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a75ff10 You don't think she ever loved your dad?" Shelley shook her head. "I think, for her, it was more like taking a job than falling in love. If you've been bred to marry a rich man and have his babies and basically be decoration, and you have no skills and no idea how to support yourself, how many options do you really have?" Jennifer Weiner
c67c63c She knew she'd be hearing that voice, those words, on an endless loop in her brain, maybe for the rest of her life. Jennifer Weiner
e927436 drawing of a boy with brown hair and Jennifer Weiner
8ee8ff7 room and refused to return to the table, even Jennifer Weiner
e5ed315 Bethie and Harold glowed, with success and contentedness, and with, Jo thought, a little meanly, the kind of well-rested good looks you could have only when you were childless. Jennifer Weiner
bf43953 He's a great guy, she said ,and he heard her try to sound enthusiastic,like she was selling herself on her soon-to-be-husband's greatness...and then,in a whispered rush, just before she cut the connection,he thought he heard her say,"Sometimes I wish it had been you" Jennifer Weiner
9d06e11 Would the day ever come when simply doing your best would be enough? Jennifer Weiner
870c94c She loved [her daughters]. More than that, she admired them. They would be better than she was: stronger and smarter, more capable and less afraid, and if the world displeased them, they would change it, cracking it open, reshaping it, instead of bending themselves to its demands. Jennifer Weiner
d8069c7 The thing about bad decisions is that they don't feel like bad decisions when you're making them. They feel like the obvious choice, the of-course-that-makes-sense move. They feel, somehow, inevitable. Jennifer Weiner
b31960e When your mom and I were your age, there weren't a lot of options for girls. Like, you know how your mother's always telling you that you can be anything you want to be when you grow up? That wasn't what we heard. Men could be doctors or lawyers. We were just supposed to marry them. Jennifer Weiner
ca6ba87 The problem was, he'd never told me what he wanted, which meant I never got to think about whether it was what I wanted, too. Jennifer Weiner
edd9d49 I wanted love, the big love, the kind people wrote songs and made movies about. I wanted to be the center of some guy's universe, the only thing he could think about. I wanted to matter that way. "Hey!" Jennifer Weiner
6d4d853 There was a parallel universe that ran alongside the normal world, and if you went through the wrong door, or turned left instead of right, ran up the street instead of down it, you could accidentally push the curtain aside and end up in that other place, where everything was different and everything was wrong. That Jennifer Weiner
254f776 Back then, I didn't understand that what was happening in my house was not happening in everyone's house at night, when the doors were shut and the blinds were drawn. It took me just as long to sort out my physical self--how to dress in a way that flattered my shape, how to do my hair and makeup (or pay professionals to do it), how to be in a body, in the world. It took time before I could take all that pain and use it; transform all that l.. Jennifer Weiner
39f8285 There is no magic weight, no magic size, no magic number on the scale where, as soon as you hit it, confetti rains down and a band starts to play and hidden doors slide open and Daniel Craig walks through them to lift you in his arms (because, thin as you are, he totally can) and carry you into the life of uninterrupted bliss that you just know could be yours, if you only wore a size two dress. Jennifer Weiner
3a04b89 Do not postpone life until two pounds form now. Go on the trip. Wear the strapless dress. Go zip lining, or water-skiing, or swimming with the dolphins. None of us are guaranteed a future. Putting ff joy until you're the right size could mean you'll never experience it at all. Jennifer Weiner
c7d59e0 Everyone has sorrow. Everyone has obligations. Everyone keeps going. You lean on the people who love you. You do the best you can and you keep going. Jennifer Weiner
9300635 E un libro sull'amore capace di trascendere l'aspetto fisico, su come la bellezza sia un confine arbitrario e facile da superare, su come due persone possono entrare in sintonia nonostante le differenze fisiche, su come possono innamorarsi malgrado il loro aspetto esteriore li separi dal resto del mondo. writer ruth-dave scar Jennifer Weiner
7e861a4 The girl, Gary's girl....would keep bowls of Hershey's Kisses on the coffee table, and she'd decorate the house for all the big holidays and most of the small ones. Probably she'd be class mother, and PTA president, and she'd deliver meals to the elderly once a month. In bed, she'd be exuberant, and would take it as an endorsement when Gary sweated all over her. relationships ideal Jennifer Weiner
