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6d46f2a I can be a dickhead and I do it on purpose. I tend to bully people into doing what I want. And I let everything that had happened with Dawson amplify those...uh, personality traits. But--" He removed his finger, and his grin spread into a smile. "But make me want to be different. That's why I didn't kill Blake. It's why I don't want you making those decisions or for you to be around me if I am choosing those things." Jennifer L. Armentrout
f30868d Seriously, though, the bouncer won't be a problem. I think he liked me." - Daemon "W-w-What?" - Katy "I think he liked me, like, really liked me." - Daemon "Your ego knows no limit, you know that?." - Katy "You'll see. I know these kinds of things." - Daemon" daemon-black lux lux-series katy-swartz opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
daf6c6b I grinned at Daemon and held up a bulb that was so green it almost matched his eyes. I decided it was going to be bulb. onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
4e91948 Your momma wanted to save you--save you from your fate. If she hadn't, you'd be nothing but a memory and a fear long forgotten. Just like all you who mix the breeds. What they want you two for, what they have planned." She shook her head again and when she looking at me, sorrow etched across her face. "They fear you, fear what comes from you. I told you child. I told you that your path was filled with dark things tat must be done." Jennifer L. Armentrout
cb93cec It's the same thing when I'm gardening or reading. It's just me and what I'm doing, or the world I'm reading, and nothing else. Jennifer L. Armentrout
1c86c95 Finish that sentence and I will stab you in the eye with the spork Bethany's about to pull out of her bag for her apple sauce." He smiled gamely. "And she'd be very upset if I got her spork all messed up. She's rather fond of the thing." ... "A spork," Dee said, grabbing her bag. "What is a spork?" Bethany's mouth dropped open. "You've never seen one?" "Dee doesn't get out much," Dawson replied, grinning. "Shut up." Dee pulled out the fork .. sporks Jennifer L. Armentrout
fdb8321 are so beautiful." I stood slowly, my eyes following the slight flush down her neck. I grinned. "You're really beautiful when you blush." She ducked her head, but I caught her chin, forcing her eyes back to mine. "Seriously," I told her. "Absolutely beautiful." The tender, almost shy smile appeared again. "Flattery will totally get you everywhere right now." I chuckled. "Good to know, because I'm planning on going everywhere--and .. Jennifer L. Armentrout
6ed9e86 So a skunk humped my leg earlier. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b5491d2 Nothing fun in life is easy. life-lessons Jennifer L. Armentrout
216928f There was something romantic about all of it, in the way he cradled my cheek when his mouth returned to mine and whispered my name like I was some kind of mystery he'd never be able to figure out. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b25f69d Maddox hissed. "You think you're cute?" "Nah, I think I'm sexy." The smirk spread, but it didn't reach his cool ocher eyes. "And I also think I'm hilarious." Jennifer L. Armentrout
e7f753d Apollo nodded and Dionysus bowed to the room, sweeping his arms out to the sides with a flourish. And then he was gone. I shook my head. "Okay. Who else thinks he was high as a kite?" Hands went up across the room and I grinned." apollo dionysus Jennifer L. Armentrout
6237f8e Get out of my head." "I can't help it," Archer replied from where he sat on the couch. "You're broadcasting your thoughts so damn loudly I feel like I need to go sit in the corner and start rocking, whispering Daemon's name over and over again." Jennifer L. Armentrout
b7c9927 Karma was a bitch and a half. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
9d47386 We've been separated. But we had never really been apart. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c81bbc2 He was a jerk. Moody. But there had been brief moments that I'd spent with him--like a nanosecond--when I thought I might have seen the real Daemon. At lux-series obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
3630694 It wasn't like there was an alien hiding under the table, moving crap around for fun. Jennifer L. Armentrout
dbc4ee5 Letting my heart instead of my hormones decide when to do it made what Aiden and I'd done special. And when we passed each other throughout the day, the looks we stole suddenly meant more. Everything meant more, because we both were risking it all and neither of us regretted that. risk-taking Jennifer L. Armentrout
0bd27e5 It always felt good typing up a review on a book I enjoyed and I went all out, finding bizarre pictures to emphasis the wow factor. I preffered ones with cute kittens and llamas. And Dean Winchester. Hitting 'publish post' cracked a smile. Jennifer L. Armentrout
