Sam enjoyed knowledge. The accumulation and distribution of facts gave him a feeling of control, of utility, of the opposite of the powerlessness that comes with having a smallish, underdeveloped body that doesn't dependably respond to the mental commands of a largish, overstimulated brain.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Alex?" I told him yes. "You're my translator, right?" I asked him to be slow, because I could not understand him. In truth I was manufacturing a brick wall of shits."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
613 Traurigkeiten Traurigkeit des blauen Himmels, Traurigkeit der Wolken, Traurigkeit des Sommers, Traurigkeit der Sonne, Traurigkeit der Schafe, Traurigkeit des Beisammenseins, Traurigkeit von Weihnachten und Weihnachtsbaumen, Traurigkeit der Kuscheltiere, Traurigkeit des Schnees, Traurigkeit der Farbe, Traurigkeit der Gleise, Traurigkeit von Sex, Traurigkeit vor dem geliebten Menschen traurig zu sein, Traurigkeit der Schaukeln, Traurigkei..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
This is the sixty-nine," I told him, presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my fingers--two of them --on the action, so that he would not overlook it. "Why is it dubbed sixty-nine?" he asked, because he is a person hot on fire with curiosity. "It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows a friend of the nephew of the inventor." "What did people do before 1969?" "Merely blowjobs and masticating box, but never in chorus." He will ..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
This was a troublesome supplication, because at the dawn of July, Ukraine was to celebrate the first birthday of its ultramodern constitution, which makes us feel very nationalistic, and so many people would be on vacation in foreign places.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Yankel's lipstick autobiography came flaking off his bedroom ceiling, falling gently like blood-stained snow to his bed and floor. You are Yankel. You love Brod. You are a Sloucher. You were once married, but she left you. You don't believe in an afterlife.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
She took the paper from Yankel's hand, which was damp with rain, and fear of death, and death. Scrawled in a child's writing: Everything for Brod.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The arm was the arm, and it was the arm - not her husband, or even herself - that she thought about seven years later, on June 28, 1941, as the first German war blasts shook her wooden house to its foundations, and her eyes rolled back in her head to view, before dying, her insides.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live, Oskar. Because if I were able to live my life again, I would do things differently. I would change my life. I would kiss my piano teacher, even if he laughed at me. I would jump with Mary on the bed, even if I made a fool of myself. I would send out ugly photographs, thousands of them.
Jonathan Safran Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close |
What if it was man and not God that did all of this?" "I do not believe in man, either."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
By now, almost all of the shtetl's three hundred-odd citizens had gathered to debate that about which they knew nothing. The less a citizen knew, the more adamantly he or she argued. There was nothing new in this.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
It was on the eve of Yom Kippur, the holiest of holy days, that a fly flew under the door of the synagogue and began to pester the hanging congregants. It flew from face to face, buzzing, landing on long noses, going in and out of hairy ears. AND IF THIS IS A TEST, the Venerable Rabbi enlightened, trying to keep his congregation together, SHOULD WE NOT RISE TO ITS CHALLENGE? AND I URGE YOU: CRASH TO THE GROUND BEFORE YOU RELEASE THE GREAT B..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
In another place, their sons were killed between the barbs of their own guard wire, killed with misfired bombs while squirming in the mire like animals, killed with friendly fire, killed sometimes without knowing that they were about to die - a bullet through the head while joking with a comrade, laughing
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Esti ridicola. Nu fac decat sa dorm in alta camera. - Dar iubirea inseamna o camera. Asta-i tot ce inseamna.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Ze wil weten of ik van haar hou, dat is eigenlijk het enige wat de ene mens van de ander wil, het gaat niet om de liefde op zich, maar om het idee dat de liefde er is.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
A Lutsk ti ho comprato dei libri, le disse Yankel chiudendo la porta a prima sera, chiudendo fuori il resto del mondo. Non possiamo permetterceli, ribatte lei afferrando la borsa pesante. Domani dovro restituirli. Non possiamo permetterci neanche di non averli. Qual e la cosa che possiamo permetterci di meno: averli o non averli? A mio parere, perdiamo in ogni caso. Meglio perdere con i libri.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I parenti sono le persone con cui mai bisogna avere vergogna. Sbagli, I parenti sono le persone che ti fanno sentire la vergogna quando te lo meriti.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
