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bd83514 They say the face tells all there is to know about a life, but I personally believe much can be deduced from the hands. There are lines and scars, bumps and calluses; indeed, the hands are both the sketch and the final work of art. Jacqueline Winspear
8a688e8 she would have been disappointed if he had not demonstrated such idealism, for he was yet to reach twenty-one; youth without optimism, without a strong sense of the possible, would represent a very sad state of affairs. Jacqueline Winspear
8db8310 It's not enough to say that you want equality, Ro. What do you intend to do about it? Jacqueline Winspear
0d5c613 She thought the flat would be all the better for some photographs, not only to serve as reminders of those who were loved, or reflections of happy times spent in company, but to act as mirrors, where she might see the affection with which she was held by those dear to her. Jacqueline Winspear
aaa447a the power of the question was in the question itself? He'd taught her that one must let a question linger in the mind as one might savor wine on the tongue, and he'd cautioned that a rush to answer could diminish all chance of insight. Indeed, if one continually avoided questions by trying to answer them immediately, such impatience would become a barrier on the path to greater knowledge of oneself. Jacqueline Winspear
052c758 Trouble is, your best ain't always the best for those who want a say in the matter. Jacqueline Winspear
7a22de5 Extremes live within us all. The joy of association resides alongside the anticipation of loss. What is given will be taken, what we have is often only of value to us when it is gone." He paused, his face now held to the light once more." Jacqueline Winspear
084999c She knew the worries that came to the fore at night were the ones you had to pay attention to, for they blurred reasoned thought, sucked clarity from any consideration of one's situation, and could lead a mind around in circles, leaving one drained and ill-tempered. And if there was no one close with whom to discuss those concerns, they grew in importance in the imagination, whether they were rooted in good sense or not. Jacqueline Winspear
655f496 Those of us who have reached our more mature years know the value of a nap, Maisie, and we can indulge ourselves without the comfort of pillow or bed. Jacqueline Winspear
c413124 Fancy 'avin' to say you work for the Murder Squad, eh, Miss? Don't exactly warm folk to you, does it? Jacqueline Winspear
66c90bc Maisie] Tell me, Dr. Dene, if you were to name one thing that made the difference between those who get well quickly and those who don't, what would it be? [Dr. Dene] ...In my opinion, acceptance has to come first. Some people don't accept what has happened. They think, 'Oh, if only I hadn't...' or... 'If only I'd known...' They are stuck at the point that caused the injury. ...I would say that it's threefold: One is accepting what has happ.. Jacqueline Winspear
6cb4255 Maisie] Tell me, Dr. Dene, if you were to name one thing that made the difference between those who get well quickly and those who don't, what would it be? [Dr. Dene] ...In my opinion, acceptance has to come first. Some people don't accept what has happened. They think, 'Oh, if only I hadn't...' or... 'If only I'd known...' They are stuck at the point that caused the injury. ...I would say that it's threefold: One is accepting what has happ.. Jacqueline Winspear
3b45f48 Maurice Blanche maintained that amid the tales, the smokescreens, and the deceptive mirrors of life's unsolved mysteries, truth resides, waiting for someone to enter its sanctum, then leave, without quite closing the door behind them. That is when truth may make its escape. Jacqueline Winspear
9d8d53d Sometimes she thought she could see that good heart beating, and realized that more often now she looked for goodness in a person, sought it out and found it comforting. Jacqueline Winspear
325f93a Look at the world beyond your immediate emotion, the immediate fury of inequality. Choose your battles, Billy. Jacqueline Winspear
7bddcfe Not you. Only Fraulein Donat. Jacqueline Winspear
9f8c7d3 What is certain, is that war will not leave us as it found us. --WOMAN AT HOME, February 1915 Jacqueline Winspear
87fc91d Thus he always wrote using a pencil with a long, sharp but soft lead, so he couldn't here his words as they formed on the page. Jacqueline Winspear
9154ce2 There's only one thing left to do. St. Paul's on Old Year's Night. For Auld Lang Syne, my dears. For old time's sake. Jacqueline Winspear
61bc900 of each other. I think we're at the end. I just feel it. Jacqueline Winspear
b0b0d7c broken buildings like jagged teeth in the mouth of a mad dog... Jacqueline Winspear
