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b386731 For once in your life, listen to your younger sister. She's taller, and she knows better than you sisters Stephanie Perkins
50b2301 It's often suggested that as a culture, we're only interested in immediate gratification. Fast food. Self-checkout. Downloadable music, movies, books. Instant coffee, instant rebates, instant messaging. Instant weight loss! Shall I go on? Stephanie Perkins
f8b93ac I know. And I couldn't wait any longer, I have to tell you - " The panic rises, and I grip the French band tighter. "Cricket, please -" But his words pour forth in a torrent. "I can't stop thinking about you, and I'm not the guy I used to be, I've changed -" "Cricket -" I look back up, feeling faint. His blue eyes are bright. Sincere. Desperate. "Go out with me tonight. Tomorrow night, every ni -" The words cut off in his throat as he sees .. Stephanie Perkins
03ea412 I don't care about anything. But I care about you. love-quotes love isla-and-the-happily-ever-after sweet Stephanie Perkins
ec5eb52 Perfection is overrated. Perfection is boring Stephanie Perkins
ee53f6f Some of us wear our hearts. Some of us carry them. live leigh-bardugo eli-and-gracie summer Stephanie Perkins
932a308 If I had a euro for every stupid thing I've done, I could buy the Stephanie Perkins
c20eb93 I'm going to be sick. I'm going to vomit that weird eggplant tapenade I had for dinner, and everyone will hear, and no one will invite me to watch the mimes escape from their invisible boxes, or whatever it is people do here in their spare time. Stephanie Perkins
b7c4942 He tastes like my deepest craving fulfilled. Stephanie Perkins
912ca9c You aren't like your mom." "I am.But I don't want to be like that anymore,I want what want." He turns to me again,his face anxious. "I told my father's friends that I'm studying at Berkeley next year.It worked.He's really, angry with me,but it worked.You told me to go for his pride.You were right." "So." I'm cautious,hardly daring to believe. "You're moving to California?" "I have to." "Right." I swallow hard. "Because of your mom." "Bec.. Stephanie Perkins
6921f02 El profesor golpea otro escritorio, y la chica con cabello rojo a mi izquierda salta y deja caer todos sus papeles. Me inclino para ayudarla a recogerlos, y estoy sorprendida al descubrir una pagina entera de garabatos de un tatuaje de calavera familiar. Miro hacia arriba en sorpresa, y su cara se enciende como su cabello rojo. Miro hacia Josh y luego levanto mis cejas hacia ella. Sus ojos se amplian en horror, pero sacudo mi cabeza y son.. Stephanie Perkins
a42076a The feeling is that we have everything to say. And where do you begin with everything? relationships love truth stephanie-perkins Stephanie Perkins
f4ab397 Do you like it?" I whisper. He pauses. "The film?" I'm thankful the shadows hide my blush. "I like it very much," he says. stephanie-perkins Stephanie Perkins
c905123 Foreign novels are less action-oriented. They have a different pace; they're more reflective. They challenge us to look for the story, find the story within the story. Stephanie Perkins
640750b If I looked at this dress as one massive thing, it would be too overwhelming. No one could create such a gown. But by breaking it down into tiny, individual steps, it becomes something I can achieve. Stephanie Perkins
5209b77 But what? You love him, he loves you and you're in the most romantic city in the world. Stephanie Perkins
44896e1 He looks up. Our eyes lock,and he breaks into a slow smile. My heart beats faster and faster. Almost there.He sets down his book and stands.And then this-the moment he calls my name-is the real moment everything changes. He is no longer St. Clair, everyone's pal, everyone's friend. He is Etienne. Etienne,like the night we met. He is Etienne,he is friend. He is so much more. Etienne.My feet trip in three syllables. E-ti-enne. E-ti-enne, E-.. Stephanie Perkins
8476f9d How did you know? That she wasn't the one for him?" Now he's staring at his hands, slowing rubbing them together. "They just didn't have that . . . natural magic. You know? It never seemed easy." My voice grows tiny. "Do you think things have to be easy? For it to work?" Cricket's head shoots up, his eyes bulging as they grasp my meaning. "NO. I mean, yes, but . . . sometimes there are ... extenuating circumstances. That prevent it from b.. lola moment Stephanie Perkins
a07f23a If you were my girl," he says, but there's an explosion outside in the courtyard, and I miss the punchline. Fireworks crackle in showers of pink, green, blue, white, green, pink, orange. The museum-goers on the escalators heading upwards erupt in a frenzy of applause as we continue heading down. "If you were my girl," Josh says, pressing his nose against my ear. I turn my head, and the lights and the noise and the people disappear. The dist.. Stephanie Perkins
2bc3658 It's impossible, the not-knowing, but it's better than getting the wrong answer. Stephanie Perkins
2af9a9c Anna Oliphant Etienne St. Clair SAVING YOU I'm teleporting to Atlanta.I'm picking you up,and we'll go someplace where our families can't find us.We'll take Seany. And we'll let him rup laps until he tires,and then you and I will take a long walk. Like Thanksgiving. Remember? And we'll talk about everything BUT our parents...or perhaps we won't talk at all. We'll just walk.And we'll keep walking until the rest of the world ceases to exis.. Stephanie Perkins
