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e0af2e1 The jogger sighed. He pulled out his phone and my eyes got big, because it glowed with a bluish light. When he extended the antenna, two creatures began writhing around it-green snakes, no bigger than earthworms. The jogger didn't seem to notice. He checked his LCD display and cursed. "I've got to take this. Just a sec ..." Then into the phone: "Hello?" He listened. The mini-snakes writhed up and down the antenna right next to his ear. Yeah.. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
e8c34ef Hazel] hissed in frustration. 'I hate eidolons. I thought Piper made them promise to stay away.' 'Oh...' Frank said, like he'd just had his own daily happy thought. 'Piper made them promise to stay off the ship and not possess any of us. But if they followed us, and used other bodies to attack us, then they're not technically breaking their vow...' 'Great,' Leo muttered. 'Eidolons who are also lawyers. Now I really want to kill them. lawyers frank-zhang hazel-levesque leo-valdez Rick Riordan
21c039a Dude." Jason gave Percy a bear hug. "Back from Tartarus!" Leo whooped. "That's my peeps!" the-house-of-hades percy-jackson jason-grace rick-riordan leo-valdez Rick Riordan
2c106e9 Now, leave." All three boys slumped forward. Percy fell face-first into his pizza. "Percy!" Annabeth grabbed him." the-mark-of-athena rick-riordan pizza Rick Riordan
f10b238 Rowww!" Bast wailed. The wrecking ball rolled straight over her, but she didn't appear hurt. She leaped off and pounced aain. Her knives sliced through the metal like wet clay. Within seconds, the wrecking ball was reduced to a mound of scraps. Bast sheathed her blades. "Safe now." "You saved us from a metal ball," Sadie said. "You never know," Bast said. "It could've been hostile." Rick Riordan
89c7273 Nico sighed in exasperation. He hated working with other people. They were always cramping his style, making him uncomfortable. And Will Solace ... Nico revised his impression of the son of Apollo. He'd always thought of Will as easygoing and laid back. Apparently he could also be stubborn and aggravating. teamwork will-solace Rick Riordan
58932bd Then she did something that really surprised me. She blinked back tears and put out her arms. I stepped forward and hugged her. Butterflies started turning my stomach into a mosh pit. "Hey, it's... it's okay." I patted her back. I was aware of everything in the room. I felt like I could read the tiniest print on any book on the shelves. Annabeth's hair smelled like lemon soap. She was shivering." Rick Riordan
86ae2df Don't you ever feel that way? Like could do a better job if you rqan the world?' 'Um... no. Me running the world would be kind of a nightmare. Rick Riordan
65d12c9 Swords can't solve every problem. fantasy the-mark-of-athena rick-riordan the-heroes-of-olympus mythology Rick Riordan
4b78043 Our camels plodded along. Katrina tried to kiss, or possibly spit on Hindenburg, and Hindenburg farted in response. I found this a depressing commentary on boy-girl relationships. Rick Riordan
35f83c1 You seem to be clean," Terminus decided. "Do you have anything to declare?" "Yes," Percy said. "I declare this is stupid." Rick Riordan
dc80803 The Feast of Fortuna had nothing to do with tuna, which was fine with Percy. Rick Riordan
ac2a556 He was the class clown, the court jester, because he'd learn early that if you cracked jokes and pretended you weren't scared, you usually didn't get beat up. Even the baddest gangster kids would tolerate you, keep you around for laughs. Plus, humor was a good way to hide the pain Rick Riordan
2b5b32a This did not seem to reassure Nico. "I don't like being in the dark," he muttered. An odd complaint for a child of Hades, but I understood what he meant." humor puns nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
2534ae8 You..." The centaur's eyes flared like a cornered animal's. "You should be dead." Rick Riordan
c0f71f8 He was dressed just like on TV, with lots of silver chains and bracelets, ripped jeans, and a black muscle shirt (Which was kind of stupid, since he didn't have any muscles). muscle-shirt stupid Rick Riordan
7db9c18 Why would Gaia be back at camp?' Leo asked. 'Percy's nosebleed was here.' 'Dude,' Percy said, 'first off, you heard Athena - don't blame my nose. Second, Gaia's the earth. She can pop up anywhere she wants. Besides, she told us she was going to do this. She said the first thing on her to-do list was destroying our camp. Question is: how do we stop her? pecy-jackson leo-valdez Rick Riordan
51d33a6 At least he had Annabeth. They would find a way out of Tartarus. They had to. He didn't think much of fates and prophecies, but he did believe in one thing: Annabeth and he were supposed to be together. They hadn't survived so much just to get killed now. Rick Riordan
67fbf52 Ah, Senor Zhang," Leo said, "you know how you're always saying, 'Leo, you are the only true genius among demigods'?" "I'm pretty sure I never said that." percy-jackson leo-valdez Rick Riordan
ad26496 At this point, most people would have thrown themselves down on the ground and given up hope. And by most people, I mean me. Rick Riordan
4a5e5af The end of the world started when a pegasus landed on the hood of my car. Up until then I was having a great afternoon. Rick Riordan
