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f3293f6 The baboon is driving," I noted. "Should I be worried?" Rick Riordan
0d22c55 Is Tyson okay?" I asked. The question seemed to take my dad by surprise. He's fine. Doing much better than I expected. Though "peanut butter" is a strange battle cry. "You let him fight?" Stop changing the subject! You realize what you are asking me to do? My palace will be destroyed. "And Olympus might be saved." Do you have any idea how long I've worked on remodeling this palace? The game room alone took six hundred years. "Dad--" Very we.. poseidon Rick Riordan
4c2c7f7 She (Annabeth) put her hand on my spine, and my skin tingled. I (Percy) moved her fingers to the one spot that grounded me to my mortal life. A thousand volts of electricity seemed to arc through my body. Rick Riordan
6740d6f So, destroy?" Cal asked. Clearly, the conversation was giving his two brain cells a serious workout." Rick Riordan
aad3384 Nothing can slow them down," Leo mused. "I wonder..." "What?" Jason asked. Leo looked at the dwarfs. "I'll make you a deal." Akmon's eyes lit up. "Thirty percent?" "We'll leave you all the treasure," Leo said, "except the stuff that belongs to us, and the astrolabe, and this book, which we'll take back to the dude in Venice." "But he'll destroy us!" Passolos wailed. "We won't say where we got it," Leo promised. "And we won't kill you... kerkopes passalos riordan the-house-of-hades dwarfs jason-grace leo-valdez Rick Riordan
422571e Could an Olympian parent turn against his half-blood child? Would it sometimes be easier just to let them die? If there were ever any half-bloods who needed to worry about that, it was Thalia and me. I wondered if maybe I should've sent Poseidon that seashell pattern tie for Father's Day after all. thalia-grace Rick Riordan
606b59b Egyptians believe in the power of the sunrise. They believe each morning begins not just a new day, but a new world. Rick Riordan
6339905 And when demigods use cell phones, the signals agitate every monster within a hundred miles. It's like sending up a flare: Here I am! Please rearrange my face! rick-riordan Rick Riordan
5da24b5 This belonged to my sister-in-law," Prometheus explained. "Pandora." A lump formed in my throat. "As in Pandora's box?" Prometheus shook his head. "I don't know how this business got started. It was never a box. It was a , a storage jar. I suppose Pandora's doesn't have the same ring to it." prometheus percy-jackson Rick Riordan
f1335ca You both passed out," Percy said. "I don't know why, but Ella told me not to worry about it. She said you were...sharing?" "Sharing," Ella agreed. She crouched in the stern, preening her wing feathers with her teeth, which didn't look like a very effective form of personal hygiene. She spit out some red fluff. "Sharing is good. No more blackouts. Biggest American blackout, August 14, 2003. Hazel shared. No more blackouts." Percy scratched h.. ella sharing the-son-of-neptune heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians hazel-levesque Rick Riordan
b8bd2b0 Words are the source of all power. And names are more than just a collection of letters. Rick Riordan
dc9d93f Nico was devastatingly alone. He'd lost his big sister Bianca. He'd pushed away all other demigods who'd tried to get close to him. His experiences at Camp Half-Blood, in the Labyrinth and in Tartarus had left him scarred, afraid to trust anyone. reflection reyna Rick Riordan
ca53d1d At this point, you may be wondering how I felt seeing my son with Nico di Angelo. I'll admit I did not understand Will's attraction to a child of Hades, but if the dark foreboding type was what made Will happy... Oh perhaps some of you are wondering how I felt seeing him with a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend. If that's the case, please. We gods are not hung up about such things. will-solace nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
2c109bc Sometimes you have to lose a piece to win a game. Rick Riordan
