget about your old have me now. I am your family." J.R. Ward
d53effb Maybe he had to stop thinking TVs were sending him messages. Because this was a dumb fucking idea. J.R. Ward
5eb1115 Matter of fact, when it came to manscaping, all he had was a dark stripe that ran between his belly button and his... You know, maybe size did matter, she thought. J.R. Ward
e9ecb42 I was dead unit you found me, though I breathed. I was sightless, though I could see. And then you came...and I was awakened. love inspirational sightless dead J.R. Ward
f91aad8 the only one who wanted to be free. Surprise, surprise. CHAPTER J.R. Ward
aa8e64f How do you like your eggs?" she said. "Hard or soft?" "Hard," he bit out. "Why am I not surprised." J.R. Ward
0bf9839 collisions were collisions and couldn't be planned... J.R. Ward
e3103e8 The Maker was a genius, he thought. Infinity resulted in insolence. But transience was the way one treasured what one had been given. J.R. Ward
facb409 In the process of terrorizing an article on spring training, Butch glanced over at Marissa again, and V knew the two were going to take off soon--but not because they were finished with their coffee. Funny, he knew what was going to happen from extrapolation, not second sight or because he could read their minds: Butch was letting off the bonding scent, and Marissa loved being with her male marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound butch J.R. Ward
52155d5 Closing his eyes, he made it about fifteen minutes before his tossing and turning rode those pj bottoms so far up his crotch he felt like he could cough flannel. If he was doing the mattress and pillow thing, he usually slept naked and now he knew why. This was f'in ridiculous. J.R. Ward
629d9a2 The heavy soul will not pass though the body is failing. inspirational rehvenge j-r-ward sad J.R. Ward
4b2ac44 She is more beautiful than I have words for." He lifted his eyes to Phury's. "And last night I was blessed beyond measure to serve her." J.R. Ward
574758f A few minutes later, John got up, put his clothes back on, palmed his liquor bottle, and left. As the door clicked shut, Xhex pulled the duvet over herself. She did nothing to try to control the shakes that rattled her body, and didn't attempt to stop herself from crying. Tears left both of her eyes at the far corners, slipping out and flowing over her temples. Some landed in her ears. Some eased down her neck and were absorbed by the pillo.. xhex J.R. Ward
fbcb70f It was a good death. A very good death. She closed her eyes, and an hour later she gasped twice and let out one long exhale, as if her body were sighing in relief as her soul flew free of its corporeal cage. And it was strange... Nalla woke up at that moment and the young focused not on her granhmen, but above the bed. Her little chubby hands reached high, and she smiled and cooed as if someone had just stroked her cheek. Rehv stared down a.. J.R. Ward
892a5dc You and I are not going to survive long term, regardless of love or bonding, if you keep airbrushing things. If I keep airbrushing things. It's not a good strategy for us--and if this makes you feel like you're on the spot? As if I'm giving you an ultimatum? I don't care. If anything gets in the way of our relationship, anything, I will mow that shit down--even if it is you. J.R. Ward
438bbf6 Sometimes strength rested not in resistance, but in the release of arms against a foe of one's own creation. J.R. Ward
645948f If deaths came in threes . . . he thought numbly. Who was going to be the third one? J.R. Ward
5fa8848 There were times in life when, as much as you wanted to fight for something, you just had to let it go. J.R. Ward
d02c3d5 Please," Eddie implored. "Not Lassiter. Anybody but Lassiter--he could be anywhere on the planet, doing anything." J.R. Ward
47c092a Sometimes the changes in life came at you so fast, and with such fury, there was no way to keep up with reality. It took time for things to sink in, the new equilibrium establishing itself only after some period of your brain sloshing back and forth against the walls of your head. He was still in the slosh zone. J.R. Ward
dd16a1e It would be a duty that I would seek to fulfill all the nights I am upon this earth." Mary" J.R. Ward
4d14189 With a curse, Vishous took after the three free-thinkers, dematerializing out in front of where the trio seemed to be heading. As he re-formed, he knew they were fucking humans even before he saw that the one in the rear was running backward with what was no doubt a cocksucking Apple, iConformist POS front and center and on video record. He fricking iHated anything with a goddamn Macintosh trademark. V jumped out into the guy's path, which .. J.R. Ward
9568aca Sometimes words didn't go far enough, the vessels of letters and the ladles of grammar incapable of holding the heart's sentiments. J.R. Ward
07fc20c Rhage re-formed on the lawn of Darius's former mansion and strode up to the front entrance. The second he came into the house, he heard a series of gasps, and glanced to the left. In the parlor, there were a number of civilians clustered in an awkward, standing group, like they didn't feel comfortable sitting on all the fancy silk-covered furniture--and their eyes were popped large at the sight of him. Yeah, his reputation still preceded hi.. J.R. Ward
4ec3530 You didn't need to know the specifics about a male like that to be fully aware he was a Taylor Swift song waiting to happen. J.R. Ward
b1d4a3d That cat was a traitor. And if by some miracle she lived through the night, he was getting downgraded to Tender Vitals. J.R. Ward
1ab94b0 The territorial anger lit his chest up like a bonfire, teeing off a blaze of power that roared in his body. J.R. Ward
31867a0 His big body was nothing but death waiting for a place to happen. J.R. Ward
852b7e4 Destiny was like the passage of time, however, immutable and unforgiving and uninterested in the personal opinion of those who breathed. J.R. Ward
f1e266e This was trouble--of the bury-your-dead variety. J.R. Ward
f422f38 You're so damned superior," she muttered. "I'm the son of a fucking deity. You want me to be average?" -- J.R. Ward
737aff4 There is no normal anymore," he heard himself say. "You kind of...just keep going, because that's all you got. The hardest thing is being with other people--it's like they're on a different wavelength, but only you know it. They talk about their lives and what's wrong with them, and you kind of, like, just let them go. It's a whole different language, and you've got to remember that you can only respond in their mother tongue. It's really h.. J.R. Ward
2c31a81 God, everything about him radiated sex, from the strength in his body to the way he moved to the smell of his skin. J.R. Ward
dd26c5a Excuse me," she cut in. "Is that a grenade?" Ehric looked at the compact, palm-sized bomb in his hand. "Why, yes. It is." J.R. Ward
0273048 Lassiter," Ad and Colin said together. At the sound of the name, even Devina rolled her eyes. "Oh, Christ. Him again." J.R. Ward
8f12921 His ears caught a sweet chiming noise, and a moment later a warm rush fell over his body. How we doing Rhage? Too hot? Butch's voice. Up close. The cop was in the shower with him. And he smelled Turkish tobacco. V must be in the bathroom too. Hollywood? This too hot for you? No. He reached around for the soap, fumbling. Can't see. Just as well. No reason for you to know what we look naked together. Frankly, I'm traumatized enough for the bo.. romance humor vampire J.R. Ward
dbc59cd Thou Shalt Not Mack on Your Patients J.R. Ward
5e372d5 It's peaceful. Death can be a release and a relief for the person, and that is a blessing. The thing is, a lot of times, it is work to die. It requires physical and emotional effort. What sucks is that for most, particularly if they're dying out of sequence, it's a job they don't want. It's about loss of control, loss of function, loss of identity and independence...loss of choice and decision, of family and friends. But if you can let go o.. freedom freedom-in-death death-quotes ivie J.R. Ward
d34807d Time was way too finite: no matter how much of it you had with someone you loved, when the end came, it wasn't nearly enough. J.R. Ward