de95814 People don't like to see things that aren't perfect. It reminds them of what could go wrong in their own lives, I guess. Jennifer Weiner
5fc870f long as people can still surprise you, it means you're not dead. Jennifer Weiner
b168da8 When you get everything you wanted, I think maybe you do have to be a little grateful for the people who got you there.. whether or not they thought they were doing you any favors at the time. writer life big-girls-don-t-cry novel Jennifer Weiner
415ed3e You have to open yourself up to the universe's possibilities. Jennifer Weiner
854966b This is motherhood for you," said my own mother. "Going through life with your heart outside your body." Jennifer Weiner
3ccb10d I knew that it was no fault of ours. We weren't to blame, I thought to myself. I could let it go; I could set the burden down, I could be free. Except, of course, that knowing something in your head is different than feeling it in your heart. Jennifer Weiner
684d3c2 Savasana--corpse pose--is the hardest pose of all. You would think, 'What could be hard about lying on the floor?' But the truth is that we, as humans, are not wired to be still and do nothing. Jennifer Weiner
7c6cf8e For women who do too much--which includes, dear publishers, pretty much all the women who have enough disposable income to buy your books--this is the ultimate fantasy: not a man who will make you come, but a man who will make agency unnecessary, a man who will choose your adventure for you. Jennifer Weiner
ff04635 And remember-no woman ever said, on her deathbed, I wish I'd eaten less cake. Jennifer Weiner
8a938a6 It's just you and the track and the clock. It's the most elemental thing there is-the simplest and the hardest. No everybody is cut out for it. Jennifer Weiner
481e1a7 I would write my way out of my heartbreak, write my way to a happy ending . . . and, if, by the end of it, I had a story that other people might like, that happy ending might be the publication of an actual book. Not marriage, not a reunion with Mr. Right, not the kids and the house and the white picket fence, but not nothing, either. A happy ending of a different kind. Jennifer Weiner
6405a56 The ones who nod in sympathy when their friends talked about street harassment, but whose lived experience involved more shouts of "lose some weight" than cat calls and leers. The" Jennifer Weiner
6062e90 Change the setting, change the mood ... She'd taught him to make himself go outside if he was in, or inside if he was out, to interrupt the plummet with something as simple as making a cup of tea or spending a few minutes working on crossword puzzles. Jennifer Weiner
512f7dd It was easy to make good choices when you had a web of people supporting you, not to mention money as a safety net when everyone else in your family did the right thing, went to the right college, held down a job. Jennifer Weiner
3e0745e There are friends who tell you, "Someday you'll laugh about this." Susan's my best friend because, with her, "someday" is always now." Jennifer Weiner
1fd5494 sing the prettiest songs, Jennifer Weiner
bbefebc F.E.A.R. Stood for face everything and recover Jennifer Weiner
2ab115a One of its ears stuck straight up, the other flopped as it ran, and I remembered something I'd read somewhere--that when God sees a dog he likes, he folds one of its ears down to remember it. Jennifer Weiner
e142b08 she married a man, she could let him plan, let him push, let him maneuver; and the world they inhabited would welcome them. They would always have a place. It would be easy, and Jo was so tired. Jennifer Weiner
bcebe60 Have you ever considered that there might be something wrong with your brain? Oh, I think there might be something wrong with everyone else's. Jennifer Weiner
100aa2c mom with a part-time (inching Jennifer Weiner
192219e But I'll tell you a secret. You know what boys like? A woman who's happy with herself. Who's not making herself miserable with the Jane Fonda videotapes and complaining all the time about whether this part or that one's too big. And you know what else they like? She leaned in close, whispering into her granddaughter's ear. Good food. life-lessons plus-size self-confidence Jennifer Weiner
02e7139 For months I'd been writing, holed up in my bedroom, or doing the cliched thing of bringing my laptop to a neighborhood coffee shop, where I was surrounded by my more attractive peers, the ones who carried on long, loud telephone conversations in which they used the words my agent as often as possible, and did everything but prop tip cups and WRITER AT WORK signs Jennifer Weiner
8cb3345 she'd braved a trip to the supermarket that morning, where her fellow housewives were acting practically feral, grabbing for the last loaf of bread or gallon of milk or four-pack of toilet paper, as if everyone's snow-day plans included French toast and diarrhea. Jennifer Weiner
b0789f3 Beauty was power, and Bethie wanted her power back. Jennifer Weiner
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