It was like a journey into space. I was standing on Mars, knee-deep in thyme, under a sky that seemed never to have known dust or cloud.
John Fowles |
Nu va vorbi niciodata, nu va ierta, nu va intinde niciodata mina, va ramine de-a pururi in acest prezent inghetat. Totul este suspendat in asteptare: copacii de toamna, cerul de toamna, trecatorii anonimi. Printre salciile de la malul lacului, o biata mierla cam nebuna cinta, desi nu e timpul ei. Un stol de porumbei deasupra caselor; fragmente de libertate, de hazard, o algebra incarnata. Si venind nu se stie de unde, mirosul intepator de f..
John Fowles |
I lay in bed last night and thought of G.P. I thought of being in bed with him. I wanted to be in bed with him. I wanted the marvellous, the fantastic ordinariness of him. His promiscuity is creative. Vital. Even though it hurts. He creates love and life and excitement around him; he lives; the people he loves always remember him.
John Fowles |
restless and walked down to the harbour. It was about eleven at night
John Fowles |
Perhaps twenty minutes later he realized she had gone to sleep. He quietly removed his now stiff arm, then turned away. It must have woken her a little After a moment he felt her turn as well and lay a hand, instinctively, like a sleeping wife, across his hips; as if, in some dream, he was the one who escaped.
John Fowles |
Come clean Charles, come clean
John Fowles |
Death is not in the nature of things; it is the nature of things.
John Fowles |
Kollektsionirovanie - eto antizhizn', antiiskusstvo, anti - vse na svete.
John Fowles |
Nenavistnaia tiraniia slabykh [...]. Ordinarnost' - bich tsivilizatsii. No on nastol'ko ordinaren, chto eto delaet ego neordinarnym.
John Fowles |
lyst lms'l@ h~ 'nn l nw'mn wnm h~ 'nn l nstTy` 'n nw'mn
John Fowles |
Labor is a man crowning glory." "Not this man's." "I quote Marx" I raised my hands. The pickaxe handle had been rough. "I quote blisters."
John Fowles |
Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical, and I was never accomplished at that. 'I
John Fowles |
lms'l@ lyst dhlk lrjl lwHd ldhy ldyh lshj`@ 'n ykwn shryrw lknh tlk lmlyyn lty lm ykn ldyh lshj`@ l'n ykwnw 'khyr
John Fowles |
Birine bagirmak, hala bir bagin bulundugunu gosterir.
John Fowles |
Ma olen uks eksemplar liblikate seas. Talle ei meeldi ainult see, kui ma hakkan tiibu siputades reast valja kippuma. Mulle on maaratud olla surnud, noop-noelaga kinnitatud, alati kaunis. Ta teab kull, et elusolek on osa mu ilust, kuid talle on minust vaja seda elutut osa. Ta tahab mind elavana ja samas elutuna.
John Fowles |
Vsego tri slova. Ia liubliu vas. Oni prozvuchali tak beznadezhno. Budto on skazal: <>. Vot i vsia ego skazka.
John Fowles |
Kuulamine nouab kahte poolt. Uhte, kes annab, ja teist, kes votab, mida antakse.
John Fowles |
Tavainimene on tsivilisatsiooni nuhtlus. Aga tema on juba ebatavaliselt tavaline.
John Fowles |
Armastan elada taisverelist elu, armastan koiki, kes lihtsalt ei istu ja jalgi.
John Fowles |
I could scream abuse at him all day long; he wouldn't mind at all. It's me he wants, my look, my outside; not my emotions or my mind or my soul or even my body. Not anything human.
John Fowles |
Yaptiginiz seyler, daha once yaptiklarinizi belirsizlestirir.
John Fowles |
Sono gli stessi gradini dai quali Jane Austen fa cadere Louisa Musgrove in ." "Come e romantico." "Gli uomini erano romantici... allora."
John Fowles |
lnsyn lys 'mr yf`lh lnsn ..wnm hw shy' m yHdth llnsn !
John Fowles |
Kak-to on pokazal mne sosud. Nazyvaetsia morilka. Usypliat' babochek. Vot ia i sizhu v takoi morilke. B'ius' kryl'iami o steklo. Ottogo, chto ono prozrachno, mne kazhetsia, chto pobeg vozmozhen. Chto est' nadezhda. Tol'ko eto vsego lish' illiuziia.