424cec1 Resistance is futile, Kitten"..."So is your charm." Jennifer L. Armentrout
15f7bd2 I don't read too much. There's no such thing as that. Jennifer L. Armentrout
0c41eab Love of sugar had to mean true love. It just had to. love Jennifer L. Armentrout
4e77b35 My little brother craps himself." I laughed. "- Well, maybe it's because he's, like, only one?" "- Whatever, it's still gross." Jennifer L. Armentrout
3698d59 You're right. This is a lot. I faced him. I thought that you were normal. And you're not. You're telling me that I have the DOD gunning for me. That if I ever decide to leave this place, I'm going to be a Snack Pack for an Arum. And better yet, I am going to lose complete control over whatever powers I have and wipe out a family of four, then be put down! All I wanted to do today was eat some god damn fries and be normal! onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
2ffb52f I whipped around, eyeballing the guard breathing down my neck. "Seriously, dude, you need to back the hell up." The guy was half a head shorter than me and nowhere in my league of extraordinary ass-kicking abilities..." Jennifer L. Armentrout
e8e3f1f His dinner included three hamburgers and two orders of fries. I had no idea where those calories went. To his ego, maybe? Jennifer L. Armentrout
1efce22 What are you doing out here, Kat?" Several moments passed before I could speak "I just blew up a bunch of windows." Jennifer L. Armentrout
eda6584 Okay, my blog was seriously the least of my worries, but dammit, it was important to me. Jennifer L. Armentrout
3dc455a Roth heaved a long sigh. "Look. I'm so--I'm sor..." He took a deep breath, trying again. "I'm sorr..." I turned my head toward him, waiting. "You're what? Sorry?" He looked chagrined, lips pursed. "I'm...sorr-ree." "Oh, give me a break. You can't say I'm sorry?" "No." He looked me straight on, serious. "It's not in a demon's vocab." Jennifer L. Armentrout
f7d720c Are you not going to talk? Just sit there and stare at me like a creeper?" Aiden cracked a half smile. "You called me that once before." "Yeah, because you are a creeper." apollyon cage alex Jennifer L. Armentrout
a56d9b2 This is good." "Why is it good?" I asked. He pulled out a stethoscope. "It's a good indication that the mutation is on a perfect, cellular level." "Or an indication that I'm pretty damn awesome," Daemon suggested coolly." Jennifer L. Armentrout
7a910d2 The guy just stood there. Hello. There're zombies everywhere. Try looking behind you, douche canoe. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c9bca77 What does he smell like?" "Smell like?" I scrunched up my face. "You know, he looks like he'd smell good." -- Jennifer L. Armentrout
82ca825 Hey, I'm kidding. And I'm also curious why'd you do that. The sun rises and sets out of Aiden's ass, according to you. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout alex sentinel seth Jennifer L. Armentrout
b728ffe The kiss . . . holy alien babies, the kiss was a raw combination of lust and possession. Jennifer L. Armentrout
532b309 It's just that since the moment I realized what healing you meant, or what I thought it meant, I never thought I'd face a day without you. That I'd never have to worry about going on if you weren't there. And I'm not trying to make this into some kind of Romeo and Juliet bullshit, but now I know there's a chance of that and it . . . it fucking terrifies me, Kat. It really does. Jennifer L. Armentrout
48b0e75 At least I now knew that the male species were asses no matter what planet they hailed from. Jennifer L. Armentrout
97aea24 You smell so good. They should bottle you up and sell you. Make millions. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d32a7fa Each time I felt the worst kind of fear. What if it didn't work? What if I failed Beth? I'd..." He moved his neck, as if working out a kink. He'd never be the same. Tears climbed up my throat again. I wanted to cry for him, for Beth, but most of all for all, for the people they once were but never would be again." Jennifer L. Armentrout
eb7b19d Rising up, I kissed Daemon's cheek. "No one trusts him, but you can't threaten him every five seconds." "Yes, I can." Jennifer L. Armentrout
0225965 I smiled then--a big, toothy idiotic smile-- and Serena didn't see it. Her eyes were closed, which was good, because I was turning into one big vagina. Jennifer L. Armentrout
17dec48 He let out a growl that shook inside my chest. "Demon." "Congrats," Roth said tightly. "You know your species. Want a cookie?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
dc9cabd Modesty belongs to losers. Jennifer L. Armentrout
6b5f75b Springing into the air, I spun and delivered a nasty I-hope-someone-sees-this spin kick. Jennifer L. Armentrout