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6421249 Co-incidencia significa que dos acontecimientos inesperados ocurren al mismo tiempo, que se encuentran Milan Kundera
6ca703e So o acaso pode nos parecer uma mensagem. Aquilo que acontece por necessidade, aquilo que e esperado e se repete cotidianamente e coisa muda apenas. Milan Kundera
f581ba2 O acaso tem seus sortilegios, a necessidade nao. Para que um amor seja inesquecivel, e preciso que os acasos se encontrem nele desde o primeiro instante como os passaros nos ombros de Sao Francisco de Assis. Milan Kundera
a7ec198 jt lt`ysh m`h hrb@ mn `lm 'mh Hyth jmy` l'jsd mtswy@. jt lt`ysh m`h aml@ 'n ySbH jsdh fryd wGyr qbl llstbdl. lkn, h hw bdwrh yrsm bnfsh lshr@ lty tswyh bl'khryt : fhw kn yqblhn jmy` blTryq@ nfsh wyGdq `lyhn lmd`bt dhth wlm ykn hnk frq wHd, wl frq, 'y frq byn jsd tyryz wl'jsd l'khr~. kn qd '`dh l~ l`lm ldhy Zy't 'nh 'fltt mnh, 'rslh ltsyr `ry@ fy rkb lns l`ryt Milan Kundera
c7ffe09 Our day-to-day life is bombarded with fortuities or, to be more precise, with the accidental meetings of people and events we call coincidences (...) They are composed like music. Guided by his sense of beauty, an individual transforms a fortuitous occurrence into a motif (...) Without realizing it, the individual composes his life according to the laws of beauty even in times of greatest distress. (...) it is right to chide man for being b.. Milan Kundera
dc83672 when she looked longer at herself in her new dress, it was she but she living a different life, the life she would have lived if she had stayed in Prague. Milan Kundera
2f30d29 Cuanto mas pesada sea la carga, mas a ras de tierra estara nuestra vida, mas real y verdadera sera. Por el contrario, la ausencia absoluta de carga hace que el hombre se vuelva mas ligero que el aire, vuele hacia lo alto, se distancie de la tierra, de su ser terreno, que sea real solo a medias y sus movimientos sean tan libres como insignificantes. Entonces, ?que hemos de elegir? ?El peso o la levedad? * Lo que solo ocurre una vez es como s.. Milan Kundera
3c61ad7 Lorsque le coeur a parle, il n'estpas convenable que la raison eleve des objections. Au royaume du Kitsch s'exerce la dictature du coeur. Milan Kundera
534bb40 La vraie bonte de l'homme ne peut se manifester en toute liberte et en toute purete qu'a l'egard de ceux qui ne representent aucune force. Le veritable test moral de l'humanite (le plus radical, qui se situe a un niveau tel qu'il s'echappe a notre regard), ce sont ses relations avec ceux qui sont a sa merci; les animaux. Et c'est ici que s'est produite la plus grande deroute de l'homme, debacle fondamentale dont toutes les autres decoulent. Milan Kundera
77b60d3 Rastlantilarin, sadece rastlantilarin soyleyecek bir sozu vardir bize. Gereklilikten dogan, olmasini bekledigimiz, gunbegun yinelenen her sey dilsizdir. Sadece rastlantilar bir seyler soyler bize. Milan Kundera
a2ca350 Bu dunyada genclik ve guzelligin bir anlami yoktu; birbirinin tipatip esi, ruhlari gorunmez olmus bedenlerle dolu ucsuz bucaksiz bir toplama kampindan baska bir sey degildi yasadigimiz dunya. Milan Kundera
85f06c8 A ternura nasce no instante em que somos lancados no limiar da idade adulta e em que percebemos cheios de angustia as vantagens da infancia, das quais nao nos davamos conta quando eramos criancas. A ternura e o susto que a idade adulta nos inspira. Milan Kundera
72ed9c7 lw qdWr llthwr@ lfrnsy@ 'n ttkrr bstmrr, lkn lmw'rkhwn lfrnsywn 'ql fkhran brwbsbyyr. wlkn bm 'nhm ytHdthwn `n shy ln trj` thny@, fn lsnwt ldmy@ tSyr mjrWd klmt wnZryt wmjdlt; tSyr 'kthr khf@ mn lwbr wl t`wd mkhfy@. hnlk frq shs` byn rwbsbyyr ldhy lm yZhr sw~ mr@ fy ltrykh wrwbsbyr ldhy y`wd bshkl dy'm lyqT` rw'ws lfrnsyyn. Milan Kundera
