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3e5f878 If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. Jennifer Weiner
f6fbfbb A man takes care of his house, and a man takes care of his tools. Jennifer Weiner
9a993dd really? How many times had I heard my husband Jennifer Weiner
29da4b7 As long as people can still surprise you, it means you're not dead. Jennifer Weiner
055e0b3 Evian Jennifer Weiner
c269af5 Rachel Jennifer Weiner
e841d1a A body was just a body, just a vessel for her soul, and Jennifer Weiner
c950d53 Someone had come in and mopped the floor, and the disinfectant smell was Jennifer Weiner
692bb0a fluttered Jennifer Weiner
2c9d5b3 Sometimes - more often than not - he thought that Rachel and her classmates were just playing at being caring and open-minded, at noticing that there was a world wider than them, their college, their peers. They'd experience poverty in two-hour chunks twice a month. like it was a movie they were going to see or a TV show they were watching, something they'd click off or walk out of when it was done, something they sat through just so they c.. Jennifer Weiner
21dbacf It was as if real life had been canceled for the day. september-11 Jennifer Weiner
38d9133 my chest. All I'd wanted was for someone to be happy for me--happy with me, straight-up happy, not happy with questions, or happy with reservations, or happy but confused, or not happy at all . . . and there was no one in my life, including my husband, who fit the bill. Jennifer Weiner
c1b8fb7 You fell into your life, the same way I fell into mine. Jennifer Weiner
a676a59 Things happen, and you can't make them un-happen. You don't get do-overs, you can't roll back the clock, and the only thing you can change, and the only thing that does any good to worry about, is how you let them affect you. Jennifer Weiner
315b6d3 wrathful old guy with a long white beard who was big on testing Jennifer Weiner
f1c94c7 had become an EST instructor, which made both of them laugh. Jennifer Weiner
3eff83e plenty of them, including her beloved sorors, were the kind of blinkered, privileged, entitled assholes who'd go sailing through life, assuming that their hard work, not their privilege, was what ensured them their good jobs, good schools, nice houses, and pricy vacations. Born on third base and think they hit a triple, his mom used to say, Jennifer Weiner
f8c2a98 Why would you want to spend your money to go to countries where the people are so poor that they'd do anything to come over here? Jennifer Weiner
d699cd1 There would be menus, offered today by a girl Jennifer Weiner
815ac46 I know I'll never get every single thing I dreamed of. I'll never be thin. I'll never win a Pulitzer or even, probably, the pie-baking contest at the Agriculture Fair in Truro every August (because I think the judges are biased against summer people, but that's another story). I will never get a do-over on my first marriage, or on my older daughter's infancy; I'll never get to not be divorced. I will never give birth again, and neither of m.. Jennifer Weiner
8e567bd and my father together had gently Jennifer Weiner
24afb20 Inadequacy and impostor syndrome are painful. They're also great motivators. Jennifer Weiner
f61fcf6 a concentration of young people who wanted to open their minds, Jennifer Weiner
d3f7fd2 She couldn't imagine not being a mother. She was happy and fulfilled. Or, at least, she was happy enough, fulfilled enough. Jennifer Weiner
9b62a7c Jo inhaled slowly, trying to think of all the time she'd had with her granddaughters, and not everything that she'd miss. Jennifer Weiner
93916c1 grabbing for the last loaf of bread or gallon of milk or four-pack of toilet paper, as if everyone's snow-day plans included French toast and diarrhea. Jennifer Weiner
de091f7 My parents aren't cruel to them. They pay them well. It's more that they treat them like they're pets. Jennifer Weiner
11d50a4 We lose ourselves," she repeated, forming each word with care, "but we find our way back." Wasn't that the story of her life?" Jennifer Weiner
433177c You make the wrong choices, you make mistakes, you disappear for a decade, you marry the wrong man. You get hurt. You lose sight of who you are, or of who you want to be, and then you remember, and if you're lucky you have sisters or friends who remind you when you forget your best intentions. You come back to yourself, again and again. You try, and fail, and try again, and fail again. She Jennifer Weiner
96182ce Anger surged inside her, and Bethie tried to push it aside. I could have this, if I wanted it, she told herself. She could starve herself thin again, cut her hair, find a guy, buy a little house in a neighborhood full of identical little houses. She could have everything Barbara had, everything her sister had, only she didn't want it, not any of it. Jennifer Weiner
98ab605 She wished she'd spent more time teaching her girls that women should forgive themselves, showing them how to take care of themselves with kindness. The world was hard enough, would beat them up enough without them adding to the pain. Jennifer Weiner
8f5e006 You make the wrong choices, you make mistakes, you disappear for a decade, you marry the wrong man. You get hurt. You lose sight of who you are, or of who you want to be, and then you remember, and if you're lucky you have sisters or friends who remind you when you forget your best intentions. You come back to yourself, again and again. You try, and fail, and try again, and fail again. Jennifer Weiner
d404c72 a white headband in her curled and sprayed hair. Jennifer Weiner
9564a64 The first time around, she'd done the surgeries, the radiation, the chemotherapy. She'd lost her hair, lost her appetite and her energy, lost her left breast and six months of her life. Jennifer Weiner
4109040 Misses everything," Lila said, and gave the faintest smile. "It's like a joke. Like, there should be a Mister Everything somewhere." Jennifer Weiner
3bd137c On the best days, there'd be a new package of margarine, and Bethie would be allowed to break the capsule of yellow dye and squish it all around until all the margarine was yellow-colored. Jennifer Weiner
f06ae04 She'd lost her taste for fiction. Sometimes she thought it was because spending even a few hours in an imaginary world would make it too tempting for her to consider other versions of her own story, other ways it could have unfolded. A different ending, a true happily-ever-after. Jennifer Weiner
d0b3968 Bubbe and Zayde were old and small and wrinkly, Jennifer Weiner
9ea11e2 She hoped that things had changed, but she knew that they hadn't changed enough. All the demonstrations, all the consciousness-raising, all the protests, all the pickets, all the books she'd read, all the conversations she'd had, all the ballots she'd cast, all the work and here they were, still. Jennifer Weiner
55450a6 First of all, it's got a million calories. Jennifer Weiner
b7e3cbf This wasn't the life she signed up for. Jennifer Weiner
73ee338 the clerk Jennifer Weiner
7cc72fa Girls today, Judy Pressman had told her. They act like they're the first ones to have done any of this. They've got to reinvent the wheel, and make everything ten times harder than it has to be. Jennifer Weiner
0d95b11 I watched other kids and tried to figure out what made me different. Was it their clothes, their expressions, their hair? Was it the TV shows they talked about, the songs they sang, the way they stood with their hands in their pockets and their JanSport backpacks dangling from just one shoulder? How did some girls know, without being told, which boys to talk to and which to avoid? Why was Andrea Freeh, who was very heavy, popular with girls.. Jennifer Weiner
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