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b61155b Please ejaculate", I silently urged the man, "so I can go to sleep". (In this way I imagine I was like millions of women before me" sex humour joke Jon Ronson
4eea295 Before working with Trump, Manafort had been Yanukovych's election strategist. There was something quite Trump-ish about his former client, not least his $75 million palace -- with its golden chandeliers and Faberge eggs and personalized cognac bottles (the label had a little photograph of Yanukovych), his shiny grand pianos and sweeping gold-trimmed staircases. And then there was his private ostrich zoo. The palace had been constructed in .. Jon Ronson
d03eb97 aplomb. I had managed to portray myself as a good Jew and, Jon Ronson
e29d175 The communist looked very pleased with himself -- for being a communist and for being hit by Alex. It was exasperating. Alex had been within feet of me and I hadn't known it until he'd hit a communist and was bustled away, and it was too late. Jon Ronson
2172b4b These depictions of a broken America were also highly selective. When Ted Cruz listed the various ways Americans "have had their lives destroyed" -- by terrorists, or police officers cut down in the line of duty, he pointedly excluded stories of innocent black people shot by the police." Jon Ronson
ec7a270 Stone's beliefs, I later discovered, were just as crazy as Alex's. He Jon Ronson
4ca6fe7 if a person was overcome by a violent madness he'd involuntarily start to sound like someone from Louisiana. Jon Ronson
10959ad Bilderberg Jon Ronson
8f2f00e Oh, Ronson's all right," Alex told him. "I'm sure he's planning some form of sophisticated hit piece, but I don't care. It's always artfully done so it goes back and forth, you know." "Why is he wearing a snow jacket in 90-degree heat?" Stone muttered to Alex." Jon Ronson
fa572a9 partners in a lobbying firm with a client list that included a great many murderous dictators. Like Jon Ronson
9d79dee After the interview ended, Stone and I were ushered out. Alex had an interview with Ted Nugent to conduct. In the elevator, Stone scrutinized me. "When we try to assess threats," he said, "the kooks are almost always wearing snowsuits in 90-degree weather." Jon Ronson
226f436 frightening person pretending to be normal. Things Jon Ronson
cb79500 brilliant and audacious as ever -- a beat poet of paranoia. He Jon Ronson
787e7d8 The judge took one look at it and threw it out. He said the honey trap was "deceptive conduct of the grossest kind"; the idea of "a psychological profile being admissible as proof of identity in any circumstances [was] redolent with considerable danger." And" Jon Ronson
f5f40fa The men would all say that they had died,' Gilligan said. 'These were the most incorrigibly violent characters. They would all say that they themselves had died. They felt dead inside. They had no capacity for feelings. No emotional feelings. Or even physical feelings. So some would cut themselves. Or they would mutilate themselves in the most horrible ways. Not because they felt guilty - this wasn't a penance for their sins - but because t.. Jon Ronson
7d36ee6 There's an old Internet adage that as soon as you compare something to the Nazis you lose the argument. Jon Ronson
d3736ab when I became a vegetarian. I missed the steak, although not as much as I'd anticipated, but I could no longer ignore the slaughterhouse. I Jon Ronson
6a0f987 Alex is basically the most irresponsible man I have ever met. He uses his powers to inflame paranoia. He boldly makes stuff up to suit his weird agenda. Alex eschews facts and reason and he definitely should not have political sway. The Jon Ronson
dcf4e8f His name was Roger Stone. And he was the man who first introduced Alex Jones to his close friend Donald Trump. * Jon Ronson
487b8a2 Stone announced in early April that if delegates at the Republican National Convention had the nerve to switch from Trump to another candidate, "we will disclose [their] hotels and room numbers." Anderson" Jon Ronson
f254fc2 Scattered throughout the week were a surprising number of speeches about how we may be killed by undocumented immigrants driving drunk. I Jon Ronson
2365d30 Trump was praising Operation Wetback -- a 1954 endeavor in which Mexicans were rounded up and dumped in the wilderness, where they were stranded without food or possessions and 88 of them died in the heat.) These Jon Ronson
