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ce1b4f7 I spin around and give him the finger down low, hoping Monsieur Boutin can't see. St. Clair responds by grinning and giving me the British version, the V-sign with his first two fingers. Monsieur Boutin tuts behind me with good nature. I pay for my meal and take the seat next to St. Clair. "Thanks. I forgot how to flip off the English. I'll use the correct hand gesture next time." "My pleasure. Always happy to educate." flipping-off hand-gesture Stephanie Perkins
09e0258 We stop at a red light.Mom stares at me."You like him" "OH GOD,MOM." "You do.You like this boy." "He's just a friend.He has a girlfriend." "Anna has a boooy-friend," Seany chants. "I do not!" "ANNA HAS A BOOOY-FRIEND!" anna-and-the-french-kiss Stephanie Perkins
9bf6aa6 Saw two fallen branches in the shape of a heart. Thought of you. Stephanie Perkins
f50fc40 I'm teleporting to Atlanta. I'm picking you up, and we'll go someplace where our families can't find us. We'll take Seany. And we'll let him run laps until he tires, and then you and I will take a long walk. Like Thanksgiving. Remember? And we'll talk about everything BUT our parents ... or perhaps we won't talk at all. We'll just walk. And we'll keep walking until the rest of the world ceases to exist. stephanie-perkins Stephanie Perkins
71952b8 When you're asleep, no one asks you to do anything. No one expects anything of you. And you don't have to face any of your troubles. Stephanie Perkins
6ca0597 Would you rather be great at something you like, or just okay at something you love? Stephanie Perkins
40b0a3e I spent the period reading the first novel assigned for English. And wow. If I hadn't realized I was in France yet, I do now. Because Like Water for Chocolate has sex in it. LOTS of sex. Stephanie Perkins
b1cf99a There's only one thing I don't love about him. . Stephanie Perkins
ad87ca6 Cricket walks several steps behind me. It's a careful distance. I wonder if he's looking at my butt. WHY DID I JUST THINK THAT? Now my butt feels COLOSSAL. Maybe he's looking at my legs. Is that better? Or worse? Do I want him looking at me? I hold on to the bottom of my dress as I climb into the backseat and crawl to the other side. I'm sure he's looking at my butt. He has to be. It's huge, and it's right there, and it's huge. No. I'm acti.. Stephanie Perkins
0ba5d26 Kismet is closing." "What's Kismet?" "Fate," he says. "What?" "The name of the cafe." Stephanie Perkins
a683cb2 It's a physical sickness. Etienne. How much I love him. I love Etienne. I love that the accent over his first name is called an acute accent, and that he has a cute accent. Stephanie Perkins
346a0d7 I smile up at him. "It's beautiful. But what comes next?" "The best part." And he pulls me back into his arms. "The happily ever after." Stephanie Perkins
0cc59d5 I have a rule." "Elaborate." The statue is still warm from the previous visitors. "I ask myself, if the worst happened--if I did get knocked up-would I be embarrassed to tell my child who his father was? If the answer is anywhere even remotely close to yes, then there's no way." He nods slowly. "That's a good rule." virginity Stephanie Perkins
38c0982 She rests her hand on the ruffled costume beside her. "Just answer this one question. My brother never got over you. Did you ever get over him?"I swallow. "There are some people in life that you can't get over." "Good." Calliope stands and gives me a grim smile. "But break Cricket's heart? I'll break your face." love Stephanie Perkins
dcd86c5 You said on my birthday that you were afraid of being alone, but I've been here this whole time. This whole time. Stephanie Perkins
6dcd79f Cricket removes his hand. I blink at him, and he cautiously offers his arm. I hesitate. And then I take it. And then we're so close that I smell him. I smell him. His scent is clean like a bar of soap, but with a sweet hint of mechanical oil. We don't speak as he leads me across the street to the bus stop. I press against him. Just a little. His other arm jumps, and he lowers it. But then he raises it again, slowly, and his hand comes t.. Stephanie Perkins
8288fc1 Thank you for helping my sister," he says. I lean forward, mimicking his position. "I'm happy to." Calliope leans out her window. "STOP FLIRTING AND GET BACK TO WORK." funny lola stephanie-perkins lola-and-the-boy-next-door cricket flirt window Stephanie Perkins
