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54b2819 What'd you want to talk about?" "Just to commend you on your revenge last night. It must have been fiendish. Of course, I can only imagine since there wasn't a mark on Chase this morning, only residual bliss." "He heals fast! I whaled on his face. Must've been thirty hits." Natalya's lips quirked. "You're glowing like a Lite-Brite." "Shut it, fairy." dark-fey natalya declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
2c7f238 Mortal, if there's one thing I've learned in all my years, it's this: lies are curses you place on yourself. Kresley Cole
9181760 Your retaliation is unspeakable. For this alone, you must forgive me for my treatment of you." "Still high-handed?" "I risked my neck just now to say that in front of you." iad lothaire Kresley Cole
24f269b Come touch,...but you'll a price Kresley Cole
972b679 At that, the initial mrowr pfft pfft I'd felt transformed into I will cut a bitch. Kresley Cole
0e2a203 Ship, lady. This here's a ship," he said defensively, as if she'd told him, "Your penis: I find it minuscule." -- Kresley Cole
ea2ae2a It felt bizarre to be ignored in general, much less by an embodiment of Aidan--who used to stare at her so hard that he'd run into trees. dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
19a6aba Too bad,Elizabeth. You're Stuck with me.Not for a few decades,not for centuries. You're tied to me forever. That boy and girl offspring you talked off? They'll come from me--or no one. jealousy love possessiveness Kresley Cole
3098df1 This was full when I left. Demon, did you eat some of my toothpaste? Kresley Cole
f66788f Lemme guess," Regin said. "You had your introductory spiel all planned, but rational thought deserted you when you saw me stroll in braless." Kresley Cole
5df6d8b If you want to communicate an idea to a man's brain, talk to him through his pecker. It's like an ear horn, y'all. Kresley Cole
12b5a43 Evangeline," he sighed. "It ain't ever goan to be easy with you, is it?" young-adult fiction romance Kresley Cole
9701970 I take no actions that I wouldn't publicly recount. If you can't speak your deeds, then don't do them. death Kresley Cole
650f728 She murmured, "You're unfinished." "Aye, precisely." "I need to go." When she moved to get up, he shoved her against his side and slapped her arse to keep her there. "You stay with me." She snapped, "What do you want from me, Chase?" He drew his head back in confusion. "I want everything. You're , Regin." declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
3a648bb He can learn things about me through your blood. Can learn about my sister!" She briefly covered her mouth. "He can see everything we've done! I don't want that leech to know what we do in private." Lothaire strolled up, making a scoffing sound. "As if I don't watch you two live from a distance." lothaire declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
fe2b294 Nereus to Lothaire: "I really thought you'd demand my firstborn." "As if I'd want your fucking guppy," Lothaire drawled, tracing away before Nereus could strike him down." Kresley Cole
80e6aec Last night, Dixon had suggested combat boots in place of Carrow's own--her two-thousand-dollar, gathered-leather, over-the-knee boots. "Do you want me to go in as an enchantress or a warrior?" Carrow had asked testily. "Pick a caste, any caste, mortal. I myself think I have the best chance as an enchantress. And fuck-me boots are standard-issue." Kresley Cole
b5c9032 It'd taken her several seconds to react to the sight of them together. She'd been almost hypnotized by the scene as Lothaire drank. Chase's masculine face had been tense, his gray eyes focused on the ground. Lothaire's face had been starkly beautiful, his pale blond hair brushing Chase's shoulder. Light and dark. One terrible, one tragic. And Lothaire had been... hard. "Oh, gods!" She cried as she ran back along the trail. " lothaire declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
c7b71b7 Don't get pissy with me leech." With a glare, Carrow pressed her print to his torque. "Even tapped out, I can still do a love spell to make you fall in love--with the sun." carrow lothaire declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker witch vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
bcb0dab I can't drive." "I'm going to teach you," he'd said confidently. At the end of the lesson, he'd declared her the most aggressive and dangerous driver he'd ever encountered. Which meant.. . number one! (Sabine)" Kresley Cole
1b342d7 What's your name?" "What do you want it to be?" "Are you a vampire?" "Not the last time I checked." Kresley Cole
c78bf7f The corners of his lips curled. "You and your secrets. Ah, , just when I think I've solved one mystery about you, up comes another one. I will figure you out one day. Consider yourself warned." Kresley Cole
777fd84 My looks had gone from well-kempt cheerleader to apocalyptic disasterpiece. Kresley Cole
