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e9061fe I have never died all my life Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
175556c La pluma es la lengua del alma: cuales fueren los conceptos que en ella se engendraren, tales seran sus escritos. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
95513c1 Woman is made of fragile glass; but do not put her to the test to see if she will break, for that might come to pass. She is too apt to shatter, and wisdom is surely ended if what can ne'er be mended is put in the way of danger. What I say to you is true, and let us all agree : wherever Danae may be, showers of gold are there, too. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
50820e3 En un lugar de la Mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme... Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
1a396d8 It is not the responsibility of knights errant to discover whether the afflicted, the enchained and the oppressed whom they encounter on the road are reduced to these circumstances and suffer this distress for their vices, or for their virtues: the knight's sole responsibility is to succour them as people in need, having eyes only for their sufferings, not for their misdeeds. I came across a rosary of angry, wretched men, I did with them wh.. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
eff0cca the praise of the wise few is more important than the mockery of the foolish many, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
c111f63 Oh Senor" said the niece. "Your grace should send them to be burned (books), just like all the rest, because it's very likely that my dear uncle, having been cured of the chivalric disease, will read these and want to become a shepherd and wander through the woods and meadows singing and playing and, what would be even worse, become a poet, and that, they say, is an incurable and contagious disease." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
a9e3c40 My heart is wax molded as she pleases, but enduring as marble to retain. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
58f0d22 To dream the impossible dream, that is my quest. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
b1449c8 For me alone Don Quixote was born and I for him. His was the power of action, mine of writing. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
0eef8f1 No milagro, milagro, sino industria, industria! Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
0ebbf0b Cambiar el mundo, amigo Sancho, que no es locura ni utopia, sino Justicia!". Don Quijote." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
9f6eeec The reason of the unreasonableness which against my reason is wrought, doth so weaken my reason, as with all reason I do justly complain on your beauty. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
a0e92bd The fear thou art in, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "prevents thee from seeing or hearing correctly, for one of the effects of fear is to derange the senses and make things appear different from what they are; if thou art in such fear, withdraw to one side and leave me to myself, for alone I suffice to bring victory to that side to which I shall give my aid;" and so saying he gave Rocinante the spur, and putting the lance in rest, shot down th.. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
dbfbac2 Je cherche dans la mort la vie, Dans la prison la liberte, La sante dans la maladie, Dans le traitre la loyaute. Mais mon infortune est si grande Que le destin impatiente, Si l'impossible je demande, M'a le possible refuse. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
369c925 Where one door shuts, another opens. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
021e6da Que gigantes? Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
f4b8293 but once more I say do as you please, for we women are born to this burden of being obedient to our husbands, though they be blockheads marriage women Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
cec85e0 I've always heard the old folks say that if you don't know how to enjoy good luck when it comes, you shouldn't complain if it passes you by. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
e960b3f Sancho, just as you want people to believe what you have seen in the sky, I want you to believe what I saw in the Cave of Montesinos. And that is all I have to say. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
ab0b733 He who sees a play that is regular, and answerable to the rules of poetry, is pleased with the comic part, informed by the serious, surprised at the variety of accidents, improved by the language, warned by the frauds, instructed by examples, incensed against vice, and enamoured with virtue; for a good play must cause all these emotions in the soul of him that sees it, though he were never so insensible and unpolished. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
c66bd9f So it isn't the masses who are to blame for demanding rubbish, but rather those who aren't capable of providing them with anything else. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
01b00f3 Let's turn now to the citation of authors, found in other books and missing in yours. The solution to this is very simple, because all you have to do is find a book that cites them all from A to Z, as you put it. Then you'll put that same alphabet in your book, and though the lie is obvious it doesn't matter, since you'll have little need to use them; perhaps someone will be naive enough to believe you have consulted all of them in your pla.. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
a2388c5 all human efforts to communicate--even in the same language--are equally utopian, equally luminous with value, and equally worth the doing. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
28fe71b There is a remedy for everything except death," responded Don Quixote," Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
53fa6c9 En resolucion, el se enfrasco tanto en su lectura, que se le pasaban las noches leyendo de claro en claro, y los dias de turbio en turbio, y asi, del poco dormir y del mucho leer, se le seco el cerebro, de manera que vino a perder el juicio. Llenosele la fantasia de todo aquello que leia en los libros, asi de encantamientos, como de pendencias, batallas, desafios, heridas, requiebros, amores, tormentas y disparates imposibles, y asentosele .. leggere lettura libri reading Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
64fb6e7 everything I have done, am doing, and shall do follows the dictates of reason and the laws of chivalry, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
2f4c205 By the Blessed Virgin ! Is it possible that your grace is so thickheaded and so short on brains that you cannot see that what I'm telling you is the absolute truth. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
5a9a6eb No hay libro tan malo [...] que no tenga algo bueno. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
827292e My reason is now free and clear, rid of the dark shadows of ignorance that my unhappy constant study of those detestable books of chivalry cast over it. Now I see through their absurdities and deceptions, and it only grieves me that this destruction of my illusions has come so late that it leaves me no time to make some amends by reading other books that might be a light to my soul. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
9fb4207 If all, or almost all, the plays that are popular now, imaginative works as well as historical ones, are known to be nonsense and without rhyme or reason, and despite this the mob hears them with pleasure and thinks of them and approves of them as good, when they are very far from being so, and the authors who compose them and the actors who perform them say they must be like this because that is just how the mob wants them, and no other wa.. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
e8cd947 with little sleep and much reading his brains got so dry that he lost his wits. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
e68298a At this the duchess, laughing all the while, said: "Sancho Panza is right in all he has said, and will be right in all he shall say..." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
fa36333 Fortune always leaves a door open in adversity in order to bring relief to it, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
78f72bc Para mi sola nacio don Quijote y yo para el; el supo obrar y yo escribir. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
930f9f8 Rocinante felt the desire to pleasure himself with the ladies, and as soon as he picked up their scent he abandoned his natural ways and customs, did not ask permission of his owner, broke into a brisk little trot, and went off to communicate his need to them. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
2ec2c83 although this is poetic fiction, it contains hidden moral truths worthy of being heeded and understood and imitated,... Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
453b80a What I can tell your grace is that it deals with truths, and they are truths so appealing and elegant that no lies can equal them. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
f4c8065 love, as I have heard say, sometimes flies and sometimes walks; with this one it runs, with that it moves slowly; some it cools, others it burns; some it wounds, others it slays; it begins in the course of its desires, and at the same moment completes and end it; in the morning it will lay siege to a fortress and by night will have taken it, for there is no power than can resist it. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
189b239 I betook myself to these solitudes, resolved to end here the life I hated as if it were my mortal enemy. But fate would not rid me of it, contenting itself with robbing me of my reason, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
3c5df28 Only make yourself honey and the flies will suck you. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
1af9edb since historians must and ought to be exact, truthful, and absolutely free of passions, for neither interest, fear, rancor, nor affection should make them deviate from the path of the truth, whose mother is history, the rival of time, repository of great deeds, witness to the past, example and adviser to the present, and forewarning to the future. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
1969139 to retire is not to flee, and there is no wisdom in waiting when danger outweighs hope, and it is the part of wise men to preserve themselves to-day for to-morrow, and not risk all in one day. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
3b3d803 in the worst of circumstances, the hypocrite who pretends to be good does less harm than the public sinner. satire Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra