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3ec6f5d E' la tragedia di amare, non si puo amare niente piu di quello che ci manca. Jonathan Safran Foer
1957019 The more you love someone, he came to think, the harder it is to tell them. Jonathan Safran Foer
4c4daef Cartile sunt pentru aceia care nu au vieti adevarate. Jonathan Safran Foer
cd2b479 we decided to create a Nothing Place in the living room, it seemed necessary, because there are times when one needs to disappear while in the living room, and sometimes one simply wants to disappear, we made this zone slightly larger so that one of us could lie down in it, it was a rule that you never would look at that rectangle of space, it didn't exist, and when you were in it, neither did you, for a while that was enough, but only for .. something Jonathan Safran Foer
76561f7 None of my pets know their own names, what kind of person am I? Jonathan Safran Foer
c4dd7b4 There are more places you haven't heard of than you've heard of! Jonathan Safran Foer
7875042 Cat lovers display an intensity lacking -- thank goodness -- in most human relationships. Jonathan Safran Foer
564cd51 nu ne acorda nici o atentie si n-a intrebat nici macar o data despre ce discutam. Era sociabil doar cu alunele. Jonathan Safran Foer
5698482 Despite the near-constant regret he felt about being himself, he never confused himself for the problem. The problem was the world. It was the world that didn't fit. But how much happiness has ever resulted from correcting the record on the culpability of the world? Jonathan Safran Foer
e2a36a9 Dunya hep ayni kalirken olen insan sayisinin artmasi ve gunun birinde kimseyi gomecek yer kalmayacak olmasi tuhaf degil mi? Jonathan Safran Foer
458fdef Peki guzel sarkilar neden uzuyor seni?" "Gercek olmadiklari icin." "Hic mi?" "Hicbir sey hem gercek hem de guzel degildir." Jonathan Safran Foer
ad83f6c nuovo romanzo dell'autore di Ogni cosa e illuminata <> Cosi risponde Abramo quando Jonathan Safran Foer
4276177 The less a citizen knew, the more adamantly he or she argued. Jonathan Safran Foer
803063b Ty kakoi-to rasstroennyi. Chto-nibud' ne tak? Mne khotelos' skazat': "Konechno", mne khotelos' sprosit': "A razve chto-nibud' tak?" Jonathan Safran Foer
e5dd5c5 Wat is er mis met dat verlangen en dat nodig hebben? Niets. En de gapende afstand tussen de plek waar je bent en je oorspronkelijke voorstelling hoeft niet per definitie mislukking in te houden. Teleurstelling hoeft niet teleurstellend te zijn. Het verlangen, het nodig hebben, de afstand, de teleurstelling: groeien, weten, toewijden, naast elkaar oud worden. Je kunt heel goed alleen leven, maar niet een leven lang. Jonathan Safran Foer
ec9eae7 Hoewel hij het bijna voortdurend betreurde dat hij zichzelf was, verwarde hij zichzelf nooit met het probleem. De wereld was het probleem. Die paste niet. Maar hoe vaak zou er ooit iemand gelukkiger zijn geworden door het laakbaarheidsrecord van de wereld te verbeteren? Jonathan Safran Foer
6b4e272 Ik geloof dat je een enorm belang hecht aan geluk - van jezelf en anderen - en ongelukkig zijn zo bedreigend vindt dat je liever met het hele schip naar de kelder gaat dan toegeeft dat er een lek in zit. Jonathan Safran Foer
fddf2d7 Instiinct' blijft ook daarna de gebruikelijke verklaring wanneer het gedrag van dieren te veel op intelligentie lijkt te wijzen. Jonathan Safran Foer
bf1f2eb More than any set of practices, factory farming is a mind-set: reduce production costs to the absolute minimum and systematically ignore or "externalize" such costs as environmental degradation, human disease, and animal suffering." Jonathan Safran Foer
8175bbb I don't speak," he wrote, "I'm sorry." Jonathan Safran Foer
0daa1ac The best reason to think that there could be a better future is the fact that we know just how bad the future could be. Jonathan Safran Foer
1a22e1f Remembering and forgetting are part of the same mental process. To write down one detail of an event is to not write down another (unless you keep writing forever). Jonathan Safran Foer
5227c08 In America, where the USDA's interpretation of the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act exempts chicken slaughter, the voltage is kept low -- about one-tenth the level necessary to render the animals unconscious. After it has traveled through the bath, a paralyzed bird's eyes might still move. Sometimes the birds will have enough control of their bodies to slowly open their beaks, as though attempting to scream. The next stop on the line for the.. Jonathan Safran Foer
2b44200 she'd done enough residential architecture to know that the desire to wring out a few more drips of happiness almost always destroyed the happiness you were so lucky to have, and so foolish never to acknowledge. It happens every time: a forty-thousand-dollar kitchen remodel becomes a seventy-five-thousand-dollar kitchen remodel (because everyone comes to believe that small differences make big differences), becomes a new exit to the garden .. Jonathan Safran Foer