e008790 Think of a dead body as if you are viewing a set of clothing, Maisie - but consider it as the attire the soul has worn for many a year. And it is clothing that has something to teach us about the man or woman under the knife. Jacqueline Winspear
3ab7560 just because you know right from wrong, it doesn't mean you stay away from the wrong part. Jacqueline Winspear
90eb4df the time it took to brush away one tear could mean the difference between saving a soldier or laying him out after death. Jacqueline Winspear
839dc9a It makes my heart so heavy. Young men shouldn't have to die, and their parents shouldn't have to go through the rest of their lives making everything seem right by saying, 'At least my boy was brave.' Or, 'We're proud he did his bit. Jacqueline Winspear
d794f03 Always seeking to do rather than to be. Do you really seek the counsel of the spirit? Jacqueline Winspear
7973149 Bombers were the dark crows of death, sent out to lay their eggs on an unsuspecting world. Jacqueline Winspear
3b69d91 We are all apprentices, Maisie. Even when we think we've graduated to another rung on the ladder of experience, there is always much to learn. Every soul who comes to me for counsel gives me another lesson in return, and I am humbled and made new by each fresh opportunity to serve. Jacqueline Winspear
2e23364 When you are sitting in silence, you open the door to a deeper wisdom--the knowing of the ages. When you are walking, with the path to that wisdom already carved anew by your daily practice, you find that an idea, a thought, a notion, comes to you, and you have the solution to a problem that seemed insoluble. silence walking Jacqueline Winspear
173304c You should allow yourself to indulge in this remembrance. When you face the past, all you will see is that which has gone before. So I have some advice: Let this be your turning point. Have done with it, and turn to face the future. Only then will the future rise up to meet you. Only then will the distress pass. Jacqueline Winspear
5dc74f1 All the books, all the lectures, all the pages of ... of information, areas nothing against the measure of our experience -- and by that he meant the experience we take to heart, that we go back to, trying to work out the why, what, and how of whatever has come about in our lives. That, he said, is where we learn the value of true knowledge, with our life's lessons to draw upon so that we might one day be blessed with wisdom. I may not be t.. wisdom knowledge Jacqueline Winspear
2a4da01 There are many oppressed people across the border, people who are dirt poor and have little chance in life. Then there are those who don't want them anywhere near the table, let alone sitting at the feast. In 1931 the people of Spain voted in their first free election in sixty years. Until that point the country had been controlled by the rich--the landed aristocracy, the church, and the industrialists. But the new Republic had its problems.. Jacqueline Winspear
0dbf577 I can dance with life again. Jacqueline Winspear
41618ed In the months following James' death, on thought had returned time and again as she passed others in the street. What secrets did these people hold? What had they endured? She wondered how many people rushing in and out of shops, or on their way to their work, had lost a love, or known deep disappointment or grief, fear, or want, yet summoned the resilience to go on. Those lines across foreheads, those mouths downturned --- what were the ru.. sympathy grief resilience Jacqueline Winspear
412101d Least I feel as if I'm doing something. Making shells, like. Least I'm not just sitting on my bum while them boys get shot to bits over there. Jacqueline Winspear
6f9d13d Then as each month, each year passed, it was as if the memory of you - of us... the explosion - were encased in a fine tissue-paper.' ... 'I felt as if I were looking through a window to my own past, and instead of being transparent, my view was becoming more and more opaque, until eventually the time had passed. The time for coming to see you had passed. Jacqueline Winspear
9350b32 sometimes talked about your offering a place of refuge for the women here." "Well, when she was with the vicar it was different. No one would have said anything to him. He had a regard for her, you see." Maisie nodded. "Thank you. You've been most kind." She turned to leave, but as the Paiges were about to step into the house, she looked back as if forgetting something. "Oh, one last thing, Mr. Paige. Could you tell me how much longer Miss .. Jacqueline Winspear
bb3f9e2 corridors of power are littered with Fascist leanings; anything to save the upper classes through disenfranchisement of the common man while allowing the common man to think you're on his side. Jacqueline Winspear
38a0da2 Grannies to the rescue. Jacqueline Winspear
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