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1342eec Of course, even before Flaubert, people knew stupidity existed, but they understood it somewhat differently: it was considered a simple absence of knowledge, a defect correctable by education. In Flaubert's novels, stupidity is an inseparable dimension of human existence. It accompanies poor Emma throughout her days, to her bed of love and to her deathbed, over which two deadly agelastes, Homais and Bournisien, go on endlessly trading their.. progress stupidity education spectrum flaubert essay knowledge modernity Milan Kundera
f04f20b Love begins with a metaphor, which is to say, love begins at the point when a woman enters her first word into our poetice memory. pg 209 Milan Kundera
e774cea The reign of imagology begins where history ends Milan Kundera
d1fcc22 There is no perfection only life Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Milan Kundera
01afebc hnk shrT@ sry@ fy jmy` 'nH l`lm, wlknh fqT fy bldn tbth tsjylth `br ldh`@! shy' `jyb! Milan Kundera
3095a73 tqdt mrdm mfhwmy ndrnd, anhyy kh z bly psht bmh z shdy fryd my znnd, m`mwl z hmh Gmgyn trnd Milan Kundera
6e14de0 Of course, these were only dreams. How could a sensible woman leave a happy marriage? All the same, a seductive voice from afar kept breaking into her conjugal peace: it was the voice of solitude. solitude marriage spinster Milan Kundera
265ca50 nZr! nSf hw'l ldhyn trhm `l~ l'ql qbyHwn! 'n ykwn lmr qbyHan! hl hdh 'yDan jz mn Hqwq lnsn? whl t`rf 'nh yHml qbHh Tyl@ Hyth? dwn 'y@ rH@? jnsk 'yDan, 'nt lm tkhtrh. wlm tkhtr lwn `ynyk wl lqrn ldh~ tHy fyh. wl bldk. wl 'mk. l '~ shy' mhm. lHqwq lt~ ymkn 'n yHSl `lyh nsn l tt`lq l btfht wlys thm@ sbb llSr` Hwlh 'w ktb@ `lnt shhyr@ `nh. Milan Kundera
dc48286 hl tsmH l~ 'n 'ndyk bl'Hmq? 'jl, l tGDb, 'nt 'Hmq br'yy. whl t`rf mSdr Hmqtk? nh Tybtk! Tybtk lmthyr@ llskhry@! Milan Kundera
7547560 taGayWra lwD`, wfhm lSHfywn b'n TrH l'sy'l@ lys fqT Tryq@an l`ml Sn` lrybwrtj ldhy ytb` btwD` tHqyq m mmskan bmfkrth fy ydh, bl Tryq@ lmmrs@ lslT@ Hqan, lys lSHfy hw mn yTrH l'sy'l@, bl hw lshkhS ldhy ymlk lHq lmqds bTrHh , wbiTrHih `l~ 'yWi kn, wHwl 'y mwDw`in kn. wltqwm slT@ lSHfy `l~ Hq TrH lsw'l bl `l~ Hq lmTlb@ bijwb Milan Kundera
a316d65 ql bwl ldh~ kn `l~ 'Hsn m yrm : - nk trtkb khT' shy'`an `ndm tnZr llmwt km's@. 'jb ldb l'shhb bnbr@ ftr@ : - '`trfu 'nn~ nZrt dy'm llmwt km's@. ql bwl : - hdh hw lkhT' .. fHdth@ lqTr fZy`@ blnsb@ l~ mn ystqlWh , 'w mn y`lm 'n bnh stqlh, lkn llmwt f~ l'khbr ldh`y@ lm`n~ nfsh ldh~ ttkhdhh f~ rwyt 'jth kryst~ , hdhh lktb@ lt~ t`dW 'kbr sHr@ `l~ mrW l'zmn , l'nh `rft kyf tHwWl lqtl l~ tsly@ , lys fqT qtlan wHdan , bl my't mn jry'm lqtl lmtsl.. Milan Kundera
25206f1 'sm` 'khbr lSbH w 'n blkd 'myz lklmt, thm 'Gfw mn jdyd bHyth ttHwl ljml lty 'sm`h l~ 'Hlm nh 'jml mrHl lnwm w '`dhb lHZt lnhr ! Milan Kundera
8686fc1 not even one's own pain weigh so heavy as the pain one feels with someone , for someone Milan Kundera
c90ce05 don't be scared, don't be scared, you won't feel any pain there, you'll dream of squirrels abd rabbits, you'll have cows there, and Mefisto will be there, don't be scared"..." Milan Kundera
6bb4a56 Swrtn lkhS@, hy llGz l'kbr blnsb@ ln. Milan Kundera
1cb3536 M]an has always harbored the desire to rewrite his own biography, to change the past, to wipe out tracks, both his own and other's. (p.130) Milan Kundera
16318bd Vlasta me reprocha que soy un sonador. Parece que no veo las cosas tal como son. No, veo las cosas tal como son, pero ademas de las cosas visibles veo tambien las invisibles. Las ideas inventadas no son algo inutil. Son precisamente ellas las que hacen de nuestras casas hogares soñadores Milan Kundera
7ec30be He took a look at the blond girl's eyes and knew that he must not take part in the rigged game in which the ephemeral passes for the eternal and the small for the big, that he must not take part in the rigged game called love. Milan Kundera