d9a0c4a It's not a horrible word! He told me, putting a Cambodian mask on his face , But it's filled with a lot of horrible people! Jonathan Safran Foer
dee8574 Embarrassment is the Parmalat of emotions. Jonathan Safran Foer
4db5673 The end of the world has come often, and continues to often come. Unforgiving, unrelenting, bringing darkness upon darkness, the end of the world is something we have become well acquainted with, habitualized, made into a ritual. It is our religion to try to forget it in its absence, make peace with it when it is undeniable, and return its embrace when it finally comes for us, as it always does. Jonathan Safran Foer
35f52e4 why wouldn't I eat a dog I'd never met? Or more to the point, what justification might I have for sparing dogs but eating other animals? Jonathan Safran Foer
ee2eaf6 I have often felt that my vegetarianism matters more to such people than it does to me. Jonathan Safran Foer
2271e3f Mencils?" "Pencils for men." Jonathan Safran Foer
2f8e090 No podemos alegar ignorancia, solo indiferencia. Los que vivimos hoy sabemos mas. Tenemos la oportunidad y la responsabilidad que nos da vivir en un momento en que la critica hacia las granjas industriales ha llegado a la conciencia publica. Somos aquellos a quienes se nos preguntara, con toda la justicia del mundo: ?Que hiciste cuando te enteraste de lo que implica comer animales? veganismo vida Jonathan Safran Foer
d3fb88b The average distance our meat travels hovers around fifteen hundred miles. That's like me driving from Brooklyn to the Texas Panhandle for lunch. Jonathan Safran Foer
8dcdfd4 The very genetics of chickens, along with their feed and environment, were now intensively manipulated to produce either excessive amounts of eggs (layers) or flesh, especially breasts (broilers). From 1935 to 1995, the average weight of "broilers" increased by 65 percent, while their time-to-market dropped 60 percent and their feed requirements dropped 57 percent. To gain a sense of the radicalness of this change, imagine human children gr.. Jonathan Safran Foer
b20f4f0 How much do I value creating a socially comfortable situation, and how much do I value acting socially responsible? Jonathan Safran Foer
c8012b4 While we pursue happiness, we flee from contentment Jonathan Safran Foer
75b4026 The ground is still filled iwth rings, and money, and pictures, and Jewish things. I was only able to find a few of them, but they fill the earth." The hero did not ask me once what she was saying. I am not certain if he knew what she was saying, or if he knew not to inquire." jews shoah wwii Jonathan Safran Foer
74298db Sure, you could say that people should just eat less meat, but I've got news for you: people don't want to eat less meat. You can be like PETA and pretend that the world is going to wake up tomorrow and realize that they love animals and don't want to eat them anymore, but history has shown that people are perfectly capable of loving animals and eating them. It's childish, and I would even say immoral, to fantasize about a vegetarian world .. Jonathan Safran Foer
b3f9ccb Ia o mnogom khotela pogovorit'. No znala, chto emu budet bol'no. Poetomu ia zaryla eto v sebe - pust' mne budet bol'no. Jonathan Safran Foer
416afba Jacob didn't want to coerce or be coerced, but what was he supposed to do? Sit on his hands waiting for his grandfather to shatter his hip and die in a hospital room as every abandoned old person is destined to do? Jonathan Safran Foer
dfd20ef But not even to save your life?" "If nothing matters, there's nothing to save." Jonathan Safran Foer
8301e80 Het eten van dieren raakt ons in het diepste van ons wezen, in onze herinneringen, onze verlangens en onze waarden. Wat het bij ons losmaakt is potentieel controversieel, potentieel bedreigend, potentieel inspirerend, maar altijd betekenisvol. Jonathan Safran Foer
cffc30e I started inventing things, and then I couldn't stop, like beavers, which I know about. People think they cut down trees so they can build dams, but in reality it's because their teeth never stop growing, and if they didn't constantly file them down by cutting through all of those trees, their teeth would start to grow into their own faces, which would kill them. That's how my brain was. Jonathan Safran Foer
adaa3bb BILL: That moment of slaughter, for me, in my experience--and I would suspect for most sensitive animal husbandry farmers--that's when you understand destiny and dominion. Because you have brought that animal to its death. It's alive, and you know when that door goes up and it goes in there that it's over. It's the most troubling moment for me, that moment when they are lined up at the slaughterhouse. I don't know quite how to explain it. T.. Jonathan Safran Foer
528dcea As Pollan explains, "Eating industrial meat takes an almost heroic act of not knowing, or, now, forgetting." Jonathan Safran Foer