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cb4301c I was planning to sort my comic books based on level of second wave feminist influence." "As opposed to first wave?" "Yes, well, Susan B. Anthony laid the foundation for those who have come after. It's all really interrelated but she didn't have direct influence over late twentieth century comics." Penny Reid
11d4b81 Even though you don't feel calm doesn't mean you can't be calm. Penny Reid
bba53d9 Your birthday gift to me is to place me in the middle of an art heist so that I can taser someone?" He nodded, smiling, looking very proud. "Thank you, Alex. I mean it. I...I just love you so much." Penny Reid
d6d6ca8 There will be no bananas!" "There will be entire tropical rainforests of bananas! And coconuts!" I gestured to my breasts. "And, hopefully, bananas rubbing against coconuts." Penny Reid
1046618 worry is an emotional state that I abhor. It tends to be self-absorbed and short-sighted, and holds no purpose other than to waste energy and distract the mind from what actually matters. Penny Reid
9e98c83 You don't know love?" "No." "But you're so certain that this is it, that what we have--what we're doing--that this is us in love?" "Yes." "Why?" "Because it's what love should be." Penny Reid
c61c28e Allow me to take a moment to express my appreciation for Cletus Winston and his entrances. Penny Reid
01c247f I tried to shrug, but I'm sure it looked like a minor seizure. Penny Reid
275a04d You'll know one day, Cletus. You'll discover what it's like to find the other part of yourself. You'll know it's her, only her, always her. Maybe not right away, but eventually you'll know. She'll be your beginning, middle, and end. And your intentions won't matter. Love brings its own intentions, and all other plans, hopes, and dreams fade to insignificance in the face of love. Penny Reid
150fb05 If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane." -- Robert Frost" Penny Reid
2be09b0 Duct tape is man's answer to electrons and protons. It's how we keep matter together. Penny Reid
0d43d40 This was our beginning. I couldn't wait for the middle. And I never wanted it to end. Penny Reid
43239d2 The dreams were the troubling kind where I thought the action and events were genuine while asleep; upon waking and in retrospect I realized they were obviously completely implausible.The one I remembered most intensely upon waking was about losing my teeth. The fragments of bone continually fell out of my mouth every time I opened it to speak; and they ran away- though they had no legs- which, in the dream, sent me into a panic. There is n.. Penny Reid
2112ae0 Because I look at you, and I think, you and me, we're going to get married one day. And then, if you're a very good wife..." His eyes skated over my face as he paused, and it felt like a loving caress; but it also felt possessive and dangerous. His cadence dropped, deepened, as his stare settled on my lips. "If you're a very good wife, we'll have a mortgage." Penny Reid
0873b46 You have your own room in my heart. It's yours. Stay as long as you want; it will always be there for you. Penny Reid
97c9801 I'm not trying to hurt you. I just want us to be--" "Smart," he finished for me, his resentful gaze softening as it moved over my face. " I know. You always want to be smart and do the right thing. But the problem is, Parker... I just want you." Penny Reid
2b7cc73 I want enduring love. And, if people are honest with themselves, I think that's what everyone wants. Penny Reid
1fe1775 Boys are stupid. I needed to explore becoming a lesbian. Penny Reid
3fdb344 Kaitlyn Parker has popped Martin Sandeke's spooning cherry." I felt his smile grow just before he said, "It's only fair. I hope to pop your forking cherry." Penny Reid
d711504 He lifted a single eyebrow as he adjusted his pants, zipping his fly. The sound made my back stiffen and I realized how close we'd just been to copulating in the back of a car. "I think you look good just like that." I stared at him for two seconds before I smacked him on his infuriatingly well-muscled shoulder. "My shirt is ripped open and..." I frantically twisted in my seat and may have shrieked, "Where are my underwear?!" There was no a.. Penny Reid
c6a4223 Oh, gah! Right in the feels! Penny Reid
acbb337 When we unloaded the last box Vincent surprised me by taking my hand and placing a kiss on my knuckles. His deep chocolate eyes gazed into mine as he spoke with an air of knowing wisdom, "If I ever cheated on my wife I think she'd have cut my balls off. If you don't want to castrate this guy after what he's done then he's not the one for you." he nodded as though affirming the truth of his words." Penny Reid
b91676f Greg...not everyone is capable of fighting the great fights. Not everyone is brave and strong and powerful. Let people have their causes. Allow them their victories, when victories can be had, without begrudging the wrongs that they right. Attending to injustice, no matter how small, is always a worthy cause. Penny Reid
