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513ddd5 At dinner, she'd seen the expression flash across his face when he caught Aelin and Rowan smiling at each other. All of Arobynn's jabs and stories had failed to find their mark tonight because Aelin had been too lost in Rowan to hear. She wondered whether the queen knew. Rowan did. Aedion did. And Arobynn did. arobynn aelin rowan Sarah J. Maas
1624b1f They tried to shoot my ... Rowan through the heart. Sarah J. Maas
45a9259 Ghislaine didn't look up from the book she was poring over. There was a stack of them on the desk before her, and another beside the narrow bed. Where the eldest and cleverest of her Thirteen had gotten them from, who she'd likely gutted to steal them, Manon didn't care. "Hello, and come right in, why don't you" was the response. Manon leaned against the door and crossed her arms. Only with books, only when reading, was Ghislaine so snappis.. Sarah J. Maas
2d37dad You will make mistakes. You will make decisions, and sometimes you will regret those choices. Sometimes there won't be a right choice, just the best of several bad options. I don't need to tell you that you can do this-you know you can. Sarah J. Maas
cd64b05 You can either let it wreck you, let it get you killed like it nearly did with the Weaver, or you can learn to live with it. Sarah J. Maas
ce49738 Get. Up." Her mouth tightened. "You want to die in this war so badly, then get up." yrene-towers Sarah J. Maas
42f4982 Dorian walked slowly back to his rooms, his heart racing. He could still feel her lips on his, smell the scent of her hair, and see the gold in her eyes flickering in the candlelight. Consequences be damned. He'd find a way to make it work; he'd find a way to be with her. He had to. He had leapt from the cliff. He could only wait for the net. Sarah J. Maas
e9a1572 You drove me mad, acotar tamlin Sarah J. Maas
3da3353 I am the dark lord, who stole away the bride of spring. I am a demon, and a nightmare, and I will meet a bad end. He is the golden prince--the hero who will get to keep you as his reward for not dying of stupidity and arrogance. Sarah J. Maas
49c0dfd Lysandra snorted. Bringing a wet dog into a covert meeting - very queenly. Sarah J. Maas
92be110 His laugh rumbled against me. Eyes closed, the wind roaring like a wild animal, I adjusted my position, gripping him tighter. My knuckles brushed one of his wings- smooth and cool like silk, but hard as stone with it stretched taut. Fascinating. I blindly reached again... and dared to run a fingertip along some inner edge. Rhysand shuddered, a soft groan slipping past my ear. "That," he said tightly, "is very sensitive". I snatched my fin.. rhysand mate Sarah J. Maas
a652a3b But I wouldn't sit in my room, couldn't allow myself to mourn and mope and weep and sleep. So I would venture out, even if it was an agony... feyre Sarah J. Maas
6928146 Desperation breeds people who are willing to do anything to get what they need. Sarah J. Maas
c764911 So Dorian closed his eyes, and took another long breath. And when he opened his eyes, he let her go. Sarah J. Maas
b58ff92 Against slavery, against tyranny, I would gladly go to my death, no matter whose freedom I was defending. Sarah J. Maas
51284a2 So she steeled herself. "I have never told anyone this story. No one in the world knows it. But it's mine," she said, blinking past the burning in her eyes, "and it's time for me to tell it." Rowan leaned back on the rock, bracing his palms behind him. "Once upon a time," she said to him, to the world, to herself, "in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom . . . very much." And then she told him .. pg488 rowan-whitethorn celaena-sardothien Sarah J. Maas
11b03c8 That I hadn't heard from Feyre yet told me enough: still asleep. And as tempting as it was to wake her just to hear the sound of her voice, I had little desire to have my balls nailed to the wall for disrupting her sleep. Sarah J. Maas
22e6309 Fly, Abraxos," she breathed. Abraxos sucked in a great breath, tucked his wings in tight, and fell off the side of the post. He liked to do that - just tumble off as though he'd been struck dead. Her wyvern, it seemed, had a wicked sense of humor." manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
355400b This doom has not yet come to pass, it seemed to whisper in her ear. There is still time. Do not succumb to fear yet. Sarah J. Maas
72aaf89 For someone with a heart of stone, yours is certainly soft these days. Sarah J. Maas
66f245d A feral smile, and he grabbed her by the chin--not hard enough to hurt, but to get her to look at him. "First thing," he breathed, "we're not friends. I'm still training you, and that means you're still under my command." the flicker of hurt must have shown, because he leaned closer, his grip tightening on her jaw. "Second--whatever we are, whatever this is? I'm still figuring it out, too. So if I'm going to give you the space you deserve t.. rowan Sarah J. Maas
