Here are sixty thousand," replied Phileas Fogg, handing the captain a roll of bank-bills. This had a prodigious effect on Andrew Speedy. An American can scarcely remain unmoved at the sight of sixty thousand dollars. The captain forgot in an instant his anger, his imprisonment, and all his grudges against his passenger. The Henrietta was twenty years old; it was a great bargain. The bomb would not go off after all. Mr. Fogg had taken away t..
Jules Verne |
great altitude or might be thrown into a horizontal position.
Jules Verne |
he knew that in this world account must be taken of friction, and that friction retards, he never rubbed against anybody. As
Jules Verne |
Kalagani evidently knew this thinly-peopled region perfectly, and guided us across it most admirably. On the 29th September our train began to ascend the northern slope of the Vindyas, in order to reach the pass of Sirgour. Hitherto we had met with no obstacle or difficulty, although this country is one of the worst in repute of all India, because it is a favourite retreat of criminals. Robbers haunt the highways, and it is here that the ..
Jules Verne |
Je crois donc que lorsque les gisements de houille seront epuises, on chauffera et on se chauffera avec de l'eau. L'eau est le charbon de l'avenir. --
Jules Verne |
At ten o'clock breakfast was served in the dining-room; and, seated at a table which was far less shaken than it would have been in a first-class railway carriage, we did ample justice to the culinary skill of Monsieur Parazard. We
Jules Verne |
The impulse once given to these frightful butcheries, it was impossible to stop them.
Jules Verne |
The superb grottoes or caves of Adjuntah, which rival those of Ellora, and perhaps in general beauty surpass them, occupy the lower end of a small valley about half a mile from the town.
Jules Verne |
Cuando el doctor reflexionaba sobre la implacable antipatia de los hombres y la rivalidad de las nacionalidades, no se encogia de hombros, como hacen muchos, sino que no podia dejar de lamentar amargamente las debilidades humanas.
Jules Verne |
So, fatality will play me these terrible tricks. The elements themselves conspire to overwhelm me with mortification. Air, fire, and water combine their united efforts to oppose my passage. Well, they shall see what the earnest will of a determined man can do. I will not yield, I will not retreat even one inch; and we shall see who shall triumph in this great contest - man or nature.
Jules Verne |
Que quereis, senor Clawbonny? !Me encuentro tan perfectamente entre mantas! Ademas, yo he adquirido la costumbre de tener buenos suenos. !Sueno
Jules Verne |
Como puede mi corazon contener en este momento su alegria! !Ah! !Mis queridos companeros! Habeis sacrificado, para reuniros en una empresa comun, las miserables cuestiones de nacionalidad. Os
Jules Verne |
que importara que lo hayan descubierto unos u otros? ?Por que rebajarnos individualmente y acordarnos de si somos americanos o ingleses, cuando podemos gloriarnos de ser hombres?
Jules Verne |
I gazed at these marvels in profound silence. Words were utterly wanting to indicate the sensations of wonder I experienced. I seemed, as I stood upon that mysterious shore, as if I were some wandering inhabitant of a distant planet, present for the first time at the spectacle of some terrestrial phenomena belonging to another existence. To give body and existence to such new sensations would have required the coinage of new words - and her..
Jules Verne |
Science, great, mighty and in the end unerring, science has fallen into many errors - errors which have been fortunate and useful rather than otherwise, for they have been the steppingstones to truth.
Jules Verne |
Everybody knows that England is the world of betting men, who are of a higher class than mere gamblers; to bet is in the English temperament. Not only the members of the Reform, but the general public, made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg, who was set down in the betting books as if he were a race-horse. Bonds were issued, and made their appearance on 'Change; "Phileas Fogg bonds" were offered at par or at a premium, and a great bu..
Jules Verne |
Pero mi intension no sera necesaria... Tomas Roch no es victima de una de esas crisis que antes lo abatian... Es dueno de si mismo... Y cuando se ve ante la bandera... comprende... retrocede...
Jules Verne |
Jules Verne |
Undoubtedly, my dear Dick. Just note the progress of events: consider the migrations of races, and you will arrive at the same conclusion assuredly. Asia was the first nurse of the world, was she not? For about four thousand years she travailed, she grew pregnant, she produced, and then, when stones began to cover the soil where the golden harvests sung by Homer had flourished, her children abandoned her exhausted and barren bosom. You next..