889b782 Trump might have appointed a less-eerie chief to replace Manafort. But instead he doubled-down, choosing the even eerier Stephen Bannon. Bannon Jon Ronson
9b9152c The idea of Donald Trump and Alex Jones and Roger Stone and Stephen Bannon having power over us -- that is terrifying. THE END Jon Ronson
832c461 I suppose that when shamings are delivered like remotely administered drone strikes nobody needs to think about how ferocious our collective power might be. The snowflake never needs to feel responsible for the avalanche. * Jon Ronson
2aef03d You remain with the person you've just been yelling at until the resentments fizzle. That's how wounds heal. Jon Ronson
9a2c924 I suppose that when shamings are delivered like remotely administered drone strikes nobody needs to think about how ferocious our collective power might be. The snowflake never needs to feel responsible for the avalanche. * Jon Ronson
a2d63ad what's the point in threatening them with imprisonment if they break the terms of their parole? The threat has no meaning for them." He" Jon Ronson
582864c The more he told me about himself, the more leverage I had for manipulation," he told Bob's researcher. "I just kept fueling the fire; the more fuel I added to the fire, the bigger payoff for me. I was the puppet master pulling the strings." Eventually" Jon Ronson
4393341 There's a societal push for conformity in all ways. There's less tolerance of difference. And so maybe for some people having a label is better. It can confer a sense of hope and direction. (interview with Allen Frances) Jon Ronson
a81550c What happened, Bob explained to us now, although we didn't need telling, was that Jack Abbott was a psychopath. He couldn't bear being disrespected. His self-worth was too grandiose for that. He couldn't control his impulses. "When" Jon Ronson
85c9733 What they find is that there are anomalies in the way these individuals process material that has emotional implications. That there's this dissociation between the linguistic meaning of words and the emotional connotations. Somehow they don't put them together. Various parts of the limbic system just don't light up." And" Jon Ronson
9e8fca5 Why is the world so unfair? Why all that savage economic injustice, those brutal wars, the everyday corporate cruelty? The answer: psychopaths. That part of the brain that doesn't function right. Jon Ronson
711a663 It is a frightening and huge thought," I said, "that the ninety-nine percent of us wandering around down here are having our lives pushed and pulled around by that psychopathic fraction up there." "It" Jon Ronson
72c249e Bryna is convinced her children are bipolar, and I wasn't going to swoop into a stranger's home for an afternoon and tell them all they were normal. Jon Ronson
0c7ce89 He blamed psychopaths for the brutal excesses of capitalism itself, that the system at its cruelest was a manifestation of a few people's anomalous amygdalae. Jon Ronson
44b07a5 the madness business is filled with people like Tony, reduced to their maddest edges. Jon Ronson
d11b5ec Al was referring to the time during the Cuban missile crisis that he left his five-months-pregnant wife home alone with no food or access to money and in desperation she had to call her mother and sister for help. "Oh!" Jon Ronson
c8f34f4 I told a journalist that Dave seemed quite psychopathic (I didn't know a thing about psychopaths but I assumed that that was the sort of thing they might do). Jon Ronson
23cb9cd after his lawyer argued that given the passage of time, he wouldn't have a fair hearing. He became a pariah in the offender-profiling world. Now, Jon Ronson
b24915e the suspect, Colin Stagg, must be the person who introduces every single element. Jon Ronson
6a0d0ec the suspect, Colin Stagg, must be the person who introduces every single element. What you may then do is reflect that back. You must never introduce it first. If you do, you're fulfilling your hopes, you see?" I" Jon Ronson
8f6e520 At what point does querying diagnostic criteria tip over into mocking the unusual symptoms of people in very real distress? Jon Ronson
8a92f68 Once labeled schizophrenic the pseudopatient was stuck with that label. --DAVID ROSENHAN, Jon Ronson
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