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e734425 Do you have a favorite constalation, Percy?' I was still kind of wondering about the little green snakes he'd shoved into his jogging shorts, but i said. 'Uh, I like Hercules.' 'Why?' 'Well... because he had rotten luck. Even worse than mine. It makes me feel better." The jogger chuckled. 'Not because he was strong and famouse and all that?' 'No." Rick Riordan
ae6770c Hermes gazed up at the stars. "My dear young cousin, if there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it. It doesn't matter if they hate you, or embarrass you, or simply don't appreciate your genius for inventing the Internet-" "You invented the Internet?" , Martha said. , George said. "It was my idea!" Hermes said. "I mean the Internet, not the rats." humor rat george martha percy-jackson hermes internet patience Rick Riordan
a87066c You're the last Olympian,' I said. 'And the most important.' Rick Riordan
57212d4 You, sir, are a ray of sunshine. -Percy Jackson Rick Riordan
8218bd5 That's why we live by a river. Occasionally, I forget and pat Lit on the back--' 'I hate that.' King Midas & Lit midas rivers Rick Riordan
0073b47 Nico had proven himself in other ways. He'd kept the camps' secrets for the best of reasons, because he feared a war. He had plunged into Tartarus alone, voluntarily, to find the Doors of Death. He'd been captured and imprisoned by giants. He had led the crew of the Argo II into the House of Hades...and now he had accepted yet another terrible quest: raking himself to haul the Athene Parthenos back to Camp Half-Blood. tartarus nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
1521704 Whoa," Connor Stoll said. "Back up. Zoom in right there." "What?" Annabeth said nervously. "You see invaders?" "No, right there--Dylan's Candy Bar." Connor grinned at his brother. "Dude, it's open. And everyone is asleep. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Connor!" Katie Gardner scolded. She sounded like her mother, Demeter. "This is serious. You are not going to loot a candy store in the middle of a war!" "Sorry," Connor muttered, but h.. katie-gardner connor-stoll Rick Riordan
a15fc7d I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to kneel or buy stamps from him or what. Rick Riordan
fe9cc0a Lacy had warned me about Drew the first day of school. Apparently the two of them had gone to some summer camp together--blah, blah, I didn't really listen to teh details--and Drew had been just as much a tyrant there. ~Sadie Kane, about Lacy and Drew of Aphrodite cabin. sadie rick-riordan Rick Riordan
f54670f Hermes's eyes twinkled. "Martha, may I have the first package, please?" Martha opened her mouth ... and kept opening it until it was as wide as my arm. She belched out a stainless steel canister-an old-fashioned lunch box thermos with a black plastic top. The sides of the thermos were enameled with red and yellow Ancient Greek scenes-a hero killing a lion; a hero lifting up Cerberus, the three-headed dog. "That's Hercules," I said. "But how.. humor collectible tv gift martha hercules percy-jackson hermes Rick Riordan
d6509f3 One basketball to rule them all," Leo muttered." Rick Riordan
21835c5 I racked my brain trying to remember the names of all of Nut's five children. Bit difficult without my brother, the human Wikipedia, around to keep track of such trivia for me. Rick Riordan
9b73776 Nico's voice was like broken glass. "I- I wasn't in love with Annabeth." "You were jealous of her," Jason said. "That's why you didn't want to be around her. Especially why you don't want to be around... him. It makes total sense." -- love revelation eros heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson house-of-hades jason-grace nico-di-angelo rick-riordan Rick Riordan
16855d9 We speak with one voice," Walt said. "Especially on this matter. No one hurts Sadie Kane." Rick Riordan
1877568 Percy, lesser beings do many horrible things in the name of the gods. That does not mean we gods approve. The way our sons and daughters act in our names... well, it usually says more about THEM than it does about us. Rick Riordan
7048cdf In case you're wondering, the underside of a sheep doesn't smell that great. Imagine a winter sweater that's been dragged through the mud and left in the laundry hamper for a week. Something like that. Rick Riordan
36821f4 Leo had a weird memory of a missile hurtling towards him and screaming like a little girl ... what the heck had that been about? Rick Riordan
f7f7476 Akmon squealed with delight. "I knew you were as smart as Hercules! I will call you Black Bottom, the Sequel!" leo-valdez Rick Riordan
32c1721 I stared at her. Maybe I wasn't the brightest guy in the world when it came to girls, but I was pretty sure Rachel had just dumped me, which was lame considering we'd never even been together. rachel-elizabeth-dare Rick Riordan
5158715 I figured something out. You can't hold onto hate forever. It won't do a thing to the person you hate, but it'll poison you, sure enough. Rick Riordan