e32e207 Aedion went rigid. "And what about unquestioning loyalty? What have you done to earn that? What have you done to save our people since you've returned? Were you ever going to tell me about the blood oath, or was that just another of your many lies?" Aelin snarled with an animalistic intensity that reminded him she, too, had Fae blood in her veins. "Go have your temper tantrum somewhere else. Don't come back until you can act like a human .. Sarah J. Maas
8342ac2 Better than being a dog leashed by a psychotic monster. rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
6816f21 Rowan just asked, "Did you have a favorite form?" Lysandra's grin was nothing short of wicked. "I liked anything with claws and big, big fangs." pg313 rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
213c85e In her bones, in her blood and breath and soul, she was so, so tired. Sarah J. Maas
ea224ad If the Valg craved the sunshine of Erilea, then she would give it to them. Sarah J. Maas
726d5d4 Rhysand's face became a mask of calm fury as he stared and stared at me. "I remember you," he purred. "It seems like you ignored my warning to stay out of trouble." Sarah J. Maas
71c318c My goal was bigger than revenge. My purpose greater than personal retribution. Dawn Sarah J. Maas
8ca8be5 Lysandra rubbed at her face, then squared her shoulders. "The marsh beasts are easily enraged. Like someone I know." Aelin jabbed the shifter with an elbow, and Lysandra snorted." Sarah J. Maas
7314305 I love you," he repeated, shaking her again. "I have for years. But if I asked you to pick, you'd choose Arobynn, and I. Can't. Take. It." "You're a damned idiot," she breathed grabbing the front of his tunic. "You're a moron and an ass and a damned idiot. He looked like she had hit him. But she went on, and grasped both sides of his face. "Because I'd pick you." Sarah J. Maas
976b0b6 Archer let out a breath, and she turned to find him grinning, slowly shaking his head. "I think 'stunning,' 'beautiful,' and 'dazzling' are the words you're looking for." Sarah J. Maas
532ec91 I love you.Thorns and All. Sarah J. Maas
1044122 Every inch her feet dragged through the sand was a lifetime; every inch was a heartbeat. Blood soaked her pants. She likely wouldn't be able to heal her wounds within all that iron. Not until Maeve decided to heal them herself. But Maeve wouldn't let her die. Not with the Wyrdkeys in the balance. Not yet. Time--she was grateful Elena had given her that stolen time. Grateful she had met them all, that she had seen some small part of the worl.. Sarah J. Maas
44855c2 But that was a lifetime ago. A different person ago. Sarah J. Maas
53e8634 I'm not entirely sure Velaris is prepared for Nesta Archeron. Sarah J. Maas
d607048 It wasn't that she was mad at him for being uninjured. She was so relieved she could have vomited, actually. Sarah J. Maas
c006eb6 But anyone with witch-blood in their veins was worth keeping an eye on. Or Thirteen. witches pg107 manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
c9bf327 Only a coward captures men the way you did." "A coward? Or a pragmatist?" Sarah J. Maas
f0ac177 She was tired in her bones, but she rallied her energy one last time and told him of they years in Rifthold, of stealing Asterion horses and racing across the desert, of dancing until dawn with the courtesans and thieves and all the beautiful, wicked creatures in the world. And then she told him about losing Sam, and of that first whipping in Endovier, when she'd spat blood in the Chief Overseer's face, and what she had seen and endured in .. pg368 rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
c7d2b0e He had been hunting for her since the moment she was taken from him. His mate. He barely remembered his own name. And only recalled it because his three companions spoke it while they searched for her across violent and dark seas, through ancient and slumbering forests, over storm-swept mountains already buried in snow. Sarah J. Maas
a9b2cab The curse was broken. Manon just stared at them, her breathing turning jagged. Then she roused Abraxos, and was in the saddle within heartbeats. She did not offer them any explanation, any farewell, as they leaped into the thinning night. As she guided her wyvern to the bit of blasted earth on the battlefield. Right to its heart. And smiling through her tears, laughing in joy and sorrow, Manon laid that precious flower from the Wastes upon .. Sarah J. Maas
add03ab I'm going to kill you." "Ah, about that," she said, and shifted her wrist just enough for him to feel the blade she'd flicked free in the moment before she'd sensed his attack--the steel now resting against his groin. "Immortality seems like a long, long time to go without your favorite body part." Sarah J. Maas
f6b6713 It's a miracle the king managed to resist executing you until yesterday." "Tell me he's in a rage the likes of which have never been seen before." "If you listen hard enough, you can actually hear him shrieking from the palace." Sarah J. Maas
fd21ef0 Duly noted." Rhys yanked open the drawers and pulled out my undergarments. He dangled the bits of midnight lace and chuckled. "I'm surprised you didn't demand Nuala and Cerridwen buy you something else." I stalked to him, snatching the lace away. "You're drooling on the carpet." I slammed the bathing room door before he could respond." Sarah J. Maas