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ee79fab Reading for me, was like breathing. It was probably akin to masturbation for my brain. Getting off on the fantasy within the pages of a good novel felt necessary to my survival. If I wasn't asleep, knitting, or working, I was reading. This was for several reasons, all of them focused around the infititely superior and enviable lives of fictional heroines to real-life people. Take romans for instance. Fictional women in romance novels never.. Penny Reid
c9d3fb6 My type has a romantic soul. He'll make my brain and my heart fight over who gets him first. He does what's right, even when it's not easy--actually, especially when it's not easy. He knows the value of discipline, education, honor, and restraint. And his strength of character is the only thing that outweighs the strength of his love for me. Penny Reid
b295191 I dream of your voice, daydream about it. I spend a good part of my day thinking up ways to make you laugh, counting the hours before I can hold you--just hold you--to feel you breathe, feel your heartbeat. I've memorized your walk. I even look forward to your butchering of the German language and discovering which T-shirt you'll wear. I want to tell everyone about you, how brilliant you are, how generous and kind and amazing you are, and I.. Penny Reid
45f033f I might cry later, at home, while watching Steel Magnolias and dressed like a homeless person. Sometimes I applied mascara before crying just to heighten the experience. Penny Reid
80af97c Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Penny Reid
16aec9e If I told you I love you now How many seconds would it take How long would you allow All that I am to break I turn away Before you can see How badly I need you to stay With me romance penny-reid mustache Penny Reid
5247c8a We can't change the past. But we can change how much importance we allow it to have over our future. Penny Reid
34538db Greg's eyes narrowed on me, but this mouth curved to one side. "I don't know . . . that feels like something Hitler would say." Penny Reid
8488ad7 You're my beginning, middle, and end. Penny Reid
0868158 We are most awake to the world and to our own longings and desires when we suffer. Penny Reid
5305f92 I think you need to give me a pet name--a term of endearment." His face was its typical impassive mask, but I could tell that I'd surprised him. Finally, he said, "Like...babe?" "No--that feels awkward and wrong and has undertones of pedophilia. I'm thinking of something more age appropriate, yet affectionate." sexy-humor Penny Reid
65e0bd8 I might have been a little mesmerized for a moment as I took in the sight of her shapely backside. It was incredible. I just wanted to spank it and bite it and worship it and completely fucking defile it. Penny Reid
d5d250c Road trips can either suck monkey balls or, with the right person, they can be awesomesauce with cheesy fries. Penny Reid
dfea42b I didn't tell her, because I didn't think it would help, but all people are lost, to varying degrees. I suspected that it's only when we love others--through purpose, friendship, romance, or any combination thereof--that we become found. friendship love Penny Reid
f418512 Everything is temporary, Duane. This," he gestured to our surroundings, "this is temporary. Even mountains fall. Nothing lasts forever. You got a chance at happiness, even for a week, a month, a year? You grab it and you hold on to it for as long as it lasts." Penny Reid
0c1578c You're a siren who doesn't need to sing. Penny Reid
3734924 Martin wasn't smiling, but his eyes were warm and interested. "Do you always talk like that?" "Like what? Like awesome?" "Yeah, like awesome." -- Penny Reid
84625c4 And when you're ready to cut his balls off, I will provide the knife. Penny Reid
e5d0dd8 The protector inside me was frowning while the predator soaked up her discomfort with glee. sexy Penny Reid
d279f49 I know what you're going to say." "Then we can skip it and you can admit you're wrong." "I can't admit I'm wrong about two things in the same day." I brought my attention back to him, found him smirking at me. "It might bring about the apocalypse." "Then admit it tomorrow" Penny Reid
a7f1377 Is a chameleon a coward because it can change its color? No. It's evolved and awesome. I like to think of myself in a similar fashion. Penny Reid