b6c9615 With my sister perched on my arm, I walked to the elevator. A business man with a rolling suitcase was waiting by the doors. His eyes widened as he saw me. I must've looked pretty strange--a tall black kid in dirty, ragged Egyptian clothes, with a weird box tucked under one arm and a bird of prey perched on the other. "How's it going?" I said. "I'll take the stairs." He hurried off." Rick Riordan
cfd562f Nike could start you two fighting easily." Percy gave her a sideways smile. "Yeah, we can't have another incident like in Kansas. I might kill my bro Jason." "Or I might kill my bro Percy," Jason said amiably. "Which proves my point," Annabeth said." Rick Riordan
65483eb Percy muttered. 'I want to drown her.' 'Be patient, water boy.' 'Don't call me water boy. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
4b83d57 You're probably thinking: Wait, you just charged in without a plan? But Annabeth and I had been fighting together for years. We knew each other's abilities. We could anticipate each other's moves. I might have felt awkward and nervous about being her boyfriend, but fighting with her? That came naturally. Hmm...that sounded wrong. Oh, well. Rick Riordan
1ab2524 Many of the best traps are simple. You just have to think about it, and hope your victim doesn't. Rick Riordan
666c9c3 Nobody welcomes a war - not if they're smart. But war finds everyone sooner or later. It's inevitable. Rick Riordan
1215ea0 I call it Andskoti, the Adversary. It is woven with the most powerful paradoxes in the Nine Worlds--Wi-Fi with no lag, a politician's sincerity, a printer that prints, healthy deep-fried food, and an interesting grammar lecture! Rick Riordan
90cc426 Percy was eating a huge stack of blue pancakes (what was his deal with blue food?) while Annabeth chided him for pouring on too much syrup. "You're drowning them!" she complained. "Hey, I'm a Poseidon kid," he said. "I can't drown. And neither can my pancakes." Rick Riordan
c6ac7a1 She'd felt more pain from Nico in their brief connection than she had from her entire legion during the battle against the giant Polybotes. pain reyna nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
88b9760 Don't get starry-eyed about somebody you can't have, especially if it blinds you to somebody who's really important. Rick Riordan
4d96cc2 You want to know how Egyptians pulled the brains out of mummies. or built the pyramids, or cursed King Tut's tomb? My dad's your man. Rick Riordan
9bdabbc Shut up, me" Leo said out loud. "What?" Piper asked. "Nothing," he said. "Long night. I think I'm hallucinating. It's cool." piper-mclean Rick Riordan
8afef13 For what it's worth: trust your feelings. I can't promise that you'll never get hurt again, but I can promise you the risk is worth it. risk love Rick Riordan
e5e4ab3 Percy and Reyna occupied matching praeters' chairs on the dais, which made Percy self-conscious. It wasn't easy looking dignified wearing a bedsheet and a purple cape. "The camp is safe," Octavian continued. " I'll be the first to congragulate our heroes for bringing back the legion's eagle and so much Imperial gold! Truly we have been blessed with good fortune. But why do more? Why tempt fate?" "I'm glad you asked." Percy stood, taking th.. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
4bd7101 Don't dwell on things. Don't stay in one place too long. It was the only way to stay ahead of sadness. sadness Rick Riordan
e1e3021 He was making a brave attempt, but Jason could see the sadness lingering in his eyes. Something had happened to him... something to do with Calypso. love oggygia marooned percy-jackson house-of-hades jason-grace rick-riordan leo-valdez Rick Riordan
5a7ca2c Bob ... the Titan ... he only helped us in Tartarus because you were kind to him. You told him we were worth saving. That's the only reason we're alive.' She said we so easily, as if she and Percy were interchangeable, inseparable. Rick Riordan
58ab4fa He dropped the rest of the Cokes into the grave and pulled out a white paper bag decorated with cartoons. I hadn't seen one in years, but I recognized it -- a McDonald's Happy Meal. He turned it upside down and shook the fries and hamburger into the grave. "In my day, we used animal blood," the ghost mumbled. "It's perfectly good enough. They can't taste the difference." "I will treat them with respect," Nico said. "At least let me keep the.. Rick Riordan
47d00fb I looked across the river to Manhattan. It was a great view. When Sadie and I had first arrived at Brooklyn House, Amos had told us that magicians tried to stay out of Manhattan. He said Manhattan had other problems--whatever that meant. And sometimes when I looked across the water, I could swear I was seeing things. Sadie laughed about it, but once I thought I saw a flying horse. Probably just the mansion's magic barriers causing optical i.. kane-chronicles Rick Riordan
2164a63 anyway. Leo said, I hope you've got your worksheet, 'cause I used mine for spit wads days ago. Why are you looking at me like that? Somebody draw on my face again? leo Rick Riordan
ee44050 Curse us eh/I'll make you pay!/I don't want to rhyme all day! riordan rick olympian Rick Riordan
e64b9cf Nothing like ADHD and a good fight to the death to make time fly Rick Riordan
d09cd45 That's us," he said. "Those five nuts right there." "Which one is me?" I asked. "The little deformed one," Zoe suggested. "Oh, shut up." zoe-nightshade percy-jackson Rick Riordan