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761e11c I hate beyond hate. hate John Fowles
49f10d3 if Greece were a woman so sensually provocative that I must fall physically and desperately in love with her, and at the same time so calmly aristocratic that I should never be able to approach her. John Fowles
e3683cf Pero ya entonces me parecia muy lejana, aunque no en la distancia ni en el tiempo, sino en alguna dimension para la que no tenemos nombre. En la realidad, quizas. John Fowles
c19de35 Think what it would be like if you got back to your island and there was no old man, no girl any more. No mysterious fun and games. The whole place locked up forever. fun game games girl island locked locked-up mysterious mystery think John Fowles
1a94b26 Liking other people is an illusion we have to cherish if we are to live in society. It is one I have long ago banished from my life. You wish to be liked. I wish simply to be. banished banishment be cherish illusion liking live people society wish John Fowles
b6f3c2d I felt like a germ that had landed, like the first penicillin microbe, not only in a culture where it was totally at home, totally nourished; but in a situation in which it was infinitely significant. John Fowles
cd04815 Mne dvadtsat' tri. A tebe? - Dvadtsat' piat'. - Razve ty ne chuvstvuesh', kak v tebe chto-to skhvatyvaetsia? I uzhe nikogda ne izmenitsia? Ia chuvstvuiu. Do skonchaniia veka budu avstraliiskoi razziavoi. John Fowles
b49ac56 Love is the mistery between two people, not the identity. We were at the opposite poles of humanity. Lily was humanity bound to duty, unable to choose, suffering, at the mercy of social ideals. Humanity both crucified and marching towards the cross. And I was free, I was Peter three times to renounce -- determined to survive, whatever the cost. humanity love opposites John Fowles
842b28f We think we grow old, we grow wise and more tolerant; we just grow more lazy. inspirational john-fowles lazy older John Fowles
4539913 Half by desipience, half by proclivity, he had come to live in a world where the only significant leisure activities were coupling and consuming. His batrachian lips pursed into a smile, and he dug again into the honey. John Fowles
793aa4f I am one in a row of specimens. It's when I try to flutter out of line that he hates me. I'm meant to be dead, pinned, always the same, always beautiful. He knows that part of my beauty is being alive, but it's the dead me he wants. He wants me living-but-dead. I felt it terribly strongly today. That my being alive and changing and having a separate mind and having moods and all that was becoming a nuisance. He is solid; immovabile, iron-wi.. death hate life prison John Fowles
d324837 Sex is just an activity, like anything else. It's not dirty, it's just two people playing with each other's bodies. Like dancing. Like a game. John Fowles
b5dcdaa Ne considera, pe mine si pe fete, imaturi si naivi, dar noi ne puteam dovedi de zece ori mai perfizi decat el, tocmai pentru ca eram englezi - nascuti pentru a purta masca si educati de mici sa mintim. John Fowles
31df547 A total stranger, and one not of one's sex, is often the least prejudiced judge. prejudice stranger John Fowles
c67d21c Now I understand why you grow so many flowers." She shifted her head, not understanding. I said, "To cover the stink of sulphur." flowers John Fowles
f60cb6b Un raspuns este intotdeauna o forma a mortii" - Eu cred ca intrebarile sunt o forma a vietii." John Fowles
23589f1 No on nastol'ko ordinaren, chto eto delaet ego neordinarnym. John Fowles
4df5709 nel'zia, odin raz neudachno metnuv kosti, vybyvat' iz igry; chto zhizn' nuzhno - iz poslednikh sil, s opustoshennoi dushoi i bez nadezhdy utselet' v zheleznom serdtse goroda - preterpevat'. I snova vykhodit' - v slepoi, solenyi, temnyi okean. John Fowles
21c0758 Humour is a manifestation of freedom. It is because there is freedom that there is smile. John Fowles
dd82a6b Charles did not know it, but in those brief poised seconds above the waiting sea, in that luminous evening silence broken only by the waves' quiet wash, the whole Victorian Age was lost. And I do not mean he had taken the wrong path. John Fowles
2e94268 The thin end of the sensible clothes wedge had been inserted in society by the disgraceful Mrs Bloomer a decade and a half before the year of which I write; but that early attempt at the trouser suit had been comprehensively defeated by the crinoline--a small fact of considerable significance in our understanding of the Victorians. They were offered sense; and chose a six-foot folly unparalleled in the most folly-ridden of minor arts. John Fowles
707f851 Even the simplest knowledge of the names and habits of flowers or trees starts this distinguishing or individuating process, and removes us a step from total reality towards anthropocentrism. John Fowles
e076799 He said, men are vile. I said, the vilest thing about them is that they can say that with a smile on their faces. John Fowles
9c98983 If you feel something deeply, you're not ashamed to show your feeling. John Fowles