820fc84 Ashley, I caught a bear today in the new trap. We're taking it a hundred miles north. That's a hundred miles closer to where you are. I've decided units and measurements of distance are bullshit. With you there are only two distances that matter: Here. Not here. You are not here. - Drew Penny Reid
47eb491 I didn't like trusting, I didn't like setting greater than mild expectations Penny Reid
8be55a0 He was hot like lava and sexy like cake. Wait, like lava cake. Yum. Penny Reid
299b38b Where I'm from," Tom tilted his head to the side, "they call your kind a hipster or a lumbersexual, with the beard and flannel and such." Without missing beat, Jethro responded, "Ah. See, where I'm from, they call my kind a man." Penny Reid
a4a4c5e Where are we going?" ... "Just this place I know with a waterfall and a cave. It's part of the estate, so no one uses it." "How nice," I said ... "We have a garage at my house. It holds a car and some of my dad's tools." Martin glanced at me, equal parts amused and confused. "Oh?" "Yes. And a hammock in the back yard." "Is that so..." "Yeah." "So no waterfalls?" "No. But this one time, when it rained a lot, the gutter broke. That was simila.. Penny Reid
da019c5 I'd learned from my mother that when someone gives you a subjective compliment--meaning one that can't be disproven and is based on opinion--but that you find to be completely false, rather than argue, it's much better to just say thank you, or I appreciate that and strive to be that compliment. Fools fight compliments, she'd said, and sometimes other people see you better than you can see yourself. Penny Reid
0ace8df I would not always be joy, nor would I want inert contentment. Sorrow and struggle bring gravity to the soul and to the mind, a gravity that cannot be achieved through mere happiness. We are most awake to the world and to our own longings and desires when we suffer. Penny Reid
9c80419 That is why I don't want a cell phone. I don't want a droopy fin. Penny Reid
3c8b0e1 fist bump* *high five* *bottom pat* ... too far? Penny Reid
b4ec527 Take romance for instance. Fictional women in romance novels never get their period. They never have morning breath. They orgasm seventeen times a day. And they never seem to have jobs with bosses. Penny Reid
60cf75b When I was younger, I wanted plenty of things, plenty of people, until I realized there was no point in wanting. Since then, I've never had something I wanted, not really. Not 'til you. Penny Reid
7bf4dd7 I will die happy here, today, in this spot," she sighed. "In your puddle of lust." "Leave my puddle of lust alone. Get your own puddle." Penny Reid
3f6231d My heart keeps finding new ways to love you. Penny Reid
8d3db7d Just because you don't feel calm, doesn't mean you can't be calm. Penny Reid
3b372d9 I'm not letting you leave this car until we make it to second base. At least." "Jess, you know how good I am at baseball, right?" Penny Reid
a1b39c0 Because if it's possible to have a partner who gives all of themselves without reservation, who looks forward to working and sacrificing for me just as I look forward to doing the same for her, who can't help but love ferociously, brutally, and unconditionally--and even perhaps without reason or sound judgment--that's what I want. Because that's how I plan to love in return. Penny Reid
5fb28a0 There's no reason to be uncomfortable." "I'm not uncomfortable. I'm just feeling weird, and I don't know how to un-weird myself." "Well, don't un-weird yourself on my account. I like you weird." Penny Reid
041cf89 Love, I decided, is being a sidekick. Penny Reid
781fbac That's right. You seize that woman, Cletus. You make her yours. And then after," still grinning, Duane dropped his hand on my shoulder and gave me a little shake, "you give that woman your sausage." Penny Reid
92d9cc4 The thing is, if you can't tell how a person feels about you, then you probably don't want to know. Penny Reid
eefbf87 There is a stillness that accompanies the death of a loved one. Everything becomes quieter, but it's not just sound that is dimmed. Movement, action, perception, emotion--everything is distant and removed. Penny Reid
32119c2 marriage is an ultimate sport in emotional multitasking. I'm never only mad at Greg. I'm mad and madly in love; angry and concerned for his wellbeing; he frustrates and delights me in the same second. We were arguing, but we were still a team. Penny Reid
5c68c0b I like you because you are Kaitlyn--genuine, beautiful, brilliant, amazing Kaitlyn--not because you're Kaitlyn Parker. And I'm in love with you because I can't help myself. Penny Reid
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