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de01558 The bottom line is that indifference is really a form of selfishness. John C. Maxwell
03a1f86 Secrecy spawns isolation, not success. John C. Maxwell
ab1c803 We the uninformed, working for the inaccessible, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful! John C. Maxwell
cff1e94 Benjamin Franklin: <>. John C. Maxwell
62f1a8a Connecting always requires energy. John C. Maxwell
93ea0a6 If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you'll end up not doing anything for anybody. John C. Maxwell
75b6528 The fellow who never makes a mistake takes his orders from one who does. John C. Maxwell
9a0d8a7 Pastor and radio broadcaster Tony Evans says, "If you want a better world, composed of better nations, inhabited by better states, filled with better counties, made up of better cities, comprised of better neighborhoods, illuminated by better churches, populated by better families, then you'll have to start by becoming a better person." That's always where it starts--with me, with you. If we focus on personal character, we make the world a .. John C. Maxwell
54e549e You've probably heard the expression, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." That phrase definitely was not coined by someone dedicated to personal growth. If that has been your mind-set in the past, then I suggest you develop a questioner's mind-set instead and replace the popular phrase with the following questions: * If it ain't broke, how can we make it better? * If it ain't broke, when is it likely to break in the future? * If it ain't bro.. John C. Maxwell
c435089 Great vision precedes great achievement. John C. Maxwell
c389dae If everyone doesn't pay the price to win, then everyone will pay the price by losing. John C. Maxwell
dfa18fe It's about attitude. John C. Maxwell
0b5919f Consider this skeletal anatomy of an organization: * The wishbones wish somebody else would do the work. * The jawbones talk a lot but do little else. * The knucklebones knock what everyone else does. * The backbones actually do the work! Encourage John C. Maxwell
81be0b9 People say there are two great days in a person's life: the day you were born and the day you discover why. I want to encourage you to seek what you were put on this earth to do. Then pursue it with all your effort. John C. Maxwell
0a2f142 I heard a story about a critical, negative barber who never had a pleasant thing to say. A salesman came in for a haircut and mentioned that he was about to make a trip to Rome, Italy. "What airline are you taking and at what hotel will you be staying?" asked the barber. When the salesman told him, the barber criticized the airline for being undependable and the hotel for having horrible service. "You'd be better off to stay home," he advis.. John C. Maxwell
7b94b82 In the closing years of John Wesley's life, he became a friend of William Wilberforce. In England, Wilberforce was a great champion of freedom for slaves before the American Civil War. He was subjected to a vicious campaign by slave traders and others whose powerful commercial interests were threatened. Rumors were spread that he was a wife-beater. His character, morals, and motives were repeatedly smeared during some twenty years of pitche.. John C. Maxwell
2329ed6 Mrs. Jones had invited a great and well-known violinist to entertain at her afternoon tea. When it was all over, everyone crowded around the musician. "I've got to be honest with you," one of the guests said, "I think your performance was absolutely terrible." Hearing his criticism, the hostess interposed: "Don't pay any attention to him. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He only repeats what he hears everyone else say." I'm" John C. Maxwell
7368263 Abraham Lincoln, perhaps the most loved president of the United States, was also the most criticized president. Probably no politician in history had worse things said about him. Here's how the Chicago Times in 1865 evaluated Lincoln's Gettysburg Address the day after he delivered it: "The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat, and dish-watery utterances of a man who has been pointed out to intelligent f.. John C. Maxwell
b864dcd while nobody plans to mess up their life, the problem is that few of us plan not to. That is, we don't put the necessary safeguards in place to ensure a happy ending." So" John C. Maxwell
a4df4e0 Look at last week's schedule. How much of your time did you devote to regular, disciplined activities? Did you do anything to grow and improve yourself professionally? Did you engage in activities promoting good health? Did you dedicate part of your income to savings or investments? If you've been putting off those things, telling yourself that you'll do them later, you may need to work on your self-discipline. John C. Maxwell
ec30001 Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them. John C. Maxwell