John Fowles |
was too green to know that all cynicism masks a failure to cope--an impotence, in short; and that to despise all effort is the greatest effort of all.
John Fowles |
Si de aici mi-am dat seama ca era dement si deci nevinovat, caci toti oamenii nebuni, pana si cei mai cruzi, sunt nevinovati. Reprezenta una din fortele intunecate pe care viata le poate crea daca vrea: forma cea mai primitiva de viata transformata intr-o hidoasa combinatie de carne si gandire. Poate asta era si motivul pentru care reusea sa se impuna atat de puternic, ca o divinitate a intunericului. Caci in aceasta vraja malefica exista c..
John Fowles |
You accept that you are English. You don't pretend that you'd rather be French or Italian or something else.
John Fowles |
You don't have any time for silly trivial things. You live seriously. You don't go to silly films, even if you want to; you don't read cheap newspapers; you don't listen to trash on the wireless and the telly; you don't waste time talking about nothing. You use your life.
John Fowles |
A fost odata un tanar print care credea in toate lucrurile, in afara de trei. Nu credea in printese, nu credea in insule, nu credea in Dumnezeu. Imparatul, tatal sau, ii spusese ca aceste lucruri nu exista. Si cum nu erau nici printese, nici insule si nici vreun semn al existentei lui Dumnezeu in imparatia tatalui sau, tanarul print ii dadu crezare.
John Fowles |
Strashna ne sama smert', ne smertnaia bol' ot nozhei zhatki, ne vopl', ne okrovavlennye obrubki nog... no to, chto tak legko umeret', uiti iz zhizni prezhde, chem snova sozreet pshenitsa.
John Fowles Джон Фаулз |
The truth was I was not a cynic by nature; only by revolt. I had got away from what I hated, but I hadn't found where I loved, and so I pretended that there was nowhere to love.
John Fowles |
As dori, de asemenea, sa tii seama de faptul ca astfel de intamplari nu au putut avea loc decat intr-o lume in care barbatul se considera superior femeii. In lumea pe care americanii o numesc a man's world - o lume a barbatilor. Adica o lume guvernata de forta brutala, de aroganta totalmente lipsita de umor, de gustul prestigiului iluzoriu si de prostia funciara. Continua, cu ochii atintiti pe ecran: Barbatilor le place razboiul pentru ca l..
John Fowles |
Ti-ai pus vreodata intrebarea de ce evolutia speciilor si-a dat atata osteneala sa ajunga la aceasta infinita diversitate de forme si dimensiuni? Asta ti se pare tot o inutila punere in scena?
John Fowles |
Nicholas, daca vrem sa incercam sa reproducem, fie si numai partial, cate ceva despre legile misterioase care guverneaza existenta, atunci trebuie sa stim sa depasim unele din conventiile pe care omul le-a inventat pentru a tine in frau aceste scopuri fundamentale. Asta nu inseamana ca in vietile noastre obisnuite asemenea conventii trebuie ignorate. Nicidecum. Ele sunt fictiuni necesare. Dar in jocul de-a Dumnezeu, noi am pornit de la prem..
John Fowles |
3. Alegerea Cruta-l pana moare. Chinuie-l pana traieste.
John Fowles |
Ukh kakoi gromadnyi, - probormotala ona.
John Fowles |
Why should people have money if they don't know how to use it?
John Fowles |
They knew they were like two grains of yeast in a sea of lethargic dough--two grains of salt in a vast tureen of insipid broth.
John Fowles |
Um i glupost' drug druga ne iskliuchaiut. Osobenno u muzhchiny vashego vozrasta.
John Fowles |
Ia vnov' vpal v smutnoe sostoianie, v koem prebyval posle universiteta: naverniaka izvestno lish' to, chego ty ne dolzhen delat'.
John Fowles |
It's like living in the Arabian Nights. Being the favourite in the harem. But the one perfume you really want is freedom.
John Fowles |
If I could only escape, if I could only escape... he murmured the words to himself a dozen times; then metaphorically shook himself for being so impractical, so romantic, so dutiless.
John Fowles |
what you do blurs over what you did before.
John Fowles |
One kind of person is engaged in society without realizing it; another kind engages in society by controlling it. The one is a gear, a cog, and the other an engineer, a driver. But a person who has opted out has only his ability to express his disengagement between his existence and nothingness.
John Fowles |