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1dc2a56 The phone in my hand buzzed, demanding my attention, and a text flashed on the screen. It was from Cletus and the sight made my heart lurch and twist, a pining ache stealing my breath. As I scrolled through my notifications, I noticed several texts. Cletus: I'm sorry. I was wrong, you were right. Cletus: I just realized you probably don't have your phone. Cletus: I think I'm going to make myself useful by retrieving your phone. Cletus: I ju.. Penny Reid
d9cde4e You want to know what you are to me? Fine. You're my beginning, middle, and end. Penny Reid
394c5d8 And, when it was time for Meg to give her statement, I punched her in the face. Penny Reid
ad20557 Italians who speak Italian should be illegal, or at least come with warning labels - may make your panties explode. Penny Reid
e00281c You can't just go around giving people cars. You're not Oprah. Penny Reid
2f196e0 This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, rants, facts, contrivances, and incidents are either the product of the author's questionable imagination or are used factitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living, dead, or undead), events, or locales is entirely coincidental, if not somewhat disturbing and/or concerning. Penny Reid
e89be76 What are we doing?" I asked, feeling restless. "Taking comfort." That made me smile, so I peered up at him. "You're taking comfort in me?" "Yes." My smile grew and I closed my eyes, giving myself over to the moment. Gradually, I heard a symphony of sounds rise around us. Wind played through the grass, rustled the small but plentiful leaves of a nearby lonely oak. Crickets and other insects chirped and hummed. I felt the beat of Jethro's hea.. Penny Reid
67257fe People were, essentially, the secrets they kept. Penny Reid
9710287 Everyone knows that in real life, fictionally handsome men are vacuous vessels of Satan. Penny Reid
fa6604f However, the more stressful my situation is, the less I think about it, or anything related to it. At present , I thought about how the elevators were like mechanical horses, and I wondered if anyone loved them or named them. Penny Reid
908c1a8 It wasn't my finest moment, but I rolled my eyes and actually huffed. "Fine, don't answer. I don't even know why I asked." "No, I am not having sex with anyone." "Oh." I shrugged nonchalantly, but for some reason his response filled me with glee. It was as if a unicorn had appeared beneath a double rainbow and started tap dancing." Penny Reid
ad8973c What do you call each other? What are your pet names? Dearest? Turtledove? Thor? Herr Handsome of my heart? Lizard of my labia? Captain of my clitoris? Penny Reid
f9796f3 You took one commercial flight, Steven. One." "Shhh!" he pressed his finger to his lips and loud whispered, "He'll hear you." I glanced to my right and left. "Who will hear me?" "Manuel, the plane." -- Penny Reid
bd21c84 I think men will always be arrested on some level by the idea of owning their spouse, of completely possessing the woman they love, of having her unquestioning trust and obedience and admiration. But most importantly, of actually being a man that deserves it all. And I think women--though they are loathe to admit it--fundamentally want to be possessed. Penny Reid
1b62504 He reminded me of the Viking god Thor, if Thor had been a reclusive federal game warden from Texas with excellent manners. Penny Reid
6ff00d7 This is the tattoo of life decisions." "Tattoo of life decisions?" "Yes. Tattoo. Marriage is the forever and permanent branding of one person to another. Sure, you can get it removed - but it's expensive, it's a process, and you're never the same after. You're scarred. It's always a part of you, visible or not. You get a tattoo with the intention of a life-long commitment. You have to defend its existence and take ownership of it in front.. Penny Reid
e7fc777 Dance with me." Blinking, first at his offered palm and then at his features, I asked, "Why?" Not immediately replying, he reached for me, pulled me to my feet, and slid an arm around my waist. I allowed him to hold my body against his, fit our hands together, and sway to the lovely music. Begrudgingly, I admitted to myself he had great rhythm. Someone had taught him to dance. Jehtro dipped his mouth to my ear, his beard tickling my neck as.. Penny Reid
194a42a What is your least favorite part of the male anatomy?" "Uh...what?" "Come on." I nudged her shoulder. "You have to have a least favorite part." Marie stared at me for a beat then blinked rapidly. "Really? I just pour out my heart to you and...." "Balls," Ashley announced unceremoniously from her place on the floor. Elizabeth snickered. "Oh, my lord." Marie covered her face with her hands and shook her head. I ignored her and leaned closer t.. Penny Reid
b823f94 Nothing was worse than a handsome guy who became an ignorant toad when he spoke. Penny Reid
7191b20 All girls should be treated with respect regardless of whether or not they're virgins. Being a virgin doesn't make me any more or less worthwhile than a non-virgin. Penny Reid
