Is there literally anything you can't make sound sexual?" "No. It's like a superpower of mine."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Numbness settled into my body as I twisted in the seat, staring out the back window as we raced around cars and narrowly avoided panicked people in the streets. We were leaving the city behind - leaving Paris, Andrew, and Ash behind. I kept staring out the back window, watching Vegas burn.
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I closed my eyes, almost certain I was approching stage one of a zombie infection
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all he's done since then is poke me with his pen." "Probably because he wants to poke you with something else," she said dryly. My eyes bugged. "I can't believe you said that."
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I hadn't been close with Andrew and Ash, and I hadn't known Paris that well, but their deaths hurt nonetheless. Each of them had died saving someone else, and most people would never know their names or what they'd sacrificed. But we would. Their loss would leave a mark on all of us for a long time coming, if not for eternity.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I'm not leaving. You can get mad. You can get upset, but I'm staying right here, because whether you realize it or not, you shouldn't be alone. I'm not going anywhere.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Tink," I snapped. "I didn't ask you to come out here to talk about Ren." "But I want to talk about him. You guys barely spoke to each other in there. That's weird." I took a deep breath. "I know. We had a fight last night, but it'll be okay. It'll be fine." "What?" Concern flashed across his face. "Like a big fight? Or a small one? Oh my God, are you two breaking up? Who will I live with?" "Who will you live with?" I gaped up at him. "You'r..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Tink looked over at Ren. "Wait. Have you two stopped fighting? Oh my Queen Mab, you guys are in love again!" My eyes widened as I glanced around, seeing that several of the strangers were watching us with detached interest. "Tink . . ." "We were never not together," Ren said, dropping his arm over my shoulders. The blue and red bag slipped to the floor as he clapped his hands like an overexcited seal. "You guys are! This is amazing." "Tink,..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Glistening liquid pooled in two spots. Matthew was trying to clean it up, but his hands were shaking, his jaw working. I grabbed some towels from the linen closet and knelt beside him. "I have this," I whispered. Matthew sat back, lifting his head and closing his eyes. He let out a staggered breath. "This should've never happened." Tear built in my eyes as I sopped up what was left of Adam. "I know." They are all like my children. Now I've..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Sebastian: I have to say something to you. You don't have to respond. You don't have to tell me anything. All you need to do is listen while I clear something up. When did we meet? At six? Seven? Lena: Eight. We moved into this house when I was eight, and you were outside, in the backyard throwing a football with your dad. Sebastian: Yeah, that's right. You were out on this balcony watching me. Lena: You saw that? Sebastian: I saw you. I a..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
What are you going to do if it does get worse?" he asked. "Maybe I'll get myself a seeing-eye gargoyle." Zayne chuckled. "I can be that for you." "Uh, yeah, I feel like you'd grow very bored of that." "I don't think so." His fingers curled around my chin, bringing my gaze back to his. Air hitched in my throat. "I don't think...there's ever a boring second around you."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
The second you kissed me in the training rooms, I knew you were going to be trouble." "Is that why you ran from me?" "I'm not running from you now," he said. "It seems I'm running you now."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Your mere presence makes me wish for a fifty-story window to jump out of and a cement sidewalk below. Or a moat. A moat with a dozen hungry alligators in it." He smirked. "You always paint such lovely pictures with your words, little bird." "I'm going to paint lovely pictures with your intestines," I shot back. Drake laughed. I hated him. Seriously."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
My breath caught again, and each time I took a breath, I feared it would be the last one. "Don't leave me. Please? I don't want to be by myself.""You're not." Seth slipped his arms around me, holding me close. "You're not alone." His tears were mingles with mine. "You're not alone. You'll never be alone, Angel. I promise you. You'll never -"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Someday, you'll be yourself again. But you know what? That doesn't have to be today.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I love you, Alex," Caleb said. "You're like the sister I never wanted, you know?"
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Not all of us have the control over what we can do. Some struggle with their abilities." "But you do?" "I'm just that awesome."
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Those thick lashes lifted and those eyes seemed to see straight through me once more. "You're not a ghost. You never could be one, not when you burn as brilliant as the sun."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Why do you call me that? Sunshine?" "Because I saw you smile once and it was like the sun finally rising."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I love you, Ivy. You know that? There's only been you. There will only be you. I love you so fucking much.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Hope that had sparked in my chest now lit a fire, and I fanned it, wanting it to burn hot and bright, because hope... hope was not the enemy. It was a friend, a savior. Hope was more than a new beginning. Hope was tomorrow, and hope was the symbol that I would get better, that I would undo the bad choices that I'd made, and that I would never make them again. Hope was more than a chance of redemption. It was the promise of one day finding a..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I was happy where I was floating.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
He's made of shadows--of night, Kat. You won't see him until he wants you to." Oh. Well. Shit."
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Pero sabes en que pense todo el dia de ayer? ?Durante la noche? ?El unico pensamiento del que no pude escapar, sin importar cuan enojado estoy contigo? --No, --susurre. --Que soy afortunado, porque la persona que no puedo sacar de mi cabeza, la persona que significa mas para mi de lo que puedo soportar, aun esta viva.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Things weren't easy or perfect, and the future seemed shaky at times, but life wasn't wrapped up in neat little bows.
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You made me happy. And I still care about you. Okay? You mean something to me--something I can't really even put into words because everything seems too lame in comparison. I've always wanted you, even when I hated you. I want you even though you drive me freaking insane.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
He pressed his forehead against hers as he drew in a ragged breath. "I think I'm going to want to keep you."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
But it wasn't until the bathroom door was closed that it really set in she was leaving and I...I wanted another hug.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
The tears that rushed to my eyes threatened to spill forth and I was seconds from crying as if I'd watched a marathon of Hallmark movies.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
He sauntered over to the bed, his head cocked to the side. "Do I even want to know why my brother was in your bedroom?"
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Wow, this is how adults do things. They may not agree on stuff all the time, they may argue, but in the end, they work it out and they love.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Kitten got claws and then some
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No need to Hulk out on anyone
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Marcus took a deep breath "Alex, what happened exactly?"
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What plans?" Mom asked, smiling. "I support plans."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
We really could use the Avengers right about now." "Screw that. We need Loki," Daemon retorted."
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Resistance is futile, Kitten." "So is your charm." --
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but to answer your question, it was a grandmother-- a Fiend. Had a child who was a witch. That witch was my mom." Roth rocked back as he folded his arms across his chest. "Cool. Anyway. Back to the whatever this is." He jerked his head toward the creepy cocoon. "I'm assuming you realize that ain't normal?"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
An intercom popped on and Paris said, "Knock. Knock." Static and then a woman's voice said, "Who's there?" "The interrupting cow," Paris said, glancing at Luc, who shook his head. "Moooooo!" Paris said, snickering."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Kaidan's like the embodiment of lust.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Daemon's green eyes held a glassy sheen. His arm reached out, fingers splayed. They never reached the laser or the door. "I love you, Katy. Always have. Always will," he said, voice thick and hoarse with panic. "I will come back for you. I will-"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Well then, it's time to introduce the world to a little bit of extraterrestrial awesomeness.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
My gaze dipped, and I pursed my lips. "Can you put on a shirt?"
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We exhausted ourselves in all the love we felt and we held off the shadows by sheer willpower until there was nothing left.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |