Comer animales, como el aborto, es uno de esos temas en los que es imposible saber de manera definitiva algunos de los detalles mas importantes. (?Cuando es un feto una persona real y no potencial? ?Como es en verdad la experiencia animal?), lo cual remueve las desazones mas profundas de uno y a menudo provoca actitudes defensivas o agresivas.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Hayatimin en guzel gunlerinden biri, hayatimi yasadigim ve hayatim hakkinda hic dusunmedigim bir gundu.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Ignoro las veces en que despues de decirle a alguien que soy vegetariano, el o ella intentaban buscar una incoherencia en mi estilo de vida o trataban de buscar un error en un argumentacion que yo no habia hecho.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
On dovel menia do kukhonnogo stola, kotoryi stoial tam zhe, gde i nash stol, i sel, khlopnuv sebia po kolenke. <> Mne pokazalos' strannym, chto on eto skazal, potomu chto pro zhizn' ia u nego ne sprashival. Ia voobshche ne uspel skazat', zachem prishel. <
Jonathan Safran Foer |
But unlike all farmed meat, which requires the creation and maintenance of animals, dogs are practically begging to be eaten. Three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized annually. This amounts to millions of pounds of meat now being thrown away every year.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
What we forget about animals we begin to forget about ourselves.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The justifications for eating animals and for not eating them are often identical: we are not them.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Nothing- not a conversation, not a handshake or even a hug- establishes friendship so forcefully as eating together.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
D'apres toi, pourquoi es-tu ici, Oskar ? - Je suis ici, docteur, parce que maman est inquiete que la vie me mette devant des difficultes insurmontables.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
She hid these things in the forest so that she could find them when she returned, and then she went forth." "Where?" "Places." "Where?" "Russia. Other places." "Then?" "Then she returned." "Why?" "To gather the things she had hidden, and to discover what remained. Everyone who went back was certain that she would discover her house and her friends and even the relatives that she saw killed. It is said that the Messiah will come at the end o..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
You only get to keep what you refuse to let go off.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Brods 613 Traurigkeiten TRAURIGKEITEN DES KORPERS: Die Traurigkeit des Spiegels; die Traurigkeit, wie die Eltern oder nicht wie die Eltern auszusehen; die Traurigkeit, nicht zu wissen, ob der eigene Korper normal ist; die Traurigkeit zu wissen, dass der eigene Korper nicht normal ist; die Traurigkeit zu wissen, dass der eigene Korper normal ist; die Traurigkeit der Schonheit; die Traurigkeit des Make-ups; die Traurigkeit der korperlichen Sc..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Her learning to sew (from a book Yankel brought back from Lvov) coincided with her refusal to wear any clothes that she did not make for herself, and when he bought her a book about animal physiology, she held the pictures to his face and said, "Don't you think it's strange, Yankel, how we eat them?" "I've never eaten a picture." "The animals. Don't you find that strange? I can't believe I never found it strange before. It's like your name,..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
If we are at all serious about ending factory farming, then the absolute least we can do is stop sending checks to the absolute worst abusers. For some, the decision to eschew factory-farmed products will be easy. For others, the decision will be a hard one. To those for whom it sounds like a hard decision (I would have counted myself in this group), the ultimate question is whether it is worth the inconvenience. We know, at least, that thi..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
It felt as if an only life should be better than good enough, but how many efforts for more have ended with having nothing?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
When we lift our forks, we hang our hats somewhere. We set ourselves in one relationship or another to farmed animals, farm-workers, national economies, and global markets. Not making a decision--eating 'like everyone else'--is to make the easiest decision, a decision that is increasingly problematic.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Wings of a half finished book across his chest.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
What's so great about feeling and dreaming?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
You're going to catch a cold. I already have a cold. You are going to catch a colder.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Jacob was right when, after Sam's injury, he said it was too much love for happiness.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Why is taste, the crudest of our senses, exempted from the ethical rules that govern our other senses?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
What's the kindest thing you almost did? Is your fear of insomnia stronger than your fear of what awoke you? Are bonsai cruel? Do you love what you love, or just the feeling? Your earliest memories: do you look though your young eyes, or look at your young self? Which feels worse: to know that there are people who do more with less talent, or that there are people with more talent? Do you walk on moving walkways? Should it make any differen..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I will walk without noise and I will open the door in darkness and I will
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Ted je vic zivych lidi, nez kolik jich za cele dejiny umrelo. Jinak receno, kdyby vsichni najednou chteli hrat Hamleta, tak by nemohli, protoze by nebylo dost lebek!
