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cfdeccb Marigold searched between the trees--free organic hot apple cider clutched between her hands, she was not immune to its lure--and strained her ears over the sounds of laughing children and roaring chain saws. Under any other context, this combination would be alarming. Here, it was positively merry. Or it would've been, had her stomach not already been churning with horror-movie-like dread. Stephanie Perkins
33889e8 Well,Anna.It's Matt or the minivan. I'm not making the choice for you." I choose my ex.We used to be good friends,so I'm sort of looking forward to seeing him again. And maybe Cherrie isn't as bad as I remember.Except she is. She is. After only five minutes in her company,I cannot fathom how Bridge stands sitting with her at lunch every day.She turns to look at me in the backseat,and her hair swishes in a vitamin-enriched, shampoo-commerc.. Stephanie Perkins
3f957ec The Penny Dreadfuls emerge,pulsating with excitement and energy,from...the staff room. Okay. So it's not as glamorous as emerging from a backstage, but they do look GREAT.Well,two of them do. The bassist is the same as always. Reggie used to come into work, mooching free tickets off Toph for the latest comic book movies. He has these long bangs that droop over half his face and cover his eyes,and I could never tell what he thought about any.. Stephanie Perkins
5c42f06 Toph kicks over the microphone stand in a grand,asshole gesture,and the three of them jump off the stage.It's a little less dramatic when they have to come right back to take apart their stuff before the next band comes on. I try to catch Bridge's eye,but she won't look at me.Her gaze is locked on her cymbal stands. Toph takes a swig of bottled water,gives me a wave, then grabs his amp and heads for the parking lot. Stephanie Perkins
db2805f Entonces crees en las segundas oportunidades? -Me muerdo el labio. -Segundas, terceras, cuartas. Las que sean necesarias. El tiempo que sea. Si es la persona correcta -agrega. Stephanie Perkins
c5bed7f I've taken you this far. I can take you that much farther. Stephanie Perkins
fc7603e But he's grinning at her. She grins back. "You've made quite the new best friend," I say. His expression turns to regret. "Children do have questionable taste." I laugh. It's the first time I can remember laughing this week." Stephanie Perkins
0a19b8c Todos cometen errores. -Anna se pone de pie y agarra sus llaves de trabajo-. Lo importante es no cometer el mismo error dos veces. Stephanie Perkins
5cda2f0 No estoy interesada en hacer lo que es facil. Estoy interesada en hacer lo que es hermoso Stephanie Perkins
e35dd2d Porque eso es lo que pasa con la depresion. Cuando la sientes profundamente, no quieres dejarla ir. Se convierte en una comodidad. Yo quiero cubrirme dentro de su peso y respirarla en mis pulmones. Quiero alimentarla, hacerla crecer, cultivarla. Es mia. Yo quiero ser una con ella, ir a la deriva envuelta en sus brazos y no despertar en un largo, largo tiempo. He estado pasando mucho tiempo en la cama esta semana. Cuando esta dormido, nadie .. Stephanie Perkins
0df6656 I know sneakers aren't very French-I should be wearing pointy boots or scary heels-but at least they aren't white. It's true what they say about white sneakers. Only American tourists wear them,big ugly things made for mowing grass or painting houses. Stephanie Perkins
483cd34 Y si yo soy las estrellas, Cricket Bell es una galaxia entera. Stephanie Perkins
1d9b1f2 La vida es muy corta para ser la misma persona todos los dias. Stephanie Perkins
5ee4ceb My parents aren't hippies. I'm North as in the North Pole. Unfortunately. My brother is Nicholas, and my sister is Noelle. Wow. God. That's About a hundred times worse than your name. I was going to say devoted. Festively devoted. hippies Stephanie Perkins
2491a66 Fo'. Shiz. humorous Stephanie Perkins
9cc0c49 Dad steps away from the window, and I'm alarmed to discover his eyes are wet. Something about the idea of my father-even if it is -on the brink of tears raises a lump in my throat. "Well,kiddo.Guess you're all grown up now." My body is frozen. He pulls my stiff limbs into a bear hug.His grip is frightening. "Take care of yourself. Study hard and make some friends. And watch out for pickpockets," he adds. "Sometimes they work in pairs." .. Stephanie Perkins
cc9fe74 Because I hate that word. Like being gay is something to be ashamed of. Like because Mer likes sports, it automatically makes her a lesbian. That insult doesn't even make sense. Stephanie Perkins
a601da5 Life is too short to be the same person every day -Dolores Nolan Stephanie Perkins
543857e Esto es hogar. Nosotros dos. Stephanie Perkins
b100646 He shakes his head. His dark messy hair has a few curls in it today.It's quite breathtaking,really.If there were an Olympics competition in hair, St. Clair would totally win,hands down. Ten-point-oh.Gold medal. Stephanie Perkins
