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9a0f330 How in the fuck is that even possible? Was Hades sleeping on the job o something?" "Yes, Seth, he took a nap and Perses snuck in the back door and let them out. Then they skipped through the Vale of Mourning, stopped to have a pic-a-nic and then decided to leave the Underworld all slow-like, and all the while Hades was chillin' and doing nothing." That sounded probable." apollyon titans seth hades Jennifer L. Armentrout
2046e38 That was what I wanted at some point in my life, for someone to look at me like I looked at tacos. Jennifer L. Armentrout
6c9e811 This was pretty much when the Guards behind me decided they were going to try to make me do this. And that is when I decided I was going to be hitting someone again. Jennifer L. Armentrout
26c4c72 Now about these jeans..." "What about them?" He winked, and damn if he didn't look good doing it. "They've got to go." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
2f3b768 Sometimes words weren't enough-- they couldn't cover the feeling. This was one of those times. So I closed the distance and kissed her, putting everything I felt for her, every promise I made her, into that one kiss. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
abe14e8 seriosly, how good a kisser is daemon? because i imagine he jsut makes you-" "lesa!" "what? a girls gotta know these kind of things." i bit my lip, flushing. "come on, its sharing and caring time." "he...he kisses like he's dying of thirst, and im water." Jennifer L. Armentrout
1a59d95 Luc's never betrayed you, has he?" When I shook my head, Archer grimaced. "And I would never betray Luc. Even I'm a bit scared of that little shit." Jennifer L. Armentrout
fcc205d What is that?" I asked, pointing at the ceiling. Part of me didn't expect Aiden to answer, but he did. "It's Phoebe's symbol." "Phoebe? Obviously you don't mean a Charmed one." He snorted." Jennifer L. Armentrout
1bfd6e0 I didn't need your permission," I spat back. Ren smirked. "Honey, I know what you need and you're going to get it." -- Jennifer L. Armentrout
5da6f55 Nancy tsked softly, and I added her to my Going to Die Painfully list. Jennifer L. Armentrout
cb9c63a Shower first. Epic b****-out session second, sincere apology third, and then sleep. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d0d1ac0 I think you need to look in the mirror if you think that's gorgeous" "Ha," Andrew said, grinning. "We"re identical." Adam shook his head at his twin. "He's insulting both of us, you idiot" Jennifer L. Armentrout
9eead6b Only you could behave like this with everything going on." One side of his mouth tipped up as his gaze dropped to my lips and then below. "Well, you are sitting in my lap wearing only jeans and a bra--a cute bra--after kicking some chick's ass. That's hot. And I'm really turned on by that." Jennifer L. Armentrout
283ef74 I don't know how we made it to the bed or if the water was ever turned off in the shower. But we were together, our bodies slippery, our wet hair soaking the sheets we were tangled in. And then we were tangled, our legs and arms. His hands were everywhere, paying reverence to the many scars on my body. His lips followed, and I grew reacquainted with the hard muscles of his stomach, the feel of him. sex love omfg alex Jennifer L. Armentrout
992cc65 Like I said, they volunteered," she corrected. I was about to volunteer my foot upside someone's head." Jennifer L. Armentrout
ef6c432 Finished with the fries, I licked the salt off my finger as I lifted my gaze. Aiden's eyes flared silver, and something warm unfurled in my stomach. I put my other finger to my lips-- Holy baby daimons everywhere, what the hell was I doing? I grabbed a napkin, wiping furiously at my fingers. Across from me, heat roared off Aiden. alex hot Jennifer L. Armentrout
2acf51b I let you go," he went on, dipping his head to my neck, and a shiver swept through me. "You were right yesterday. I hurt you. Not like him. Worse. I let you walk out of this house so you could be happy with him. Wasn't that what you wanted? But you're here. I let you go and it killed me to do so, and you're here." Jennifer L. Armentrout
b910368 Then his lips found mine and the room fell away. The whole world disappeared for those precious moments. Jennifer L. Armentrout
ed5ce85 Kat's left hand was curled up against my thigh. For several minutes, I couldn't look away. What was it about the left hand? It was just a hand, and Kat had a really great hand and all, but it wasn't that. It was typically what went on the left hand, on the ring finger. God, thinking about rings and the left hand made me want to get out of this vehicle and do about a hundred laps, but being married to Kat- married? My brain tripped up over.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
bf77b50 How did you know I was different?" "You mean besides the obvious obsidian, the alien entourage, and the branch?" He laughed. "You're full of electricity. See?" He reached between the seats and placed his hand over mine. Static crackled, jolting us both. Daemon grabbed Blake's hand and threw it back at him. "I do not like you." humor jealous Jennifer L. Armentrout
a26f49c The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Jennifer L. Armentrout
