Autor wspomina w ksiazce, jak to na jednej z pamiatkowych notatek pozostawionych po wizycie w rzezni ktores z odwiedzajacych ja dzieci napisalo: "Dziekuje za swinskie oczy". Faktycznie, przydalyby nam sie oczy zwierzat, zebysmy mogli rzeczywiscie zobaczyc, na czym polega dramat losu, jaki ludzie im zgotowali. Ludzkie najwyrazniej nam nie wystarczaja. - Poslowie Dariusza Gzyry"
Jonathan Safran Foer |
will describe my eyes and then begin the story. My eyes are blue and resplendent. Now I will begin the story.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
take tuna. Among the other 145 species regularly killed -- gratuitously -- while killing tuna are: manta ray, devil ray, spotted skate, bignose shark, copper shark, Galapagos shark, sandbar shark, night shark, sand tiger shark, (great) white shark, hammerhead shark, spurdog fish, Cuban dogfish, bigeye thresher, mako, blue shark, wahoo, sailfish, bonito, king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, longbill spearfish, white marlin, swordfish, lancet fis..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Stephen Hawking won't come to Israel? I'm not one to punch a quadriplegic with glasses, but I'm sure he won't mind if we ask for his voice back--you know, the one that was created by Israeli engineers.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
And by midafternoon he was again overcome with the desire to be somewhere else, someone else, someone else somewhere else.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Jonathan Safran Foer |
A simple trick from the backyard astronomer: if you are having trouble seeing something, look slightly away from it. The most light-sensitive parts of our eyes (those we need to see dim objects) are on the edges of the region we normally use for focusing. Eating animals has an invisible quality. Thinking about dogs, and their relationship to the animals we eat, is one way of looking askance and making something invisible visible.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
So many days in their shared life. So many experiences. How had they managed to spend the previous sixteen years unlearning each other? How had all the presence summed to disappearance?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Puoi levarti anche le calze?" Gli chiedeva lei. "E i calzoni?" "E tu ti puoi levare i tuoi?" "Sono timida anch'io," diceva lei, il che - per quanto avessero visto i rispettivi corpi nudi centinaia, anzi probabilmente migliaia di volte, era vero. Non si erano mai visti da lontano. Non avevano mai conosciuto l'intimita piu profonda, quella raggiungibile solo con la distanza. Lei andava al foro e lo guardava in silenzio per alcuni minuti. Poi ..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The French, who love their dogs, sometimes eat their horses. The Spanish, who love their horses, sometimes eat their cows. The Indians, who love their cows, sometimes eat their dogs.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
There are more people alive now than have died in all of human history. In other words, if everyone wanted to play Hamlet at once, they couldn't, because there aren't enough skulls!
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Usamos una serie de teatrales senas con las manos para comunicar lo que un simple susurro habria hecho con la misma eficacia. Pero hemos hecho voto de silencio: ni una palabra hasta que estemos a salvo, de camino a casa.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Man kann auch die Waldbrandgefahr mindern, indem man samtliche Baume fallt.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Some of the names I could not reason, like the box marked DARKNESS, or the one with DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN written in pencil on its front. I noticed that there was a box on the top of one of these skyscrapers of boxes that was marked DUST
Jonathan Safran Foer |
And when the blush of a schoolgirl's cheeks was mistaken for the crimson of a holy man's fingers, it was the schoolgirl who was called hussy, tramp, slut.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Do not have any other loves before me in your heart. Do not take my name in vain. Do not kill me. Observe me, and keep me holy.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
She laughed, I love it when she laughs, although the truth is I am not in love with her.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Mein Inneres reibt sich am Aussen.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Zivot mi je kao djevojcici bio glazba koja se neprestano pojacavala.Sve me moglo dirnuti.Pas koji prati neznanca.Od toga sam osjecala toliko mnogo.Kalendar koji prikazuje pogresan mjesec.Zbog toga sam se mogla rasplakati.I plakala sam.Gdje zavrsava dim iz mog dimnjaka.Kako se prevrnuta boca zaustavila na rubu stola. Cijeli zivot ucila sam kako manje osjecati. Iz dana u dan osjecala sam sve manje. Je li to starenje?Ili nesto jos gore? Covjek..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Long before man traveled into space, rabbis debated how one would observe Shabbat there-not because they anticipated space travel but because Buddhists strive to live with questions and Jews would rather die.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Trebaju nam mnogo veci dzepovi,razmisljao sam lezeci u krevetu i brojeci tih sedam minuta potrebnih normalnom covjeku da utone u san.Trebaju nam divovski dzepovi,dzepovi dovoljno veliki za nasu obitelj i prijatelje,cak i ljude koji nam nisu na popisu,ljude koje nikada nismo upoznali,ali ih ipak zelimo zastiti.Trebaju nam dzepovi za gradske opcine i za cijele gradove,dzep u koji bi stao citav svemir. Ali znao sam da dzepovi ne mogu biti toli..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Roman -- eto literaturnaia forma, kotoraia legche vsego gorit. Tak uzh sluchilos', chto v seredine deviatnadtsatogo veka kazhdyi zhitel' nashego shtetla, bud' to muzhchina, zhenshchina ili rebenok, prebyval v ubezhdenii, chto on vynashivaet v sebe khotia by odin. Etoi epokhe, skoree vsego, polozhil nachalo stranstvuiushchii tsyganskii kommivoiazher, kazhdoe tret'e voskresen'e kazhdogo vtorogo mesiatsa prigoniavshii na glavnuiu ploshchad' po..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The choice-obsessed modern West is probably more accommodating to individuals who choose to eat differently than any other culture has ever been, but ironically, the utterly unselective omnivore - "I'm easy; I'll eat anything" - can appear more socially sensitive than the individual who tries to eat in a way that is good for society. Food choices are determined by many factors, but reason (even consciousness) is not generally high on the li..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Before child labor laws, there were businesses that treated their ten-year-old employees well. society didn't ban child labor because it's impossible to imagine children working in a good environment, but because when you give that much power to businesses over powerless individuals, it's corrupting. When we walk around thinking we have a greater right to eat an animal than the animal has a right to live without suffering, it's corrupting.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The persistence of the story of animal consent into the contemporary era tells of a human appreciation of the stakes, and a desire to do the right thing.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Her sey icime dokunurdu. Bir yabancinin pesinden giden bir kopek. Icimi burkardi. Yanlis ayi gosteren bir takvim. Sirf bunun icin aglayabilirdim. Aglamistim da. Bacadan tuten dumanin bitisinde. Devrik bir sisenin masanin kenarinda takilip kalisinda. Hayatimi daha az duygulanmayi ogrenmeye harcadim. Her gun daha az duygulandim. Buyumek midir bu? Yoksa daha beter bir sey mi? Kendini mutluluktan korumadan mutsuzluktan koruyamazsin.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Love me, because love does not exist, and I tried everything.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Dad used to say that sometimes you have to put your fears in order...