7f82f77 If you're listening to this, congratulations! You survived Doomsday. I'd like to apologize straightaway for any inconvenience the end of the world may have caused you. The earthquakes, rebellions, riots,tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, and of course the giant snake who swallowed the sun--I'm afraid most of that was our fault. Carter and I decided we should at least explain how it happened. humour funny giant-snake ra tsunamis riordan tornado rebellious riots serpent floods earthquakes survive sun snake funny-and-random sadie-kane destruction Rick Riordan
64c1fd5 Waitress!" Hedge called. "Six double espressos, and whatever these guys want. Put it on the girl's tab." Rick Riordan
a3fa6ce Eat bitter, taste sweet," Frank said. "I hate that proverb." "But it's true. What do they call it these days---no pain, no gain? Same concept. You do the easy thing, the appealing thing, the peaceful thing, mostly it turns out sour in the end. But if you take the hard path---ah, that's how you reap the sweet rewards. Duty. Sacrifice. They mean something." Rick Riordan
a22f48c Nico realized he was still leaning against Will. He pushed him away and stood on his own two feet. 'I'll do what I need to.' Will rolled his eyes. 'Fine, Death Boy. If you want to get yourself killed -' 'Do not call me Death Boy! Rick Riordan
62a0550 Erre es korakas, Blinkey!" Dionysus cursed. "I will have your soul!" "Um, he's a video game character," I said." Rick Riordan
2217188 Amy, Dan, and Nellie were sitting at a table in a conference room, examining reproductions of Franklin documents-some so rare, the librarians told her, the only copies existed in Paris. "Yeah, here's a rare grocery list," Dan muttered. "Wow." humor cahill rare sarcasm Rick Riordan
6ea5844 Oh, Hazel is awesome," Don Said. "She's so nice! All the other campers are like 'Go away Don.' But she's like 'Please go away, Don.' I love her!" Rick Riordan
6051fbc A long white ribbon shot out of the crack in the wall. The ribbon just kept coming, weaving itself into some kind of shape next to Anubis, and my first thought was, My god, he's got a magic roll of toilet paper. Rick Riordan
c21a169 With her braided hair and white dress, she seemed to glow in the moonlight. Rick Riordan
fe146cc Juniper: Are you guys busy? Percy: Well, we're in the middle of this game against a bunch of monsters and we're trying not to die. Annabeth: We're not busy. Rick Riordan
e731123 The demigods have left for alaska," Stheno said. "They fly straight to their death. Ah, small "d" death, I mean. Not our prisoner Death. Although, i suppose they're flying to him too." Rick Riordan
308177a Leo's hands burst into flame. He wanted to melt Gaea's sandy face to glass. Then he felt Calypso's hand on his shoulder. "Gaea." Her voice was stern and steady. "You are not welcome." -- gaea house-of-hades leo-valdez Rick Riordan
df3203a There's no point in defending camp if you guys die. All our friends are here. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
d29f235 Poseidon put his weathered hand on my shoulder. "Percy, lesser beings do many horrible things in the name of the gods. That does not mean we gods approve. The way our sons and daughters act in our names...well, it usually says more about than it does about us. And , Percy, are my favorite son." poseidon Rick Riordan
eaf0f2d All invincible and stuff Rick Riordan
20eeae3 What-what do you want?" Annabeth asked, trying to maintain a tone of confidence. The voice cackled maliciously. times thousand the mother-night of house annabeth-chase percy-jackson hades chase jackson percy mother night Rick Riordan
7b56c0e I hate to tell you this," Jason said, "but I think your leopard just ate a goddess." leopard half-blood goddess demigod jason hera dionysus Rick Riordan
f8dafc7 They're not dead," I told the goat. "They both have pulses." "Oh." The goat sighed. "Well, give them a few more hours and they'll probably be dead." "What is wrong with you?" "Everything," said the goat." Rick Riordan
16a09b0 Are you suggesting that the gods have trouble acting together, young lady?" Dionysus asked. Yes, Lord Dionysus." Mr. D nodded. "Just checking. You're right, of course. Carry on." zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
00b6a85 Reyna looked at Percy without much hope. "You have a plan?" Percy wanted to step forward bravely and say, " plans reyna the-son-of-neptune percy-jackson percy-jackson-and-the-olympians the-heroes-of-olympus Rick Riordan
cfc5770 Tell me when it's over " Thalia said. Her eyes were shut tight. The statue was holding on to us so we couldn't fall but still Thalia clutched his arm like it was the most important thing in the world. "Everything's fine " I promised. "Are... are we very high " I looked down. Below us a range of snowy mountains zipped by. I stretched out my foot and kicked snow off one of the peaks. "Nah " I said. "Not that high." thalia-grace Rick Riordan
cecbe03 I guess it started in London, the night our dad blew up the British museum. Rick Riordan
c84e6da Bianca, camp is cool! It's got a pegasus stable and a sword-fighting arena and... I mean, what do you get by joining the Hunters?" To begin with," Zoe said, "immortality." I stared at her, then at Artemis. "She's kidding, right?" Zoe rarely kids about anything," Artemis said. "My Hunters follow me on my adventures. They are my maidservants, my companions, my sisters-in-arms. Once they swear loyalty to me, they are indeed immortal... unless .. bianca-di-angelo zoe-nightshade percy-jackson Rick Riordan