93b6abc Whenever other Lore creatures like the nymphs and satyrs turned their noses up at the "hex-hacks," Carrow would raise both her hands in the rock-on horns gesture and shout, "Double, double, toil and trouble, muthafuckas! You just got cursed!" Then she actually would curse them." Kresley Cole
9a6cd8b Apparently unaffected, she rose. "Yeah, you're probably right. I should be going." She feigned a yawn. "You've gotta head back to work and I've gotta head to jail. Big night for me. I'm planning to shiv someone for a bar of soap. --" declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
c9f91ff Regin slapped her knees. "Oh, my gods, look at him running like his life depended on catching us." She slid open the door. "Is this straight outta Platoon, or what? Willem!" she cried, holding out one hand. "Run, Willem!" Then she choked on her laughter." -- Kresley Cole
904ef7f Yo, Dekko, who do I gotta blow around here to get a shower? dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
2c1e36a You do not mind my humor?" "Not at all. I've not laughed like this ..." His brows drew together. "I think I've never laughed like this." "Usually I exasperate people. And I jest at inappropriate times. Such as during executions. Freya says 'tis my gift and my bane to frustrate others." "I like your manner, Reginleit. Life is long without humor." humor radiant-ones regan-the-radiant declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
f20a56d My advice." She pressed her fingers to her chest. "But didn't you recently say that I was a 'mad creature' who was 'soft in the head'? Sniff, sniff, Rydstrom. Sniff, sniff. I was so crushed that I ate a gallon of Ben & Jerry's, except I didn't because Valkyrie don't eat." Kresley Cole
f99bfd8 I'll begin with the most basic. What are you?" "Pussy Cat Doll?" she asked, immediately doing a slow headshake at his look. "Judge, jury and executioner." He scowled. Her eyes lit up. "Transient! What? Really. No? Babe in Toyland?" Kresley Cole
e6a2b0b Emma turned to him, bottom lip trembling. "For me?" "Always for you. All things for you. He coughed into his fist "All your own." romantic romance paranormal Kresley Cole
e225dcf Are you calling about the ad?" "Ad?" "For the gently used Bentley for sale. It has zero miles!" Well, that explained the backward driving. Macrieve & Nix" nix-the-ever-knowing Kresley Cole
e953021 Evie, bed down." Scanning the dark, he murmured, "You doan have to be scared. I've got you." You do, don't you? Here we were in the Bagmen's lair, and I wasn't terrified for my life. Jackson would kill any that strayed too close. In fact, they should fear him. I was with the boy that monsters should fear." Kresley Cole
a4224b4 You forget I'm a goddess," she hissed. "Your goddess." And a bitch as well. But then, weren't all goddesses afflicted with bitchery?" Kresley Cole
22477f8 Nix to Regin: What about that nice leopard-shifter pack that wanted to date you? The benefits of a variety pack of males cannot be overstated. iad Kresley Cole
b7cc1b8 Five years of hell. You deserve to be fucked till you can't walk. Kresley Cole
2b07dee I still don't see why we couldn't sleep in that cave," Mari said as MacRieve led her out into the night. "Because my cave's better than their cave." Kresley Cole
9f8983c She took me to a mall yesterday"' Lachlain sounded as if he'd just stifled a shudder. "And she pointed to a boy and said, 'I think I want one.' So naturally, I start thinking, But she meant a bairn-- " Kresley Cole
a0dd888 The largest one laughed. Until Natalya's glass shard plugged his jugular. Regin aimed and pulled the trigger. The gun kicked as bullets sprayed. It was shredding their torsos like cheese, halving their bodies. "Let's this! Rock out with your cocks out!" declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
b8abda9 Torture?" she asked with a laugh. "My first piece of information I'll divulge to you? I wouldn't recommend trying to torture me. I dislike it and grow sulky under pincers. It's a fault." humour Kresley Cole
6c14b76 There was French kissing, and then there was Cajun French kissing. Spicier, harder, wilder. Kresley Cole
9cd7575 Puck laughed, and it wasn't like that weird high-pitched giggle she'd heard out of children before, the one that begged the question: why would one possibly tickle a child just to elicit that noise? Kresley Cole
a3f6c70 Yes, peasants," he repeated slowly. "The lowliest of the low among humans." Then he enunciated, "Exceedingly backward and vulgar hillbillies." "Been called worse, mister." At his raised brows, she exhaled impatiently. "Bootlegger, moonshiner, Elly May Clampett, mountain mama, redneck, backwoods Bessie, hick, trailer trash, yokel, and, more recently, death-row con." "No references to mining? I'm disappointed." Kresley Cole
8188376 The hour grows late." "Late? So? Do you have to be on Ash Campus early tomorrow? At the University of Nothing Matters?" Kresley Cole
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