c620fae Ia mog by vliubit'sia v neio po ushi i stal by nevynosimo trebovatel'nym, pred'iavliaia na neio sobstvennye prava; no ia slishkom chasto greshil etim prezhde, chtoby ne znat', chto stremlenie lishit' partniora nezavisimosti priamym putiom vediot k bede. Zhelanie obladat' tesno sviazano s zhelaniem izmenit', peredelat'; a ona ochen' nravilas' mne takoi, kakoi byla. Tak zhe kak fraza <> chasto oznachaet prosto < religion John Fowles
e6efe78 ob amerikantsakh] -- Ia ponimaiu, oni -- turisty, ne otlichaiushchiesia ochen' uzh razvitym voobrazheniem. Vspominaiu, kak uchilas' tam v shkole. Rebiata tam kazalis' mne gorazdo bolee otkrytymi, po krainei mere v tom, chto kasalos' lichnykh pristrastii. Vsegda rasskazyvali, chto chuvstvuiut. -- Da delo vovse ne v tom, chto oni ob etom ne rasskazyvaiut. -- A v tom, chto nedostatochno chuvstvuiut? -- Da i ne v etom tozhe. Nedostatochno znaiu.. sex uk usa John Fowles
56e8f20 He had not the benefit of existentialist terminology; but what he felt was a very clear case of the anxiety of freedom - that is, the realization that one is free and the realization that being free is a situation of terror John Fowles
94e423e But suddenly he comprehended why her face haunted him, why he felt this terrible need to see her again: it was to possess her, to melt into her, to burn, to burn, to burn to ashes on that body and in those eyes. To postpone such a desire for a week, a month, a year, several years even, that can be done. But for eternity is when the iron bites. John Fowles
dadb91c M. I've never really thought of M objectively before, as another person. She's always been my mother I've hated or been ashamed of. Yet of all the lame ducks I've met or heard of, she's the lamest. I've never given her enough sympathy. I haven't given her this last year (since I left home) one half of the consideration I've given the beastly creature upstairs just this last week. I feel that I could overwhelm her with love now. Because I ha.. mothers-and-daughters John Fowles
364a483 Vozmozhno, ia prosto dovol'no khorosho ego uznala. Znanie podnogotnoi avtomaticheski sblizhaet. Dazhe esli vam khochetsia, chtoby etot chelovek nakhodilsia kak mozhno dal'she, zhelatel'no - na drugoi planete. John Fowles
c3212d1 The rival you both share is myself. I do not wish to marry ... First, because my past habituated me to loneliness. I had always thought I hated it. And now I have found I treasure it. I do not want to share my life. I wish to be what I am, not what a husband must expect me to become in marriage. My second reason is my present. I never expected to be happy in life. Yet I find myself happy where I am situated now. I have varied congenial work.. John Fowles
c400f44 His name was Captain Montague. He had broken his leg some time before and so had been unfit for active service till then. A kind of phosphorescent pale elegance about his face. A delicate, gallant moustache. He was one of the most supremely stupid men I have ever met. He taught me a great deal. John Fowles
89dd2b0 In my opinion a lot of people who may seem happy now would do what I did or similar things if they had the money and the time. I John Fowles
a0d5515 I'm so far from everything. From normality. From light. From everything I want to be. John Fowles
cf43d74 Aqui en la frontera, caen las hojas. Aunque mis vecinos son todos barbaros, y tu, tu estas a mil kilometros de aqui, siempre hay dos tazas en mi mesa. John Fowles
03cf060 Ni panteizma, ni gumanizma. No nechto gorazdo bolee ob'emnoe, bezrazlichnoe i nepostizhimoe. Eta real'nost' prebyvala v vechnom vzaimodeistvii. Ne dobro i ne zlo; ne krasota i ne bezobrazie. Ni vlecheniia ni nepriiazni. Tol'ko vzaimodeistvie. universe John Fowles
35a6732 I hate what G.P. calls the New People, the new class people with their cars and their money and their tellies and their stupid vulgarities and their stupid crawling imitations of the bourgeoisie. money poverty soul John Fowles
d2c965b If Rome, was a city of vulgar living, had been depressing after Greece, London, a city of the drab dead, was fifty times worse. london rome John Fowles
8f43543 It is not the state of war that isolates. It is well known, it brings people together. But in the battlefield -- that is something different. Because that is when the real enemy, death, appears. I no longer saw any warmth in numbers. I saw only Thanatos in them, my death. And just as much in my own comrades, in Montague, as in the invisible Germans. death isolation war John Fowles
a1166e0 The stairs were certainly steep; and in those days, when they could rarely see their own feet, women were always falling; it was a commonplace of domestic life. John Fowles
92de850 German is to death what Latin is to ritual religion - entirely appropriate. John Fowles
9349ad2 The height the dupe has fallen is measured by his anger. dupe fool wisdom John Fowles
f355f76 That is how war corrupts us. It plays on our pride in our own free will. pride war John Fowles
530aba6 I happily forgot his little collection of crimped and cramped fruit trees in my own new world, my America of endless natural ones in Devon. John Fowles
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