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5b4267f sometimes--a lot of the time--it felt like her skin no longer fit her, and her body was only a collection of flaws to be fixed or at least disguised, an endless source of despair. Jennifer Weiner
cdeca78 You have to let people be who they want," Terry said. "Even if it's not what you want them to be." Jennifer Weiner
8527dec I believed in newspapers' mission, the importance of their role as a watchdog, holding the powerful accountable, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. Jennifer Weiner
1e0f949 Just a regular gal, Jo thought, and smiled, thinking, If you only knew. Jennifer Weiner
d458032 on noon at Friday, Jennifer Weiner
994c5aa Sometimes the point isn't to end up with something worth showing the world. Sometimes it's just rehearsal. Jennifer Weiner
0828ad0 A writer wasn't a body, just a byline. My words would be sharp and spiky, punchy and pointed; my stories would be swift and lean, sleek and enviable, moving fast and hitting hard. I would not, I vowed, write like a fat girl. Jennifer Weiner
b0bf00a dubious, Jennifer Weiner
c0296cf I remember McPhee's notes, penciled in the margins: "If humor is tragedy plus time, this needs more time." It wasn't the first occasion I was forced to think about the line between funny and mean, between punching down, not up, to figure out how to write about the things that made me angry in a way that was powerful, not didactic or unhinged." Jennifer Weiner
919f1df CHAPTER 3 W Jennifer Weiner
368139c mom about the fight, and he'd be grounded or worse. Maybe his mom wouldn't even give him his Christmas Jennifer Weiner
5ae7e26 I'd lost . . . ten pounds? Twelve? Enough to make me believe that if I just kept at it I could lose the weight, the percentage of myself, that would finally make my body acceptable. Enough to make me believe that a man could like me, could look past my current incarnation and see the beauty that would be revealed when I dropped another thirty pounds. Jennifer Weiner
ea2a086 Kau melakukan yang terbaik yang kau bisa. Itu yang dilakukan tiap ibu. Jennifer Weiner
2de9804 Her anecdotes had a polished quality, like she had read a book on what could possibly make a beautiful girl sound sympathetic and memorized the answers. Jennifer Weiner
48e9b8f The organic produce guy, a young man who'd left Brooklyn in order to minimize his carbon footprint and consume only things he could make or grow himself. This had come to involve...going toilet-paper free the year before, and making his wife use discarded athletic socks for her monthly cycle.'That poor girl!' said Sylvie, privately resolving to figure out where the young woman was living and anonymously deliver some tampons, the really bad .. organic Jennifer Weiner
2dd4ae8 How could I live a life where the person who'd built and experienced and created it alongside me, the person who'd seen me in a hundred different moods, at my highest, at my lowest, in the middle of a C-section with my uterus laid out on my belly, was gone? Jennifer Weiner
a8a8376 The new pills made my body feel loose and springy, warmed from the inside, but I didn't think there was a chemical yet invented that could have quelled my insecurity, or convinced me, in that moment, that my husband loved me still. A Jennifer Weiner
f4c3210 I don't answer. I shut my eyes and hold my breath and hope whoever it is will think I'm not here and go home. life love olympics running Jennifer Weiner
6650d66 Your friends will still be your friends, if they're good friends. life love olympics running Jennifer Weiner
85ffd9b I'm saying that it's a big decision. Your first love is important. It's part of your story The story you'll tell yourself, the one you'll tell about yourself, for the rest of your life. life love olympics running Jennifer Weiner
001711b As we get older we all learn that there isn't a finish line....or maybe there is, but it keeps moving. It's a rare moment where we look around, sigh with satisfaction, pull our spouse or kids or pets or parents closer, and say, This is perfect, or Now I have everything. Wanting is the human condition. It's what led us to invent fire and the wheel and Instagram. There's nothing wrong with desire, but just like every self-help book, bumper st.. Jennifer Weiner