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I had no need for the past, I thought, like a child. I did not consider that the past might have a need for me.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
What about little microphones? What if everyone swallowed them, and they played the sounds of our hearts through little speakers, which could be in the pouches of our overalls? When you skateboarded down the street at night you could hear everyone's heartbeat, and they could hear yours, sort of like sonar. One weird thing is, I wonder if everyone's hearts would start to beat at the same time...the place in the hospital where babies are born..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Quiza no exista la "carne". En su lugar, existe este animal, criado en esta granja, sacrificado en esta planta, vendido de este modo y consumido por esta persona."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Muchos cientificos predicen la debacle total de todas las especies de peces en menos de cincuenta anos, mientras se realizan intensos esfuerzos por atrapar, matar y comer mas animales marinos
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Or how he was once found on the well regarded Rabbi's front lawn, bound in white string, and said he tied one around his finger to remember something terribly important, and fearing he would forget the index finger, he tied a string around his pinky, and then one from waist to neck, and fearing he would forget this one, he tied a string from ear to tooth to scrotum heel, and used his body to remember his body, but in the end could only reme..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Nos llevamos el cachorro a casa. Lo (la) abrace desde el otro lado de la habitacion. Luego, como ella no me dio ningun motivo para pensar que perderia algun dedo en el proceso, deje que comiera de mi mano. Despues le deje que la lamiera. Y que me lamiera la cara. Y despues lami yo la suya. Y ahora me encantan todos los perros y somos felices para siempre.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
So, then why am I your son?" "Because Mom and I made love, and one of my sperm fertilized one of her eggs." "Excuse me while I regurgitate." "Don't act your age."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Nuestro tabu contra comer perros dice algo de ellos y mucho de nosotros. Los franceses, que adoran a sus perros, aveces se comen a sus caballos. Los espanoles, que adoran a sus caballos, aveces se comen a sus vacas. Los indios, que adoran a sus vacas, aveces se comen a sus perros.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Isn't it weird how the number of dead people is increasing even though the earth stays the same size, so that one day there isn't going to be room to bury anyone anymore?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Mne zhal', chto vsia zhizn' ukhodit na to, chtoby nauchit'sia zhizni, Oskar. Bud' u menia eshche odna zhizn', ia by prozhila ee po-drugomu. Ia by vsio izmenila. Ia by potselovala uchitelia muzyki, ne boias', chto on menia zasmeet. Ia by skakala na posteli s Meri, ne zabotias' o tom, kak vygliazhu. Ia by ne stesnialas' svoikh fotokartochek, rassylala by ikh tysiachami.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Razmisljam o svemu sto sam ucinila.I o svemu sto nisam ucinila.Pogreske su za mene mrtve.Ali ne mogu povuci stvari koje nikada nisam ucinila.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Me encuentro entre el 95 por ciento de propietarios varones de perros que les habla (aunque no en el 87 por ciento que cree que su perro le contesta).
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I told them all, "If possible, I would be here with only you, forever. But I am a man who toils, and I must go where I must. We need currency for famous nightclubs, yes? I am doing something I hate for you. This is what it means to be in love. So do not spleen me." But to be truthful, I was not even the smallest portion sad to go to Lutsk to translate for Jonathan Safran Foer. As I mentioned before, my life is ordinary. But I had never been..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Lvov is a city like New York City in America. New York City, in truth, was designed on the model of Lvov.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
He couldn't bear to live, but he couldn't bear to die. He couldn't bear the thought of her making love to someone else, but neither could he bear the absence of the thought. And as for the note, he couldn't bear to keep it, but he couldn't bear to destroy it either. So he tried to lose it. He left it by the wax-weeping candle holders, placed it between matzos every Passover, dropped it without regard among rumpled papers on his cluttered de..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Ein Junge und ein Madchen liegen auf dem Boden, vor sich die Dachschrage. Sie konzentriert sich auf den Jungen, der aus dieser Entfernung so aussieht, als ware er in ihrem Alter. Und selbst aus dieser Entfernung kann sie erkennen, dass das Buch, aus dem er ihr vorliest, "Das Buch der Begebenheiten" ist. Der Junge schlaft ein, und das Madchen legt den Kopf auf seine Brust. Brod will mehr horen - sie will schreien: LIES MIR WEITER VOR! ICH MU..
Jonathan Safran Foer |