307cf2e I heard the story of a wealthy Texan who threw a party for his daughter because she was approaching the age to marry. He wanted to find a suitable husband for her--someone who was courageous, intelligent, and highly motivated. He invited a lot of young, eligible bachelors. After they had enjoyed a wonderful time at the party, he took the suitors to the backyard and showed them an Olympic-size swimming pool filled with poisonous snakes and a.. John C. Maxwell
e4d7ee0 It's like the mom who told the little kid to sit down in the grocery cart at the supermarket. He kept standing up and she kept telling him to sit down. Finally she reprimanded him firmly enough that he sat down. She heard him whisper to himself as he was scrambling down, "I may be sitting down on the outside, but I'm standing up on the inside!" When" John C. Maxwell
07fcf1d Se dice que un individuo sabio aprende de sus errores, uno mas sabio aprende de los errores de los demas, pero el mas sabio aprende del exito de los demas. Hoy John C. Maxwell
ba5a159 As you start your day, are you wondering what you will reap, or are you wondering what you will sow? leadership-development leadership-quotes John C. Maxwell
52de17d I love the story about the old farmer, ragged and barefooted, who sat on the steps of his tumbledown shack, chewing on a stem of grass. A passerby stopped and asked if he might have a drink of water. Wishing to be sociable, the stranger engaged the farmer in some conversation. "How is your cotton crop this year?" "Ain't got none," replied the farmer. "Didn't you plant any cotton?" asked the passerby. "Nope," said the farmer, "'fraid of boll.. John C. Maxwell
9a69eb5 the difference between who you are today and who you will be in five years will be the people you spend time with and the books you read. The John C. Maxwell
967be2e you need to make changes in yourself and your environment, don't dwell on your past. You can't change it. Don't worry about your future. You can't control it. Focus on the current moment and what you can do now. 6. John C. Maxwell
aea27cb 1 Build people up by encouragement. #2 Give people credit by acknowledgment. #3 Give people recognition by gratitude. John C. Maxwell
06bf1b6 Successful leaders are like icebergs. When you look at an iceberg, you see only about 10 percent of it, and the rest of it is hidden under the water. When you look at successful leaders, you see only a fraction of their lives. You see the part that looks really good, but there's usually a lot that remains hidden that's neither exciting nor glamorous. Tennis star Arthur Ashe said, "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not.. John C. Maxwell
cc563d6 Goethe recommended, "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." John C. Maxwell
3d4a878 Jerry Hirshberg, in his book The Creative Priority: Putting Innovation to Work in Your Business, writes, No one in a corporation deliberately sets out to stifle creative thought. Yet, a traditional bureaucratic structure, with its need for predictability, linear logic, conformance to accepted norms, and the dictates of the most recent "long-range" vision statement, is a nearly perfect idea-killing machine. People in groups regress toward th.. John C. Maxwell
7d12f60 No man becomes rich unless he enriches others. --ANDREW CARNEGIE THE John C. Maxwell
dca0f47 An attitude that really works against people is the desire for equality that feeds petty jealousy. For John C. Maxwell
82c8178 What people need is not a motto to say, but a model to see. THE John C. Maxwell
cd31170 Now Samuel was a very successful judge. In 1 Samuel 3:19-20 it is said of him, "The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the Lord" (NIV). Yet, Samuel watched the nation that he loved and led turn from the purposes of God. As God's chosen people, the Israelites were never meant to have a king; God was to be.. John C. Maxwell
7781c6d Such sober warnings in the Word of God should impress upon us the importance of keeping our priorities straight: God first, family second, ministry or career third. Only when a leader's relationship to God is right, and only when responsibilities as a family member are being properly met, can the leader be fully faithful in exercising the ministry God has given him or her. John C. Maxwell
d220d26 The price of greatness is responsibility." That" John C. Maxwell
4ebd1f2 Usaldus pole mitte uksnes juhtimissuhete, vaid koigi suhete vundament. Sa ei saa mojutada inimesi, kes sind ei usalda. Sa ei saa rajada positiivseid suhteid inimestega, kui neil on sinust negatiivne pilt. Usaldus on liim, mis hoiab inimesi koos. relationships trust usaldus John C. Maxwell
844b6ff People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. John C. Maxwell
a68d5af stopping to reflect is one of the most valuable activities people can do to grow. John C. Maxwell
f8b9ba3 If you could pick only one word to describe yourself, what would it be? John C. Maxwell
9a86898 Life is like a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use. John C. Maxwell
09850c2 Stanley Huffty afirmo: <>. John C. Maxwell