1fe4bb7 Todos nos temos necessidade de ser olhados. Podemos ser classificados em quatro categorias, segundo o tipo de olhar sob o qual queremos viver. A primeira procura um olhar de um numero infinito de olhos anonimos, em outras palavras, o olhar do publico.(...) Na segunda categoria, estao aqueles que nao podem viver sem o olhar de numerosos olhos famliares. Sao os organizadores incansaveis de coqueteis e jantares. Sao mais felizes que os da prim.. Milan Kundera
0d6689c Un valor vulnerado y una ilusion desenmascarada suelen tener el cuerpo igual de mortificado, se parecen, y no hay nada mas facil que confundirlos. Milan Kundera
cb09611 Covjek sve prozivljava prvi put i bez priprema. Kao glumac koji igra predstavu bez ikakve probe. Pa koliko onda vrijedi zivot ako je prva proba zivota vec zivot sam? Zivot je zato uvijek slican skici. Milan Kundera
7c7b1cb Insanlar genellikle dertlerinden kurtulmak icin gelecege kacarlar; zamanin yoluna dussel bir cizgi ceker, bu cizginin otesinde o anki dert ve sikintilarinin sona erecegini sanirlar. Milan Kundera
dad7af6 Is not an event in fact more significant and noteworthy the greater the number of fortuities necessary to bring it about? ... Everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out, is mute. Only chance can speak to us. determinism fate meaning Milan Kundera
e0cf618 ql bwl fj'@ bSwt 'jsh : - 'tdhkWr jml@ shhyr@ kn nrddh 'ym lshbb : lmr'@ h~ mstqbl lrjl. blmnsb@ , mn ql hdh ? lst 'dr~. 'hw lynyn 'm kynd~ ? kl , qlh sh`r. fhmst : nh 'rGwn. fql 'fynrws bkhshwn@ : - m m`n~ 'n tkwn lmr'@ mstqbl lrjl ? 'ySyr lrjl nsan ? lst 'fhm hdhh ljml@ lblyd@ ! frdW bwl : - lyst jml@ blyd@ , nh jml@ sh`ry@. fqlt : sykhtf~ l'db , wystmr tsk` ljml lsh`ry@ `br l`lm ! nZr bwl l~ nfsh f~ lmra@ thm ql bSwt D`yf Hd shby.. Milan Kundera
d3d63b8 fs'l ldb l'shhb bnbr@ skhr@ l tkhf~ : - 'tZn Hqan mkny@ lmmthl@ byn bythwfn wstlyn ? 'jb bwl : - blTb` , Ht~ wn kn hdh ySdmk . flHrb wlthqf@ hm quTb 'wrwb , n`ymh wjHymh , mjdh wkhzyh , lkn l sbyl llfSl bynhm . n zlt Hdhm zlt l'khr~, fykhtfyn m`an. fkhulwW 'wrwb mn lHrwb mndh khmsyn `man mrtbT `l~ nHw Gryb bkwnn lm n`rf mndh khmsyn sn@ shkhSan k byksw. Milan Kundera
2d2aaff Nos compreendemos ha muito tempo que nao era mais possivel mudar este mundo, nem remodela-lo, nem impedir sua infeliz trajetoria para a frente. Havia uma unica resistencia possivel: nao leva-lo a serio. Mas constato que nossas gozacoes perderam seu poder. Milan Kundera
b4782d7 tnwl lmr lGdy'h wHyd 'mr mHzn. Milan Kundera
f3effd5 klm qtrb 'kthr mn lmwt, qtrb 'kthr mn lkhlwd. Milan Kundera
09da160 What drove such people to their sinister occupations? Spite? Certainly, but also the desire for order. Because the desire for order tries to transform the human world into an inorganic reign in which everything goes well, everything functions as a subject of an impersonal will. The desire for order is at the same time a desire for death, because life is a perpetual violation of order. Or, inversely, the desire for order is a virtuous pretex.. czech novel order sinister thanatos totalitarianism will Milan Kundera
8d3e30c 'fy ws`n 'n ntkhyl lHb dwn 'n ntb` 'thr Swrtn fy dhhn lmHbwb? `ndm ytwqf htmmn blshkl ldhy nZhr fyh 'mm mn nHb, fdhlk y`ny 'nn lm n`d nHb. Milan Kundera
b5ffe9a bh nZr sbyn dr Hqyqt zystn -bh khwd w dygrn drwG ngftn- tnh dr Swrty mkhn pdhyr st khh nsn b mrdm zndgy nkhnd. bh mHD ynkhh bdnym khsy shhd khrhy mst, khwhnkhwh khwd r b an chshmn nZrhgr tTbyq mydhym, w dygr hychykh z khrhymn Sdqnh nyst. b dygrn tms dshtn w bh dygrn ndyshydn, dr drwG zystn st. Milan Kundera
bd67135 Cuando uno ataca otro tiene que retroceder, no hay mas remedio. La retirada, como todos saben, es la mas dificil de las maniobras militares Milan Kundera
42b2986 Se buscan asi mismos en las mujeres, buscan su ideal y se ven repetidamente desenganados porque un ideal es como sabemos, aquello que nunca puede encontrarse Milan Kundera