f42a6ad Hyn y`ln 'Hdhm, b`jrf@ wtfkhr, ntmh lljyl lshb, fnn n`rf jydan m ldhy yqSdh: yqSd b'nh sykwn myzl `l~ qyd lHy@ Hyn yqb` lakhrwn bshkl ythyr lDHk tHt ltrb. Milan Kundera
5881652 ljml mn Gyr qSd hy lmrHl@ l'khyr@ mn trykh ljml Milan Kundera
bd54dc4 Tu t'imagines qu'un mensonge en vaut un autre, mais tu as tort. Je peux inventer n'importe quoi, me payer la tete des gens, monter toutes sortes de mystifications, faire toutes sortes de blagues, je n'ai pas l'impression d'etre un menteur ; ces mensonges-la, si tu veux appeler cela des mensonges, c'est moi, tel que je suis ; avec ces mensonges-la, je ne dissimule rien, avec ces mensonges-la je dis en fait la verite. Mais il y a des choses a.. Milan Kundera
2bfc53d Pero es precisamente el debil quien debe ser fuerte y saber marcharse cuando el fuerte es demasiado debil para ser capaz de hacerle dano al debil Milan Kundera
496674e a person who thinks should not try to persuade others to his belief; that is what puts him on the road to a system; on the lamentable road of the "man of conviction"; politicians like to call themselves that; but what is a conviction? It is a thought that has come to a stop, that has congealed, and "the man of conviction" is a man restricted." Milan Kundera
1c83687 What he yearned for at that moment, vaguely but with all his might, was unbounded music, absolute sound, a pleasant and happy all-encompassing, over-powering, window-rattling din to engulf, once and for all, the pain, the futility, the vanity of words. Music was the negation of sentences, music was the anti-word! Milan Kundera
b4d250d wlkn Hyn knt lqw@ D`yf@ jdan mn 'n tw'dhy lD`f, kn lD`f lykwn qwyan kfy@ lyrHl. Milan Kundera
c90c42f The engineer's ready capitulation, however, did not hide from the poet's mother the sad realization that the adventure into which she had plunged so impulsively--and which had seemed so intoxicatingly beautiful--had no turned out to be the great, mutually fulfilling love she was convinced she had a full right to expect. Her father was the owner of two prosperous Prague pharmacies, and her morality was based on strict give-and-take. For her .. Milan Kundera
b8a52fd From that time on they both looked forward to sleeping together. I might even say that the goal of their lovemaking was not so much pleasure as the sleep that followed it. She especially was affected. Whenever she stayed overnight in her rented room (which quickly became only an alibi for Tomas), she was unable to fall asleep; in his arms she would fall asleep no matter how wrought up she might have been. He would whisper impromptu fairy ta.. Milan Kundera
5b00d1e Ljudsko vrijeme se ne okrece u krugu, vec juri po pravoj liniji naprijed. To je razlog zasto covjek ne moze biti sretan, jer je sreca ceznja za ponavljanjem. vreme život Milan Kundera
b8142b2 vivre dans la verite, ne mentir ni a soi-meme ni aux autres, ce n'est possible qu'a la condition de vivre sans public. Des lors qu'il y a un temoin a nos actes, nous nous adaptons bon gre mal gre aux yeux qui nous observent, et plus rien de ce que nous faisons n'est vrai. Avoir un public, penser a un public, c'est vivre dans le mensonge (partie III, ch. 7) living truth Milan Kundera
a8e2d24 Tous les hommes politiques d'aujourd'hui, selon Pontevin, sont un peu danseurs, et tous les danseurs se melent de politique, ce qui, toutefois, ne devrait pas nous amener a les confondre. Le danseur se distingue de l'homme politique ordinaire en ceci qu'il ne desire pas le pouvoir mais la gloire ; il ne desire pas imposer au monde telle ou telle organisation sociale (il s'en soucie comme d'une guigne) mais occuper la scene pour faire rayonn.. politicians Milan Kundera
06fde39 kn y`lm jyd 'n dhkrth tmqth, wl tf`l shyy' akhr Gyr lftr `lyh, wbltly fqd jhd kyl y`Tyh mSdqy@ wySbH 'kthr tsmH m` Hyth. lkn dwn ntyj@, lm ykn ysh`r b'yW@ ldh@ blnZr l~ lkhlf wkn yf`l dhlk b'ql m ymkn . Milan Kundera
