MOCKINGBIRDS ARE THE TRUE ARTISTS of the bird kingdom. Which is to say, although they're born with a song of their own, an innate riff that happens to be one of the most versatile of all ornithological expressions, mockingbirds aren't content to merely play the hand that is dealt them. Like all artists, they are out to rearrange reality. Innovative, willful, daring, not bound by the rules to which others may blindly adhere, the mockingbird ..
Tom Robbins |
Beer can lead men to think they're mighty and foul-mouthed women to believe themselves amusing and hip.
Tom Robbins |
Not surprisingly, the socks remain silent, as was their legal right.
Tom Robbins |
Beer's nice for being glad and dizzy, and sometimes for the mystery and stuff, but the happy that comes out of a beer can is not like the real happy you got to make in your heart.
Tom Robbins |
The dinosaurs died so that chat rooms may flourish
Tom Robbins |
Grinning, she hovered over him. Then, like a fist closing around a doorknob, her grin closed around him. With her lips, she turned the knob first one way and then the other: left, right, open, shut; left, right, open, shut. The knob did not squeak. In fact, Wiggs was unusually quiet.
Tom Robbins |
we do know that she's compassionate and eccentric--an excellent combination in a human being;
Tom Robbins |
You gotta come home. Be with me. After what we been through! We--we signed into that motel as man and wife! You put--you put your mouth on me." "Shoulda checked the fine print, hon," whispered Ellen Cherry, trying to assist him back onto the ivy vines as quietly as possible. "That blow job did not come with a lifetime warranty."
Tom Robbins |
We must accept unfairness as proof of the sublime flux of existence, the capricious music of the universe--and go on about our tasks. . . .
Tom Robbins |
Water- the ace of elements. Water dives from the clouds without parachute, wings or safety net. Water runs over the steepest precipice and blinks not a lash. Water is buried and rises again; water walks on fire and fire gets the blisters.
Tom Robbins |
It is not a belly button. (The umbilicus serves, then withdraws, leaving but a single footprint where it stood: the navel, wrinkled and cupped, whorled and domed, blind and winking, bald and tufted, sweaty and powdered, kissed and bitten, waxed and fuzzy, bejeweled and ignored; reflecting as graphically as breasts, seeds or fetishes the omnipotent fertility in which Nature dangles her muddy feet, the navel looks in like a plugged keyhole to..
Tom Robbins |
It was wonderful, Pris." "What was, honey? The meeting? The champagne?" "The eclipse," said Ricki. "It was probably the most real thing I've ever seen, but it was also like a dream. You know what I mean? Real and unreal, beautiful and strange, like a dream. It got me high as a kite, but it didn't last long enough. It ended too soon and left nothing behind." "That's how it is with dreams," said Priscilla. "They're the perfect crime."
Tom Robbins |
Long as you're not afraid, nobody can run your life for you. Remember that. Hell is being scared of things.
Tom Robbins |
In addition, Dr. Dannyboy has suggested a fifth element: positive thinking. Pointing out that their breathing, bathing, dining and screwing brought Alobar and Kudra much physical pleasure, and that an organism steeped in pleasure is an organism disposed to continue, he has said that the will to live cannot be overestimated as a stimulant to longevity. Indeed Dr. Dannyboy goes so far as to claim that ninety percent of all deaths are suicides..
Tom Robbins |
I was a medic in the Army. I really should have become a doctor. Sometimes, though, I feel that pushing books is a whole lot like pushing medicine. Think of books as pills. I have pills that cure ignorance and pills that cure boredom. I have pills to elevate moods and open people's eyes to the awful truth: uppers and downers as it were. I sell pills to help people find themselves and pills to help them lose themselves when they require esca..
Tom Robbins |
Those people who recognize that imagination is reality's master, we call "sages," and those who act upon it, we call "artists."
Tom Robbins |
To eliminate the agitation and disappointment of desire, we need but awaken to the fact that we have everything we want and need right now.
Tom Robbins |
Be careful what goes into your mouth and what comes out of it.
Tom Robbins |
despair is ultimately destructive to oneself and a burden to others; and that if one persists in it, the gods will sooner or later lose patience and give one something to really despair about.
Tom Robbins |
Claude and Marcel LeFever were speaking in French. This simultaneous English translation is being beamed to the reader via literary satellite.)
Tom Robbins |
The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being. Still, lovers quarrel. Frequently, they quarrel simply to recharge the air between them, to sharpen the aliveness of their relationship.
Tom Robbins |
When life demands more of people than they demand of life - as is ordinarily the case - what results is a resentment of life that is almost as deep-seated as the fear of death. Indeed, the resentment of life and the fear of death are virtually synonymous. Does it follow, then, that the more people ask of living, the less their fear of dying?
