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1f646ee The defended softness, that's what I look for in the gals. John le Carré
91af588 It's the oldest question of all, George. Who can spy on the spies? Who can smell out the fox without running with him? John le Carré
13d870e and marvelled at the self-regarding irrelevance of the ruling English mind. John le Carré
a443240 Reason as motive, or reason as logic, or reason as a way of life? John le Carré
fcc6365 The big three hand you the chicken-feed, you hand it to Polyakov, Moscow Centre thinks Toby is all theirs, everyone's served, everyone's content. The only problem arises when it transpires that you've been handing Polyakov the crown jewels and getting Russian chicken-feed in return. If that should turn out to be the case, you're going to need pretty good friends. Like us. John le Carré
a6d4db3 Bogus Oxford men he could deal with, just as in his time he had known classics masters who had no Greek and parsons who had no divinity. Such men, confronted with proof of their deception, broke down and wept and left, or stayed on half-pay. But men who withheld genuine accomplishment--these were a breed he had not met but he knew already that he did not like them. John le Carré
cc1a447 A committee is an animal with four back legs. "But" John le Carré
3ae0ba4 Those who are treated as pariahs become pariahs--just as, to quote Auden, those to whom evil is done do evil in return. John le Carré
fa9e645 That's the point, isn't it: the opposite of love isn't hate. It's lethargy. John le Carré
620c94d suspicion, experience, perception, common sense--for Maston these were not the organs of fact. Paper was fact, Ministers were fact, John le Carré
f39a716 You don't buy photographs from Otto Leipzig, you don't buy Degas from Signor Benati, follow me?" "Do" John le Carré
9f8b252 he was proud of having thrown caution John le Carré
ad890f5 En cualquier interrogatorio, la negacion es el punto de inflexion. John le Carré
0510b2f there was no future: there was only a continued slide into still more terrifying versions of the present. John le Carré
60f68a8 I am still making order out of chaos by reinvention reinvention order John le Carre
60b7261 es un trabajo importante, siempre que creas en los fines y no te preocupen demasiado los medios. John le Carré
0e08bac shoes and a leather jacket. When Burr had John le Carré
19b6a29 And what am I thinking? I am thinking that a man who cannot speak clearly cannot think clearly. John le Carré
6056959 haunted by sad faces which moved through the rain like driftwood in a forgotten harbour. John le Carré
2f34993 To possess another language, Charlemagne tells us, is to possess another soul. John le Carré
4de7319 According to our anarchist writers, world conflict should lead to creative chaos. If such chaos is intelligently exploited, a free society will emerge. But when I looked about me, I was forced to accept that the preconditions of creative chaos did not exist, neither did the intelligent exploiters. Chaos presupposes a vacuum of power, yet bourgeois power was gaining everywhere, and so was the military might of America, for whom West Germany .. John le Carré
6206d86 what is conviction? How do we identify it? How can we know that we should be guided by it? Is it to be found in the heart, or in the intellect? And what if it is only to be found in the one and not the other? John le Carré
1d0f154 Put it this way, George," he suggested, when he had savoured the night air for a moment. "You traveling on business, or for pleasure in this thing? Which is it? Smiley's reply was also slow in coming, and as indirect: "I was never conscious of pleasure," he said. "Or perhaps I mean: of the distinction." pleasure John le Carré
b697b71 The row of villas which lines Western Avenue is like a row of pink graves in a field of grey; an architectural image of middle age. Their uniformity is the discipline of growing old, of dying without violence and living without success. They are houses which have got the better of their occupants, whom they change at will, and do not change themselves. Furniture vans glide respectfully among them like hearses, discreetly removing the dead a.. John le Carré
82d41cc By repetition, each lie becomes an irreversible fact upon which other lies are constructed. Then we have a war. This war. John le Carré
b74d30f The vertical man John le Carré
529f694 changeful, occasionally wise and sympathetic. He knew how intelligent men could be broken by the stupidity of their superiors, how weeks of patient work night and day could be cast aside by such a man. Mendel John le Carré
