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8df9685 I sensed a disturbance in the force," he said. I narrowed my eyes as I blew out an aggravated breath. "Did you seriously just quote Star Wars?" Apollo, the god of the sun and other annoyingly important things that made killing him virtually impossible unless one wanted to end the world, shrugged a shoulder. "Maybe I did." Jennifer L. Armentrout
4dc8efd He swept me up in a kiss that was so soft, so tender, that tears filled my eyes. I didn't know I could be kissed like that. That kisses could be so heartbreakingly perfect that they could shatter you forever. Jennifer L. Armentrout
654cf39 I forgot about everything. Because it wasn't that important. Something else was. Living life with. Jennifer L. Armentrout
779c235 He gave her a slight, tight-lipped smile. The smile he typically gave people before he ate them alive. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c308da9 Please tell me that I undressed myself last night." A half-smile formed. "Is that what you want to hear?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
f66761e I was worried that we'd broken you. Jennifer L. Armentrout
73e27e2 I bit back a gag. "Gods, your breath is kicking." I pulled the blade free, revolted by the sucking sound. "For real." Cocking its head to the side, it blinked. "Kicking?" "Yeah." Spinning around, I planted my left foot and kicked out, catching the fury in the stomach. It flew back, smacking into the tree. "See? Kicking." Jennifer L. Armentrout
970cdf3 Crap on a cracker, this was bad. Jennifer L. Armentrout
e588213 Cookie?" he offered, holding up a cookie full of chocolate chips. Upset tummy or not, there was no way I could refuse that. "Sure." His lips tipped to one side and he leaned towards me, his mouth inches from mine. "Come and get it." Come and get...? Daemon placed half the cookie between those full, totally kissable lips. Oh, holy alien babies everywhere... My mouth dropped open. Several of the girls at the table made sounds that had me won.. daemon Jennifer L. Armentrout
6177779 He was done talking. Aiden came off the wall so fast the water reacted in a frenzy of bubbling. He--we--were in a frenzy. His arms crushed me to him, his mouth demanding, saying those three little words over and over again without speaking them. Aiden lifted me up, one hand burying deep in my hair, the other pressing into my lower back, fitting us together. He turned and my back was against the edge and he was everywhere all at once, steali.. love jasmine-pool alex underworld Jennifer L. Armentrout
9fcf6cc He raised his hand and extended his middle finger. "Does this count as pushing it, Bob?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
bc8508c Normal girls didn't want their boobs mauled either, and I wholly believed if they could've landed a fist like I could, they would have. Jennifer L. Armentrout
ba3f306 I don't know how to make you better. I wish I did, but please stay with me. I need you, and I can't lose you. Not now. Not ever. Jennifer L. Armentrout
09a31c5 When I held you in my arms and you stared up at me, only a few minutes old, I knew the purest brand of love. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b7843ae riding the crazy train into Insanity Land, Jennifer L. Armentrout
a551f4a You're standing by yourself talking about tits?" Kyler asked from behind me. I gave a little shriek and spun around. "God..." A sexy half-grin appeared. "I need to keep a better eye on you, if that's what you talk about when you're alone." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
5d3346f Back in the day, I had this plan for the off chance that I was around for the whole end-of-the-world thing. It involved climbing up on my roof and blasting R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" as loud as humanly possible, but real life rarely turns out that cool." Jennifer L. Armentrout
e564ace It was just a kiss and it was nearly too much and it still wasn't enough, and it was just beautiful. romance ya Jennifer L. Armentrout
298ca6d If I say thank you will you go away?" "Yes." "Thank you." "I lied." Jennifer L. Armentrout
9441055 God, I loved Daemon. jennifer-armentrout lux opposition katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
c5c5840 I smacked my hand across my mouth, muffling my scream. I wasn't sure what to be more freaked out about in this whole fucked-up situation-that light bulb wanted to kill me? or that he was a light bulb? or that Hunter could apparently shadow poof and put his hand inside someone? The options were limitless Jennifer L. Armentrout
537e9c2 I smelled like an Upper Level demon. Roth was back and he was relatively unharmed. A Lilin had been born. Apparently an orgasm was apocalyptic. layla roth Jennifer L. Armentrout
98395c5 Don't make me sit here and watch you die. You don't do that to me. layla roth Jennifer L. Armentrout
