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54202ce Using the word CHARISMA as an acrostic, we can define the outstanding characteristics of charismatic people: Concern Help Action Results Influence Sensitivity Motivation Affirmation Keep John C. Maxwell
b4489f0 My favorite cartoon character, Charlie Brown, displayed an attitude with which many of us can identify. He and Linus were talking about their problems. Linus said, "I guess it's wrong always to be worrying about tomorrow. Maybe we should think only about today." Charlie Brown replied, "No, that's giving up. I'm still hoping that yesterday will get better." What" John C. Maxwell
4500880 Perhaps we have become too analytical to take decisive action. We may be spending too much time studying our problems and not enough time solving them. John C. Maxwell
65a95fa A group of pastors was attending a conference at our church, and at the end of the first morning session, they headed to the fellowship center for lunch. Several minutes later I followed, expecting that they would already be seated. Much to my surprise, all one hundred fifty of them were lined up outside the door. Then I saw why. At the head of the line stood Joel, my then six-year-old, with both hands raised, giving orders. "It will be a c.. John C. Maxwell
c214edf People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. John C. Maxwell
10feee6 growth compounds and accelerates if you remain intentional about it. John C. Maxwell
b038a48 Care without candor creates dysfunctional relationships. Candor without care creates distant relationships. John C. Maxwell
0cffbf8 Words are the currency of ideas and have the power to change the world. John C. Maxwell
28e78d7 Los educadores toman algo simple y lo vuelven complicado. Los comunicadores toman algo complicado y lo hacen simple. --John C. Maxwell John C. Maxwell
2945dfd A man lived by the side of the road and sold hot dogs. He was hard of hearing, so he had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes, so he read no newspapers. But he sold good hot dogs. This man put up signs on the highway advertising his wonderful hot dogs. He stood on the side of the road and cried, "Buy a hot dog, Mister?" And people bought his hot dogs. He increased his meat and bun orders, and he bought a bigger stove to take care of his t.. John C. Maxwell
94ddf79 Helen Keller said, "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." Think" John C. Maxwell
124e4ef There comes a special moment in everyone's life, a moment for which that person was born.... When he seizes it... it is his finest hour. John C. Maxwell
460b52c A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear John C. Maxwell
d6b86a7 you must be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. John C. Maxwell
1910b71 People who achieve their potential do so because they invest in themselves every day. John C. Maxwell
fb3c155 THE LAW OF COUNTABILITY Teammates Must Be Able to Count on Each Other When It Counts John C. Maxwell
460545e THE LAW OF THE PRICE TAG The Team Fails to Reach Its Potential When It Fails to Pay the Price John C. Maxwell
68a6c69 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe emphasized, "Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be." John C. Maxwell
bc6719c Think "tomorrow." Make today's efforts pay off tomorrow. Free the imagination. You are capable of more than you can imagine--so imagine the ultimate. Strive for lasting quality. "Good enough" never is. Have "stick-to-it-ivity." Never, never, never give up. Have fun. You're never truly a success until you enjoy what you are doing." John C. Maxwell
a410142 Leaders are effective because of who they are on the inside--in the qualities that make them up as people. And to go to the highest level of leadership, people have to develop these traits from the inside out. John C. Maxwell
3cfbea2 You can't change where you started, but you can change the direction you are going. It's not what you are going to do, but it's what you are doing now that counts." --NAPOLEON HILL" John C. Maxwell
029dda4 As Michel de Montaigne observed, "No wind favors him who has no destined port." John C. Maxwell
376b47b There's only one thing more contagious than a good attitude--and that's a bad attitude. John C. Maxwell
9fa1750 No matter what our circumstances, our greatest limitation isn't the leader above us--it's the spirit within us. John C. Maxwell
9912c98 Anytime a relationship is unequal, it cannot last--whether you are giving more than you get or getting more than you deserve. John C. Maxwell
e4db69c when you find yourself, you find your audience. John C. Maxwell
c4f6be2 If you want to win over another person, first win his heart, and the rest of him is likely to follow. John C. Maxwell
1830e91 Even the choicest words lose their power when they are used to overpower. John C. Maxwell
36058e1 Crisis doesn't necessarily make character, but it certainly does reveal it. Adversity is a crossroads that makes a person choose one of two paths: character or compromise. Every time he chooses character, he becomes stronger, even if that choice brings negative consequences. John C. Maxwell
8390467 No puedes ser el instrumento del cambio si no experimentas ese cambio por ti mismo. John C. Maxwell
1a29d6a I will build a motorcar for the multitude. It will be large enough for the family but small enough for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one--and enjoy with his family the blessings of hours of pleasure in God's great .. John C. Maxwell
7d45986 Para mucha gente en este mundo, lo que marca la diferencia nunca marcara la diferencia. ?Por que? Porque han escogido una actitud que no es una osesion valiosa para ellos. Si alguien no esta escogiendo a proposito el tener la actitud correcta, entonces esta escogiendo tener la actitud equivocada. John C. Maxwell
98c8576 If your face is going to "talk" for you anyway, you might as well have it communicate something positive." John C. Maxwell
c7c92fc El secreto de salir adelante es empezar. El secreto de empezar es desglosar las tareas complejas y abrumadoras en tareas pequenas y faciles de manejar, y luego empezar por la primera>>. John C. Maxwell
0a06891 A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others. John C. Maxwell
1532a63 People cannot perform in a way inconsistent with the way they see themselves. John C. Maxwell
bfb8550 Failure isn't failure if you do better the next time. John C. Maxwell
c69ecc0 The respect that leadership must have requires that one's ethics be without question. A leader not only stays above the line between right and wrong, he stays well clear of the 'gray areas. John C. Maxwell
423c2a3 When it comes to the thing you love to do, the thing you were made to do, aim high. The odds matter little. Whether you fall down along the way matters little. John C. Maxwell
f110250 As a leader, you don't earn any points for failing in a noble cause. You don't get credit for being "right" as you bring the organization to a halt. Your success is measured by your ability to actually take the people where they need to go. But you can do that only if the people first buy into you as a leader. That's the reality of the Law of Buy-In." John C. Maxwell
df4e7f6 Your ultimate goal as a leader should be to work hard enough and strategically enough that you have more than enough to give and share with others. John C. Maxwell
70ee0f9 You can't take the team to the next level when you haven't mastered the skills it takes to succeed on a personal level. It just doesn't happen. John C. Maxwell
d74f4c9 la persona que sabe como, siempre tendra un trabajo, pero la persona que sabe por que siempre sera el jefe. John C. Maxwell
e989346 La mayor parte de las personas buscan la excepcion en vez de ser excepcionales. John C. Maxwell