Jules Verne |
Besides," said Kennedy, "that may prove to be a very dull period when industry will swallow up every thing for its own profit. By dint of inventing machinery, men will end in being eaten up by it! I have always fancied that the end of the earth will be when some enormous boiler, heated to three thousand millions of atmospheric pressure, shall explode and blow up our Globe!"
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science has fallen into many errors - errors which have been fortunate and useful rather than otherwise, for they have been the stepping stones to truth.
Jules Verne |
Y de creer a Toussenel este azote no es nada en comparacion con el que golpeara a nuestros descendientes cuando los mares esten despoblados de focas y de ballenas. Entonces, llenos de pulpos, de medusas, de calamares, se tornaran en grandes focos de infeccion al haber perdido <>.
Jules Verne |
Favourite lines from "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" because of analogies I can form with them or due to the impression they have on my imagination:
Jules Verne |
But in the cause of science men are expected to suffer.
Jules Verne |
Como la enfermedad que lo aquejaba, mas que fisica, era moral, los medicamentos que le obligaban a ingerir no producian efecto alguno.
Jules Verne |
El orgullo -- dijo el ermitano a sus huespedes -- ha perdido a un angel nacido para el bien. Es la piedra de toque en que se quiebran todos los destinos humanos.
Jules Verne |
Al orgullo, principio de todos los vicios, no es posible oponer ningun raciocinio, puesto que, por su misma naturaleza, el orgullo se niega a escucharlo.
Jules Verne |
donc sur l'issue de notre entreprise, tout en marchant a l'assaut du Sneffels. La route devenait de plus en plus difficile ; le sol montait ; les eclats de roches s'ebranlaient, et il fallait la plus scrupuleuse attention pour eviter des chutes dangereuses.
Jules Verne |
Demain, cher Axel, je parlerai comme aujourd'hui.
Jules Verne |
after the example of his fellow-doctors, cured all the illnesses of his patients, except those of which they died--a habit unhappily acquired by all the members of all the faculties in whatever country they may practise.
Jules Verne |
Alors, monsieur le capitaine, dit serieusement Conseil, si par hasard celui-ci etait le dernier de sa race, ne conviendrait-il pas de l'epargner dans l'interet de la science ? - Peut-etre, repliqua le Canadien ; mais, dans l'interet de la cuisine, il vaut mieux lui donner la chasse. - Faites donc, maitre Land >>, repondit le capitaine Nemo.
Jules Verne |
Me entusiasmaba la idea de atravesar el Atlantico sobre aquel gigantesco barco.
Jules Verne |
C'est une maison de fous, dit un de nos compagnons de voyage.
Jules Verne |
El orgullo -- dijo el ermitano a sus huespedes -- ha perdido a un angel nacido para el bien. Es la piedra de toque en que se quiebran todos los destinos humanos. Al orgullo, principio de todos los vicios, no es posible oponer ningun raciocinio, puesto que, por su misma naturaleza, el orgullo se niega a escucharlo.
Jules Verne |
Abre bien los ojos, mira.
Jules Verne |
Mientras el corazon lata y la carne palpite, no me explico por que un ser dotado de voluntad se deje dominar por la desesperacion.
Jules Verne |
El juego es un placer siempre grosero, a veces malsano. El hombre atacado de esta enfermedad no puede menos de padecer otras. Es un vicio que nunca va solo.
Jules Verne |
Como! ?Creeis, Lady Elena, que no se puede ser feliz en una isla desierta? -No, no se puede. El hombre esta formado para la sociedad, no para el aislamiento. La soledad no puede engendrar mas que desesperacion. La cuestion es de tiempo. Es posible que en un principio los cuidados de la vida material, las necesidades de la existencia, distraigan al desgraciado que acaba de librarse del furor de las olas; es posible que las exigencias de la s..
Jules Verne |
l'amitie ne saurait exister entre deux etres parfaitement identiques.
Jules Verne |
submarine valley
Jules Verne |
Ce ne sont pas de nouveaux continents qu'il faut a la terre, mais de nouveaux hommes ! >>
Jules Verne |
He fulfilled in all emergencies those three conditions which united ought to insure human success--activity of mind and body, impetuous wishes, and powerful will.
Jules Verne |
what gamblers regret the most isn't the loss of their money so much as the loss of their insane hopes. But
Jules Verne |
Curiosissimo, curiosissimo!" diceva tra se Passepartout nel ritornare a bordo. "Mi accorgo che, quando si vogliono vedere cose nuove, viaggiare non e inutile."
Jules Verne |