455a891 I had read all the books, from The Highly Sensitive Child to Raising Your Spirited Child. We'd learned about how to avoid overstimulation, how to help Ellie through transitions, how to talk to her teachers about making accommodations for her. We'd done our best to reframe our thinking, to recognize that Ellie was suffering and not just making trouble, but it was hard. Instead of remembering that Ellie was wired differently than other kids, .. Jennifer Weiner
5336506 Sometimes I wish it has been you. life love olympics running Jennifer Weiner
92c6f69 First of all, it's life. You don't win. life love olympics running Jennifer Weiner
3e301d2 I thought, not for the first time, that maybe it would have been better if he'd just died, a thunderclap heart attack, an artery bursting in his brain, a peaceful exit in the middle of the night, in his own bed, after his favorite meal, with my mom beside him. We'd have mourned, then moved on. This was a slow-motion catastrophe, death by a thousand cuts. Jennifer Weiner
b61ef8f It was high school. Evil is kind of the name of the game. life love olympics running Jennifer Weiner
44849bb Hell is an Eagles game, where the bleachers are always freezing, and the team is always losing, and my family is insane. Jennifer Weiner
7a4e21c Women's stories matter, the stories we write, the stories we read--the big-deal winners of literary prizes, and Harlequin romances, and documentaries, and soap operas, and PBS investigations, and Lifetime movies of the week. Women's stories matter. They tell us who we are, they give us places to explore our problems, to try on identities and imagine happy endings. They entertain us, they divert us, they comfort us when we're lonely or alone.. Jennifer Weiner
d255eb8 A lemon," said Mrs. Lefkowitz, and nodded. "Huh?" "Think about fruit," she continued. "When you squeeze an orange, what do you get?" Rose smiled. "Trouble?" "No, no, Mrs. Smart. You get orange juice. You don't get grapefruit juice, you don't get apple juice, you don't get milk. You get orange juice. Every time. People are like that. They can only give you what they have inside. So if this Sydelle character is giving you so much trouble, it'.. Jennifer Weiner
c31d21f Don't upset your mother, my father would say. Jennifer Weiner
b5d2123 when I married him, but, in the ten years since, it seemed like he'd decided that anything that went wrong in his life or anyone else's was the liberals' fault. Ellie considered Jennifer Weiner
9fd1714 face and figure from my dad's mother, Grandma Sadie, who was tall, Jennifer Weiner
6bb2fa4 you can't control what they do, but you can control how you respond to it ... whether you allow it to drive you crazy, or occupy all of your thoughts, or whether you note what they're doing, consider it, and make a conscious decision as to how much you'll let it affect you. Jennifer Weiner
dddaf63 seventeen, tells her Jennifer Weiner
490c0b5 conversation with Dave, telling him what had happened. Jennifer Weiner
8a4a0a5 I shut my eyes, assaulted by a sudden vision of Bruce and his new girl in his wide, warm bed, his arm wrapped companionably around her, telling my family secrets...and the new girl would give a wise, professionally compassionate kindergarten-teacher nod, all the while thinking what a freak I must be. Jennifer Weiner
7b646c8 assuming that their hard work, not their privilege, was what ensured them their good jobs, good schools, nice houses, and pricy vacations. Born on third base and think they hit a triple, Jennifer Weiner
5b2ef1b holding a bottle of Evian water Jennifer Weiner
063ec29 Once, she'd cried, telling me that she thought she should have noticed, should have seen that I was in trouble, should have done something. I told her it was my problem and my job to solve it. "Just be my friend," I said. "That's what I need most." Jennifer Weiner
7d3f447 much Jennifer Weiner
e8c8e77 took him to a rink. Andy had watched the other skaters, Jennifer Weiner
53f2ac4 Note to aspiring writers: This is actually not that many rejections in the grand scheme of things. I know published writers whose rejection count is in the triple digits. Never give up. Never, never, never give up. Jennifer Weiner
e65ecd0 digits. Jennifer Weiner
e9ab849 instead of cash. It took me the better part of another week to register Jennifer Weiner
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