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16c85fd The self-esteem of psychiatry got very low as a result of it. It had never really been accepted as part of medicine because the diagnoses were so unreliable, and the Rosenhan experiment confirmed it." Spitzer's" Jon Ronson
18e2522 name. It was truly a revolution in psychiatry, and a gold rush for drug companies, who suddenly had hundreds of new disorders they could invent medications for, millions of new patients they could treat. "The" Jon Ronson
ea423ae this was a man palpably simulating crying, which made the moment at once awkward, surreal, and quite disturbing. Our Jon Ronson
b93468b And a surfeit of checklists, coupled with unscrupulous drug reps, is, Gary said, a dreadful combination. There Jon Ronson
5ca1e55 Many kids who would have been called eccentric, different, were suddenly labeled autistic." I" Jon Ronson
0c55a33 The way the diagnosis is being made in America was not something we intended," he said. "Kids with extreme irritability and moodiness and temper tantrums are being called bipolar." Jon Ronson
e6d77d9 Terrible things had been done in Haiti in his name. He had profoundly altered Haitian society for three years, set it spiraling frantically in the wrong direction, destroying the lives of thousands, tainting hundreds of thousands more. Jon Ronson
133e2de if you get between the lawyer and his goal, you're going to get hurt. Jon Ronson
a5aba85 Well," he said, "the downside of having no barriers between doctors and patients was that everyone became a patient." There" Jon Ronson
2fd922a Others took exception to being forced to wear little-girl-type dresses (a psychopath-devised punishment for noncooperation in the program). Jon Ronson
b36d03c I learned, the field of interest was a man from Wales who could recognize all his sheep as individuals but couldn't recognize human faces, not even his wife, not even himself in the mirror. Jon Ronson
fedc8cd It was, she said, the way the book had revealed an inherent narcissism in its recipients. Jon Ronson
3661616 They assumed the endeavor was brilliant and rational because they were brilliant and rational, and we tend to automatically assume that everybody else is basically just like us. Jon Ronson
14e99fd Can't you see? It's incredibly interesting. Aren't you struck by how much action occurred simply because something went wrong with one man's brain? It's as if the rational world, your world, was a still pond and Petter's brain was a jagged rock thrown into it, creating odd ripples everywhere." The" Jon Ronson
bdb52f5 I hadn't realized what a collage of mental disorders my whole life has been, Jon Ronson
2eb26b1 they saw how well behaved I was, and decided it meant I could only behave well in the environment of a psychiatric hospital and it proved I was mad." I" Jon Ronson
7973d89 On the outside, Tony said, not wanting to spend time with your criminally insane neighbors would be a perfectly understandable position. But on the inside it demonstrates you're withdrawn and aloof and you have a grandiose sense of your own importance. Jon Ronson
e8084ae They wrote in their reports that it proved him to be "cunning" and "manipulative" and also that he was suffering from "cognitive distortion" because he didn't believe he was mad. Tony" Jon Ronson
a1f9b5a Tony said just being here can be enough to turn someone crazy. Jon Ronson
3de9a1d Tony faked mental illness. That's when you have hallucinations and delusions. Mental illness comes and goes. It can get better with medication. Tony is a psychopath. That doesn't come and go. It is how the person is." Faking" Jon Ronson
c4b866a Faking mental illness to get out of a prison sentence, he explained, is exactly the kind of deceitful and manipulative act you'd expect of a psychopath. Jon Ronson
91e3eb6 Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse. Jon Ronson
c10bb63 Let me ask you three questions," he said. "And then you'll see it my way. Question One: What's the worst thing that you have ever done to someone? It's okay. You don't have to confess it out loud. Question Two: What's the worst criminal act that has ever been committed against you? Question Three: Which of the two was the most damaging for the victim?" The worst criminal act that has ever been committed against me was burglary. How damaging.. Jon Ronson
a410ff0 I should be campaigning for his release in print in a way that appeared crusading but actually wasn't quite effective enough to work. Like planting barely noticeable seeds of doubt into the prose. Subtle. I Jon Ronson
51448b5 The consensus from the beginning was that only 1 percent of humans had it, but the chaos they caused was so far-reaching it could actually remold society, remold it all wrong, Jon Ronson