When we lift our forks, we hang our hats somewhere. We set ourselves in one relationship or another to farmed animals, farmworkers, national economies, and global markets. Not making a decision - eating like everyone else - is to make the easiest decision, a decision that is increasingly problematic.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Era o tristete printre el si fotografie si nimic pe lume nu ma speria mai mult.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Human beings are the only animal that blushes, laughs, has religion, wages war, and kisses with lips. So in a way, the more you kiss with lips, the more human you are.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
E asa de greu sa te exprimi. - Eu inteleg. - Eu vreau sa ma exprim. - La fel si eu. - Imi caut vocea. - E in gura ta.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Eram ca doi prieteni. Pentru prima oara de cand ma stiam, m-am simtit in intregime bine.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
gaura despre care incepea sa invete ca nu este exceptia in viata, ci regula. Gaura nu inseamna gol; golul exista in jurul ei.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
In familia mea, tata este campion mondial la inchis discutii.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Si-a lasat familia de izbeliste. Mi-am scris expresia pe creier.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Ai carti publicate? - Nu, dar sunt inca foarte tanar. - Ai povestiri publicate? - Nu. Ma rog, una sau doua. - Cum sunt intitulate? - Las-o balta. - Asta-i un titlu clasa-ntaia.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Am sa-mi fac desteptatorul la sase dimineata. - Sase? am interogat eu. Daca vreti sa stiti de ce am interogat, pai asta e din cauza ca pentru mine sase nu inseamna foarte devreme dimineata, ci foarte intarziat noaptea.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
In adancul inimii lor, tinerii sunt mai singuri decat batranii". Am citit asta undeva, intr-o carte si mi-a ramas in cap. Poate ca e adevarat. Poate ca nu. Mai curand, tinerii si batranii sunt singuri in feluri diferite, fiecare in felul sau..."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
De ce facem asa? De ce lucrurile dureroase sunt intotdeauna niste electromagneti?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
What about little microphones? What if
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Am facut eforturi sa te fac sa apari ca o persoana cu mai putina neliniste, asa cum mi-ai comandat sa fac in atatea ocazii. Asta e dificil de realizat, pentru ca in realitate tu esti o persoana cu foarte multa neliniste. Poate ar trebui sa folosesti droguri.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
We could imagine all sorts of universes unlike this one, but this is the one that happened.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I'd been someone else in a different world I'd've done something different, but I was myself, and the world was the world, so I was silent.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Trebuie sa marturisesc ca am capatat depresie atunci si inca mai am.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Am stat cuibariti cateva momente, apoi ne-am intins amandoi pe spate si iarba era ca un pat. Pentru ca era asa de intuneric, puteam vedea multe dintre stele. Era ca si cand ne-am fi aflat sub o umbrela mare sau sub o rochie. Am vorbit multe minute despre multe lucruri, dar de fapt eu nu-l ascultam si nici el nu ma asculta, si eu nu ma ascultam pe mine, iar el nu se asculta pe sine. Ne aflam pe iarba, sub stele si asta este ceea ce faceam.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Era aproximativ ora patru dupa-amiaza si temperatura incepea sa fie rece. Vantul facea primele zgomote de noapte.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Chickens once had a life expectancy of fifteen to twenty years, but the modern broiler is typically killed at around six weeks. Their daily growth rate has increased roughly 400 percent.)
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Inceputul lumii vine adesea
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Ce pana mea...?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
SADNESSES OF THE INTELLECT: Sadness of being misunderstood [sic]; Humor sadness; Sadness of love wit[hou]t release; Sadne[ss of be]ing smart; Sadness of not knowing enough words to [express what you mean]; Sadness of having options; Sadness of wanting sadness; Sadness of confusion; Sadness of domes[tic]ated birds; Sadness of fini[shi]ng a book; Sadness of remembering; Sadness of forgetting; Anxiety sadness . . . INTERPERSONAL SADNESSES: ..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Wszyscy przeczuwamy niebezpieczenstwo. Nasze jedzenie powstaje kosztem ogromnego cierpienia.Gdy ktos proponuje nam obejrzenie filmu o produkcji miesa, spodziewamy sie horroru. Mozliwe, ze wiemy wiecej, niz nam sie wydaje. Wolimy jednak odsuwac od siebie te swiadomosc. Jedzac mieso, spozywamy udreczone zwierze. Z bialka pochodzacego od torturowanych stworzen powstaja nasze miesnie.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
She didn't love life. There was no convincing reason to live
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Fusese deja o seara grea. Se intamplasera volume, asa cum se intampla acum volume si asa cum se vor intampla volume.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Siguranta si pace la adapost de ce? - Nu stiu. Siguranta si pace la adapost de ne-siguranta si de ne-pace.
Jonathan Safran Foer |