985843a Por favor. No puedo perderte. Por favor abre tus ojos. Por favor no me dejes... --Daemon Jennifer L. Armentrout
1948274 The dimple appeared. " I like staring at you." my brows rose. he chuckled. " that kind of sounded creepy, didn't it? What I meant is that... well, yeah, I like staring at you. So it is as creepy as it sounds." Jennifer L. Armentrout
366288e I'll accept your apology on one condition." He folded his arms across his chest. "Anything?" "You trust me." I cocked my head to the side. "I trust you, Cam." "No, you don't." He walked over to my small table and pulled out a chair. "Have a seat." Sitting down, I tugged the hem of his shirt down as he headed back to the stove, putting the tiny skillet over the burner. "If you trusted me, you wouldn't have reacted the way you did," he simply.. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam caring sweet Jennifer L. Armentrout
85985bf It wasn't just pretending everything was fine or grasping at normalcy, but grabbing it by the ears and making it my bitch. Jennifer L. Armentrout
3da004e What does your bed smell like? Regret and bad taste? Jennifer L. Armentrout
2e98066 I'd still be nice to you if you were ugly." "Okay." A wicked grin slipped over his full lips. He bent his head down and whispered, "I just wouldn't offer you any cookies." I folded my arms and tried to ignore the close proximity of our faces. "I'm starting to think cookies is a code word for something else." "Maybe it is." He tugged on my bag again as he took a confident step back, forcing me down another step. "And just think about it. If.. hott jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cookies cam Jennifer L. Armentrout
90141ec My gaze dipped and ran over her legs. legs unbelievable long for someone so short... and those shorts were short. tiny pockets, too. Yeah, i was not going after those keys Jennifer L. Armentrout
0744c0e Daemon kissed like he was staking a claim, but he already had me--all of me. My heart. My soul. My whole being. lux-series opposition katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
3a2c75e The past never went away and it was not designed to do so. It would always be there, and it should be acknowledged. moving-on past hurt remember Jennifer L. Armentrout
3970b8a I frowned as my fingers throbbed. "Wait a sec. There's a chance I can't work with fire and you let me do that?""How else am I going to figure out your limitations?" "What the hell!" I pulled my hand free, furious. "That's not cool, Blake. What's next? Trying to stop a moving vehicle by standing in front of it, but whoops, I can't do that and now I'm dead?" funny death-jokes ssupernatural training ya Jennifer L. Armentrout
182ad37 Dee and Adam were joined at the mouth when I sat down. I glanced at Carissa. She rolled her eyes, but I smiled. My sucky love life aside, I was still on Team Love Rocks.The only thing I honestly couldn't deal with was my mom and Will making out, which I'd gotten an eyeful of yesterday before she left for work. Ew."You going to eat that salad?" Dee asked."It's cute how you stopped kissing for food." I laughed, pushing my tray toward her."Hey.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
5b46349 Good gods, can we stop arguing and just, I don't know, make out? Jennifer L. Armentrout
e9f3f2d The most beautiful people, ones whose beauty is only rivaled by what is inside of them, are the ones who are quietly unaware of it. Jennifer L. Armentrout
289ec6a I love you, Dawson. I love who you are, what you are. And I don't think love recognizes differences. It just is. And we really aren't that different. Jennifer L. Armentrout
dafd508 A soft smile curved up her lips, and my gut dropped a little. A smile...I'd never known a smile could have that kind of effect. Could feel like a kick to the chest. Jennifer L. Armentrout
6bc5ed2 No one is destined for anything. We control our own fates. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c206540 If I wore any color other than black, tan, or gray, I looked like an asylum escapee. Jennifer L. Armentrout
fd43e62 I think he was worried about pushing things too far for the time being since I was obviously rocking a first-class ticket to certifiable insanity. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
3fc6a5c Don't ever touch her again," Hayden growled. Kurt looked up, eyes wide. "Are you threatening me-- over her? I'm like your brother, Hayden!" "Not anymore." Jennifer L. Armentrout
41475ca Nothing in this world is stronger than love. It should always be enough. No matter what. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a206c19 Nancy was so thrilled, I thought she was going to kiss me--and I thought I was actually going to have to hit a chick. humor Jennifer L. Armentrout
2d7c103 If I continued, I would kill her. Stopping would be going against my nature. Arum were killers. And I didn't hide from what I truly was, even if I was the DOD's bitch boy. Jennifer L. Armentrout
9848274 Even with all the crazy stuff happening recently, beneath the sorrow and the anger, I was still a red-blooded, twenty-three-year-old woman sitting in front of a man, who may not be a hundred precent human but had to have caused a panty-dropping crisis across the universe. Jennifer L. Armentrout