873ab53 SPACES... BREAKS...TO CONTEMPLATE THINGS... TO FIGURE OUT WHAT'S IMPORTANT... figuring-out-the-future spaces Stephanie Perkins
0ce0902 What do you guys even do every night?" The words slip from my mouth before I can stop them. "It," Rashmi says. "They do it. He's ditching us to screw." Stephanie Perkins
4a38992 Fo' shiz. british Stephanie Perkins
53bc3d6 Happy Thanksgiving," he says, handing me my ticket. "Let's see some dead people." -- Stephanie Perkins
8368def My mind wanders to the other side of the courtyard, where St. Clair waits with Josh in Q-through-Z. I wonder if I have any classes with him. I mean, . Classes with them. stephanie-perkins anna-oliphant Stephanie Perkins
880ff0c And, suddenly, I want to touch him. Not a push, or a shove, or even a friendly hug. I want to feel the creases in his skin, connect his freckles with invisible lines, brush my fingers across the inside of his wrist. Stephanie Perkins
db577cb Seriously. We were never like that were we? Stephanie Perkins
a099fec Josh grins. It's wide and relieved and reveals a rarely seen pair of dimples. I could live inside those dimples for the rest of my life. Stephanie Perkins
c527300 You know, If you weren't tiny, cute and remarkably innocent looking I'd be running away right now. This feels like the set-up to some torture porn. joshua-wasserstein josh Stephanie Perkins
2826770 One regular, clockworkorange88, said this: Sounds about right. Stephanie Perkins
ee0e65d Because I was right. For the two of us, home isn't a place. It's a person etienne-st-clair Stephanie Perkins
891edd5 I grip the edge of a sidewalk cafe table to keep from falling. The diners stare in alarm, but I don't care. I'm reeling, and I gasp for air. How can I have been so stupid? How could I have ever for a moment believed I wasn't in love with him? Stephanie Perkins
a11b7fe They stayed with my mum." "That's... weird." "Not really. Mum is cool, easy to get along with." I raise a teasing eyebrow. "So where did YOU guys stay?" "Where we always stay." He stares back solemnly. "In our separate dormitories." etienne-st-clair lola-nolan Stephanie Perkins
4dd73d3 We're enveloped in pitch black. "Wait here," I whisper. "Are you getting your ax?" "Handcuffs." "Kinky. But, okay, I'll try it." spa-and-the-happily-ever-after stephanie-perkins teen-fiction contemporary-romance ya Stephanie Perkins
0314bbc Parents are excellent at stating the obvious. Stephanie Perkins
c9ea0c3 What'd I tell you about musicians? That bad boy type will only break your heart. Stephanie Perkins
4929e55 It's not stupid to want to put on a pretty dress and feel beautiful for a night. Stephanie Perkins
5e20ed2 I said you were beautiful. I slept in your bed! romance love ya Stephanie Perkins
f9c9bea You only have one chance to make a first impression. Stephanie Perkins
94abcc6 How does one proceed in a situation like this? If only the discovery of mutual admiration could lead promptly into making out. If only I could say, 'Listen. I like you, and you like me, so let's go find a secluded park and touch each other. Stephanie Perkins
30e7e4e We still hate Bridgette, right? I haven't missed anything? anna-olimphant etienne-st-clair stephanie-perkins Stephanie Perkins
4380072 Beautiful. He called me beautiful! But wait. I don't like Dave. Do I like Dave? Stephanie Perkins
c38cbaf When two people are in love, it's supposed to work. It has to work. No matter how difficult the circumstances are. Stephanie Perkins
66f3dc9 And that. Why don't you call me Etienne anymore? Stephanie Perkins
5e746b2 Sometimes I think there are only so many opportunities . . . to get together with someone. And we've both screwed up so many times"--my voice grows quiet--"that we've missed our chance." Stephanie Perkins
d234f4d He snuffles. Oh, no. He's not going to cry, is he? Because even though it's sweet when guys cry, I am so not prepared for this. Girl scouts didn't teach me what to do with emotionally unstable drunk boys. humor girl-scuts crying drunk Stephanie Perkins
90b0344 And friends don't let other friends make drunken declarations and expect them to act upon them the next day. Stephanie Perkins