He grasped at a prescient feeling, akin to the dialectic of dreams, that this reunion could never come to pass, yet somehow--it most definitely would.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
You're right. I'm the old man who wasn't able to become one of those fish (however many there may have been) swimming eternally in the bluish-green light of the grotto beyond the crack in the rocks.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Den emoun katallela proetoimasmenos gia to rolo tou patera ki etsi den mporesa n' apokteso ena phusiologiko paidi.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
When the Russian delegate this summer indicated the Soviet Union's interest in sending medical equipment, Dr Shigeto went right away to see the delegate and settle the matter tactfully. He is careful to steer clear of the superficial swirl of political maneuvering, but never misses any opportunity to improve the capability of the A-bomb Hospital or to enhance concretely the welfare of the patients. In that sense, he sometimes refers to hims..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Mia mera o Mpernt, etan exi khronon, eikhe kanei mia erotese ston patera tou: "Pou briskomoun, patera, ekato khronia prin gennetho; Pou tha briskomai ekato khronia meta to thanato mou; Ti tha apogino, patera, otan pethano;" Khoris na tou pei lexe, o nearos pateras tou eikhe dosei mia grothia sto stoma, tou espase duo dontia, to prosopo tou plemmurise sto aima ki o Mpernt xekhase to phobo tou thanatou. Treis menes argotera o pateras tou eikh..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
The baby was no longer on the verge of death; no longer would the sweet, easy tears of mourning melt it away as if it were a simple jelly. The baby continued to live, and it was oppressing Bird, even beginning to attack him. Swaddled in skin as red as shrimp which gleamed with the luster of scar tissue, the baby was beginning ferociously to live, dragging its anchor of a heavy lump. A vegetable existence? Maybe so; a deadly cactus.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
From the instant the atomic bomb exploded, it became the symbol of all human evil; it was a savagely primitive demon and a most modern curse.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Psikhiatr, znatok svoego dela, s polnoi opredelennost'iu zaiavil, chto neosushchestvlennaia popytka samoubiistva -- eto lish' krik o pomoshchi. A vdrug, podumal Isana, ia, sam zamurovavshii sebia, podgliadyvaia cherez boinitsy v betonnykh stenakh, vzyvaiu o pomoshchi k beskrainemu miru?
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Voobrazheniiu Isana soznanie Dzina risovalos' kak nechto skhozhee s serdtsevinoi iaitsa. V skorlupe zakliuchena zhidkaia krovianaia syvorotka, zamutnennaia chem-to vrode belka. I v nem -- soznanie: komochek zheltka. Esli Dzin, kak eto byvaet kazhdyi raz, kogda on est makarony, oshchushchaet pokoi i uverennost' v sebe, ego soznanie vse razrastaetsia i razrastaetsia do tekh por, poka ne zapolnit vsiu vnutrennost' skorlupy. No stoit poselit'si..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Moi priiatel', vrach, govoril, chto sushchestvuet dva tipa samoubiistva. Kazhdyi iz nikh mozhno opredelit' bukval'no v dvukh slovakh. Tip <> i tip <>. <> po oploshnosti, nevazhno -- soznatel'noi ili bessoznatel'noi, tak i ostavsheesia lish' popytkoi samoubiistva, oznachaet mol'bu o pomoshchi: pomogite mne, obrashchennuiu ko vsem bez razbora liudiam. Drugoi tip samoubiistva nikogda ne mozhet okonc..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
You know that pen drawing of a brain on the wall above the desk in your study?" my wife said. "There's a single eye in the middle of it, and judging from the size of that eye, the brain seems a little smaller than normal. I wonder if that isn't a sketch of the other brain?" I did prize that sketch of a brain. It had been used as the frontispiece in a collection of essays that Professor W had published just after the war, On Madness and Othe..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Ero fermamente convinto di aver male interpretato quel grido, ma rimaneva il fatto che dentro di me - una massa di carne molle e rilassata che, al piano superiore del kura-yashiki, era intenta a un lavoro del tutto estraneo alla vita della valle - aveva provocato una risposta riflessa, quasi fossi un membro della comunita della conca.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Alla fine notai un variopinto assembramento all'imboccatura del ponte. Un tempo i valligiani si vestivano di scuro, come branchi di sardine, e un gruppo di persone somigliava a un bico; ma gli abiti scadenti in vendita al supermercato avevano trasformato il colore della folla.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Ma l'idea non giunse ad affondare le sue radici, fini come quelle di una pianta acquatica, nelle pieghe logorate e affaticate del mio cervello. Questa fantasia fermento per un po' e poi spari, come bollicine d'aria in un bicchiere.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Deep one night he was trimming his nose that would never walk again into sunlight atop living legs, busily feeling every hair with a Rotex rotary nostril clipper as if to make his nostrils as bare as a monkey's, when suddenly a man, perhaps escaped from the mental ward in the same hospital or perhaps a lunatic who happened to be passing, with a body abnormally small and meagre for a man save only for a face as round as a Dharma's and covere..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
If I gave you enough time, you'd count off a hundred and one complexes in defense of your own impotence.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
He wondered if the humanity could be restored to their relationship after coition this inhuman
Kenzaburō Ōe |
He was performing the role of the young husband who has been visited by sudden misfortune.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
In the swift wounding of his own flesh on a bewildering impulse from the hot, pitch-black core of himself he had felt a deep joy which was not only unperceived by the hoodlums surrounding him but which he himself was not even conscious of as joy.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
His eyes made me shudder. They were bloodshot as though with fever, burning with a yellowish luster as of resin, raw. A beast in rut, having expended itself on impulse in a frenzy of sexual excess, is still rocked by aftershocks of desire. The period of wild activity is meant to give way at once to inaction and lethargy, but deep inside the body something continues to rage. From the look in my son's eyes he was being devoured from the insid..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Ostoso e seirena etan gi' auton ena kinoumeno antikeimeno: plesiaze apo kapoia apostase, emene gia ligo kai apomakrunotan. Tora e seirena etan ena me auton, san arrostia pou ten koubalouse mesa tou. Aute e seirena den tha apomakrunotan pote.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Se poia kategoria nekron tha katetasses, tha kategorouses kai tha katadikazes ena moro me leitourgies phutou, pou eikhe pethanei te stigme pou eikhe gennethei;
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Like Apollinaire, my son was wounded on a dark and lonely battlefield that I have never seen, and he has arrived with his head in bandages. I'll have to bury him like a soldier who died at war. Bird continued to cry.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
Nelle tenebre profonde del sotterraneo, agitate da vorticosi mulinelli di vento, vidi gli occhi di un gatto morente, un gatto maschio tigrato che avevo tenuto da quando ero studente fino al mio matrimonio e fino al periodo in cui mia moglie stava per rimanere incinta: ricordavo i suoi occhi dallo sfortunato giorno in cui lo vidi, investito da una auto, con qualcosa simile a una mano rossa che gli spuntava tra le zampe. Gli occhi di un vecch..
Kenzaburō Ōe |
I don't think young people need to see the face of the deceased.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
To be upright and to have an imagination: that is enough to be a very good young man.
Kenzaburō Ōe |
The writer's job is the job of a clown ...the clown who also talks about sorrow.
Kenzaburō Ōe |