846ac8a It's my innocence," he explains. "Your what?" He reiterates, very precisely. "Our problem, Timbo, is my purblind, incurable, omnivorous innocence. I can't leave life alone. I love it. Its fictions and its facts. I love everybody, all the time. Best of all I love whoever I was speaking to last." "And the corollary to that?" "And the corollary to that is that you've got to be jolly careful what you ask of me. Because I'll do it. You're such a.. John le Carré
a45ad8c Siempre hay docenas de razones para no hacer nada --en realidad era una de las frases con que pretendia excusar muchos de sus actos censurables--, y solo hay una razon para hacer algo, y esta razon es la de querer hacerlo>>. John le Carré
ac33a81 it's a law. A man's got to pay for his own dreams. John le Carré
78b150d Leninismo: la conveniencia de las alianzas transitorias. John le Carré
08bf811 Germany's emergence as a self-confident, non-aggressive, democratic power - not to speak of the humanitarian example it has set - is a pill too bitter for many of us Brits to swallow. That is a sadness that I have regretted for far too long. John le Carré
9bf5c06 Mas em diplomacia nada e duradouro, nada e absoluto e uma conspiracao entre assassinos nao e motivo para interromper o fluxo da conversa John le Carré
ad0a52d An undertaker contemplates his funeral, the rich man his destitution, the gaoler his imprisonment, the debauchee his impotence. An actor's greatest terror, I am told, is to watch the theatre empty itself while he wrestles in a void for his lines, and what else is that but a premature vision of his dying? For the civil servant, it is the moment when his protective walls of privilege collapse around him and he finds himself no safer than the .. John le Carré
49b4bce Percebeu entao o que Liz lhe tinha dado, aquilo que teria de procurar readquirir se alguma vez regressasse a Inglaterra: era o interesse pelas pequenas coisas, a fe na vida comum, a simplicidade que fazia a pessoa esfarelar um pedaco de pao para dentro de uma saco de papel, ir ate a praia e da-lo as gaivotas. Era este respeito pelas coisas triviais que a ele nunca lhe fora permitido possuir; triviality John le Carré
481da59 To be inhuman in defence of our humanity . . . harsh in defence of compassion. To be single-minded in defence of our disparity. John le Carré
c714d7e Por fuerza tiene que haber argumentos en contra. Siempre los hay. No hay nada grabado en piedra. No en el mundo real. John le Carré
c5ece9f and the wood smoke will roll out of the fireplace on to the carpet we paid too much for on that rainy afternoon in Interlaken in the snowless winter of whenever it was, John le Carré
b7ec0be He hated to be alone, but people bored him. Being alone was like being tired, but unable John le Carré
3fb6a5a That's the trouble with Americans, isn't it, really? All that emphasis on the future. So dangerous. It makes them destructive of the present. John le Carré
2e9e408 You just happened to put your hand to your face and find it damp and you wondered what the hell Christ bothered to die for, if He ever died at all. John le Carré
8bb39df The cafe was the last in the street, if not in all Paris, to lack both a juke-box and neon lighting - and to remain open in August - though there were bagatelle tables that bumped and flashed from dawn till night. For the rest, there was the usual mid-morning hubbub, of grand politics, and horses, and whatever else Parisians talked; there was the usual trio of prostitutes murmuring among themselves, and a sullen young waiter in a soiled shi.. John le Carré
5447d4e Probably she said yes. Afterwards she was not sure. She saw his scared gaze lift and stare at the approaching bus. She saw an indecision near to panic seize him, and it occurred to her - which in the long run was an act of near clairvoyance - that he proposed to push her under it. He didn't, but he did put his next question in Russian - and in the brutal accents of Moscow officialdom. John le Carré
49f5fa4 Thus we do disagreeable things, but we are defensive. That, I think, is still fair. We do disagreeable things so that ordinary people here and elsewhere can sleep safely in their beds at night. Is that too romantic? Of course, we occasionally do very wicked things." He grinned like a schoolboy. "And in weighing up the moralities, we rather go in for dishonest comparisons; after all, you can't compare the ideals of one side with the methods .. John le Carré
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