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7266480 He pushed to his feet, wobbly, still adjusting to his new center of gravity. He gingerly moved one forepaw, then the next, one rear paw, then the other. He picked up the pace, but still slow as he circled the clearing. A snort, like he'd figured it out, and he broke into a lope, stumbled and plowed muzzle-first into the undergrowth. I stifled a laugh, but not very well. and he glowered at me. He snorted and turned fast. When I fell back, he.. exercise teasing-banter chloe derek run wolf Kelley Armstrong
7b41a80 I backed off Nicole fast. They hit her with a needle, but she wouldn't stop trying to get me and they had to haul her out. she shrieked back at me. They dragged her away, still spewing threats. nicole maya threats Kelley Armstrong
ea3077b I said. A dismissive snort as he got to his feet. He tried running again, and didn't fall, but did more lurching than loping, his legs threatening to tangle at every step. keep-score learning-to-walk derek wolf Kelley Armstrong
0855009 At Kelley Armstrong
6494da4 Derek stopped short. I smacked into his back--not for the first time, since he insisted on walking in front of me. I'd been tripping on his heels and mumbling apologies the whole way. When I'd slow down to let him get farther ahead, he'd snap at me to keep up. Simon said. He was behind me--sticking to the curbside, walking as close as Derek. While normally I wouldn't complain about Simon being so close, I had the weird sensation of being b.. chloe derek simon Kelley Armstrong
3c56e47 he drawled. His grin turned a little less friendly, more bared teeth than smile. He stepped closer. I stepped back. he said. His look sent a shiver through me. He moved toward me, I sidestepped, leading him away. liam distraction Kelley Armstrong
473f92c He held out an old eight millimeter video camera. A video camera? What would I use it for? Recording our great escape? I didn't say that, because I knew it wasn't the point. This was a gift, a way to say His eyes begged me to take it. Just take it. Forgive him. Forget what happened. Start over. And that's what I wanted to do--accept his gift and smile and see that spark in his eyes and-- derek sorry gift forgive Kelley Armstrong
7d8a724 As we sat, Derek pulled a handful of energy bars from his pocket, and gave me one. Simon reached into his pockets. Tori said. Simon sat on the crate beside me. Derek interrupted. Simon swore under his breath. He turned to me. showing-up derek simon weird Kelley Armstrong
233f0da I glanced in the first open door and stopped short. Desks. Four tiny desks. A wall of faded posters of alphabet animals. A blackboard, still showing the ghost of numbers. I blinked, certain I was seeing wrong. Derek nudged my legs, telling me to get moving. I looked at him, and I looked at the classroom. This was where Derek had grown up. Four tiny desks. Four little boys. Four young werewolves. For a second, I could see them--three boys wo.. lab chloe derek werewolves childhood Kelley Armstrong
eecfb07 said a voice beside me. I jumped so high, my heart rammed into my throat. Derek said again. Liam stopped. He looked at me, then at his body, on the ground. He swore. liam derek ghost dead Kelley Armstrong
6c0d08f A whisper of fabric as Derek dressed. Then a hand on my waist, a light touch, tentative. I turned and Derek was right there, his face above mine, hands sliding around me as I titled my face up-- We both jumped--again. Tori stood there, staring at us, Simon behind her, grabbing her arm. Simon began. She shook her head. Liz raced in. "Derek's ready," I said. " interrupt liz tori derek simon Kelley Armstrong
871c944 I looked at Liam. He choked on a laugh. chloe liam ghost dead Kelley Armstrong
1cbc2a5 He moved into the moonlight. That was no accident. He wanted me to see his eyes burning with fever, his skin flushed, hair sweat soaked. He wanted me to say, leap out of bed, and insist on going outside with him, help him through it, a I had the last two times. I looked at him and I lay back down. He stepped froward. I sat up, swung my legs out of bed, and stood. He breathed a sigh of relief. I walked to the window. A spark of panic igni.. chloe punish derek restraint mean Kelley Armstrong
b656268 As she did, someone else poked his head in. Rafe. He looked at the other two, then me. He lowered his voice. I said. He nodded and retreated. I said when he was gone. Chloe looked from me to the now-empty doorway. She trailed off and shook her head. Derek cut in. Chloe gave him a look as I inwardly flinched. relationship-angst rafe derek maya Kelley Armstrong