5afdb93 Still have your passport?" I feel my coat once more. "Got it." "Good." And then his hand is inside my pocket.My heart spazzes,but he doesn't notice.He pulls out my passport and flicks it open. WAIT.WHY DOES HE HAVE MY PASSPORT? His eyebrows shoot up.I try to snatch it back,but he holds it out of my reach. "Why are your eyes crossed?" He laughs. "Have you had some kind of ocular surgery I don't know about?" "Give it back?" Another grab and m.. Stephanie Perkins
cb1e1f1 Anna?" "Yeah?" He pauses. "Never mind." "What?" "Nothing." But his tone is definitely not I turn to him, and his eyes are closed. His skin is pale and tired. "What?" I ask again,sitting up. St. Clair opens his eyes, noticing I've moved. He struggles,trying to sit up, too, and I help him. When I pull away, he clutches my hand to stop me. "I like you," he says. My body is rigid. "And I don't mean as a friend." It feels like I'm swallowing m.. Stephanie Perkins
29f51af That was pants. Stephanie Perkins
430583c I'm beginning to think that maybe it's okay to be a blank canvas. maybe it's okay that my future is unknown. Stephanie Perkins
5bfbe48 Is Etienene okay?" "Haven't seen him.He went to Ellie's last night." Just when I thought I couldn't feel any worse.I twist the corners of my pillow. "Did I,uh,say anything weird to him last night?" "Apart from acting like a jealous girlfriend and saying you never wanted to speak to him again? No. Nothing weird at all." I moan as she recounts the night for me blow by blow. "Listen," she says when she finishes, "what's the deal with you two?".. Stephanie Perkins
fd3b791 Even his hair seemed more startled than usual. Stephanie Perkins
c50b639 That being singular is the exact thing that makes something -- or someone -- amazing. Stephanie Perkins
1799f5b Foomp! My inner fire ignites. anna-olimphant etienne-st-clair stephanie-perkins Stephanie Perkins
8e537d4 Well, bloody noses." I hug his coat tighter. "Those are definitely hot." funny humor hot romantic-comedy sarcasm Stephanie Perkins
24d323c It gets worse. Josh tell her that he loves her. She says it back. He touches her. She touches him back. And then they're losing their virginity on the floor of her bedroom beside her pet rabbit, Isis. A rabbit. Josh literally lost his virginity in front of a metaphor for sex. sex rabbits Stephanie Perkins
84c359d Is it possible for a home to be a person and not a place? Brigette used to be home to me. Maybe St. Clair is my new home. Stephanie Perkins
df0854c It's all happening at once, but everything I do seems to be wrong Stephanie Perkins
358918e His name explodes inside of me like cannon fire. stephanie-perkins Stephanie Perkins
08305dc There's nothing like being openly stared at by an attractive member of the opposite sex to make me feel as if all of my limbs were in the wrong place. Stephanie Perkins
2526cd4 Finally, I laugh. Genuine and normal sounding. And then my date says the best thing that he could possibly say: "It's okay. I haven't been on one of these [dates] in a while either." My smile triples in size. Josh grins. "Just give me your hand." "W-what?" "Your hand," he repeats. "Give it to me." I extend my shaking right hand. And - in a moment that is a hundred dreams come true - Joshua Wasserstein laces his fingers through mine. A stagg.. kiss love that-feeling first-kiss holding-hands first-date Stephanie Perkins
487ae0b Your grandparents are English?" "Grandfather is,but Grandmere is French. And my other grandparents are American,of course." "Wow.You really are a mutt." St. Clair smiles. "I'm told I take after my English grandfather the most, but it's only because of the accent." "I don't know.I think of you as more English than anything else.And you don't just sound like it,you look like it,too." "I do?" He surprised. I smile. "Yeah,it's that...pasty comp.. Stephanie Perkins
b684115 Hello?" No reply. My shoulders sag. "What's the point of a staircase if no one is here to watch my entrance?" -- Stephanie Perkins
e4afa55 It's a relief to know it won't happen. It makes things easier. Stephanie Perkins
1fe2b2c Do I need to check up on you guys later? You know the rules.No sleeping in opposite-sex rooms." My face flames,and St. Clair's cheeks grow blotchy. It's true.It's a rule. One that my brain-my rule-loving, rule-abiding brain-conveniently blocked last night. It's also one notoriously ignored by the staff. "No,Nate," we say. He shakes his shaved head and goes back in his apartment. But the door opens quickly again,and a handful of something is.. Stephanie Perkins
1f6f87c I didn't mean to mess things up, I don't know what got into me-" He rubs his temples. "Please don't apologize.It's not your fault." "But if I hadn't dragged you out to dance-" "Anna." Etienne speaks slowly. "You didn't make me do anything I didn't want to do." My face grows hot as the knowledge explodes inside of me like dynamite. He likes me.Etienne really does like me." Stephanie Perkins
e91f5d2 I don't know what I believe. I guess that makes me a Christmas Tree Agnostic. spirituality religion isla-martin isla-and-the-happily-ever-after agnosticism christmas-tree christmas beliefs believe belief teen ya Stephanie Perkins
2be492d Anna es la unica persona que le llama por su nombre. El resto de nosotros lo llamamos por su apellido. St. Clair. No estoy segura de por que. Es solo una de esas cosas. Stephanie Perkins
f7249cb Speaking of cold... I shiver. "Has the temperature dropped, or is it just me?" "Here." Etienne unwraps the black scarf that had been tied loosely around his neck,and hands it to me. I take it, gently, and wrap it around mine. It makes me dizzy.It smells like freshly scrubbed It smells like him. "Your hair looks nice," he says. "You bleached it again. I touch the stripe self-consciously. "Mom helped me." "That breeze is wicked,I'm going fo.. Stephanie Perkins