f8957f0 Le sentiment d'etre elu est present, par exemple, dans toute relation amoureuse. car l'amour, par definition, est un cadeau non merite ; etre aime sans merite, c'est meme la preuve d'un vrai amour. Si une femme me dit : je t'aime parce que tu es intelligent, parce que tu es honnete, parce que tu m'achetes des cadeaux, parce que tu ne dragues pas, parce que tu fais la vaiselle, je suis decu ; cet amour a l'air de quelque chose d'interesse. C.. Milan Kundera
dca816b maW kn ybHth ld~ kl hw'l lns? m ldhy kn yshdWh lyhn? 'lyst l`lq@ ljnsy@ `d@ dy'm@ llshy nfsh? Tlqan. tbq~ hnk dy'man nsb@ SGyr@ mn "lmt`dhWr tSwrh" fhw Hyn kn yr~ mr'@ fy kml thybh, kn fy ws`h 'n ytkhyWl tqryban kyf stbdw why `ry@ (hn knt khbr@ lTbyq tkml khbr@ l`shq). wlkn byn mqrb@ lfkr@ wdq@ lwq` tbq~ dy'man hnk thGr@ SGyr@, thGr@u lmt`dhWr tSwrh. whdhh lthGr@ bldht hy lty lm tkn ttrkh fy slm. thm w'naW mlHq@ lmt`dhr tSwrh l tktml bktshf.. Milan Kundera
71c5a46 Ni jedna ljubav ne moze prezivjeti u sutnji. Milan Kundera
6c30541 lkhlT byn lmZhr ljsdy llmHbwb@ wmZhr akhr: km mr@ sbq lh n `sh dhlk? `shh dy'man bldhsh@ dhth: hl lfrq bynh wbyn lakhryt dhn bhdhh lDal@? kyf ymkn 'n l y`rf kyf yt`rf `l~ Tyb 'Hb lky'nt lyh, Tyb lky'n ldhy y`dh l mthyl lh?! Milan Kundera
2eccf37 l'nZm@ lmjrm@ lm yunshy'h 'ns mjrmwn, wnm 'uns mtHmswn wmuqtn`wn b'nhm wjdw lTryq lwHyd ldhy yw'dy l~ ljn@. Milan Kundera
018198a La honte n'a pas pour fondement une faute que nous aurions commise, mais l'humiliation que nous eprouvons a etre ce que nous sommes sans l'avoir choisi, et la sensation insupportable que cette humiliation est visible de partout. Milan Kundera
f7bffa4 You certainly remember this scene from dozens of films: a boy and a girl are running hand in hand in a beautiful spring (or summer) landscape. Running, running, running and laughing. By laughing the two runners are proclaiming to the whole world, to audiences in all the movie theaters: "We're happy, we're glad to be in the world, we're in agreement with being!" It's a silly scene, a cliche, but it expresses a basic human attitude: serious l.. laughter happiness philosophy czech kitsch meaning-of-life existentialism novel Milan Kundera
1fdc4fc All human beings have always aspired to an idyll, to that garden where nightingales sing, to that realm of harmony where the world does not rise up as a stranger against man and man against other men, but rather where the world and all men are shaped from one and the same matter. There, everyone is a note in a sublime Bach fugue, and anyone who refuses to be one is a mere useless and meaningless black dot that need only be caught and crushe.. Milan Kundera
12120d9 And Jakub realized that this child had done no harm, that he was not guilty of anything, and yet had been born with bad eyes and would have them forever. And he reflected further that what he had held against others was something given, something they came into the world with and carried with them like a heavy wire fence. He reflected that he had no privileged right to high-mindedness and that the highest degree of high-mindedness is to lov.. Milan Kundera
04c0880 Do you think that a doe in the jaws of a tiger feels less horror than you? People thought up the idea that animals don't have the same capability for suffering as humans, because otherwise they couldn't bear the knowledge that they are surrounded by a world of nature that is horror and nothing but horror." Paul was pleased that man was gradually covering the whole earth with concrete. It was as if he were watching a cruel murderess being w.. suffering nature Milan Kundera
71b1d1b mn y`tdhr fnh y`trf bdhnbh, wHyn t`trf bdhnbk, tshjWi` lakhr `l~ lstmrr fy hntk wfDHk `l~ lml' Ht~ mmtk hdhh hy l`wqb lwkhym@ ll'`tdhr.. hdh SHyH yjb `ly lmr l y`tdhr, wlkny fDl `lman y`tdhr fyh lns jmy`an, bl stthn, bl d`, wbfrT mn 'jl l shy'.. Milan Kundera
cbb25a7 lqt lHb mthl lmbrTwryt m n ykhtfy lmbd' ldhy ynbt `l~ 'ssh Ht~ tkhtfy m`h 'yD Milan Kundera
18c6ff7 Homer never wondered whether, after their many hand-to-hand struggles, Achilles or Ajax still had all their teeth. Milan Kundera