7837919 No!" Leo yelled. "Uhhh," Nico groaned from the floor. "Piper!" Jason cried. "Monkey!" Frank yelled. piper-mcclean the-argo-ii riordan the-house-of-hades frank-zhang jason-grace rick-riordan hazel-levesque leo-valdez monkeys Rick Riordan
f3deed9 Percy: "You asked Poseidon for... me?" Tyson: "For a friend, young cyclopes grow up alone on the streets, learns to make things out of scraps. Learn to survive." Percy: "But that's so cruel!" Tyson: "Makes us appreciate blessings, not be greedy and mean and fat like Polyphemus. But I got scared. Monsters chased me so much, clawed me sometimes--" Percy: "The scars on your back?" Tyson: "Sphinx on Seventy-second Street. Big Bully. I pray.. poseidon tyson percy-jackson Rick Riordan
eb0886e So, great. This is Camp...what do you call it? Camp Fish-Blood?" Aphros frowned. "I hope that was a joke. This is Camp __________." He made a sound that was a series of sonar pings and hisses." Rick Riordan
d3f1753 True, you're the weakest of us all, but you're still one of the five, and there is power in collecting the complete set." He paused, then grinned. "The complete Set! That's funny! Now let's consume your energy and entomb your soul, shall we?" Rick Riordan
8cb4002 I tried to think of something to say. Excuse me? Hello? Marry me? Anything would have done. romance humor sadie Rick Riordan
3d91d6a Anybody have any money?" Frank checked his pockets. "Three denarii from Camp Jupiter. Five dollars Canadian." Hedge patted his gym shorts and pulled out what he found. "Three quarters, two dimes, a rubber band and--score! A piece of celery." He started munching on the celery, eyeing the change and the rubber band like they might be next." money humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena frank-zhang the-heroes-of-olympus food Rick Riordan
9614d90 You must forgive my Hunters if they do not welcome you," Artemis said. "It is very rare that we would have boys in this camp. Boys are usually forbidden to have any contact with the Hunters. The last one to see this camp..." She looked at Zoe. "Which one was it?" That boy in Colorado," Zoe said. "You turned him into a jackalope." Ah, yes." Artemis nodded, satisfied. "I enjoy making jackalopes." zoe-nightshade percy-jackson Rick Riordan
daa3a05 Anybody have any money?" Frank checked his pockets. "Three denarii from Camp Jupiter. Five dollars Canadian." Hedge patted his gym shorts and pulled out what he found. "Three quarters, two dimes, a rubber band and--score! A piece of celery." He started munching on the celery, eyeing the change and the rubber band like they might be next." -- money humor percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena frank-zhang the-heroes-of-olympus food Rick Riordan
7c85525 She tied her blond hair back with a strip of denim torn from her pants leg, and in the fiery light of the river, her grey eyes flickered. Despite being beat-up, sooty, and dressed like a homeless person, she looked great to Percy. So what if they were in Tartarus? So what if they stood a slim chance of surviving? He was so glad that they were together, he had the ridiculous urge to smile. Rick Riordan
589e6e5 In the center stood a marble alter, where a kid in a toga was doing some sort of ritual in front of a massive golden statue of the big dude himself:Jupiter the sky god, dressed in a silk XXXL purple toga, holding a lightning bolt. "It doesn't look like that," Percy muttered. "What?" Hazel asked. "The master bolt," Percy said. "What are you talking about?" "I-" Percy frowned. For a second, he'd thought he remembered something. Now it was go.. Rick Riordan
45e60ab I'll show them 'love is worthless,'" Silena Beauregard grumbled as she strapped on her armor. "I'll pulverize them!" Rick Riordan
21f60b8 I am Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades. I control the shadows. They do not control me. shadows son-of-hades Rick Riordan
f5293a9 Now, if you have never been hit by a flying burrito, count yourself lucky. In terms of deadly projectiles, it's right up there with grenades and cannonballs. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
