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88d3d64 I must speak the truth, and nothing but the truth. Miguel de Cervantes
37d9381 They must needs go whom the Devil drives. Miguel de Cervantes
c59feee More knave than fool. Miguel de Cervantes
12af024 I can tell where my own shoe pinches me; and you must not think, sir, to catch old birds with chaff. Miguel de Cervantes
2f02c8c I never saw a more dreadful battle in my born days. Miguel de Cervantes
ed40a08 I begin to smell a rat. Miguel de Cervantes
4b15982 I will take my corporal oath on it. Miguel de Cervantes
636491a Let none presume to tell me that the pen is preferable to the sword. Miguel de Cervantes
a1d3c95 It is past all controversy that what costs dearest is, and ought to be, most valued. Miguel de Cervantes
afa8953 The bow cannot always stand bent, nor can human frailty subsist without some lawful recreation. Miguel de Cervantes
06f3df9 It is not the hand but the understanding of a man that may be said to write. Miguel de Cervantes
0affd2d When the head aches, all the members partake of the pains. Miguel de Cervantes
e945bb9 There is no book so bad," said the bachelor, "but something good may be found in it." Miguel de Cervantes
eb60ac8 The best sauce in the world is hunger. Miguel de Cervantes
8ca8b66 The fair sex. Miguel de Cervantes
db291fd Remember the old saying, "Faint heart ne'er won fair lady." Miguel de Cervantes
e7dd3c6 Forewarned forearmed. Miguel de Cervantes
482e7d1 As well look for a needle in a bottle of hay. Miguel de Cervantes
7edc11c Are we to mark this day with a white or a black stone? Miguel de Cervantes
1bbe263 I'll turn over a new leaf. Miguel de Cervantes
97f19a6 Let every man look before he leaps. Miguel de Cervantes
195e100 Marriage is a noose. Miguel de Cervantes
78069c3 There are only two families in the world, the Haves and the Have-Nots. Miguel de Cervantes
0ef7167 A private sin is not so prejudicial in this world as a public indecency. Miguel de Cervantes
3e59ab4 There is no love lost, sir. Miguel de Cervantes
fb11b24 He has an oar in every man's boat, and a finger in every pie. Miguel de Cervantes
b3ac580 Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art. Miguel de Cervantes
dca7970 I say patience, and shuffle the cards. Miguel de Cervantes
49252b5 The proof of the pudding is the eating. Miguel de Cervantes
0a5fe9a Tomorrow will be a new day. Miguel de Cervantes
d474190 You can see farther into a millstone than he. Miguel de Cervantes
fa55777 Sancho Panza by name, is my own self, if I was not changed in my cradle. Miguel de Cervantes
765565f Building castles in the air, 36 and making yourself a laughing-stock. Miguel de Cervantes
dcf8f11 It is good to live and learn. Miguel de Cervantes
f130b77 Great persons are able to do great kindnesses. Miguel de Cervantes
8c39d31 He is as mad as a March hare. Miguel de Cervantes
f4fdede I must follow him through thick and thin. Miguel de Cervantes
ceb8a02 There is no love lost between us. Miguel de Cervantes
785b6f1 In the night all cats are gray. Miguel de Cervantes
fda05ac All is not gold that glisters. Miguel de Cervantes
6af08d3 A good name is better than riches. Miguel de Cervantes
42d13b3 An honest man's word is as good as his bond. Miguel de Cervantes
a2dd5c8 I have other fish to fry. Miguel de Cervantes
50bda0c But all in good time. Miguel de Cervantes