2a69e31 Daemon cursed again and I moved, blocking him. "Who does that?" Daemon demanded.Heat rolled off his body. "Actually, Kiefer Sutherland did. In the original Buffy movie," he explained. When I continued to gape at him, he grimaced. "It was on TV a few nights ago. He threw one at Buffy and she caught it.""That was Donald Sutherland--the dad," Daemon corrected, much to my surprise.Blake shrugged"Same difference." "I'm not Buffy!" I yelled." Jennifer L. Armentrout
5ba6edb But I'm insane. You're crazy. Maybe that's why, We can just make crazy together. daemon insane Jennifer L. Armentrout
28d54d0 We were all dressed like a ragtag group of reject ninjas. Jennifer L. Armentrout
7cb0d58 His shirt read MUGGLE IN THE STREETS, WIZARD IN THE SHEETS. Jennifer L. Armentrout
bef3f86 She giggled, then popped a lollipop back in her mouth. "Okay, before you tell me no, I already cleared it with Ash." I frowned. "Cleared what?" "Ash is throwing a little New Year's Eve party at her house. It's just going to be a few of us. Daemon is going." "Uh, I doubt Ash is okay with me going to her party." "No, she is." Dee pinged around the living room like a captured butterfly. "She promised she'd be cool with it. I think you're growi.. humor dee-black katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
dc1a04f An intercom popped on and Paris dais, "Knock. Knock." Static and then a woman's voice said, "Who's there?" Kat raised a brow at me, and I shrugged. "The interruption cow," Paris said, glancing at Luc, who shook his head. From the intercom, "The inter-" "Moooooo!" Pars dais, snickerin. Kat giggled. Archer rolled his eyes and shook his head. There was an audible huff from the intercom. "That was stupid. The gate is opening. Give ist a sec." ".. Jennifer L. Armentrout
49d3bd2 Yeah, one of the Arum does owe me a favor." A winsome grin appeared. "And his name would be Hunter." Jennifer L. Armentrout
c34d980 Luc blinked innocently. That little fuck. "I gave you a piece of opal and a Luxen to nom-nom on." jennifer-l-armentrout luc obsession Jennifer L. Armentrout
3718262 You two should really get a room," Apollo said from out of nowhere. "My poor eyes..." I groaned. Even in his true identity, he still had impeccable timing. "Gods," Aiden spat. He pulled back, casting Apollo a disgusted look over my head. "Do you get off on sneaking up on us?" "You probably don't want to know what I get off on." I made a face. "Ew." alex apollo Jennifer L. Armentrout
fb7704f The god laughed darkly. "Let's just say I made sure he was playing on our team." Curious, I started to ask how, but Apollo grinned at me. "Use your imagination," he said, and my imagination went to some really weird places." apollo Jennifer L. Armentrout
7e98e01 The Hummer hovered there a second, and then flipped over the second vehicle. Through the air it tipped over and over--something was flung from one of the windows, perhaps a person. Seatbelts save lives. Jennifer L. Armentrout
80ea532 She rolled her eyes. "Then what happened?" Rubbing his temples, he glanced at the door. "Bethany and I were making out and something happened that never happened before." humor dee Jennifer L. Armentrout
238c4ec Life was weird. Jennifer L. Armentrout
5697377 Aiden was gone. Like Caleb, but in a different way. I'd lost both of them. jennifer caleb pure sad Jennifer L. Armentrout
56018ae Which brings me to the point of this call." Thank God, baby Jesus, and the Holy Ghost." -- j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you lol Jennifer L. Armentrout
f7cd917 You were not acting. You were not pretending." The teasing dropped from his tone as his voice hardened. "You were riding my hand, and Ivy, there isn't a damn thing wrong with that. What's wrong is that you're acting like nothing happened between us. That's total shit. You lit up for me like a damn firework and I barely touched you." Jennifer L. Armentrout
0537573 She pulled back, her eyes searching mine, and then she reclaimed the distance, and, damn, the kiss was half innocent, half desperate, and wholly perfect. Jennifer L. Armentrout
82a3a41 Or did you wake up on the wrong side of stupid this morning? Jennifer L. Armentrout
4624271 I review books." "Do you get paid for them?" I laughed out loud at that. "No, not at all." Daemon seemed confused by that. "So you review books and you don't get paid if someone buys a book based on your review?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
c733c99 I was stuck in a life I didn't remember, squeezed into the shell of this girl - this Samantha Joe Franco - and the more I learned about her, the more I was starting to hate her. Jennifer L. Armentrout
e87aefd Sometimes I just wanted to...I don't know, life. To delve headfirst into a world that dealt with real-life issues to open my eyes, or a world that was something else, something completely unreal. One with warring faes or roaming vampire clans. I wanted to experience new things and always, , read the last page feeling satisfied. Because sometimes happily-ever-after existed only in the books I read. Jennifer L. Armentrout