80ec2c7 I held out the painting of the cat and the snake. "It's a cat and a snake," Thoth said. Thank you, god of wisdom. You placed it for us to find, didn't you? You're trying to give us some sort of clue." "Who, me?" Just kill him, Horus said. Shut up, I said. At least kill the guitar." Rick Riordan
4388a16 At the end of the hall stood a walnut door with a bronze plaque: ASCLEPIUS MD, DMD, DME, DC, DVS, FAAN, OMG, EMT, TTYL, FRCP, ME, IOU, OD, OT, PHARMD, BAMF, RN, PHD, INC., SMH There may have been more acronyms in the list, but by that point Leo's brain had exploded. greek-gods rick-riordan leo-valdez Rick Riordan
a5adf36 Your mom is a rainbow goddess?" "You got a problem with that?" "No, no. Rainbows. Very macho." leo iris Rick Riordan
1cd47a1 One false step, and you'll fall all the way to Tartarus--and believe me, unlike the Doors of Death, this would be a one-way trip, a very hard fall! I will have you dying before you tell me your plan for my artwork. death doors-of-death arachne artwork weaving tartarus heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
df87202 You teach combat, I guess." Aphros threw up his hands in exasperation. "Why does everyone assume that?" Leo glanced at the massive sword on the fish-guy's back. "Uh, I don't know." Rick Riordan
7846a9e There was Tyson moving into the Poseidon cabin, giggling to himself every fifteen seconds and saying, "Percy is my brother?" like he'd just won the lottery. Aw, Tyson," I'd say. "It's not that simple." sea-of-monsters rick-riordan Rick Riordan
fd6f23d Your powers drain you too much,' [Percy] noted. [Nico] nodded sleepily. 'With great power...comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later. Rick Riordan
9af4d30 Stop!" he yelled at the others. "Multigrain fighting is not allowed!" son-of-neptune rick-riordan Rick Riordan
969ef0f Thanks for not freaking out," I said. "Oh, I'm freaking out," Paul promised, his eyes wide. "I just think it's awesome!" paul percy-jackson Rick Riordan
71ad224 The most difficult kind of strength -- restraint. Rick Riordan
50a6164 Marvelous," she said. "Tell me about this tapestry." Arachne's lips curled over her mandibles. "Why do you care? You're about to die." "Well, yes," Annabeth said. "But the way you captured the light is amazing. Did you use real gold thread for the sunbeams?" arachne spiders weaving flattery trickery heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-mark-of-athena Rick Riordan
3727db4 As soon as the rocky coast line of the island came into view, I ordered one of the ropes to wrap around Annabeth's waist, tying her to the foremast. "Don't untie me," she said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself." "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Ha-ha." percy-jackson-2 mermaids the-sea-of-monsters percabeth percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians rick-riordan Rick Riordan
2b32b4e You have to rise above the squabbling and chaos, and keep believing. You have to always keep your goals in mind." -Hera, goddess of marriage inspirational Rick Riordan
f6c4de2 I'm stupid," Leo mumbled. "Pi would expand outward, because it's infinite." He reversed the order of the numbers, starting in the center and working toward the edge. When he aligned the last ring, something inside the sphere clicked. The door swung open. Leo beamed at his friends. "That, good people, is how we do things in Leo World. Come on in!" "I hate Leo World," Frank muttered. Hazel laughed." Rick Riordan
83e7ab3 And there, shimmering in the Mist right next to us, was the last person I wanted to see: Mr. D, wearing his leopard-skin jogging suit and rummaging through the refrigerator. He looked up lazily. "Do you mind?" Where's Chiron!" I shouted. How rude." Mr. D took a swig from a jug of grape juice. "Is that how you say hello?" Hello," I amended. "We're about to die! Where's Chiron?" percy-jackson dionysus Rick Riordan
58e7c3a We were just looking at maps... humor map Rick Riordan
2aee75e Percy," my mom said. "I give you my blessing." "Be safe brother!" Tyson pleaded. "Enchiladas!" Grover said. I wasn't sure where that came from, but it didn't seem to help much." Rick Riordan