ff94dfa White supremacists were thrilled by Bannon's appointment. One of them declared on a radio show hosted by David Duke, the former KKK leader, "Something astonishing has happened. We appear to have taken over the Republican Party." How" -- Jon Ronson
fb3c64c He said, 'You have to understand, I'm an academic. I'm not trained in dealing with masses of people. I found out through the school of hard knocks that it is better not to deal with masses of people. It's not that they don't deserve the information but they really react in very strange ways. They get panicky and excited, or over-excited, and it is so easy for academics to forget that. We're trained in math. We're trained in science. We're n.. masses Jon Ronson
25a5e06 But amongst a group who hadn't read it an opinion was beginning to form, Jon Ronson
f1b67f5 be patient and curious instead of instantly judgemental. Jon Ronson
e486e27 He perdido el buen nombre, la parte inmortal de mi ser, y solo me queda lo mas bestial.>> Jon Ronson
faed1e8 This was everyday life on social media, each side lurching toward mockery and attack -- fanning the flames of the divisive chaos from which Trump, the Twitter candidate, had risen. Jon Ronson
6ff77e5 we tend to love nothing more than to declare other people insane. Jon Ronson
e0f2553 This series tells the story of a Butterfly Effect. Back when Fabian was a teenager in Brussels in the 1990s, he had an idea. Because of that idea some people in Montreal eventually started to behave differently. As a consequence, other people down in the San Fernando Valley started behaving differently, and so on. For a year, I've been tracing Fabian's Butterfly Effect. If I kept going, tracing consequence through to consequence, where migh.. Jon Ronson
4812a7b We should be like dogs. Jon Ronson
f897348 A tiny little baby!' says Tam. 'People look at me like I'm an animal. People who don't know me judge me. I always remember going up to visit someone in prison, and this woman was sitting there. She was looking at me, growling a bit, and I could imagine what she was thinking: "There's a pedophile!" Anyway, I later discovered about her character. And I'll tell you, it outweighed anything I'd ever done.' 'What had she done?' I ask. tam-paton the-fall-of-a-pop-impresario you-are-wrong shoplifting Jon Ronson
740cf35 The biggest lie," he said, "is, The Internet is about you." We like to think of ourselves as people who have choice and taste and personalized content. But the Internet isn't about us. It's about the companies that dominate the data flows of the Internet." Now" Jon Ronson
5cc34c0 shameworthiness lies in the space between who we are and how we present ourselves to the world Jon Ronson
ced46ed I wondered what sort of woman loved a man like that. madness Jon Ronson
140518c Vas caminando por la calle, y se produce un accidente. Un coche ha atropellado a un nino. La gente se aglomera alrededor. Te acercas, el nino yace en el suelo y hay sangre por todas partes. Te manchas un poco los zapatos, bajas la vista y dices: "Oh, mierda." Observas al nino con cierto interes, pero la imagen no te repele ni te horroriza. Solo despierta tu interes. Entonces miras a la madre y quedas fascinada al ver como exterioriza sus se.. Jon Ronson
bbf058c with social media we've created a stage for constant artificial high dramas. Every day a new person emerges as a magnificent hero or a sickening villain. Jon Ronson
1ce315c Psychopaths don't change," she [Essi Viding] said. "They don't learn from punishment. The best you can hope for is that they'll eventually get too old and lazy to be bothered to offend. And they can seem impressive. Charismatic. People are dazzled. So, yeah, the real trouble starts when one makes it big in mainstream society." Jon Ronson
e7c029c I AM BASICALLY ALEX JONES'S Simon Cowell. I star-spotted him in the late-1990s. He'd been a locally renowned radio talk show host in Austin, Texas, back then, but I gave him the idea that catapulted him to fame. My idea was for the two of us to sneak into a secretive summer camp in the forests of Northern California called Bohemian Grove, where powerful men like George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger were rumored to undertake an .. Jon Ronson
4311d44 And then there were terrible things, like Alex's assertion that the Sandy Hook massacre of 20 children was "completely fake ... they clearly used actors." Inspired by claims like this, Sandy Hook "truthers" had begun bombarding the parents of the murdered children with messages like: "You're a fraud and an asshole. Rot in hell you fucking prick." (That one had been sent to Lenny Pozner, whose 6-year-old son, Noah, died in the shooting.)" Jon Ronson
54345b0 Alex is basically the most irresponsible man I have ever met. He uses his powers to inflame paranoia. He boldly makes stuff up to suit his weird agenda. Alex eschews facts and reason and he definitely should not have political sway. Jon Ronson
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