250c402 I made it two steps before he snorted. I turned to see him lying on his belly ready to jump up. He jerked his muzzle, telling me to come back. He cut me off with a snort. It was hard for a wolf to scowl, but he managed a good glower. I took the switchblade from my jacket pocket. A snort. A head jerk. derek wolf Kelley Armstrong
8ca70da he asked. I hesitated, then blurted, He frowned. I glanced at the open door and lowered my voice. rafe the-look maya like Kelley Armstrong
f4e4344 Step. Block. I blurted before I could stop myself. I took a deep, shuddering breath. I was going to say But Derek's expression said he already knew the answer. The look on his face...I'd been humiliated before, having Simon accuse me of liking Derek, but that was nothing compared to how I felt when I saw Derek's look. Not just surprise, but shock. Shock and horror. he said. Again, the words flew out before I could stop them. This tim.. humiliated derek like Kelley Armstrong
1e917b4 Chloe. Always Chloe with him and his brother. I know I sound like a whiny brat when I complain, but I think I have a good reason. I'd just discovered that I was a witch and my mother was a bitch--the murderous kind. I was now on the run with three kids who didn't want me along. No matter how hard I tried to keep up and help out, the guys only cared about Chloe. If I ran in front of this bus to push her to safety, they'd race to her side to .. chloe tori derek simon complain Kelley Armstrong
26055d8 A hand touched my shoulder, shaking me. I was back on the bus. It was dark and warm and I just wanted to sleep, but Chloe kept shaking my shoulder. she whispered. sleep chloe tori told derek changing Kelley Armstrong
321e610 Kit asked. Chloe and Derek's heads both whipped Kit's way. Chloe said. Dr. Inglis said. Derek said. Kit didn't answer him. He didn't even look over. Chloe looked from us to Kit, her blue eyes wide. Derek leaped to his feet. I gaped at Derek. Even Chloe looked confused. I might have known the guy for less than twenty-four hours, but short of demonic possession, I couldn't imagine him saying that. dr-inglis kit-bae stand-up-for derek shocked defend Kelley Armstrong
cb0b6d2 Of the Phoenix kids, the one Derek got along best with was Daniel. In him, Daniel had found a good sparring partner. And a plotting partner, too. Derek wasn't just the biggest and strongest in our group. He was also the smartest. Scary, off-the-charts smart. That intimidated Daniel a little at first--he's bright, but he needs to work for his grades. But Derek wasn't a show-off or a know-it-all, so they got past that and we would hang out to.. friends derek smart Kelley Armstrong
e749d31 Nate said. Brad slapped another photo on the table. A smiling teenage girl with blue eyes and blond hair streaked with red. Carter grunted. They looked surprised. The cute smiling girl definitely did not seem like a romantic match for the scowling brute in the other photos. But Brad had done enough surveillance to be sure of his facts. Carter's face screwed up. Theo said. Nate said. Carter said, still eying the photo. Nate said. cains chloe carter derek nate Kelley Armstrong
368d905 I like castles almost as much as I like museums. Centuries of bloodshed and betrayal and heartache, all under one roof. You just don't get history like that back home Kelley Armstrong
336b4ae Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness." One of the cows mooed appreciatively." Kelley Armstrong
76b86be Just a guy. A college-aged guy. Talking to Chloe. I watched him bend over the table, hands planted on it, his gaze fixed on Chloe, his lips parting in a smile as he said something to her. A slow burn started in my gut, and before I could stop myself, I was barreling down on them, Simon's protests fading behind me. derek jealous guy Kelley Armstrong
ff04069 Suburbia: a place where they cut down trees and name streets in their memory. Kelley Armstrong
b6a948d I squared my shoulders and threw open the truck door. "Today or tomorrow, it'll still be my first day back. I should face it and get it over with. Who knows? Something new and exciting might happen." "You do realize we're still in Salmon Creek, right?" "I'm being optimistic." "Well, don't. You're scaring me." I laughed and climbed out." Kelley Armstrong
6c28c01 Guin rode a few paces in thoughtful silence before continuing, "I suppose they thought I would take measures to prevent pregnancy. However, to do such a thing requires knowing that it exists. I don't know if the situation has changed, but in my time, one certainly did not discuss those matters with girls." Another thoughtful pause. "Though it would seem, since they are most affected, they ought to know." "Yes," Ashyn said. "They ought." Kelley Armstrong
