She summarized: "So. Don't get shitfaced, don't fist her ass, enjoy."
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Psychiatric diagnoses are getting closer and closer to the boundary of normal," said Allen Frances."
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But they're being labeled bipolar. That's an enormous label that's going to stay with you for the rest of your life.
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That's the psychopath: somebody who doesn't understand what's going on emotionally, but understands that something important has happened." But"
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I would also say you can never reduce any person to a diagnostic label.
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Manipulative?" I said. "I think you could describe that as leadership," he said. "Inspire! I think it's called leadership." "Are"
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There is no evidence that we've been placed on this planet to be especially happy or especially normal.
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He had experienced only kindness and forgiveness. Actually, it wasn't kindness and forgiveness. It was something much better than that. It was nothing. He experienced nothing.
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He had twenty followers. Some were people I knew from real life, who were probably wondering why I'd suddenly become so passionate about fusion cooking and candid about dreaming about cock.
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I thought about my own over-anxious brain, my own sort of madness. Was it a more powerful engine in my life than my rationality?
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Their puffed-out cheeks are beetroot-red, making them resemble sweaty, meat-smeared squirrels.
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what we believe is constantly reinforced by people who believe the same thing.
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As a group they tend to be more charming than most people," she said. "They have no warm emotions of their own but will study the rest of us."
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we're raised to believe that deep down everyone has a conscience." At"
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His idea was that humans totally lose control of their behavior in a crowd.
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The Antisocial Personality [This type of personality] cannot feel any sense of remorse or shame. They approve only of destructive actions. They appear quite rational. They can be very convincing. --L.
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But at the core of psychopathy is a lack of moral restraint.
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which is why she tried to join the RAF, so she could obtain a socially respectable opportunity to gratify her homicidal urges." "So"
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As I glanced at the phraseology of the research report, dull and unfathomable to outsiders like me, I thought that if you have the ambition to become a villain, the first thing you should do is learn to be impenetrable. Don't act like Blofeld--monocled and ostentatious. We journalists love writing about eccentrics. We hate writing about boring, impenetrable people. ...If you want to get away with wielding true, malevolent power, be boring.
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The biggest lie," he said, "is, The Internet is about you."
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Facebook is where you lie to your friends, Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers.
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The world in which Alex is a leading voice -- a loose collection of internet conspiracy theorists and nationalists and some racists -- suddenly had a name: the "alt-right movement." --
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I put a video out," Alex said, "a message to Trump. And then two days later he lays out the case. It's like sending up the Bat Signal." Was this true? It seemed unlikely, but when I got home I discovered that journalists had indeed spotted several occasions where Alex had said something on his show and Trump had said the same thing -- right down to the peculiar phrasing -- soon after."
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I'd been beguiled by the new technology -- a toddler crawling toward a gun.
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According to Google's own research into our "eye movements," 53 percent of us don't go beyond the first two search results, and 89 percent don't look down past the first page."
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That's what I Am a Strange Loop is about," said Deborah. "It's about how we spend our lives self-referencing, over and over, in a kind of strange loop."
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It is an awful lot harder, Tony told me, to convince people you're sane than it is to convince them you're crazy. "I"
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complicated human behavior was increasingly getting labeled a mental disorder.
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It was a heartbreaking story. He closed his eyes tightly as he told it, so I took the opportunity to quickly check Twitter. I hate not knowing what's happening on Twitter.
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For men who have lived for a lifetime on a diet of contempt and disdain, the temptation to gain instant respect in this way can be worth far more than the cost of going to prison or even of dying.' And after
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deciding that instant judgment was a more heroic stance than curiosity. When
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Learning how to walk through walls was an ambitious but inexpensive enterprise.
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I think he saw his checklist as something pure--innocent as only science can be--but the humans who administered it as masses of weird prejudices and crazy predispositions. When
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He said I really had to be careful. Psychopaths are truly dangerous, he said. And they're often the people you least expect them to be. "When"
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Soon after Justine Sacco's shaming, I was talking with a friend, a journalist, who told me he had so many jokes, little observations, potentially risque thoughts, that he wouldn't dare to post online anymore. 'I suddenly feel with social media like I'm tiptoeing around an unpredictable, angry, unbalanced parent who might strike out at any moment,' he said. 'It's horrible.' He didn't want me to name him, he said, in case it sparked something..
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Psychologists try and remind anxiety sufferers that 'what if' worries are irrational ones. If you find yourself thinking, 'What if I just came across as racist?' the 'what if' is evidence that nothing bad actually happened. It's just thoughts swirling frantically around.
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Is Obama satanic?" he asked me. I was grateful for the conversation starter -- I consider anything that staves off social awkwardness to be a blessing -- but I couldn't lie."
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I love the way you talk. You just let it flow from you as if you own all the words in the world. They're your personal property and you make them dance for you.
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A wronged person is still a wronged person even if they're an unfashionable wronged person.
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Alex was growing in prominence. I noticed him trending on Twitter from time to time, for telling his now millions of fans that U.S. scientists were covertly creating "man-fish hybrids," that atheists "worship Lucifer," and that the government puts secret chemicals in juice boxes to turn Americans gay: "After you're done drinking your little juices you're ready to put makeup on, wear a short skirt, put together a garden of roses or something..
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Christopher Cerf has been composing songs for Sesame Street for twenty-five years. His large Manhattan townhouse is full of Sesame Street memorabilia - photographs of Christopher with his arm around Big Bird, etc. 'Well, it's certainly not what I expected when I wrote them,' Christopher said. 'I have to admit, my first reaction was, "Oh my gosh, is my music really that terrible?" ' I laughed. 'I once wrote a song for Bert and Ernie called "..
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the Bush family's proclivity for mock human sacrifice. What
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They'll be brought great distances," Trump had said. "We're not dropping them right across. They learned that. President Eisenhower. They'd drop them right across, and they'd come back. Then when they flew them to a long distance, all of a sudden that was the end." Here, Trump was praising Operation Wetback -- a 1954 endeavor in which Mexicans were rounded up and dumped in the wilderness, where they were stranded without food or possessions..
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It felt like a vast left-wing conspiracy to pretend to have found Eric Andre's performance funny. This was everyday life on social media, each side lurching toward mockery and attack -- fanning the flames of the divisive chaos from which Trump, the Twitter candidate, had risen. But
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