cbb3b76 Cricket weaves easily around the other customers as if we're the only two people in the store. The music over the Stephanie Perkins
e5d4df2 It was the most popular tree-buying destination in Asheville. Lots were everywhere in the mountains of North Carolina--this was Christmas-tree-farm country, after all--so to distinguish themselves, the Drummonds offered friendliness and tradition and atmosphere. And free organic hot apple cider. Asheville loved anything organic. It was that type of town. Stephanie Perkins
d51e128 I want to feel the creases in his skin, connect his freckles with invisible lines, brush my fingers across the inside of his wrists. Stephanie Perkins
da2b1fb I didn't do anything I didn't want to do. Stephanie Perkins
d18c930 Sorry, it's such a mess." He shoves his hands into his pockets. "I cleared off the bed, though, and the sheets are clean." My eyebrows practically hit my hairline. "To sit on." His accusation is made jokingly, but his skin turns melon pink. "Nice shoes, by the way." I'm wearing flats. "Nice deflection, by the way." Stephanie Perkins
a0da5f0 Some kinds of misery make you hate the world, but some kinds make you hate yourself, Stephanie Perkins
c59cb13 Thanks to Josh, I am taking risks. I've learned that if I never leave those areas of my life that feel comfortable, I'll never have a chance at a greater happiness. Stephanie Perkins
f127a53 The senses have their limits, and we can never know how short they fall in revealing to us the truth of a vision, a scent, a sound. Stephanie Perkins
fa2c99c Zeke doesn't talk," said Lena. "Why not?" asked Arlo. Lena shrugged. "He never said." She pointed to the front of the crowd. "Brice is about to start." -- Stephanie Perkins
125252f Habia una vez, una chica que hablaba con la luna. Y ella era misteriosa y perfecta, de la forma en que lo son las chicas que hablan con la luna. En la casa de al lado, vivia un chico. Y el chico observaba a la chica volverse mas y mas perfecta, y mas y mas hermosa con cada ano que pasaba. El la veia observar la luna. Y comenzo a preguntarse si la luna le ayudaria a desentranar el misterio de la hermosa chica. Asi que el chico miro hacia el .. Stephanie Perkins
c2a82a6 Cricket: I love you. I didn't say it so you'd say it back. Please don't say it if you don't mean it. I can wait. Lola: Cricket Bell, I have been in love with you for my entire life. Stephanie Perkins
29c55b0 Lola: You know that thing you said about someone being perfect for someone else? Cricket: Yeah? Lola: I think you're perfect, too. Perfect for me. And ... you look amazing tonight. You always do. Cricket: Did I black out? Because I've daydreamed those words a thousand times, but I never thought you'd actually say them. Stephanie Perkins
a8aadb7 Makani peered over her grandmother's shoulder and out the large window that looked across their front lawn. She scanned the yards for the boogeyman, the Babadook, Ted Bundy. The street was empty. Stephanie Perkins
5f966c4 Just because something isn't practical doesn't mean it's not worth creating. Sometimes beauty and real-life magic are enough. Stephanie Perkins
259472f Mademoiselle Oliphant. It translates to 'Point zero of the roads of France.' In other words, it's the point from which all other distances in France are measured." St. Clair clears his throat. "It's the beginning of everything." I look back up. He's smiling. "Welcome to Paris, Anna. I'm glad you've come." Stephanie Perkins
9706182 North whipped around to stare at her. For a moment, his expression was ureadable. And then... he smiled. It was warm-unexpectedly warm-and it made Marigold feel the teensiest bit calmer. Stephanie Perkins
dd7dc29 and I've clearly freaked you out, and I'm totally mortified, and now I'm going to stop talking," she said. And now I'm going to die." Stephanie Perkins
62f6b59 You know what's the strangest thing about tonight? Tonight, being an astoundingly strange night?" "What's that?" "That you still don't realize I'm willing to do anything, anything"--he gestured in a full circle around them--"to stay in your company. You don't need to pay me." Stephanie Perkins
bec515f He punished the naughty and rewarded the nice. Just like someone else who wore a lot of red. Scramble the letters in S-A-N-T-A and you get S-A-T-A-N. Stephanie Perkins
09c4278 Summoning those memories was like touching a burning pot. She could do it only briefly before she had to pull away. Stephanie Perkins
6ecc8e3 Shame leads to secrets, and secrets lead to lies, and lies ruin everything. Especially friendships. Stephanie Perkins
56a4e3b The door opens with a rusted jingle, and an animatronic Santa insults my moral virtue three times. Ho, ho, ho. Stephanie Perkins
faf3927 There were no glimmering moments where their looks hooked on to each other and grew hot, and no catching sight of one of the boys in a ray of sun and thinking, I wonder what his skin tastes like. Stephanie Perkins
893d845 Por que no nos fijamos en las personas adecuadas? ?Por que la gente tiene tanto miedo a romper una relacion, aunque no sea buena? Stephanie Perkins