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f9669ed When you were contemplating cheating on your mate, it was not easy on the conscience. And not something you wanted to do in the home you shared with her. J.R. Ward
053f8b6 May I enter your bedroom, female?" His" J.R. Ward
a8d8e63 As V arrived back at the mansion with the King, he'd really just plain fucking had it with everyone. And that included himself. But J.R. Ward
65c2a24 Sacrifice was also in the eye of the beholder. Like beauty, it was a personal, subjective assessment, a cost-benefit analysis that had no right answer, only a compass that spun around an individual's variant of true north. Throe, J.R. Ward
f4e3cf8 Before we kumbaya this shit, you're going to do something for me, right here and now." The" J.R. Ward
f5b7dac Swear your fealty unto me, this night and forever more, placing none upon the earth above me and mine." Xcor" J.R. Ward
ccd5ac3 Butch came in from the kitchen, Bud in one hand, sandwich in the other. "Hey, big man. S'up?" "I want the two of you to chain me to my bed." J.R. Ward
eeeb7c9 the two of them all GQ'd up for Last Meal. Both wore slacks, not jeans, and sweaters, not sweatshirts, and loafers, not shitkickers. They were clean-shaven, cologned, and coiffed, but they were not she-males in the slightest. Frankly, that would have made things a lot easier. For fuck's sake, he wished one of the SOBs would RuPaul their shit and go all feather boa and fingernail polish. But no. They just kept looking like two too-hot males .. J.R. Ward
12a7c92 High above, the rafters were made of old wood, and sturdy as the mountain the house had been built on, and across the way, sixteen coffins were stacked one upon the next, as if they were nothing but moving boxes from U-Haul. The J.R. Ward
34c8500 Funny how your life could be interrupted: You left a house expecting to come back, but then the path you were on took you left instead of around again to the right. How J.R. Ward
21bcea3 Her first cogent thought was that he was a predator. Her second...was that she wanted to be caught. J.R. Ward
991eb60 It was everything dirty and wrong and evil and degrading, and he did it over and over again to keep his secret safe. And also because his dark side got off on it. It was Love, Symphath Style, J.R. Ward
32179fd if that bastard's innocent," Rhage spoke up, "I'm the fucking Easter bunny." "Oh, good," someone quipped. "I'm calling you Hop-along Hollywood from now on." "Beasty Bo Peep," somebody else threw out. "We could put you in a Cadbury ad and finally make some money--" "People," Rhage barked, "the point is that he is not innocent and I'm not the Easter bunny--" "Where's your basket?" "Can I play with your eggs?" "Hop it out, big guy--" "Will you.. J.R. Ward
a9d202a If Tohr hadn't hated the motherfucker with such a passion...he'd have almost respected the sonofabitch. -- J.R. Ward
ac152c4 It was always better to follow a bumpy course of one's own than a smooth but intractable trail set by another. The former was harder, yet far more vital. The latter was like a living death...except you didn't know you were dying because you were in a coma. J.R. Ward
7f06486 I find it really hard to believe you've taken an interest in nutrition." "True. This gluten-is-the-enemy thing is total bullshit. And don't get me started on kombucha tea, kale, anything with antioxidants in it, and the fallacy that high-fructose corn syrup is the root of all evil." "Did you hear that Kraft Macaroni & Cheese took out all its preservatives months ago?" "Yeah, and the bastards didn't tell anyone up front, either--" J.R. Ward
3a34f74 As the two held stares, it was hard not to feel part of a unique club that no one would ever volunteer to be associated with. Membership wasn't sought or desirable or something to crow about . . . but it was real and it was powerful: Survivors of similar wrecks could see the horrors of those jagged shoals in the eyes of others. It was like recognizing like. It was two people with the same tattoo on their insides, the divide of a trauma that.. J.R. Ward
7654f7a Tragedy, like love, makes people blind. J.R. Ward
1fe6ef5 We were a little more fallen than the bosses were comfortable with." Adrian grinned like a motherfucker. "As I mentioned, I like the ladies." "Usually in pairs." J.R. Ward
f28ec76 V laughed deep in his throat. "Yeah, you can fight with me in the field when you're grown. And soon as you're big enough to hold a dagger ... I'll make one for you. Forge it myself. You're gonna be just like your dad, one helluva a fighter. Just like him ..." J.R. Ward
e363b46 There was someone sitting in his room, over on that chair-- "Are you kidding me?" He exhaled a curse and rubbed the back of his brain. "Really? Are you fucking kidding me?" Across the way, like some fucked-up scarecrow, a pair of blue jeans, that Nirvana concert T-shirt of the angel's, the flannel bullshit, and a set of Nikes had been stuffed with God only knew what. The head of the "Lassiter" was made out of a nylon bag that had had potato.. J.R. Ward