52239e0 Listen to me for one fucking second, okay?" I also whispered, but only because he was whispering, "Only if you stop using the f-word like you get paid royalties every time you say it." "I'll fucking use whatever fucking word I want to fucking use whenever I fucking want to." Penny Reid
09f6fae You're disgusting and that's completely misogynistic. What if the hook-up girl is using you just as much as you're using her? What if she's just having fun? This is the problem with society. When a guy sleeps around, he's sewing oats. When a girl does it, she's a hook-up girl. Penny Reid
fc696f7 Over the years I'd learned absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder. The heart becomes wary, somnolent and cynical during periods of prolonged absence, burdened with cares and fears borne in solitude. However, absence does make the body greedy and irrationally amorous with frustrated need. Penny Reid
12beb46 Don't Drink and DERIVE, Alcohol and Calculus Don't Mix Penny Reid
2c37ee3 Dan was shorter than me, especially as I was wearing sky blue silk stilettos. He appeared to be my age or a few years older,stocky, and thick necked with swirling tattoos just visible beneath the blue collar of his uniform.Dan gave me a plain once over as he walked me to an elevator and placed his palm against a glass screen. The screen retracted to reveal keypad. Dan then punched in a series of numbers and he said- "You're very big."I gave.. tall-girls vegetables-and-milk Penny Reid
75e2ec4 I wondered what steps I could take to remove the word 'moisture' or even 'moist' from the English language; I really hated the way it sounded and always went out of my way to avoid saying it. I also really didn't like the word slacks Penny Reid
9956ef0 Me want Martin flavored cookie! Me want cookie now!! Penny Reid
6df4ac1 Little did he know, I possessed no feminine wiles. Only the willies and the hibby jibbies. Penny Reid
0db7b19 Life is a struggle for relevancy. Penny Reid
39cd49f I'd kiss you but I don't want our beards to tangle. Penny Reid
700f7cf It's seductive, to live in a virtual space, especially when the real world isn't what you want it to be. Penny Reid
5bcda82 You are so adorable. I just want to take you home and put you in my pocket." I'd prefer her pants, but I guess I'd settle for her pocket" Penny Reid
8ce52c5 We all belong to ourselves, until we have children. Then our children lease us for as long as they want. Penny Reid
b2f78d8 Greg crossed to me, his gaze moving in a slow, cherishing path over my features. "If you knew how I saw you, how I think of you, your ego would become unmanageable." Penny Reid
da8b448 Elizabeth, in your own misguided, crazy, PMSing-woman way, I think you've been trying to be nice." My mouth fell open. "Hey!" "You're just not very good at being nice. It's not a strength of yours." "I can't believe you just said that." "You should work on it. You should compliment me more, tell me I look pretty." I hit him on the shoulder even as I laughed. "You're an idiot." "And you're beautiful." Penny Reid
85ac0bd Attending to injustice, no matter how small, is always a worthy cause. Penny Reid
8c674c3 Stop it." Cletus snapped his fingers in front of our faces. "I hate it when you two mind-meld through your eyeballs." Penny Reid
7f13609 Not sure if it was compliment, or an insult, or a complisult Penny Reid
30662b4 Crap. She's going to cry. This was a situation that required neutralizing. I placed my hand over hers and gave her a squeeze. "There, there." Fruit cake. "Calm down--" Penny Reid
acd9827 Who is your famous crush? If a super-hot Hollywood actor who also happened to be a great person wanted to take you home--and the lights stayed on during the deed--what would you do? I mean, not in theory. Honestly, what would you do?" Claire looked at me for a long moment then asked, "Would I get a heads up a few months ahead of time? So I could eat low carb and start working out?" "No." "Then, honestly, I'd run the other way." Penny Reid
c854f83 If you know who you are, rejection matters very little. It says more about the small-mindedness of the person who is doing the rejecting than it does about you. Penny Reid
782121b In all honesty, I'd enjoyed the horse ride more than the man ride. At least the horse had been a stallion. Looking back, my lab TA was more like a Shetland pony--hairy and small. Penny Reid
259d821 Nico flinched and pain flickered within his green eyes. He struck the wall next to my head, causing me to jump. "I don't want to be fair! I'm not interested in being nice! You're right. I'm playing games with you and I'm playing dirty because I want you, I you, to be with you, to hear your voice, your laugh, to hold you, to touch you . . ." Penny Reid
9e6f6c1 It's nice to hear your voice...?" The statement came out sounding like a question, as though I were playing jeopardy and I'd chosen my category- 'I'll take 'Charming Chit Chat' for $200, Alex' and behind the $200 read: 'This is what you say to the hot guy- you abandoned- when he returns after you inexplicably leave him and his private jet in Las Vegas after having amazing and multiple occurrences of the hot sex." Penny Reid
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