9f5c09b But it was not only a feeling of guilt which drove him into danger. He detested the pettiness that made life semilife and men semimen. He wished to put his life on one of a pair of scales and death on the other. He wished each of his acts, indeed each day, each hour, each second of his life to be measured against the supreme criterion, which is death. That was why he wanted to march at the head of the column, to walk on a tightrope over an .. existentialist novel philosphy psychology Milan Kundera
98c95aa No esta obsesionado por las mujeres, esta obsesionado por lo que hay en cada una de ellas de inimaginable, esta obsesionado por esa millonesima diferencial que distingue a una mujer de las demas mujeres Milan Kundera
a3a56e6 Pero cuando a uno le llama la atencion una mujer, hace todo lo posible para entrar en relacion con ella, al menos de un modo indirecto, mediante alguna estratagema, para tomar contacto al menos desde lejos con su mundo y ponerlo en movimiento. Milan Kundera
5feddb4 Once the writer in every individual comes to life (and that time is not far-off), we are in for an age of universal deafness and lack of understanding Milan Kundera
1a4caee Chudatsite ne zhiveiat zle, stiga da imat k'smet khorata da se s'obraziavat s chudachestvata im. Milan Kundera
d264ab3 Secmedigimiz bir seye kendi erdemimiz ya da basarisizligimiz gozuyle bakamayiz. Milan Kundera
d07beef Kitsch is the translation of the stupidity of received ideas into the language of beauty and feeling. It moves us to tears of compassion for ourselves, for the banality of what we think and feel. Milan Kundera
7a6d829 Covjek i ne znajuci komponira svoj zivot prema zakonima ljepote i u trenutcima najdubljeg beznada. smisao život Milan Kundera
35f2af9 gulmek, derinlemesine yasamaktir. Milan Kundera
bd9eb55 Gelecege egemen olmak istenilmesinin nedeni, gecmisi degistirecek guce sahip olmaktan baska bir sey degildir. Milan Kundera
e37cdc4 Bi bilo tolku ednostavno da se najde mir vo svetot na iluzii. Ama, sekogash se trudev da zhiveam vo dvata sveta istovremeno i da ne go napushtam edniot poradi drugiot. Ne smeam da go napushtam realniot svet, iako vo nego gubam se'. Na krajot mozhebi kje bide dovolno ako mi uspee edno neshto. Poslednoto neshto: Da mu go predadam mojot zhivot kako jasno i razbirlivo poslanie na edinstveniot chovek shto kje go sfati i ponese ponatamu. Milan Kundera
eb2ac4e tdhkrt anyys b'nh futinat fy Tfwlth bfkr@ 'n llh yrh, wyrh bdwn twqf. sh`rt Hyny'dhin llmr@ l'wl~ bl shk, btlk lmt`@, dhlk ltldhdh lGryb ldhy ysh`r bh lbshr l'nhm yurawn, yurawn `l~ krhin mnhm, yurawn fy lHZthm lHmymy@, yurawn wyuntahakwn blnZr, knt 'mh, why lmw'mn@, tqwl lh "llh yrki" aml@ 'n tHmlh `l~ ltkhly `n `d@ lkdhb wqDm l'Zfr wHshr l'Sb` fy l'nf, l 'n l`ks hw ldhy kn yHdth. fqd knt anyys ttkhyWal llh wturyh m tf`lh tHdydan `ndm tt`T.. Milan Kundera
a4854b8 l shy yjlb ls`d@ 'kthr mn mr'@ knt mndh `hdin qryb mrhwb@ ljnb, lknh juridat mn 'slHth flm t`d tthyr lkhwf Milan Kundera
0daa7c5 Yurek konustugunda, akil karsi koymayi yakisiksiz bulur. Milan Kundera
1ca748a In the presence of Esch, values have hidden their faces. Order, loyalty, sacrifice--he cherishes all these words, but exactly what do they represent? Sacrifice for what? Demand what sort of order? He doesn't know. If a value has lost its concrete content, what is left of it? A mere empty form; an imperative that goes unheeded and, all the more furious, demands to be heard and obeyed. The less Esch knows what he wants, the more furiously he .. broch certainty cult esch existentialism fanaticism imperative loyalty modern novel order post-modern purpose-of-life sacrifice sleepwalkers symbolic values Milan Kundera
98b61e3 Apoi, intr-o zi, m-am apucat sa spun ceva ce nu trebuia spus, am fost [...] obligat sa ies din hora. Atunci am inteles semnificatia magica a cercului. Cind iesi din rind mai poti reveni. Rindul este o formatiune deschisa. Cercul insa se inchide, si-l parasesti fara posibilitatea intoarcerii. Nu intimplator se misca planetele in cerc si roca desprinsa din ele se indeparteaza inexorabil, dusa de forta centrifuga. Ca un meteorit smuls dintr-o .. Milan Kundera