9d3bc54 Qhuinn?" Those iridescent blue eyes frowned. "Are you okay?" "Sorry." He leaned in and pressed his lips to the male's jugular. "Distracted. But you do that to me, don't you." As" J.R. Ward
00f6006 Yeah, I'm not a virgin and I hate writing. J.R. Ward
eac5f63 As Xcor got ready to leave the ranch just before midnight, he let his shellan check the fastenings on the bulletproof vest. She was very thorough, to the point where he had a feeling if she could have strapped herself to his chest, she would have. Capturing her hands, he kissed her fingertips one by one. "I am a lucky male, to be cared for thusly." Fates," J.R. Ward
aae9748 If love were a requirement for marriage, the human race would have no need for the institution. J.R. Ward
dc68793 Right? That's exactly what I think. He's a tough number, aren't you, Rhamp? Also poops out toxic waste. You'll learn that later. J.R. Ward
60d04cc What did he look like?" Mary whispered. When he didn't reply, she cleared her throat. "Be honest. What did he look like." It was a while before Rhage could reply, and when he did, it was just one word. "Her. He looked...exactly like Bitty." J.R. Ward
5eb42b7 The Black Dagger Brotherhood were keeping him alive, so that they could kill him. Given the sum of Xcor's earthly pursuits, which had been at their best violent, and at their worst downright depraved, it seemed an apt end for him. -Xcor's thoughts J.R. Ward
aab4a78 But in his soul, he had been a fighter stuck in a desk job. Resentment had made him edgy, and even though he hadn't been aware of it, he had had his eye on the exit every single night. No sight. No exit. And what if that was actually...okay. What if those Hallmark motherfuckers were right. Door closes, window opens. J.R. Ward
bce3ebe All right," Vishous muttered. "I'll be back when I know something." "Please don't send that angel." "Nah. That would make your punishment cruel and unusual." J.R. Ward
498e51e Nope, it was the Great Immortal Agitator: Lassiter J.R. Ward
50b7150 Well?" he prompted. "What are you doing here, especially without a Tony Manero polyester special on?" Lassiter, the Fallen Angel, smiled in a way that didn't include his strangely colored, pupil-less eyes; the expression only affected the lower part of his face. "Oh, you know, leisure suits are so last week for me." "Moving on to eighties New Age? I don't have any neon to lend you." "Nah, I have another new costume to wear." "Good for you. .. J.R. Ward
e90289e The old-school Italians turned out to be a lot like Shadows: closed off to outsiders, proud of their traditions, suspicious of people they didn't know. But once you were in with them? Once you proved yourself and were accepted? They were so loyal and generous it was almost like they weren't humans at all. In fact, to him, proper Italians had become a subspecies apart from the other rats without tails on the planet. J.R. Ward
b592a54 Besides, you don't look a thing like him. I mean...hello? You're this beefy Irish white boy. He's like...bus exhaust or some shit. J.R. Ward
7d74f15 I had her all over my face. It was fantastic. J.R. Ward
c4cf964 Then again, when you were facing the right person? None of the things they talked about on television, no Vera Wang dress, no champagne waterfall, no DJ or place setting or party favor mattered. "'I," J.R. Ward
647cf3d There was only one answer. For tonight ... and everymore: "Because I love you more than anything else." J.R. Ward
64a8aaa The more you're exposed to trauma, the more hardened you become to it and the safer you are. And that is a really suck-ass fucking equation, but it is the goddamn truth." Butch" J.R. Ward
4a1fdc8 The impending separation from love, more than the ending of life, had kept all that faith alive. It was the hope of having a little more time to love that had made her mother hold crosses, and look to the faces of statues, and cast words up into the air. J.R. Ward
ae083ef Rhage." "What?" "I'll tell you this. Your destiny's coming for you. And she's coming soon." Rhage laughed. "Oh, yeah? What's the female like? I prefer them--" "She's a virgin." A chill shot down Rhage's spine and nailed him in the ass. "You're kidding, right?" "Look in my eye. Do you think I'm jerking you off?" V paused for a moment and then opened the door, releasing the smell of beer and human bodies along with the pulse of an old Guns N'.. rhage-and-vishous J.R. Ward
592c629 so where does the cumberbatch go?" As" J.R. Ward
d2d7a06 At least I'm not pussy-whipped." "Nice. Fucking. Suit." J.R. Ward
2f5216b You're just too mean to find a grave and lie down"-Tohr to Wrath." tohr tohrment black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward wrath dark-lover J.R. Ward
a5d20a0 Supposed to in one hand, s*** in the other; see what you get the most of- V to Rhage black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-eternal vishous J.R. Ward