94390b2 Look at them. Where are they looking? They're not looking at each other, they're not looking at the art on the wall or the sun in the sky; they're looking at their phones. They hang on to every beep and alert and tweet and status update. I don't want to be that. I'm distracted enough as it is by the actual, tangible, physical world. I've embraced the efficiency of a desktop PC for work and research, and I even use a laptop on my own time, b.. Penny Reid
533c933 My momma once told me, you don't need to be pushed in order to fall. I don't think you'll need to do much pushing, Jessica. Penny Reid
3d26cd7 nerds rule the world. Penny Reid
1caa53d I'm after a woman who likes sex but doesn't put the lust part above the intelligence part. She could have a hundred partners for all I care, just as long as they've been vetted for psychopathic tendencies. I have four rules. Number one: don't invite a person into your body if you wouldn't invite her into your kitchen. Number two: the act needs to take place in a clean environment. Number three: precautions need to be taken to protect from d.. sex Penny Reid
aa1f5c9 Is this place home?" "No, Duane .. You are." Penny Reid
4750daa I came home to find three rocks on my desk and a card with a penguin on the front. Seeing it was from Greg, I did a little happy dance as I bounced into my room, reading his inscription. Dearest Fiona, I'm missing you dreadfully. It's been an age, I don't think you'll recognize me when next we meet. I've put on ten stone and lost all my hair. And an eye. I hope you fancy a fat bald man with an eye patch. Come out with me on Friday. Finals w.. penny reid
cf4fb1c Give me a small intimate gathering of five people, a dinner party, where one-on-one conversations can be had, where people talk about current events, good books, good food, and weird news. That was my idea of a good time. humor party Penny Reid
47174d0 Duane's mouth parted slightly and his eyebrows lifted high on his forehead. All hints of his earlier frown had vanished. Unless I was misreading his expression, he appeared to be a little lost, like maybe I'd stolen his breath and his wallet and his passport and his memories. Really, he looked stunned. Penny Reid
0533583 I'd once overheard my daddy tell my momma that the six Winston boys had inherited their father's ability to charm snakes, the IRS, and women. Penny Reid
a9614a7 a woman who demands gifts on Valentine's Day is almost as intolerable as a man who only gives gifts because it's Valentine's Day. Penny Reid
f78ac7d Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in." -- Isaac Asimov" Penny Reid
08b05ec When did you know?" I watched him take a breath, and with it all pretense fell away. All his walls, all his cleverness, all his grandstanding and pretending. He looked vulnerable, and it made my chest ache. "When I saw you..." he whispered, leaning forward, his eyes on mine until he became blurry. He slid his nose against my nose, nipped my bottom lip. My mouth parted in response. "I saw you..." he kissed my parted lips, "you bent over to.. Penny Reid
5e8fe72 The beauty of human relationships is sharing burdens?" "More or less. But burdens don't grow lighter if both people are contributing equally. Life isn't a fifty-fifty split, that's just being lazy. Burdens are weightless, worlds change, and love endures when both people are contributing their maximum." Penny Reid
a78e7a8 So I buried myself under my covers and cried like it was my job and I was hoping for a promotion. Penny Reid
1f7e4e8 I treasure my sleep over the wellbeing or interests of my loved ones Penny Reid
68121c7 How many are we talking about? What percentage of females in Chicago are ready to have sex with you right now? What happens if one of them needs to travel? Do they have a phone tree? Is there a coverage plan or a backup plan for emergencies?" Quinn covered the bottom half of his mouth with his free hand, too late to mask the smile, his shoulders started shaking with silent laughter. I continued, feeling a little better knowing that he was a.. Penny Reid
2e827b9 Nothing is more frustrating than being attracted to someone who is a complete jerk - except for maybe also caring about that person despite continued abuses. I was such an idiot. Penny Reid
3e353e4 Nothing screams lady-mind-porn like a hot, shirtless, sexy man doing dishes after giving her a reason to be exhausted. Penny Reid
b7d0d0e How does the ocean say hello to the shore... it gives it a little wave. Penny Reid
ecdd9cc Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality." -- Edgar Allan Poe" Penny Reid
7db18e5 Fuck a fucking fuck of fucking ducks. Penny Reid
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