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I've read every letter that you've sent me these past two years. In return, I've sent you many form letters, with the hope of one day being able to give you the proper response you deserve. But the more letters you wrote to me, and the more of yourself you gave, the more daunting my task became. I'm sitting beneath a pear tree as I dictate this to you, overlooking the orchards of a friend's estate. I've spent the past few days here, recove..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I said, not knowing what the next words out of my mouth would be, but wanting them to be mine, wanting, more than I'd ever wanted anything, to express the center of me to and be understood.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Compounding Julia's irritation was the fact that Mark and Jennifer were the parents of one of Sam's friends, and thought of Jacob and Julia as their friends, and wanted to have a coffee after to "catch up." Julia liked them and, insofar as she could muster enthusiasm for extrafamilial relations, considered them friends. But she couldn't muster much. At least not until she could catch up with herself."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Their relationship was defined not by what they could share, but what they couldn't. Between any two beings there is a unique, uncrossable distance, an unenterable sanctuary. Sometimes it takes the shape of aloneness. Sometimes it takes the shape of love.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Little was known, which made what little was known terrifying.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
For every ten tuna, sharks, and other large fish that were in our oceans less than a century ago, only one is left. Many scientists predict the total collapse of all fished species in less than fifty years.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
For meat, milk, and eggs labelled organic, animals must: 1) be raised on organic feed (without most synthetic pesticides/fertilizers) 2) be traced 3) not be fed antibiotics or growth hormones 4) have "access to the outdoors"
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Why is taste, the crudest of our senses, exempted from the ethical rules that govern our other senses? If you stop and think about it, it's crazy. Why doesn't a horny person have as strong a claim to raping an animal as a hungry one does to killing and eating it?
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The Gypsy girl carved love letters into trees, filling the forest with notes for him.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
TV guy and sometimes cooker Gordon Ramsay can get pretty macho with baby animals when doing publicity for something he's selling, but you'll never see a puppy peeking out of one of his pots. And though he once said he'd electrocute his children if they became vegetarian, I wonder what his response would be if they poached the family pooch.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
But even if the average life expectancy continued to increase by one year with each passing year, it would take forever for people to live forever, so probably no one would ever see it.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
From 1935 to 1995, the average weight of "broilers" increased by 65%, while their time-to-market dropped 60% and their feed requirements dropped 57%. To gain a sense of the radicalness of this change, imagine human children growing to be 300 pounds in 10 years, while eating only granola bars and Flintstones vitamins."
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Animal agriculture is now dominated by the factory farm- 99.9% of chickens raised for meat, 97% of laying hens, 99% of turkeys, 95% of pigs, and 78% of cattle.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) calculated 24.6 million pounds of antibiotics were fed to chickens, pigs, and other farmed animals, only counting nontherapeutic uses.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
In 1930, more than 20% of the American population was employed in agriculture. Today it's less than 2%.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Smithfield spilled more than 20 million gallons of lagoon waste into the New River in North Carolina. The spill remains the largest environmental disaster of its kind and is twice as big as the iconic Exxon Valdez 6 years earlier... at the time of the spill, Smithfield was the 7th largest pork producer in the US; two years later it was the biggest.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Kein briere iz oich a breire. Not to have a choice is also a choice. How will we tell the story of he who never had no choice? At stake is our notion of righteousness, of a life worth saving.
Jonathan Safran Foer |
It was scary how quickly and completely his past could be rewritten, or overwritten. All those years felt worthwhile while they were happening, but only a few months on the other side of them and they were a gigantic waste of time. Of a life. It was an almost irrepressible urge of his brain to see the worst in that which had failed. To see it as something that had failed, rather than something that had succeeded until the end. Was he protec..
Jonathan Safran Foer |
I turned on the radio and found a station playing "Hey Jude." It was true, I didn't want to make it bad. I wanted to take the sad song and make it better. It's just that I didn't know how. After"
Jonathan Safran Foer |
In other words, if everyone wants to play Hamlet all at once, they couldn't because there aren't enough skulls.
Jonathan Safran Foer |