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b21f13c We all know that light travels faster than sound. That's why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak." -- Albert Einstein" -- Penny Reid
aa228b6 If we were in Victorian England I would have called him dashing;but, since we lived in the 21st century I would have to settle for the wordier GQ model hot. Penny Reid
ff51b3b He didn't save us ; haven't you been listening?" Elizabeth held an icepack to her chin where she'd been hit by an meaty elbow . "Fiona stabbed one of them with a Susan Bates needle, Marie was wielding a tequila bottle, Sandra pistol-whipped the other, and I shot the third." "Where were Janie and Kat?" Ashley looked from me to Kat. "Hiding behind the couch like sane people!" Kat said before anyone else could speak." Penny Reid
a3e51f1 No. Since I first saw you. Since I first laid eyes on you and felt sorry for every beautiful thing that was made no longer resplendent--nullified by your being. Penny Reid
2c20fc4 I don't like to judge people. I love it. Writing people completely off was liberating Penny Reid
6a5a572 If I were a function, you would be my asymptote. I always tend toward you. Penny Reid
40bed23 Do ever respond to a question without asking another question? Does it bother you? No. But it does confirm my hypothesis. What hypothesis? He let out a heavy sigh, and with it, all the residual warmth from our flirty banther evaporated. " You're a shrink," he said. He might as well have accused me of being a traitor or a murder or a Kardeshian." Penny Reid
671d797 You'll have to read the book, and don't interrupt me. It's distracting enough looking at you. You've already derailed my brain train with your face several times. Penny Reid
c9b308b Boy bands are sent by God to aid women of all ages in their quest to avoid reality, but specifically to trick young women into believing that males think about topics other than sex. Penny Reid
59cea10 Don't set yourself on fire trying to keep others warm. Penny Reid
d73b15d I changed my mind." "You changed--" "My. Mind." I stopped short and faced him, placing my hands on my hips. "It's like underpants, Jethro." "Dirty and dark?" He smirked. "No." I scowled at his facial expression. "A mind is like underpants because people change them all the time." "But you don't." "I do change my underpants all the time, Jethro. And, for the record, I think it's mighty rude of you to assume I don't." He almost rolled his eye.. Penny Reid
8c008b9 Blame is a thief. It robs us blind while it wastes our time, time we could be spending as a family, making memories, supporting each other. Penny Reid
3bbef97 I don't want a beautiful week with you. I want a beautiful lifetime. Penny Reid
ab0babc Love was never enough, not without mutual respect and a great deal of drudgery and effort. And even then, it wasn't enough. Wanting each other, being open to change, pushing each other to improve and grow--for the better--working to deserve each other, was the key. Penny Reid
d65de0f It means my brain finds you more interesting than all the really interesting trivial facts I could be contemplating or researching at present. Penny Reid
6bbceae I hadn't seen Jennifer in a week. Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder. Whoever said that was a damn fool. Absence makes the heart suicidal. Take my heart for example. It hadn't stopped hurling itself against my ribs--at odd times, day or night--for a week. Penny Reid
c48a8ca We fought over the bill when it came. By fought I mean: I insisted loudly on paying half and he responded with beleaguered silence. Instead of discussing it or attempting to engage in my one-sided conversation, he wordlessly put his credit card in the holder; he kept it carefully out of my reach as I continued to list all the reasons we should split the check, not the least of which was that we'd agreed earlier that this was not a date, the.. Penny Reid
9109a98 The true paradises are the paradises that we have lost." -- Marcel Proust" Penny Reid
944a0ed Fire burns blue and hot. Its fair light blinds me not. Smell of smoke is satisfying, tastes nourishing to my tongue. I think fire ageless, never old, and yet no longer young. Morning coals are cool: daylight leaves me blind. I love the fire most because of what it leaves behind. poem fire Penny Reid
125c69e The best stories, I feel, are those that are self-deprecating and involve some thread of irony. Penny Reid
282fdd6 When you cried, I learned what helplessness tastes like. Because all I could do was swallow. poetry swoon Penny Reid
2e6def4 Be beautiful for yourself, Janie. And only if you want to. If a man is worthy of you, he'll see more beauty in who you are than in what you look like. love inspirational janie sweet Penny Reid
f92e066 No one expects an eighty-five-year-old Navy SEAL stripper. No one. And that was the beauty of George. Penny Reid
8aad79a God, Quinn, you have no idea how permanent I'd like this to be. I'd like us to be Twinkies and cockroaches, death and taxes. But I... Penny Reid
eadc358 Maybe love, at its essence, is being a mirror for another person--for the good parts and the bad. Perhaps love is simply finding that one person who sees you clearly, cares for you deeply, challenges you and supports you, and subsequently helps you see and be your true self. Penny Reid
5829087 I've learned that the more people I love -- and I mean really, really, completely, unconditionally love -- the happier I am. happiness love penny-reid Penny Reid
a26f7c6 I had reclusive tendencies for a reason, I couldn't be trusted to live in the world and make decisions on my own. reclusive Penny Reid
1547eb5 Let's clear one thing up: Introverts do not hate small talk because we dislike people. We hate small talk because we hate the barrier it creates between people." -- Laurie Helgoe, Introvert Power ~Jennifer~" Penny Reid
5116d86 I had an odd thought just then, that I should only ever whisper her name, and that she should always be close enough to hear it. Penny Reid
b1402b2 Sorry, sometimes when I try to rhyme I end up sounding like Yoda. Penny Reid
27180cb If they don't learn about launching rockets at home, then they'll just learn about it on the streets." I glowered at him. "That sounds like something Hitler would say." Penny Reid
b95f568 He was so handsome I felt like filing a civil lawsuit against his parents, claiming punitive damages, pain and suffering to my psyche. Penny Reid
53f67eb Alex the waiter was on my Spank Naughty list in third place, right after Henry Calvill the actor, then Henry Calvill as Superman. He was proof that God existed, and that God loved straight women. Penny Reid
33f56eb My upstairs brain and my downstairs brain engaged in a game of risk and it was downstairs' turn to roll the dice. dice Penny Reid
4c36061 Parker, what are you doing?" "Making a funny face in an effort to make you stop staring at me like I murdered your beloved goldfish." Penny Reid
54b9e72 This came from Sandra. "Roses are red, violets are blue, rhyming is hard. Wine." Penny Reid
6a7c1d0 To friendscorts. Like escorts, but without the cash. Penny Reid
d28bec2 I was determined to stay off the see-saw of crazy Penny Reid
2c89e7b Does he give you zings in your things? Penny Reid
a83b51d My previous outlook could be summed up as follows: Life is shit. Math makes sense. Fictional characters are superior to real people because real people are equal parts pitiful and predictable. Penny Reid
f2aa093 Saying someone would make a great politician is like saying someone would make a great serial killer. It's not a compliment. Penny Reid
e1283f3 My hair is ridiculous. It's been misbehaving since birth. Penny Reid
a1b205e Think of how much better the world would be if people craved compliments about the beauty of their heart rather than the beauty of their face. Penny Reid
ab7285e With enough use, practice, and honing of skill, words were the weapons of choice used by exceptional writers and poets. Minds can be changed, hearts can be lost and broken, souls can be surrendered given the right words. Penny Reid
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