Tom Robbins |
Kalbim bir ucuncu dunya ulkesi/Senin askinsa Isvicre'den gelmis bir turist
Tom Robbins |
The difference between love and logic is that in the eyes of a lover, a toad can be a prince, whereas in the analysis of a logistician, the lover would have to prove that the toad was a prince, an enterprise destined to dull the shine of many a passion.
Tom Robbins |
There is only one serious question. And that is: Who knows how to make love stay? Answer me that and I will tell you whether or not to kill yourself. Answer me that and I will ease your mind about the beginning and the end of time. Answer me that and I will reveal to you the purpose of the moon.
Tom Robbins |
Actually, there are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.
Tom Robbins |
Is this blasphemy, my lord?" "I think not. Those who crafted me, be they gods or demons, crafted this mind that shapes my resistance to their schemes. Surely they were wise enough, at the wheel where I was thrown, to anticipate future resistance in the heart they were abuilding."
Tom Robbins |
Insanin amaclari, idealleri, ugrunda mucadele edecegi nedenleri varsa, o zaman o insan, kafasinin uzerinde sican kilma asili sallanan kilica tum dikkatini veremez. Her birimize bir yolculuk bileti verilmistir. Eger yolculuk ilgincse (sikiciysa zaten tek suclusu kendimiz oluruz), o zaman cevremize bakip zevkini cikaririz (ne de cabuk geciyordur manzara yanimizdan!), cevredeki diger yolcularla cene calariz, sik sik kalkip tuvalete ziyaretler ..
Tom Robbins |
In this world that God (or Mother Nature) created, it is always hazard and novelty-hazard and novelty-which assert themselves, thereby rendering notions of fixity absurd. Incongruously enough, however, when we allow ourselves to fully accept uncertainty, to embrace and cultivate it even, then we actually can begin to feel within ourselves the presence of an Absolute. The person who cannot welcome ambiguity cannot welcome God.
Tom Robbins |
Okay, it is what it is and I am what I it, but its isness and my itness seem to be stretching the meaning of "is" and "it."
Tom Robbins |
The minute you land in New Orleans, something wet and dark leaps on you and starts humping you like a swamp dog in heat, and the only way to get that aspect of New Orleans off you is to eat it off.
Tom Robbins |
They say that February is the shortest month, but you know they could be wrong. Compared, calendar page against calendar page, it looks to be the shortest, all right. Spread between January and March like lard on bread, it fails to reach the crust on either slice. In its galoshes it's a full head shorter than December, although in leap years, when it has growth spurts, it comes up to April's nose. However more abbreviated than it's cousins ..
Tom Robbins |
Christ said that illumination is found only by putting everything one has in jeopardy. Thou, of all humans, should understand the courage that is required to reject the secure blessings of society in order to woo the unpredictable ecstasies of the solitary soul. It is true that Christ had little enthusiasm for dance or copulation, that he took 'right' and 'wrong' too seriously and set himself apart from the natural world,
Tom Robbins |
In the end, perhaps we should simply imagine joke; a long joke that's being continually retold in an accent too thick and too strange to ever be completely understood. Life is that joke, my friends. The soul is the punch line.
Tom Robbins |
When I was younger, before this layoff which has nearly finished me, I hitchhiked one hundred and twenty-seven hours without stopping, without food or sleep, crossed the continent twice in six days, cooled my thumbs in both oceans and caught rides after midnight on unlighted highways, such was my skill, persuasion, rhythm. I set records and immediately cracked them; went farther, faster than any hitchhiker before or since.
Tom Robbins |
their kiss was like a paper airplane landing on the moon.
Tom Robbins |
If you could buckle your Bugs Bunny wristwatch to a ray of light, your watch would continue ticking but the hands wouldn't move. That's because at the speed of light there is no time. Time is relative to velocity. At high speeds, time is literally stretched. Since light is the ultimate in velocity, at light-speed time is stretched to its absolute and becomes static. Albert Einstein figured that one out.
Tom Robbins |
religion is a paramount contributor to human misery. It is not merely the opium of the masses, it is the cyanide.
Tom Robbins |
The theater of man is not always 'amusing', but it always theater, and theater can be marveled at even when its content is somber and harsh. You're acquainted with Greek tragedy?
Tom Robbins |
The price of self-destiny is never cheap, and in certain situations it is unthinkable.
Tom Robbins |
It had been reported that Tanuki fell from the sky using his scrotum as a parachute.
Tom Robbins |
there are countless ways to live upon this tremendous sphere in mirth and good health, and probably only one way - the industrialized, urbanized, herding way - to live here stupidly, and man has hit upon that one wrong way
Tom Robbins |
Sometimes one gets the idea that life thinks it's still living in Paris in the thirties.
Tom Robbins |
The kingdom of formal ideas will always be a weak neighbor to the kingdom of thrills
Tom Robbins |