b6b2bfe I flicked an eraser at him. He ducked it and threw me a grin. While I was getting my Changes under control, we'd decided I should try once a week. While Simon was joking about house-breaking, that's kind of what it was like--take me outside regularly, where I'd attempt to perform a bodily function, and hopefully train my body to do it on a schedule. So far, I felt like a month-old puppy, struggling to control my bladder before it was ready .. house-breaking derek joking simon Kelley Armstrong
294f9db A strike within the realm of the professional never justifies retribution in the realm of the personal revenge wisdom tit-for-tat retaliation retribution Kelley Armstrong
8f50d06 I was feeling skittish and unsettled and spooked by everything that was happening in my life. There was only one person who made me feel like my feet were firmly on the ground. And I'd let him walk away. Kelley Armstrong
3a16cf2 But I didn't put it back on after the Porters. It isn't a crisis of faith. I'm not sure I ever had faith, not the way Mom does. Mine is more like Dad's - I believe there is a God, and I believe in honoring Him, but I'm not sure how much of a role He plays in our lives, and I don't blame Him for that, because it's up to us, isn't it? It's up to us to say we'll be a good person because that's what we believe is right, not because it'll earn u.. Kelley Armstrong
c1461cf Everyone's life is interesting, if it's different from your own. Kelley Armstrong
7704958 As for happy...The pursuit of happiness may be written into our Declaration of Independence, but that only means our founding fathers were hopelessly sentimental. You don't pursue happiness. You pursue everything you need to have a fulfilled life, and then, if you achieve it, you'll be happy some of the time. The rest of the time, you'll be content. One can't sustain happiness forever. Kelley Armstrong
0e29d60 So did I hear right?" he said. "Race to the top? Winner gets a kiss?" "Maya's done seven climbs in a row," Daniel said. "You can race me." "But I don't want to kiss ." Everyone laughed. Everyone except Daniel." Kelley Armstrong
1411b42 Only humans kill for sport. Kelley Armstrong
6b172d3 The mummy twitched. This time, both Ronan and Tyrus leaped on it, blades slashing. Ronan severed an arm. Tyrus cleaved the corpse clean in half, the legs falling free. Yet the thing was already in flight, hurtling itself at Moria ... who skewered it on the end of her outthrust dagger. She held it there, casually, as the mummy gnashed its teeth and clawed with its remaining arm. "Need some help with that?" Tyrus asked. "No, it's remarkably l.. Kelley Armstrong
8414ee8 Tori said. Derek said. Tori waved her injured palm. She rolled her eyes. I said. She gave me a wan smile. chloe count-on tori derek injured Kelley Armstrong
c7bb750 you bend over backward to keep Kelley Armstrong
6f6b3e1 I've done something wrong," Ronan grumbled as he shoved his spare tunic into his pack. "You know you haven't." Ashyn handed him his sleeping blanket. "See? Even you're trying to get rid of me. I've done something." She sighed. "Yes, Ronan, you have. I'm sorry, but it must be said. You've committed a grave offence. You wouldn't go back to check on your brother and sister until Tyrus put his boot to your arse." His brows lifted at her choice .. Kelley Armstrong
845ead3 I pushed open the folding door and stepped out. "What are you doing here?" Sam spun. Her eyes narrowed when she saw me. "What am doing here? I'm not the one hiding in--" Her gaze lifted over my shoulder. "Daniel?" She looked from me to him. I realized I was in a notorious make-out spot with Daniel." -- Kelley Armstrong
9251223 We got out. I glanced at Daniel. He sighed. "Go on." "You sound like you're giving a five-year-old permission to play with an unsuitable friend." "If the shoe fits..." Kelley Armstrong
8c92524 Go on." "You sound like you're giving a five-year-old permission to play with an unsuitable friend." "If the shoe fits..." I flipped him off. "Watch it or I won't marry you," he said. "Truck or no truck." Kelley Armstrong
c90e80d Suddenly he was right there, his mouth on mine, my arms around his neck. Then he stopped. He caught my arms and backed up, studying my face. "Has anyone had access to your drinks recently?" he said. "Any strange allergic reactions? Bug bites?" "Shut up." He ducked out of the way as I took a mock swing at him. Then he realized we were closer to the edge of the cliff than he thought, veered fast, and stumbled, toppling into the brush. "Sorry.. Kelley Armstrong